Here is one other important item to understand. It may be the most important. That is this: the US along with other world leaders know what is coming, sovereign defaults.
The cash raised through the banking systems is drying up. The long end of bonds is of no interest to anyone. Why buy long bonds in a rising rate environment? Additionally, the markets are sensing the coming defaults and are avoiding anything over ten-year maturities. There are a plethora of small crashes happening, this year in the UK, for example, revolving around liquidity issues, then there are the repo markets that have a fit a couple of times a year. These are usually stable markets, but no more.
The analogy I can think of is a person planning on going bankrupt in the future so they borrow as much as they can now. This is Congress and the World. They have no intention of ever paying any cash back. They have always worked this way, but now as the end nears they are desperately raising the amounts to the limits of our outrage. What's the maximum we can borrow without causing a revolution?
This is why we are seeing their villainy, their shameless abuse of others' money and trust. We are very close to the end.
Please realize too that the purpose of this Ukraine nonsense has several variables depending on what part one is playing in the chaos of the world. But, the forefront of reasons for war is to cover the coming defaults. Killing Russians is the moral justification for—we just stole your hard-earned cash.
How will this play out? The defaults will never be called by their proper name—DEFAULT. They will tell us interest will continue to be paid, but that principal will have to come later, maybe very later. It will be something like the above where the justification makes sense on some nonsensical level. But look, how many bought the story about an invisible particle that shut the world down?
Not too long ago MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) was all the rage. When some people started realizing that end goal was to print money now to be paid back only after hyperinflation was the mechanism for its success. So, they stopped talking about it and just did it. Same result.
HA yes, I have been saying for almost two years now--can't wait til we get the IMF dictating AUSTERITY MEASURES to us the way we thought they only did with those *other* countries, you know, the ones with those baldly corrupt govt's...oh, whoops........
The greatest challenge is that most Americans have no understanding of the way things work. We’re spoken for and spoken at, but not spoken to or with and there is no platform to ask questions, share ideas and concerns , knowledge or ideas. The language is deliberately clinical because nobody wants to say, “ I don’t understand” or are too bored to get involved.
We have lousy teachers in the form of politicos. They either don’t care that the public is disengaged or do not want people to engage and find out it’s a deliberate ruse.
It’s tantamount to a high school required subject you had no interest in taking, had a lousy teacher who spoke in monotone and having to get a passing grade to graduate. You either passed by memorizing the answer, taking a lucky guess, cramming the night before or cheating. Regardless you learned nothing.
Or… you had an innovative teacher who made the subject interesting by incorporating visuals and examples of how the subject applied to daily life.
I understand. I am coming from a worldwide perspective, not just the US. As a matter of fact, the US will be the last to default. The EU is probably the epicenter along with smaller nations, especially those that pegged debt to the dollar.
Yes, well you see the collapse is financial. In all history that has been the driver of all countries' demise. Even though some nations attacked and took over another, the attack was prompted by the weakness of the attacked country. So historians don't really tell the story correctly, the victor tells it. Rome lasted a1000 years (even though they had many regime changes) but failed over 7 years when they debased their silver coinage reducing its value. Sounds familiar, right?
It always starts with their financial collapse. Again using Rome. They lasted the longest of any nation, as a world power, that is. The reason they lasted was their ability to share wealth. When they took over other areas, they didn't change the financial structure, they let the people share in the wealth and eventually become a citizen if wanted. It wasn't until they changed this practice, increased taxes then debased their coins. That started the dominoes falling until they fell.
Global Reset as promised by Davos, Klaus S & George S as spokepersons.
The Answer is yet to be determined however. WE have a "Vote" and it isn't ballots either, but is very similar in spelling, adding an U and E as needed.
I sense a frenzy on the part of the uniparty to extract as much wealth as they possibly can before the impending, and inevitable, total destruction of the financial system. Once that occurs, it's possible (who knows how all that will play out?) that their ability to siphon wealth from taxpayers will be gone, since all of us will "own nothing, and be happy." That would certainly explain the money laundering that Congress has been engaged in since the start of the scamdemic. They used covid as an excuse until covid was over; now they're using Ukraine as the excuse the launder TRILLIONS, as fast as they can. And there's apparently nothing we can do to stop them.
Poor mental models and a lack of personal development. Pushes us to a different societal attractor. The misery is not a bug -- it's a feature. Here you go.
I am not a religious person but we are living in a time of great evil and the US Government is on the side of the Dark Powers. It most certainly is the enemy of the People and also of the world.
Please note: When McConnell (or any Republican politician for that matter) talks about "Republicans" they mean dues-paying GOP party members, not voters. When they mean voters they will generally say Republican voters or "our" voters. It's a club. And you're not in it.
USA should've paid more attention to Kanada. We've been through the same agenda and worse. Govt owned MSM, travel restricted, protests crushed, banks accounts frozen, legal weapons banned and seized... No vax= NO freedom, no life, no job... And, you will be happy, or else. Socialism at its finest...
We do not have a representative government. We must demand it. NO ONE should be for sending another dime to Ukraine ->> right back to ACTBlue/BLM/#theBigGuy
Waste of time and energy. The Republic was lost decades ago. All we have now are fake elections and immoral, dishonest, corrupt lying government workers, incl Congress!
I read in another substack (unfortunately forgot which) that there's more setup for CBDC in that ridiculous omnibus bill.
I've argued with normies for years that if omnibus bills were outlawed (including the military budget ones) and every provision had to be voted on separately we'd be funding a lot less garbage
It's been like that in the USA for all of my 70 years, in Australia and the UK they also pretend there are two party systems but when it comes to wars and weapons they walk in lock step.
In honor of the words of Ronald Reagan: "I didn't leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left me."
That might be factually inaccurate; I was never a member of the Republican Party. But I did play the role of Ronald Reagan in a junior-high play based upon the Presidential debates of 1980. But if Mitch "The Conehead" McConnell believes the biggest issue among the Party is Ukraine, then he's got another think coming. The REAL biggest issue is more likely why the Republicans in the Senate keep voting that guy to be their leader. Because at this time, what we have is complete representation for Democrats in Congress and the White House, and zero representation for Republicans. I won't go into the plight of the Libertarians; they never have honest representation on a scale that would matter.
The RINO's in Washington are worse than Democrats. Because these Republicans lie to get into power, then vote against their (spoken) principles. At least those who aren't Democrats know which side of the issue the Democrats will align; they just have to hope and pray the Republicans will not betray them (again).
"They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe."
Beautifully written but rotten af ba$tards! Someone needs to flush the sewer in DC. Starting with Mitch McConnell, Chuck U Schumer, and Nasty Nancy Piglosi. The entire Bidet admin, too (that includes DOCTOR Jill). Of course McConnell loves Ukraine - they're the laundromat everyone in DC uses. I expect garbage from NM (dem) senators. But 21 Rep senators? Eff that sh!t!!
Wow! Straight to the point! Strong language, but required!
But NOTHING is done about it. Talk is cheap! Where's the action? ans. it doesn't exist!
Mitch is too busy giving Democrats everything they want before the GOP takes over the House.
I remember what 'they' did back in 1776 when British rule became unbearable.
Here is one other important item to understand. It may be the most important. That is this: the US along with other world leaders know what is coming, sovereign defaults.
The cash raised through the banking systems is drying up. The long end of bonds is of no interest to anyone. Why buy long bonds in a rising rate environment? Additionally, the markets are sensing the coming defaults and are avoiding anything over ten-year maturities. There are a plethora of small crashes happening, this year in the UK, for example, revolving around liquidity issues, then there are the repo markets that have a fit a couple of times a year. These are usually stable markets, but no more.
The analogy I can think of is a person planning on going bankrupt in the future so they borrow as much as they can now. This is Congress and the World. They have no intention of ever paying any cash back. They have always worked this way, but now as the end nears they are desperately raising the amounts to the limits of our outrage. What's the maximum we can borrow without causing a revolution?
This is why we are seeing their villainy, their shameless abuse of others' money and trust. We are very close to the end.
Please realize too that the purpose of this Ukraine nonsense has several variables depending on what part one is playing in the chaos of the world. But, the forefront of reasons for war is to cover the coming defaults. Killing Russians is the moral justification for—we just stole your hard-earned cash.
How will this play out? The defaults will never be called by their proper name—DEFAULT. They will tell us interest will continue to be paid, but that principal will have to come later, maybe very later. It will be something like the above where the justification makes sense on some nonsensical level. But look, how many bought the story about an invisible particle that shut the world down?
Not too long ago MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) was all the rage. When some people started realizing that end goal was to print money now to be paid back only after hyperinflation was the mechanism for its success. So, they stopped talking about it and just did it. Same result.
HA yes, I have been saying for almost two years now--can't wait til we get the IMF dictating AUSTERITY MEASURES to us the way we thought they only did with those *other* countries, you know, the ones with those baldly corrupt govt's...oh, whoops........
The greatest challenge is that most Americans have no understanding of the way things work. We’re spoken for and spoken at, but not spoken to or with and there is no platform to ask questions, share ideas and concerns , knowledge or ideas. The language is deliberately clinical because nobody wants to say, “ I don’t understand” or are too bored to get involved.
We have lousy teachers in the form of politicos. They either don’t care that the public is disengaged or do not want people to engage and find out it’s a deliberate ruse.
It’s tantamount to a high school required subject you had no interest in taking, had a lousy teacher who spoke in monotone and having to get a passing grade to graduate. You either passed by memorizing the answer, taking a lucky guess, cramming the night before or cheating. Regardless you learned nothing.
Or… you had an innovative teacher who made the subject interesting by incorporating visuals and examples of how the subject applied to daily life.
I understand. I am coming from a worldwide perspective, not just the US. As a matter of fact, the US will be the last to default. The EU is probably the epicenter along with smaller nations, especially those that pegged debt to the dollar.
Yes, well you see the collapse is financial. In all history that has been the driver of all countries' demise. Even though some nations attacked and took over another, the attack was prompted by the weakness of the attacked country. So historians don't really tell the story correctly, the victor tells it. Rome lasted a1000 years (even though they had many regime changes) but failed over 7 years when they debased their silver coinage reducing its value. Sounds familiar, right?
A follow-up to the above. How do countries fall?
It always starts with their financial collapse. Again using Rome. They lasted the longest of any nation, as a world power, that is. The reason they lasted was their ability to share wealth. When they took over other areas, they didn't change the financial structure, they let the people share in the wealth and eventually become a citizen if wanted. It wasn't until they changed this practice, increased taxes then debased their coins. That started the dominoes falling until they fell.
Global Reset as promised by Davos, Klaus S & George S as spokepersons.
The Answer is yet to be determined however. WE have a "Vote" and it isn't ballots either, but is very similar in spelling, adding an U and E as needed.
Powerful. Would love to hear stories from your time in DC. Sounds like it’s even worse than The Capitol from The Hunger Games.
I sense a frenzy on the part of the uniparty to extract as much wealth as they possibly can before the impending, and inevitable, total destruction of the financial system. Once that occurs, it's possible (who knows how all that will play out?) that their ability to siphon wealth from taxpayers will be gone, since all of us will "own nothing, and be happy." That would certainly explain the money laundering that Congress has been engaged in since the start of the scamdemic. They used covid as an excuse until covid was over; now they're using Ukraine as the excuse the launder TRILLIONS, as fast as they can. And there's apparently nothing we can do to stop them.
This is what's known as the "Steal everything you can before the house of cards comes crashing down" phase.
i have never seen the situation the usa are in described more aptly.
why is it that so few americans can see what we europeans, from far away, can see so clearly?
Poor mental models and a lack of personal development. Pushes us to a different societal attractor. The misery is not a bug -- it's a feature. Here you go.
I am not a religious person but we are living in a time of great evil and the US Government is on the side of the Dark Powers. It most certainly is the enemy of the People and also of the world.
Please note: When McConnell (or any Republican politician for that matter) talks about "Republicans" they mean dues-paying GOP party members, not voters. When they mean voters they will generally say Republican voters or "our" voters. It's a club. And you're not in it.
USA should've paid more attention to Kanada. We've been through the same agenda and worse. Govt owned MSM, travel restricted, protests crushed, banks accounts frozen, legal weapons banned and seized... No vax= NO freedom, no life, no job... And, you will be happy, or else. Socialism at its finest...
We do not have a representative government. We must demand it. NO ONE should be for sending another dime to Ukraine ->> right back to ACTBlue/BLM/#theBigGuy
Waste of time and energy. The Republic was lost decades ago. All we have now are fake elections and immoral, dishonest, corrupt lying government workers, incl Congress!
I read in another substack (unfortunately forgot which) that there's more setup for CBDC in that ridiculous omnibus bill.
I've argued with normies for years that if omnibus bills were outlawed (including the military budget ones) and every provision had to be voted on separately we'd be funding a lot less garbage
It's been like that in the USA for all of my 70 years, in Australia and the UK they also pretend there are two party systems but when it comes to wars and weapons they walk in lock step.
In honor of the words of Ronald Reagan: "I didn't leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left me."
That might be factually inaccurate; I was never a member of the Republican Party. But I did play the role of Ronald Reagan in a junior-high play based upon the Presidential debates of 1980. But if Mitch "The Conehead" McConnell believes the biggest issue among the Party is Ukraine, then he's got another think coming. The REAL biggest issue is more likely why the Republicans in the Senate keep voting that guy to be their leader. Because at this time, what we have is complete representation for Democrats in Congress and the White House, and zero representation for Republicans. I won't go into the plight of the Libertarians; they never have honest representation on a scale that would matter.
The RINO's in Washington are worse than Democrats. Because these Republicans lie to get into power, then vote against their (spoken) principles. At least those who aren't Democrats know which side of the issue the Democrats will align; they just have to hope and pray the Republicans will not betray them (again).
The Republican party is merely an organ of the democrat party. Which makes it far more evil than the openly totalitarian party they bootlick for...
Time for a new American revolution?
Forget it. Americans today are pussified beyond belief. Not like the few Americans that beat off the British!
"They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe."
~ George Carlin
Beautifully written but rotten af ba$tards! Someone needs to flush the sewer in DC. Starting with Mitch McConnell, Chuck U Schumer, and Nasty Nancy Piglosi. The entire Bidet admin, too (that includes DOCTOR Jill). Of course McConnell loves Ukraine - they're the laundromat everyone in DC uses. I expect garbage from NM (dem) senators. But 21 Rep senators? Eff that sh!t!!