Think of it as a booster shot for Pfizer's sagging bottom line -- makes more sense now, doesn't it?

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I currently have the latest “variant”. Second time since 2020. I ran 4 miles with my dog this morning and cleaned my house. It’s insane how many legit freak out about a COLD.

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Lionsgate (Santa Monica offices) are re-instating mask mandates and testing effective immediately due to a few sniffles in the office. Please tell me no one will fall for this? I know Alex Jones is sounding the lockdown alarms via TSA and government contracts docs but... humanity cannot possibly be this tragically stupid.

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Every cold or flu I get makes me stronger. I guess that’s why I rarely get them.

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Even simpler is that you do not catch a cold or flu. It comes from within as a means of detoxing or repairing the body.

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Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China

Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'


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A song comes to mind:

Those were the days, my friend

We thought they'd never end

We'd sing and dance forever and a day

We'd live the life we choose

We'd fight and never lose

Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days



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We had the unfortunate situation of an elevator restriction , plus mask wearing that resulted in a few angry confrontations, being denied access to elevators that I for one took badly, having heated words with ignorant fools, not a pleasant situation.

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These WEF-enabled weenies will never surrender!

The whole scam was a way of bringing about an end to life of many elderly people, under the guise that they were becoming too expensive to support any longer.

The other mission was to overturn certain elected political leaders across the world who could see through their programming and the scamsters leading the disaster from behind the scenes.

Chief suspects: Klaus "Bond Villain" Schwab, Kill Gates, and Anthony "das Fauscista" Fauci.

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I had the flu once in my life when I was in 4th grade. I remember being very sick, 100+ fever for days, throat felt like death. Missed a whole week of school. I never had the flu again. But I had Covid 3x. The first time was the worst couldn’t taste or smell for a month. Subsequent times were not as severe and no loss of taste or smell. I don’t know if I agree. I think there was a virus they created in a wuhan lab, the severity of which is debatable.

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CV-19 / SARS CoV-2 was HIV-AIDS 2.0, both orchestrated by Fauci. Pull together as many commonly occurring "diseases" that were/are similar enough (autoimmune / repiratory related) use a faulty testing technique long enough for the collective fear to set-in, deny and punish all alternative hypotheses and medical pushback, use the flood of govt money to channel MSM reporting, and control what therapies are "allowed" to treat the disease, and lie, lie, lie....

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I’m just getting over a cold. Didn’t take a pcr test or visit my doctor. Got OTC meds at Rite Aid. Problem solved.

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This nonsense reminds me of the story about the boy who cried wolf......

Even our idiot friends who voted for the First Idiot will catch on.....right??

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Last paragraph, perfect!!! ❤️

As well, for each new set of viruses created by OUR OWN cells (normally arising after 48 to 72 hours, as the old set 'dies' out), the 2nd set created by cells (if needed) will naturally be slightly different in their genome, thus, their sequence will be altered in small segments of the original genome of the first virus that appeared—the entire sequence will not be changed. Therefore, endless amounts of viral variants can exist since each body and the cells therein contain their own specific protein creation ideally manufactured for a particular body, and no one else (therefore not compatible with someone else, i.e. not contagious, fear not!)

The more people you test, the more sequences you will find. Thus, more cha’ching! 💰

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Beyond the depop agenda.

What we seem to have here is the ideological lovechild;

- Fascist private public partnerships. Highlighted by the nauseating alphabet soups ranging from GAVI to CEPI to WEF. With all the corruption of Organs everywhere required to make it work. The work of generations.

- Bolshevik totalitarianism, slithering into the tent under the guise of 'health'. Much like its softening agent, the GWOT. Also faked... Also the work of generations, with different athletes taking over at different times. Before GWOT there was the Cold War, keeping the feeding trough full and stealing freedoms under the Damocles sword of nuclear annihilation. With the current athlete, the alphabet soup is rather similar. The Venn diagram between the 2 is pretty much a single circle.

That any of these hideous Organs are getting the slightest bit of compliance for their continued insanity tells me we are not out of the woods.

Not by a long shot.

We need to start tearing down the false idols surrounding the medical junta. The fake pillars of their religion.

They won't be stopping by choice.

They can't.


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Think this has been pretty obvious since day one to anyone that has any thinking capabilities!!!

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