Nov 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Thanks, Jordan. You have been one of my educators from early 2020 when I began to learn the truth re the rowuhan scams.

Please continue your service to humanity.

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

You know how many respiratory viruses that naturally mutated, mutated to a more pathogenic form? Zero, zilch, none not a single natural virus has ever been found to do this ever. All this China virus fear porn talk from these covidian cultists is contrary to all the science of the last couple of hundred years. It almost makes me suspect there is a hidden agenda here.

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Well described. It's pandemic epidemiology 101 that as a pandemic peters out, the strains get more contagious and less deadly at the same time. We should all be happy that a very mild very contagious strain may be starting to assert itself. Instead the "more contagious" idea is being used for lockdowns, quarantines, fourth boosters and heavily-coerced to mandatory vaccinations.

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Yep --

I did a couple of very short postings on this subject:



In the second I offer a possibility to end this.

Yes, they keep running the same "story". I often thought that they need to get some new writers, but, on the Other-Other hand, the same old story seems to work pretty well in getting most of the population to accept this Totalitarianism, so why muck with success?!

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This is how psychopaths work. Give the victim a brief reprieve, then change the rules and STOMP from an unexpected angle. Then another brief reprieve, then change the rules and catch the victim offguard again. Loop forever. Never allow the victim to regain normal life for more than a short and unpredictable interval.

This episode of an old British spy series shows a perfect psychopath in the Greek shipping executive character...........


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Virology 101 - virus mutation weakens through variance so the virus can survive. killing the host kills the virus. Unfortunately critical thinking is not an epidemic.


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Nov 30, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Excellent article. The problem is- the propaganda still works on the majority of people. Just this morning, I overheard some worried co-workers. The real motive for the COVID hoax is the economy. Here's another interview that says the fiat dollar is going down the toilet- the main purpose of the shots is a gateway to Central Bank Digital Currency. The other motive is to reduce UBI expenses.


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"Philanthropists seems to be a code word for psychopaths."

Great quote from the linked post. Just about sums it up if you look at the "known famous" philanthropists and their involvement in the scamdemic.

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Great overview. Thanks for continuing to put the pressure on them.

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They are employing the anaconda method of Squeeze - release tension - Squeeze - release tension. Us serfs temporarily think the problem may be subsiding in the tension release part of the game and therefore lose the gusto to fight against it, then the screws come down again. See how they let everyone get through Thanksgiving dinner and then whip up big new scare that might be cancelling Christmas? Rinse, repeat. United Non Compliance is the only way out.

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Everywhere I look online I see memes that indicate that everyone, or almost everyone, believes this new variant is a joke, perpetrated by the elites who are realizing that people are waking up to the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on human beings, in history. The elites appear to be resorting to desperation measures to keep the hoax, and the vaxxx, alive and well. Is it true that South Africa told Pfizer to stop sending its shots/boosters because the country had virtually no covid to worry about, and that Pfizer, in retaliation, invented the Moronic variant? If true, and given Pfizer's penchant for secret agreements that look like, smell like, walk like and sound like bribery, would anyone be surprised that this new variant is being used as a cudgel to get South Africa back on the vaxxx bandwagon? What's in those secret agreements between Pfizer and formerly-sovereign governments, one wonders?

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At this point, i'm in the "there is no virus. there is a STORY about a virus" camp. Regardless, the tyranny is real as this article illustrates.

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Tom, I've been there the whole time. It's liberating to not live in a Rockefeller-made fictional reality, isn't it?!

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Clever anagram: Omicron = Moronic. If you take the bait, the Satanists & Luciferians running the big projectors are openly mocking you.

Also, where are our protector men? I've been asking this question since January 2020 when I knew this BS was coming to the states, and obviously, it bears repeating. It's such an important question, in fact, that Medium.com kicked me off their totalitarian censorship platform for posting an article with that title.

P.S. I'm not talking about you, Jordan, or the fellas commenting here who ARE standing up to this insanity!

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Many of the strong men are having heart attacks. So this can't be about eugenics, or can it?

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This is similar to the [not] "Spanish" [not] "Flu" in 1918-19: The men in military training received jabs under the guise of "protecting them from the disease" as they prepared to go overseas. A massive percentage of them died quick but horrible deaths. Some researchers say that those jabs worked in conjunction with the newly discovered radio waves and submarine sonar and that the men died of something akin to altitude poisoning. In the illness, iron in the body becomes unable to bind to the hemoglobin and bring oxygen through the bloodstream and into the lungs. Even these healthy, strong men were being starved of oxygen. Sound like any recent illness you may have heard about that's killing a lot of men (even athletes!) in addition to our elderly and frail?

So yeah, nothing happening on purpose here (that is sarcasm, just to be clear).

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it is insanity on a massive scale. Their lust for more control and power with less freedom will never be quenched until we collectively refuse to comply.

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Bingo, Bert! Sadly, those who already took at least one jab — and more surely, those who took multiple jabs — will struggle with cognitive dissonance and likely revert to their "good decision in the face of possible pandemic," thus reducing the number of non-compliant folks. However, from a spiritual standpoint, I don't think this is about "the numbers," it's about individual "ascension" to our Divinity. We are here in separate body/mind/spirit complexes for a reason: To mature and individuate in our relationship with The Creator, seeing the black magic projections, and stopping the cycle of ancestral trauma. Trying to take people along kicking and screaming is actually psychological abuse; they need to come to courage of their own cognizance. But of course you know that.💖

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It never hurts to hear it again for good review. You speak the obvious truth to most people. I have come to the sad conclusion that there are people in our life journey you cannot help, that should not keep us from trying.

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"Keep trying," for sure. I wouldn't be writing on public and members' forums if I didn't have heartfelt hope for a lot of people to come around to the truth! Stay courageous and sharing your awesome perceptions and perspectives, Bert!

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Sometimes it is an effort to stay motivated. You are right we need to keep on exchanging information and ideas. Support each other.

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Hi, Bert. I just wanted to let you know that my Faceborg/Meta account has been suspended. Except for posts about a local food business I have, I don't even comment on that platform, only do livestream concerts and post them for later viewing. I'm going to push for a review, but as I attempt, FB/M can't even get their technology to work properly: Their attempt to verify my identity before I can even request a review isn't working, and it has nothing to do with my information being incorrect. Their systems are failing.

I'm sharing all this because I don't know how far the AI bots dig and my entire presence on Substack may be wiped. I hope this isn't the case, but I figured I'd reach out to you early on.

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Kind of funny given how much Fauci is playing it down though

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