Very much parallel to what happened with masks. Mask mandates were a novel thing that would have been much harder to "sell" to the public if their very weak effectiveness had been honestly stated at the beginning. Instead they were put forward as almost perfect COVID blockers, and that muted opposition to the mandates. After months of data it became clear they were really doing very little, but by then people had already become acclimated to them.

TAKE TWO. Vaccine mandates for adults were a novel thing that would have been much harder...

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David, definitely parallel to the masks, which actually do nothing to prevent transmission of any pathogen, as stated in manufacturers' warnings on the boxes of masks! (Oh, and mask wearing reduces oxygen intake while increasing CO2 intake, not good for living, breathing people!)

So yeah, the mask mandates did nothing except whip up fear, restrict normal breathing, and stifle peoples' willingness to question any of it. That's what masks are used for in dark occult rituals: Silencing the initiate's voice, humiliating him/her, and ultimately converting them over to a new reality, belief system, and perception of self. We can look at this whole thing as a global rite of passage into the "new world" that black magicians and their lackeys intend to create THROUGH OUR PERCEPTIONS AND ENERGY. We are literally being used like batteries to create a fictitious reality that strips us of our Divinity.

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"fictitious reality that strips us of our Divinity." Well put.

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Sadly, it doesnt end there

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I see it as the mark of the beast. Putting impure substances into our bodies and submitting to corporations and corrupt politicians in the process. God only knows how bad this will affect future generations.

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Bert, I agree. and there are so many possible results for the children of jabbed, patented parents. I don't think any of these possibilities will be good.

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Yes, and glad you mentioned that angle, a very important part of all of this.

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While these companies have immunity from cases involving injuries, I can't imagine they have immunity from criminal fraud claims? Because that's what is going on here - fraud.

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All vaccines became free from liability in 1986. We then had an autism explosion in 1989. I took 5 vaccines as a child, the schedule today is 72. 1 in 30 children today are on the spectrum.

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Sorry I don't get it... are you people trying to say these covid vaccines weren't effective??

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It used to be that they tried to guilt people into it to "protect" the immune compromised. Convid flipped the script. Now, they give it to the immune compromised too. Not to mention pregnant women, and nursing mothers. They want mass casualties.

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Thanks, Jordan, for continuing to provide your readers with information that obliterates this global nightmare. I think the key phrase in your piece today has to be "completely detached from firm scientific evidence," since the entire scenario begins and ends with lies, with only lies in between. These black magicians are trying to manufacture a new, permanent reality through obvious perception manipulation, and it's been working on the majority of people . . . for a while. But the fakers can only hide behind their transparent veil for so long, since lies are unsustainable in the light of Truth. Keep up the great work!

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The original EUA's for Moderna and Pfizer never claimed any impact on transmissibility and/or asymptomatic infection.

Page 50/51: https://www.fda.gov/media/144416/download.

According to this document, Pfizer didn't systematically PCR test all trial participants -- they only tested people with symptoms at their provider's discretion. That means, by design, the trials wouldn't uncover asymptomatic spreaders.

Slide 21: https://www.skirsch.com/covid/MoreHarm.pdf

Regarding this: “for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.”

I think I'm more cynical. If you look up the dictionary definition of "disease", it's "a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes.".

Does that mean you could interpret "disease" in their statement to mean be a condition with symptoms, in which case asymptomatic infection wouldn't qualify?

Fauci and the rest ran with this and claimed this would prevent infection and lead to herd immunity, but official documents seem to have been very cagey with their actual claims. This is such a shameful episode.

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I came here to say the same thing. The FDA claim that “ Based on results from the clinical trial, the vaccine was 91% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease,” is true. Covid-19 is the disease caused by SARS-Cov-2. You could be producing and shedding the coronavirus from every pore and still not have COVID-19. The FDA seems to generally stay factual in their claims. It is the CDC that will stretch the truth past it’s breaking point to spread its desired message.

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You make a great point which just goes to show that the intricate caution required to walk the tightrope they did is simply evidence of a coordinated effort between all of the parties involved. An uncompromised justice seeking prosecutor should be able to indict all of them for conspiracy to commit fraud, fraud, reckless endangerment, etc.

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Great post—I remember around the rollout seeing a small buried bit of info from vax co. saying it would work “for at least 3 months” and was thinking huh? Then what?

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The manufacturers knew full well that, at best, these were effective against the Alpha variant for 90 days which is why they blew up the placebo arm at that point. Again, it's fraud.

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So when do they get held accountable for their lies and gaslighting .

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Pierce the Corporate Veil. The Fact Sheet / Product Inserts (which have undergone frequent edits), clearly states,.. to Prevent Illness. Full Stop. They have historically pulled vaccines that failed safety thresholds. Wee-Ooo, wee-ooo, sound the alarm folks, we are there.

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The entire narrative is based on Deception. Premeditated GENOCIDE: The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-safety-of-mrna-vaccines

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BigPharma hardly did any marketing at all tbh. It was mostly the government doing all of the marketing for them to get around EUA marketing laws

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They said whatever needed to be said and did whatever needed to be done to get a needle in every arm. So you know this is not about improving health right? They lied about that too. So what is the needle for? Why all of the coercion to get the jab? Destroying the economy and lives over a f_cking shot. As I have written in my articles and all due respect to this incredible post, 2020 was not about a deadly virus....just a cover story for something else.

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Mark of the Beast, ultimately in every jabbed; digital currency and nothing but; total control, at any cost. Transhuman = subhuman.

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Nice review. Bookmarked.

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Excellent post.😁

I thought it was very telling in 2020, when the companies were running around telling everyone on social media that they had the shot to stop c19, while in all their formal documentation, they were quite specific about its 95% efficacy in "lowering the severity of symptoms" ONLY.

That sent off alarm bells in my brain, because everyone in gov, media and public were prattling on about it, "stopping the virus". And being irritatingly condescending when I commented, that it was only developed to minimise symptoms.🤔😑

I can't even get people to understand that the shot that's being given in the GPS, pharmacies etc, is not the shot that's been approved. They can't seem to grasp that Pfizer Comrinaty(approved) is legally distinct and has incipient differences from the Pfizer-BioNtech (still under EUA only). Everyone getting their shots now thinks it's Comrinaty. When Pfizer Comrinaty has yet to be distributed, almost everywhere! I've heard rumours it's available somewhere in Europe but haven't been able to reliably confirm.

Likewise with the PCR tests being under EUA until 31st Dec here in Australia, and Masks as someone else mentioned.

There is so much legalese maneuvering going on with regulatory bodies that it stinks to high heaven of subterfuge, manipulation and plain old greed and blame shifting. They have been laying the ground work to wiggle out since day 1. CDC, FDA, TGA, ATAGI, etc. Totally sneaky. While the actual pharma companies have been uncharacteristically quite explicit in their documentation. I think their going to blame the regulatory bodies when this all comes undone.

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An interesting thing today on the local Fox affiliate states that the flu is back after taking a year long break, and people have died from it.

It may be timed with the EUA For the PCR test running out at the end of this year. Just something to consider.

The scare us into takin flu shots with the same poison in them.

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Total GIGANTIC CRIMINAL SCAM.......the clot shots can kill you, but they certainly don't protect you at all....what a pack of LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fauci, Joementia, the CDC, NIH, and AMA all have an oceans worth of BLOOD on their hands for preventing REAL DOCTORS from prescribing effective treatments for covid that actually work.....

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I didn’t believe it at first, but each passing day, information becomes available that has convinced me there is actually a plot to cause early death in the human population. We are living in the midst of the greatest crime against humanity in history. Until we’re no longer living.

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Duties: YES. (See my comment to your earlier comment.) Your eyes are open and that is the hardest part: To re-cognize their agenda of demoralization, destruction, destabilization, debt, disease, decrepitude, and death. Remain COURAGEOUS!💖

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It has never been about health. Why else are those with natural immunity ignored? Why was hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin so besmirched? No one in an official capacity have described how vitamin C and D, zinc, and quercitin provide substantial protection. Even low dose aspirin, long proven to prevent a recurrent cardiac event, has suddenly been deemed unnecessary, even unhelpful. The government, health community at large and the media are never to be believed again.

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Duties: And what about preventing illness as much as possible with optimally nutritious diet, exercise, sunshine, love, truth, and freedom? I don't see or hear any of the selected mainstream "experts" or "authorities" talking about how to stay healthy in the first place. They're all psychopathic, sycophantic, cushy-job-keeping career clowns who care only about lining their pockets, stroking their egos in the limelight, and "canceling" truth, while killing off "useless eaters" with their poisons and openly mocking us in the process.

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