Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Thank you for this Jordan, and for your courage throughout this insanity. I found your Twitter feed in early 2020 and you were one of the very lonely souls going against the regime. I never wore a mask, never got swabbed, never got jabbed and it was like living in a Zombie Apocalypse hell for two full years. The Diamond Princess was an easy math equation in February of 2020 that this was not a 100-year plague. Shocking to see how few people actually have the courage (you chose the right word) to stand strong when everyone else lost their mind.

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Appreciate the kind words

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I recognize that NO ONE wants to hear this, I get it. I only post this to remind people that it was in fact possible to go against all of it.

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Thank you Jordan. Courageous people like you and John Ioannidis called it right from the very beginning. So many others promoted and submitted to the BS. Even as truths are being revealed now, I see mostly silence...but no outrage. I think change will only happen when those who were misled also get mad.

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no outrage and no (genuine) apologies either.

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It became clear early on that there was no need for panic. There was little chance of serious consequences for those younger than 70.

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The good old book of The Bible tells us ' to keep our Heads , whilst those around us are losing theirs.'

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Powerful words, Jordan. Reading The Dossier in the depths of COVID insanity inspired me to jump into the fray. “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great

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This means a lot. Love your newsletter!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I never got swabbed, wore a mask or got jabbed. I live in Commiefornia. I don’t consider it courage. I look at it as the refusal to give into mob mentality. I am an individual, with my own thoughts, feelings and intuitions. I come from a people who have been slaughtered for 2,000 years. I look at it as self preservation.

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Thank you Leslie.

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You are very welcome.

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great job. pressure not only from government but from family and friends and neighbors is also hard to resist. eventually, for a number of reasons, I gave in. but I say again to you: great job.

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Btw…..i didn't see your request for reparations. The word slave derives from Slav… the original slaves. I too am a refusenik, and a refugee from California. Luckily we left before the descent of the covid curtain. There are at least of few of your ilk left in California. Stay away from the coast……

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I don’t want reparations. And California is going to come back stronger than ever & sooner than you think. www.newcaliforniastate.com. It doesn’t include the 40 miles of the coast, LA, SF, SACRAMENTO (urban areas, Silicon Valley, Alameda County. It’s a state split. New California will have 95% of the land & 1/2 the population. It will be a win, win for both states. New California is already in the Congress starting the process of inclusion in the United States as the 51st State. Stay tuned. ILK? Not a very nice word.

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Who are the people you come from and who was slaughtering them for 2000 years?

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What cave do you live in?

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Its an honest question. Why do you feel you have to be so cryptic?

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Because I am sick of the reaction whenever I react to hateful & dishonest comments regarding my people on Substack. Here’s a little hint that might clarify it for you. Hitler.

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Hitler? 2000 years? Here is an analysis by Robert Malone that sheds further light on some of the issues apparently troubling you.


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Peter Hotez is a moron. Hitler was just a hint. I am sick & tired of getting into political or religious debates on SUBSTACK with ignorant people who hate for the sake of hating. You want to talk about weaponizing words? The word Zionism has been weaponized to ridiculous proportions. A word that simply means The belief that the Jewish people have a right to return to their ancestral homeland to live in peace and security has become a pejorative term to mean a plot to take over the world! Everything about the Jewish religion has been twisted and made ugly. Because there are some rotten apples in the barrel who are prominent (and have long forgotten what it means to be a Jew) the rest of us are hated wherever we go. SUBSTACK being no exception.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I’ll never get over the shock of how many of my friends turned out to be cowards. The reaction to speaking out in 2020 felt like I got jumped by a group of dudes, while most of my friends just stood there and watched me get my ass beat. A couple of friends even got their own kicks to my head in

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Yep. We found out that cowardice is the norm.

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I remember a man who was a truck driver at the Canadian Truck Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. In that COMPLETELY peaceful protest, he was one of many who were dragged and manhandled by police when they cracked down (literally). I remember him saying that the most painful part was not the body blows he received but the realization that this was happening in Canada, not the communist country he thought he'd left behind.

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Canadian President's real daddy was hard line Communist Fidel Castro, so the personality came from being hot blooded and extreme. The old Canadian dad could not perform, so mom made a date to meet-up with Fidel at an island.....


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Speculation is that they had threesomes, a visit where one encounter ties in quite nicely to date of conception for Turd Boy.

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More like the old man didn’t like girls over the age of 12. Maggie was just too old for him.

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WOW, they are a weird bunch !

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My experience too Freedom Bro. It’s forever changed almost all of my relationships. It’s been a stunning wake up call and revealed a depressing truth to me of almost all my family and friends, who silently watched me get severely coerced at my workplace. I take a small measure of comfort that God kept me from folding and I somehow hung on to my job, but my disappointment with family and friends almost broke me. I never saw myself as courageous but as standing for what was sensible and true. What a couple of years!!!

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I was actually shocked at the response of the medical profession including, of course, the AMA.

My older brother once told me about the medical profession here compared to our native country but I did not fully believe him. My bad. He was correct. Several other nations have better medical systems and i do not mean socialized medicine. Rather, old fashioned medical service.

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I lost my job of 23 years, no test/jab. Guys I worked with for all those years sent me home (supervisors). POOF! Just like that. As I’ve said before, it was like a gut punch out of nowhere.

Its mind blowing!

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I’m so sorry you lost your job Renee! It’s shocking and despicable. I pray you are hanging in there? Perhaps something good will come your way. Take care and God bless you.

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Thank you Ross! You’re precious! I was forced to retire three years early, and my bf found another job.

We put our FAITH in God, not man. I’m grateful to the grace God the Father gave me. God let me see Truth, and I am grateful for everyday in God’s beautiful world.

There still is so much beauty out there! God bless you and guide you Ross!

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Amen and Amen! 👍🏻🙏🏻

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Well said. I will never get over it either.

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True, but you have to keep in mind that many people were very terrified from the powerful brainwashing campaign in the media and from government agencies. There were people coming home, and taking off their shoes and leaving them outside in case they stepped in a pile of covid. People leaving their groceries sit in the car for a few days to make sure all of the covid on their can of baked beans was dead. The hysteria was real.

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Have we not advanced at all from the War of the Worlds hoax? Humanity both inspires and saddens me

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True, although I was also surprised by how many people got caught up in the hysteria. The ironic thing is in general the people I knew that didn’t buy into the War on Terror/Iraq War hysteria in 2003 were the ones that did buy into the Covid hysteria, and visa versa. Personally, I hate a hard sell, so anytime there is a massive propaganda campaign I am deeply skeptical

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Fantastic and eloquent piece! I remember last February, going to a large church meeting with my daughter, and being told that masks would be required. Now, I am a good citizen, generally loyal church-goer and do take a lot of the things of God with faith that there are things in the universe I don’t understand. But they were wrong about masks. And as my daughter and I stood at the door, masks in hand, I felt that moment where I wondered what lesson I was teaching my daughter. Fear? Or bravery? And common-freaking sense? So we threw our masks in the garbage and attended a 500+ person meeting, being the only two without face coverings. Until the people around us started to remove them, too.

Maybe courage is hard, but it can be contagious, as well.

Thank you for your work, Jordan.

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I feel the same way. I was a caretaker for an elderly devout Catholic gentleman who wanted to go to church. We went 4 days a week and there were only a handful of us all spread out in a huge church. We did not wear the masks. Shook hands at the sign of peace which was also a no no. Lots of glares from the priest. So what. Cowards. Should have been happy we were there and thanked us!! Nope. What really got me was the students coming to mass had to wear the damn things and the priest would speak about the bravery of the martyrs and how they should stand up for their faith. These kids have had fear shoved down their throats for NO REASON. They will never be brave I'm afraid. Priests and parents should be ashamed.

My friend passed away a year later (not of covid) and I am so glad we followed our hearts and minds!

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Oh, people who used religion to guilt people into submission - both for masks and vaccines - have lost so so much respect from me. Bravery in the face of adversity and persecution? What makes them think they’ll be able to stand when the real anti-religious persecution starts? They won’t. And now “they” (the pushers of this crap) know it.

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That is wonderful! Thank you for taking off your masks!

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Having spent the past 20 years studying the climate hoax in addition to fabricated food "science" and uncovering the perpetual lies of the oligarchs filtered through their media outlets and hand picked government stooges, I was skeptical from day 1. I thank you and so many other brave souls for presenting data and push back I could reference to convince some in my circle that I wasn't grasping onto another conspiracy theory. Luckily my wife and most of my family are of a like mind on this and many issues. As are many in my friend groups. When my daughters senior year was cancelled essentially, we took it upon ourselves to make our home a gathering place for her friends. On the night that was supposed to be her senior prom we had a blowout party at the casa (early May 2020 in the heat of the madness). We took all of their keys and no one could leave without blowing zero in the breathalyzer. Over 60 kids showed up and 40+ kids spent the night. The party raged until morning light. Everyone of them had their parents blessing to be there (20 or so kids who were invited were not permitted to come). The police did stop by at about 1am and stood on the lawn, masked, to talk to me a report of excessive noise (someone in their car bumping music in the street). They told me to keep the roar down, said be careful and left. I tell ya, it pays to live in a smallish farming community surrounded by level headed people. There are more of us than one might guess who never bent the knee.

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This is how it's done. Thank you Kurt!!!

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You were able to do that where you were surrounded by like minded people. I don't think my neighbours would have squealed but I'm not sure about one in particular because he was constantly giving me advice, fortunately he and his wife have seen the light. Others in my city were not so lucky. One example of many: police were called and issued tickets to a grandma when her daughter dropped of her 2 kids for baby sitting!!! Fine was about $800.00.

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Thanks for the amazing story!

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I'm so glad I stuck to my guns. It's terrible now to see colleagues die suddenly, and I've had two people admit horrible jab reactions to me recently. Including uncontrollable bleeding, clots, and narrowly avoiding permanent blindness and deafness. Hard to feel proud about it. Just sad.

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Yes! There is so much damage, it’s hard to feel good about anything.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

These are great points. I always tell my liberal/progressive friends the same thing. It takes absolutely no courage to have their views in this day in age. Real courage comes from having conservative/libertarian views after being indoctrinated by the public school system. It is extremely easy to be a Liberal/Progressive. You don't have to stand for anything while allowing everything. Being Conservative means standing for principles and ideals that will make the world a better place.

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Did someone say Good Citizen?

They incentivized cowardice and people took the CARES ACT loot to commit iatrogenocide to scare the hell out of people. Never trust an American doctor with your health and future.


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Doctors could have stopped this thing dead in it's tracks early on, but they bought into what their masters told them. Even when they realized what was happening, they remained silent because they didn't want to lose their precious lifestyles. The doctors that did have the courage and guts to speak out were both censored and punished by the people in power.

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Unless he or she is unpopular with the AMA. Lots of good brave ones in AAPS AAPSONLINE.org and on Substack! Support them please as their licenses are being threatened.

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" Now the American people will be able to see what the government knows about COVID origins-and those who lied about it can be held accountable."(Sen. Josh Hawley) And how exactly is that supposed to happen when the bill specifically states that the release of documents only applies to information on the Wuhan Institute of Virology!? Sounds like a deliberate cover-up to avoid fully investigating U.S. involvement and all of the nefarious actors from big pharma to government agencies which were and are deeply involved; China is certainly culpable in the whole sordid affair of lies and corruption but evidence points directly at U.S. funding and guidance, especially with GOF labs in both the US and world-wide.

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unfortunately also this bill's not quite what it seems: 'several experts warned that contrary to what the public was told, the legislation limits the types of documents the government must declassify, which raises questions about the bill’s real intent....' - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/house-senate-declassify-covid-origins-china/

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Exactly right! Dr. David Martin warned that the Republican Congress is posturing and wilfully misleading the public; to be fully transparent would reveal a criminal racketeering conspiracy going back to the 1980s; the "bill's real intent", unfortunately, appears to vilify China , which certainly bears a good deal of blame, but the intention appears to be ignoring the focus and evidence on U.S. involvement; so a scapegoat is desperately needed because there are far too many nefarious actors and agencies that would have to be brought to justice and for that the political cost would be too high both for Republicans and Democrats; the bill received unanimous approval because a lot of asses from both sides of the aisle had to be saved from exposure; much of what Congress heard through witnesses, etc. has been known for a very long time but there has been a collective failure to stand up for the truth, not to mention to stand up for the American people and the world.

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well said, TQ

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The conclusion of the congressional will be US is 100% responsible or it will just be another cover up

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So how will Congress admit that the U.S. is "100% responsible"!? To do that would mean looking at evidence that they have been reluctant to delve into and hardly mention during the investigations; can we expect them or the Biden government to release documents that would show overwhelming proof that GOF research was active in labs such as at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under the supervision of Ralph Baric? or that it was U.S. funding that enabled the same engineering of pathogens in Wuhan? and that just scratches the surface of such racketeering crimes and conspiracies such as MODERNA paying(bribing) NIAID with $400 million dollars for a royalty license in exchange for royalties on FUTURE COVID-19 VACCINE SALES! and how many members of Congress and the Senate have been compromised by Big Pharma and numerous other lobbyists and agencies, both at home and abroad?

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it's worth checking out independent journalist George Webb's channel - https://twitter.com/realgeorgewebb1

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That is the problem, they are captured by Pharma donations. It is critical for that to change, otherwise justice won't be done.

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Should be.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

@David Cashion: cover up. by scapegoating China the US' involvement will stay hidden and Fauci & friends will not be held responsible.

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DOD. Especially.

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Put another way, compliance is not courageous. It's cowardice.

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A great post, although perhaps it will fall on deaf ears to many. In spite of the "vaccinated" still getting covid, in spite of the Cochrane review of masks studies, and in spite of many other facts that have come to light, many people still rabidly support mRNA vaccines and masks, and whatever the "experts" tell us.

To be sure, I did my best to live normally through the crisis, although, I did sometimes wear a mask, as it didn't seem very sporting to get into an argument with a grocery store clerk getting paid six dollars an hour. However, I have so far managed to avoid any vaccinations.

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If confronted by clerks...I politely told them "you don't get paid enough to be the social police or to deal with me. Just ignore me and go about your day". Can't think of one who continued. The worst one I ran into was a Jr. Nurse at my doctor's office. We got into it twice...she was a nasty 20 something. It didn't end well.

STILL no mask or jab.

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I agree, but some of the clerks are strictly watched by bosses, and also, the fear was real--many of them were pretty nervous at work. I also had a lot of feeling for small businesses trying to stay alive. They were in a tough spot, needing to keep customers, and trying to balance between what would lose more customers--masks? or no masks?

And, I know many people who had a lot to lose. For example, someone I know who works in restaurants, got covid (the incurable OG version of 2020). Even though he smokes and has a little bit of a belly, he was basically miserable for a couple of days, symptomatic for a week or so, and then felt better. Just like all of the classic colds and flus! However, with the tests that were running over 30 cycles, he kept testing positive for 5 weeks, so he wasn't allowed back to work until he had a negative test. This lost a lot of income for him.

Some of the crazier things that I saw was a cashier wearing rubber gloves, then she was eating a snack with the gloves still on! No point in wearing gloves if you are going to eat, smoke, drink, use the bathroom, or apply makeup or contact lenses with the gloves still on. Much better to not wear gloves and wash your hands. Then, there was a rule that you had to wear your mask to go into a restaurant, but after 30 seconds to get to your table, you could take it off to eat, drink, watch the game on TV, talk, etc. Then, you gotta put it back on for the ten second walk out the door. Yeah, that's really going to stop the virus in its tracks.

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So much of it was stupid and hurt so many.

Many places around here posted a sign that said something like..."we'll assume that if you aren't wearing a mask, that you are vaxed and have no symptoms." I liked that...sort of "don't ask, don't tell!"

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Same. Wore the mask when required. Managed to stay unjabbed.

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The WEF will make travel impossible without them though.

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I'd love to think that for me it was courage. But some of us who are 'that guy' may do so out of stubbornness, discernment, just generally not being in the fray or susceptible to throng-think, or other reasons, right? Can I claim courage if I'm just disagreeable? Is it courage if I just happen to recoil at the thought of the HEK293 cells that may be in there, or the chimeric nature of the poison, or the coercion being brought to bear? I don't know. But I hope it's courage. Because I see a whole lot more coming down the pike that will take even more of it than this run did.

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For me, it was a long-held distrust of my government and "authority figures" (learned from experience), plus my being stubborn and recalcitrant when "authority figures" start ordering me around. And as soon as I saw eugenicist Bill Gates yabbering on with flailing arms about how we can't go back to "normal" unless everyone takes his celebrated jab, well, what else do you need to hear to divine the evil coming our way?

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"well, what else do you need to hear to divine the evil coming our way?" That sums it up very nicely!

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Gates will find a way to get mRNA into everyone without needing their consent. This is much bigger than Sars CoV 2.

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People in my profession who I thought where brave, submitted in fealty to the unlawful jab.

Now, I am far from perfect...but I am unjabbed

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Jason, your un-vaxxed body is worth more than Gold my good fellow. So am I and my immediate family. It came at great cost, but I treasure my status. Peace be upon you and yours.

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Compelling and poignant. Thank you for keeping your head and sanity and enabling like-minded

individuals to learn more and keep away from the hypnosis that has overtaken our world.

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Vaccine apartheid and punitive mandates, Orwellian censorship by Big Tech and policies of segregation, curtailment of liberties and the repression of the working class—for years we were subjected to an ever-changing, neurosis-fueled faux existential crisis propagated by a hysteria-driven, fear-based media apparatus that itself was dependent upon induced societal responses disproportionate to the true level of risk posed by covid, an extremely age-stratified disease.

Do not let them memory hole this.


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