Apr 21, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Heavy D is our only hope as a country. Imagine if he hadn’t stood up against the Covid authoritarians where we would be today. If Biden or the Dems win in 2024 I’m moving to Florida and starting the movement to secede from whatever is left of the USA at that point.

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JAN 2025







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I think '25 is a little far off to do us much good. January, in the Northern US, also isn't a good month to demand people spend no money. You need heat and light. I mostly stay home that month anyway, so the rest isn't much of a problem.

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You are expected to heat your home ....


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Not a good idea because they will want to institute emergency controls that will further enslave us. Collapsing the economy will have them taking more control under the guise that they are doing it to save us.

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House of cards

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It is more interesting that Robert Kennedy Jr. is running for president. The only media that would cover him was Tucker Carlson. Kennedy is all about ending the corporate/government collusion, outlawing any future shutdowns or lock downs, assessing the need for any of our wars, and ending them if possible. He also criticized Trump not for the usual things, but for allowing unelected, incompetent, bureaucrats like Fauci and Birx run amok.

In any case, the Democrats will certainly do everything to make sure he's not nominated, just as they did to Bernie Sanders. Yet, his campaign could weaken Biden. Plus, Biden would have to debate a challenger, and can he do so? Can Biden debate the eventual Republican candidate?

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Fusion ticket.....Desantils/Kennedy

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The Left resorts to ad hominem attacks because Desantis has more virtue than all the swamp creatures combined.

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As a Maryland resident and a staunch supporter of Governor DeSantis, I called the RINO Quisling Maryland Governor Larry Hogan's office after he trashed Governor DeSantis in an interview with one of his liberal media friends. It does not surprise me that the pathetic Larry Hogan took my advice to avoid himself the embarrassment of running for the presidency because he would not even win his own state of Maryland.

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Reverse psychology. They obviously have a October surprise for candidate DeSantis.

He appears to be great at posturing.

Gets a failing grade for political strategy.

Imagine his popularity if he was having

rallies for TRUMP

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Dear God, please give De Santis the strength to wipe out the EVIL China Democrats in the USA.

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My understanding is that DeSantis won by such a larger margin in his re-election because the Republican Florida legislature excised the corruption from Broward county, whose usual MO was to hold-back vote counting until the end and then try to print ballots/rig the election in favor of the Democrat. With that corruption gone, DeSantis cruised to victory.

Anyway DeSantis (who I like calling "Meatball", just as I call Trump "Orange Man") has a very low personal networth and he is extremely beholden to big pocket donors. Here megadonor Ken Griffin explains that he purchased DeSantis in order to crush middle class populism: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/06/desantis-megadonor-billionaire-head-of-citadel-investments-ken-griffin-explains-why-he-purchased-ron-desantis-for-2024-and-what-he-expects-from-his-investment/

I'm not arguing really in favor of Orange Man here -- the guy has a massive personality problems -- but Meatball is far from perfect.

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There is NO support for a DeSantis primary challenge to Trump among Palm Beach County Repubicans. No Republican can win the Repubican nomination without Florida and no Republican can win Florida without Palm Beach County.

Breitbart reports: “So all of them combined with Waltz means that at least 11 out of 20 Florida U.S. House Republicans have endorsed Trump over DeSantis in 2024. “

Exclusive — Florida Rep. Michael Waltz Endorses Trump for President in 2024


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In my view DeSantis hasn't the guts a true leader needs.

The six-week abortion ban is an absurdity. Though I support a 20-week ban, I'd consider a 16-week ban a reasonable compromise in a conservative environment. Of course, I don't believe this issue lies rightly with the states but with the Federal government under the Constitutional right to, among other things, the woman's right to liberty. But at this moment in time the states may make their own laws regarding abortion as they will.

He's been great at posturing around Disney, and I've no objection to that. I think he's correct to wrest control of public education back from the edge of lunacy.

But he fails utterly at full respect for bodily autonomy and that betrays his future vulnerability in withstanding political forces should he ever become President.

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Abortion is complicated but what it does is it allows men to be sexual deviants. I don’t know why we keep pretending it’s a women’s body issue. Men have tricked women into this way of thinking when women have to deal with the consequences of aborting a baby.

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I don’t see the connection between abortion and men becoming deviants, maybe you could elaborate, but DeSantis might be the best governor this state has ever had, and I’ve lived here since the 60s. I’ve already emailed him to stay in Tallahassee because the federal government is so corrupt and out of control that one good leader cannot save it anymore because it’s too far gone. I still think that. I strongly disagree with the 6 week bill because I am of the opinion that neither the state nor the church has any authority over my body or any woman’s body, it is hers alone. Being male, I have no skin in the game. From any politician I do not expect perfection, but DeSantis is the best leader in the running. He is religious enough that he would NEVER have an adult conversation regarding the meaning of the Ninth Amendment, even though he is an attorney.

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Regardless of why any individual woman becomes pregnant, her reasons for choosing to abort the child are her own business.

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.. and that of the child.

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Many regret it.

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That's their own business.

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DeSantis is the prince when Trump is the King. DeSantis will have 4 more years to learn and make Florida even better, so he'll be ready when he takes over the presidency from Trump in 2028. But do not bash DeSantis for not being perfect. Trump also has many flaws. When was the last time we had two non-RINO potential candidates? That is how I see it. Either one of these two over any RINO or Dem in 2024 will be a God-gift.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.

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Hell yes Jordan! Love the story you told, I agree completely. Ron does not fit in the crowd and that works in his favor. A good leader he is.

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45 House members endorse Trump

Trump takes DeSantis fight to Florida


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Now there are NINE(9) Senators including both Tennessee Senators AND 45 House members

Sen. Marsha Blackburn Endorses Donald Trump for 2024


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The seeming attack that DeSantis is NOT Swamp is, in effect, an appeal to the MAGA/America First base to demonstrate that Ron DeSantis is independent of his donors and is not Establishment.

The attack helps him. There is no reason for UniParty to prefer Trump to DeSantis unless it is thinking this helps Nikki Haley.

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Slim analysis. The money and “strategists”, Hedge Funder Griffin, Rove, Speaker Ryan, Jeb! and Bush apparatus are not well thought of by the electorate (trust, war among other things), to say the least. Sought, took the endorsement and then sidled up with this group, to seek a higher office. Personality?

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From a reply to my comment elsewhere that De Santis cannot be trusted... Yes, DeSantis is bought and paid for. The researchers over at American Intelligence Media reported that he was in a secret society at Yale (not Skull and Bones, but another one), which has since been erased from his record. And in case some don't know, these secret societies are basically where the banking cartel/ruling elite recruit their puppets (see Antony Suttons book "America's Secret Establishment" which is all about Skull and Bones, but also applies to some of the other secret societies are these elite universities). I think this is why when you look at DeSantis' record, it just looks a little too perfect and little to smooth. Also, I remember when he first ran for FL Gov and he was on Laura Ingraham's show and she was very concerned about the polls (yes, I know they are fake) and she kept grilling him about his ground game. And he just seemed way too calm, way too confident and my immediate reaction, despite liking him and wanting him to win, was OMG, he's bought and paid for, in somebody's pocket and they already promised him it was in the bag. And of course now that DeSantis has surrounded himself with the likes of Jeb Bush and Karl Rove, it's obvious that he's just another Bushie/GOP establishment puppet. Here are some links I've collected: Robert Barnes on DeSantis' background https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=641b6e28a7286159a864a056 https://sputniknews.com/20221111/maga-disruptor-or-neocon-plant-who-is-ron-desantis-1104029587.html A Yale graduate and member of the school’s “St. Elmo Society” (the same secret society former George W. Bush attorney general and Patriot Act architect John Ashcroft is a part of), DeSantis served as an officer in the US Navy in the 2000s, working at the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, where the US has held and in many cases tortured terror suspects detained without trial. Lawyers and rights groups calls for greater scrutiny of DeSantis’s Guantanamo record Lawyers who represent detainees at Guantanamo said the allegations could do ‘incredible damage’ to the standing of the United States. Richard Hall reports https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-guantanamo-torture-b2304660.html A second ex-Guantanamo detainee says Ron DeSantis attended brutal forced feedings https://www.floridabulldog.org/2023/03/second-ex-guantanamo-detainee-says-ron-desantis-at-brutal-forced-feedings/ For Ron DeSantis, freedom means not having to discuss Guantanamo in new book https://www.floridabulldog.org/2023/03/for-ron-desantis-freedom-means-not-discuss-guantanamo-new-book/ https://nationalfile.com/ron-desantis-signed-covid-law-allowing-forced-injections-by-any-means-necessary/ https://therealnews.com/gov-ron-desantis-oversaw-torture-in-guantanamo-as-a-military-lawyer https://www.tampabay.com/main/2018/09/21/what-did-ron-desantis-do-during-his-tour-in-iraq/ And in case some don't know, a Seton Hall Professor of Law looked into who was really being held in Guantanamo and it looks like most were just ordinary people who their neighbors reported as "terrorists" in order to collect money offered by the US govt (so IMO, this was more state craft to support their fake war on terror

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Here's a condensed version of "America's Secret Establishment", cross-linked to a database of people and organizations: modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=SkullBones

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Thanks for the link! Do you have any idea who put that site together? Here's a something I post from over there on the central bankers being the real govt:


Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23]

I believe Robert Reich is correct. The Fed is a privately owned central bank. They set the interest rate, they regulate the money supply, they control the U.S. economy, and they precipitated the current economic turmoil.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

Hey Paul Black--LOL, that's my comment!! Thanks for posting it!! At first I thought someone else noticed what I noticed on Laura Ingraham. I can't even remember where I posted that, but thanks for catching it. I'm saving a file of links and comments on him.

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Credit where credit is due. Yes. Sandra. Pleasure to have made your acquaintance AND stolen your stuff. Xxx

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Thought you might appreciate this--scroll down to video of DeSantis in Japan (quick but worth watching, good comments too!)


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Thanks Sandra.

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OMG, please keep posting that!! You save me time!! I getting burned out from hopping all over the place and dropping links! We're definitely in an info war! Nice to meet you too!

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