Feb 29Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Name another vaccine you had to get 9 times

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Well I did get a flu shot every fall for 24 years, but I also never got the flu.

Don't worry, I quit the flu shots when the covid shots started causing menstural issues and the excuse given was that any vaccine could do that. Covid shots weren't the only thing we didn't get informed consent for.

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That is just as effective as the Covid shot 😂

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I dunno, within my circle of friends the flu shot is more effective. I mean, no one I know who got a flu shot ever got the flu in the 12 months after getting their annual flu shot. Over half of those I know who got covid shots still got covid within 12 months and were sicker than those who had covid but didn't get the vaccine.

If they hadn't put the covid shots out there then the flu shot goose would be laying more golden eggs than it is currently.

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I got the flu shot 2 different years when I was in grade school. In the mid 1960s. I've never had the flu. I guess those were some potent mf's, weren't they?

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They don't make them like they used to! I got my first flu shot in 8th grade. My whole household got the flu when I was I'm 6th grade and the next year everyone in the house but me got a flu shot. I got the flu again in 7th grade, months after everyone else at home had flu shots, and I was the only one who got sick. It was the first time I had gotten sick and no one else at home got sick from me (of course today's covid shots won't protect you if you are around someone who hasn't had the shot 🙄) so I was sold on flu shots for quite some time.

My good experience with flu shots was part of why I smelled a rat so quickly when the covid shots came out. I mean, I got a flu shot every year for 24 years. I never interrogated the people around me as to whether or not they got flu shots. I lived with people who did not get flu shots. I got exposed to the flu multiple times. I never had a reaction to the shots beyond injection site soreness. And I never got the flu. Then the covid shots came out and they told us that getting sick from the shots meant the shot was working, but we couldn't be around anybody who didn't get a shot and we might get covid anyway. And the covid shots were the best shots ever made. So by covidian logic my flu shots didn't work so I quit getting them.

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3 of the 3 people that got the flu shot in our house, got the flu. The other 4 that did not get the flu shot, did not get the flu. I promise this is the truth. My father in law went to the hospital for bad flu and had the flu shot. My ex is a nurse and will testify that the flu shot doesn't work and just gets it because the hospital requires it. Further more; look at the CDC stats. Each year millions more flu shots are given out and if you look at the hospitalizations and deaths, there is no significant changes. MILLIONS more that previous years and millions of shots is not enough to move the needle. That should be enough to show flu shots don't work.

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Flu shot business is worth around 7.5 billion a year.

On average flu shots are only 38% effective.

On average from 2015-2020 there were approximately 40 million flu per year in the US.

On average from 2015-2020 there were approximately 35,000 deaths from flu per year. A large % deaths were kids.

Do you think we can do better?

According to peer reviewed literature the use of zinc Ionophores with zinc inhibits influenza virus.

Consider using Quercetin or EGCG (over the counter zinc Ionophores) with zinc for possible prevention and/or treatment.

The pharmaceutical industry is very upset with me for telling you this.

Consult with your doctor 😉.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD (RIP)

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"CDC SAYS" that the efficacy drops after a few months. Prime time flu season is in March. When you take it in the fall, it is worthless during the peak of flu season. Use COVID logic and CDC stats and you will see the flu shot is worthless.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

The amount of deaths from flu as reported by the CDC is flu plus pneumonia. Most pneumonia cases are however not flu-originated. Also the number of kids dying of flu or pneumonia in the western world is very small, especially if you take the non-flu pneumonia out of the numbers and look at comorbidities. Most flu and pneumonia deaths are elderly.

That said, the first time ever you get flu it is often fairly severe indeed. There is just no evidence flu shots make any difference here. In Europe they don't vaccinate non-elderly and they got similar mortality rates. Also mortality rates did not drop when we started mass-flu vaccinations in the 80's.

If one still wants to get a flu 'shot' get the non-shot version in spray form. That is an actual but weakened form of flu and gives immunity in the throat too. In essence that is getting mild flu on your own schedule.

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I did get the upper respiratory pneumonia shot last year. I only had one flu shot in 2018 when my doctor recommended it as my husband had a bad case of flu. We had both worked in the emergency services field for over 30 years and never had a vaccine or flu (he got it from a contractor that helped us, who got it from his toddler - daycare).

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Plenty of people I know have gotten the flu shot and proceeded to catch the flu. I've never gotten one and never gotten the flu – it makes no difference. It's all about your own health.

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I used to get a terrible flu each year I took the flu shot . I don’t get flu since I stopped them

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There is no flu virus mate, its the body detoxifying itself

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That's circular reasoning.

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I’ll bite: Ozempic.

You get that particular shot EVERY week for the rest of your natural life (but don’t fret - you can take with or without food!)

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That’s not a vaccine 😂

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Yeah, not only that, but you also can’t get Ozempic anywhere else but in the good ol’ USA (not available in EU)

Maybe we can refer to it as a vaccine against food 😂

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It’s available in Canada.

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Its available in Mexico too, and both Canada and Mexico less expensive that USA. I'm trying to find list of countries that allow sale of Ozempic and those that don't. I've 'heard' you can't get it in the EU, but I've seen other sites list prices in EU countries like France, UK and Switzerland... Japan too. It's a weird thing to see Dutch-based Ozempic drug maker Novo Nordisk forward stock projections. They are up and to the right. Already from '19 to '24 they have gone from $25/share to $125/share. This only happens with more overweight people being prescribed this week for life jab, now and into the future. Good ol' diet, exercise and sleep is going by the wayside for those that need it the most.

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Yes. But neither is a covid shot

It is a transfection.

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I use their words 😂

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If only we could make them eat theirs..

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Death potion Number 9.

"I closed my eyes I held my breath...I took a shot".

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😂 I like it (gallows humor sense)

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Can't help it....https://youtu.be/7rXhXLsNJL8?feature=shared&t=22

I know I am dating myself, but now I am singing

"I took my troubles to the CDC....and all those bureaucrats down in DC"

Oh dear....

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In three years!

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I’m happy I finally got my mom to stop at 3

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That is awesome. Mine had 5 and turbo cancer got her and her husband in weeks. She would have gladly gone for number 9 I’m afraid. Totally sucked in.

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Flu and DTAP/TDAP. The latter you'll have 6 by the time you are 10 years old and then one more every 10 years forever. But I admit that is still not 9 in 3 years indeed.

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A study from a decade ago recommended the tdap every 30 years…but you know we need more vaccine

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I didn't know we "needed boosters" of those but I'm old and in the olden days it was just one. I have had tetnus boosters - dog bites, garden accidents, but nothing else was in them. I have actually not seen infant relatives because I wasn't onboard with getting a whooping cough shot which was suddenly all the rage a few years ago in order to be around their babies. (Just like suddenly now measles, TB, polio shots are all needed - I know the solution but that is another discussion.)

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It is no wonder we hear one minutes avoid red meat. Then the next minute we hear we should actually eat more red meat. Then they say avoid alcohol. Will maybe alcohol isn't that bad, but avoid butter. No wait, butter is actually fine. The CDC, FDA, etc have just been pulling things out of their butt for years with zero proof and they just made it crystal clear again for anyone paying attention.

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There are as many opinions as there are experts.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Shots for stupid people. At least the gene pool will improve.

Danny Huckabee

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They haven't killed enough of us yet? My son-in-law is in law enforcement and is REQUIRED to get all of these shots. SO worried for him!

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That’s absolutely crazy there are still government mandated covid shots for employment.

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Well, I lost my job because I refused the Vaxx! Better to lose my job than risk losing my life or becoming Vaxx damaged. Putting it in perspective, no way would I want those corporate clowns making a health care decision for me. mRNA has a long history of being problematic.

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Smart choice. The vast majority rolled up their sleeve.

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There's no underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

H. L. Mencken

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He's an idiot if he takes them with all the data on harm out there. Especially if he's LE.

Then again, another one you don't have to worry about ever retiring.

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17 million gotta a lot more to go to get to the 1 billion or less these psychos want.

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1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

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"What Me Worry?" Alfred E. Newman


Assessment of Myocardial ¹⁸F-FDG uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients (Journal Radiology)

T. Nakahara, Y. Iwabuchi, et. Al

Measured ¹⁸F-FDG uptake with PET scans. (positron emission tomography (PET)

Study shows myocardial damages with uptake.

Included 303 nonvaxxed and 700 vaxxed.

Vaxxed had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaxxed.

The uptake was observed in patients imaged in four date ranges. 1-30 days, 31-60 days. 61-120 days and 121-180 days after second vaccination, with increased ipsilateral axillary uptake in vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated patients.

Editor Emeritus, Dr. Bluemke in editorial noted "The main results...for asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about a 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. (Statistically) The P value was low, less than .0001, translated to only one time out of 10,000 would these results occur by chance."

This is suggesting that mild myocardial inflammation could be more common than expected. F-FDG uptake was higher in all vaccinated quartiles with age adjustments. Further, the myocardial SUVmax (g/ml) does not recover with time and was even above the level on the unvaccinated  in the 40 patients who only received one dose.

Original ResearchFree Access

Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients

Published Online:Sep 19 2023


See editorial byDavid A. Bluemke

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Great, just when I thought I could go back out again and not worry about getting shed on.

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Head for your nearest bomb shelter that's DARPA approved

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Nah, I just stick with going grocery shopping early when it's less crowded. I never had problems with short casual contact. But the few vaccine junkies I know will have to wait to meet for lunch until it's been 30 days since their most recent shot. I already had my cycle messed up once from being in prolonged close contact with the recently jabbed and I don't want to go through that again.

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Jade, you made me remember when people were so Covid-fear/crazed they used to Windex down their groceries and courier deliveries.

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Yikes. I just had to do that with a brother and his kids and grandkids all of them being all jabbed up.

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I’m rooting for Darwin now. Anybody so butt stupid and blindly trusting that they’ll fall for this again….. well, I’m sorry, but they really need to go. And taking themselves out of the game voluntarily despite warning after warning and data after data leaves no guilt residue on my soul as far as I’m concerned.

There’s a limit to how much “dumb” any species can afford to carry around. And if the human dumb are determined to be snookered and done in, far be it from me to anger them by trying to save them from themselves at this point. Sayonara, suckers!

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Need that software update and a fresh dose of graphene and nanotechnology.

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Graphene is not in all the vials and could be a by product of modRNA manufacturing. Still, it shouldn't be there. Just another reason this platform needs to go bye bye.

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You should make a mask out of that photo, recursive masking for the 10 jab club.

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Mar 1Liked by Jordan Schachtel

it's an Ideology booster...that's all

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It should be clear that it is past time for Nuremberg 2.0. With Fauci as the centerpiece.

This is madness. It is also the greatest genocide in the history of the world.

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the greatest genocide in the history of the world is from communism

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I personally know people who were so desperate to be safe from the dreaded virus that they "lost" their vax cards to get extra doses. Some of those folks are on something like #11.

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😅 The loyalty card is the perfect spoof for the craven fake vaccine business model.

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Hope Biden got his #9

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The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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unelected bureaucrats

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Then there was "Warp Speed", "Flatten the Curve". Bad decisions by an elected fellow. He was not: I am not supposed to be an expert in every field. I am supposed to be an expert in picking experts.

Moshe Dayan

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All politicians, beaurocrats, & philanthropists (;

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More specific, Democrats, CDC FDA NIH officials, and Bill gates

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Nine! Nine!

Is it intended for all seniors (Senior citizen discount).

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In case you're not dead yet.

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I want a pizza and a burger.

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