Congress declares itself the enemy of the people
Omnibus and military bills rife with fraud, deception, and abuse.
I’ve been trying to compile my thoughts about a week filled with 2.6 trillion dollars in new spending, on top of the usual clown world behavior we’re witnessing in the D.C. Beltway nowadays. It’s been difficult to concisely summarize the overwhelming amount of fraud, deception, and outright abuse coming out of the halls of Congress these days.
In the midst of a global recession that they helped to facilitate, Congress has decided to pass a $1.7 trillion dollar record-breaking omnibus bill. And that comes on top of the record-breaking $858 billion “defense” budget passed last week.
Sure, the Weekend At Biden’s Administration hasn’t exactly been a force for human liberty, to put it mildly. But many are missing the diabolical role that the legislative branch plays in facilitating the growth of the authoritarian uniparty.
If it seems like our ruling class absolutely despises the common man, that’s because they most certainly do. Their actions this week have made that quite clear.
One such example happened on Tuesday, when Mitch McConnell declared that Ukraine (yes, Ukraine) is the highest priority item for Republicans in America today.
It’s truly incredible gaslighting in the face of survey data that shows Americans outside of Washington, D.C. don’t give a damn about the war between Ukraine and Russia. Mitch doesn’t care about that. He cares about Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed, and the gang.
Tonight, they’ve got a big “bipartisan” spectacle planned. At 7:30PM ET, the Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensky will deliver an address to a joint session of Congress, and he will surely be greeted as a Churchillian hero, instead of the tinpot dictator that he actually is. It serves as a perfect distraction to mask the depravity that is the 4,155 page Omnibus bill they plan on authorizing by Friday.
In that bill, Congress will soon delegate another $45 billion to Ukraine, which Zelensky, with incredible chutzpah, has already declared insufficient for his noble cause. In just 9 months, the U.S. taxpayer has already spent twice Russia’s total military budget on Ukraine aid. Still, Zelensky demands more from the American citizen, and Congress is happy to accommodate his madness, because it makes their real constituency, the uniparty class, beyond thrilled.
Tens of millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet, largely due to the economic and societal crises caused by the very representatives that are supposed to defend our rights in Washington. Over the past few years, they printed countless trillions supposedly to facilitate the fight against the Wuhan sniffles that is Covid-19, while pointing to the virus as a means to clear the way for the backdoor creation of a CCP-like surveillance state in the United States. Every step of the way, instead of mitigating the damage, this uniparty in Congress has acted as an accelerant force.
In my life, there has never been a greater separation between the common man and the Washington Uniparty man than there is today. It's one of the reasons why I left The Swamp, behind the primary reason of wanting to depart from a city of bot-like Covid hysterics. D.C. is a place that forces you to sell your soul if you want to become a member in good standing with the uniparty club. The vast majority of Congress is happy to make that trade in exchange for their seat of power.
Congress members, by and large, despise their constituencies. Through their actions, they have spent the past few years increasingly becoming an enemy to the taxpaying American citizen, while selling out to major inside the beltway interests like Big Pharma, the defense industry, and the like.
There are two sides in the fight over the future of America. On one side, we have the Washington ruling class. They do not maintain a particular guiding ideology. Their goal remains the relentless pursuit of power, while curtailing the power of everyone on the outside. On the other side is everyone else who is not a credentialed member of the ruling class.
This is not a republican versus democrat, conservatism versus socialism, blue v red fight. Those labels are merely distractions from the fundamental threat our liberties face today.
President Trump rightly declared the corporate media “the enemy of the people.” Our elected officials in Congress are no better. They’ve earned this same label.
Wow! Straight to the point! Strong language, but required!
Here is one other important item to understand. It may be the most important. That is this: the US along with other world leaders know what is coming, sovereign defaults.
The cash raised through the banking systems is drying up. The long end of bonds is of no interest to anyone. Why buy long bonds in a rising rate environment? Additionally, the markets are sensing the coming defaults and are avoiding anything over ten-year maturities. There are a plethora of small crashes happening, this year in the UK, for example, revolving around liquidity issues, then there are the repo markets that have a fit a couple of times a year. These are usually stable markets, but no more.
The analogy I can think of is a person planning on going bankrupt in the future so they borrow as much as they can now. This is Congress and the World. They have no intention of ever paying any cash back. They have always worked this way, but now as the end nears they are desperately raising the amounts to the limits of our outrage. What's the maximum we can borrow without causing a revolution?
This is why we are seeing their villainy, their shameless abuse of others' money and trust. We are very close to the end.
Please realize too that the purpose of this Ukraine nonsense has several variables depending on what part one is playing in the chaos of the world. But, the forefront of reasons for war is to cover the coming defaults. Killing Russians is the moral justification for—we just stole your hard-earned cash.
How will this play out? The defaults will never be called by their proper name—DEFAULT. They will tell us interest will continue to be paid, but that principal will have to come later, maybe very later. It will be something like the above where the justification makes sense on some nonsensical level. But look, how many bought the story about an invisible particle that shut the world down?