I’m sure that Heinz is super duper climate savvy at any expense to them. Ooops, giant corporations are NOT the problem. It’s all the jackasses who want to have autonomy and quality of life.
When he was Sec of State I used to walk by his town house in Georgetown. There were 3 SUV's idling outside 24/7. I guess the climate didn't matter to him then.....
"Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, will also speak at WEF 24."
So, if Kevin Roberts is willing to speak at WEF 24 and he's the head of the Heritage Foundation, I guess the Heritage Foundation isn't quite as conservative as we thought it was.
Use zoom Mr. Kerry or I'm going to think you are not sincere about fossil fuels. It would definitely build everyone's trust if this whole meeting was done openly via zoom. Even better would be having open comments after the talks. It seems you all are insular and unable to engage with anyone who thinks differently than your selected invitees. That isn't usually a sign of high intellect!
Usually when a group meets in secret and violates every one of the SDG they are cramming down on others, people don't feel trusting. It's weird, I know,but it happens!
I was not impressed with this video. Not a word about the FBI or Antifa instigators. Besides pointing out Ray Epps a couple of times, this entire video made it look like the chaos started "organically" after the CP shot at them. It didn't make it clear that most everyone who was there PRIOR to the ending of Trump's speech was a paid agitator. I was certainly expecting to see the numerous white buses unloading those numerous fake protestors. I saw video of that posted right after J6. There were even interviews with the bus drivers who said those people even changed into their Trump costume clothes on the bus!
It's time to expose John Kerry for what he and his office do. One hardly sees any discussions about his activities. He's a significant expense to the taxpayer.
Yikes, cover your eyes, hold your gnose its Lurch. He’s a real peach. It’d be nice to hear that he’s choked on a fractured goozle knob. Or broken his flux capacitor and lost cuntrol over a rocky moonscape. Never to be scene or herd ever again… Yeah, I smelled them rong on purpus. Nothing irritates a triggered lib like a missmelled verbiage. Try it. Catharsis for the soulio. Libs be trolling here, so I’m throwing out some chum… Enjoy your 1st amendment. Libs want to crush ALL of our freedoms.Just axe a mentally unstable democrat. They’re everywhere.
ESG is a demoralized CCP social credit scoring system. Kerry is a ghoul who flies around in private jets spewing hot air about hot air. Calculate your score here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score
He is a gigolo...married Theresa Heinz - wife of dead Sen. Heinz - from the Heinz food mega-conglomerate.
Kathleen - certainly a “gold-digger” ... the guy gives me the creeps - always has
I’m sure that Heinz is super duper climate savvy at any expense to them. Ooops, giant corporations are NOT the problem. It’s all the jackasses who want to have autonomy and quality of life.
Why I refer to him as :Ketchup Kerry"
Kerry and all the other eugenicists are all in on population reduction. Ok, let's start with them and their families.
Danny Huckabee
This way they would prove that they are absolutely convinced that this is the only solution.
Yep. Practice what you preach.
I loathe John Kerry.
lurch heinz-kerry
Ahmad - this made me laugh so hard, I snorted! 😆
happy to know. i’ll be here all week. please tip the wait staff generously. 🙇
Kerry was a Traitor in Vietnam. He has not improved with age....
Check our book, Invisible Treason. It was the #1 New book on Amazon in October. It's still marked down to bargain prices. Tell your friends.
When he was Sec of State I used to walk by his town house in Georgetown. There were 3 SUV's idling outside 24/7. I guess the climate didn't matter to him then.....
Well, you know....that's different. 🤢🤮
"Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, will also speak at WEF 24."
So, if Kevin Roberts is willing to speak at WEF 24 and he's the head of the Heritage Foundation, I guess the Heritage Foundation isn't quite as conservative as we thought it was.
I’m all in as soon as Kerry downgrades to a tiny home running on solar. In other words, not in a million years.
4:8 Next, taking him to a very high mountain, the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour.
4:9 And he said to him, 'I will give you all these, if you fall at my feet and do me homage.'
Silly, silly people....doing extraordinarily stupid things...all for an illusion of glory...
Seems like a bunch of people took the devil up on his offer. And they all meet at Davos.
Climate czar😂 John Kerry has always been elitist piece of crap, rules for thee not for me
all of those garbage humans are like that. When questioned about using a private jet, kerry said it was because he is an important guy.
Use zoom Mr. Kerry or I'm going to think you are not sincere about fossil fuels. It would definitely build everyone's trust if this whole meeting was done openly via zoom. Even better would be having open comments after the talks. It seems you all are insular and unable to engage with anyone who thinks differently than your selected invitees. That isn't usually a sign of high intellect!
Usually when a group meets in secret and violates every one of the SDG they are cramming down on others, people don't feel trusting. It's weird, I know,but it happens!
The True Timeline of January 6th is Here! -- 1.06 hour Documentary – FULL OUTSTANDING
J6: A True Timeline – 01/01/2024 -- https://open.ink/collections/j6 #J6TrueTimeline
I was not impressed with this video. Not a word about the FBI or Antifa instigators. Besides pointing out Ray Epps a couple of times, this entire video made it look like the chaos started "organically" after the CP shot at them. It didn't make it clear that most everyone who was there PRIOR to the ending of Trump's speech was a paid agitator. I was certainly expecting to see the numerous white buses unloading those numerous fake protestors. I saw video of that posted right after J6. There were even interviews with the bus drivers who said those people even changed into their Trump costume clothes on the bus!
It's time to expose John Kerry for what he and his office do. One hardly sees any discussions about his activities. He's a significant expense to the taxpayer.
kerry refuses to name the staff. How does he get away with this? Is this not criminal?
Beware, beware, beware this creepy man.
Yikes, cover your eyes, hold your gnose its Lurch. He’s a real peach. It’d be nice to hear that he’s choked on a fractured goozle knob. Or broken his flux capacitor and lost cuntrol over a rocky moonscape. Never to be scene or herd ever again… Yeah, I smelled them rong on purpus. Nothing irritates a triggered lib like a missmelled verbiage. Try it. Catharsis for the soulio. Libs be trolling here, so I’m throwing out some chum… Enjoy your 1st amendment. Libs want to crush ALL of our freedoms.Just axe a mentally unstable democrat. They’re everywhere.
He’s a real Perch...
OMG but no surprise