Great to see another Jersey guy truly telling it like it is. Big pharma Phil is a groomer who murdered thousands in nursing homes. He was barely re-elected through 3am vote dumps like sleepy joe. NJ has had the worst string of governors compared to any state over the past /0 years - Murphy, Christie, Corzine, McGreevey...

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Absolutely Positively 100% Correct 👍

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Could NOT agree with you more. Look up “political hack” in the dictionary and there’s a picture of Christie. I know anyone wanting to be president is arrogant, but how arrogant must you be to run with absolutely zero chance to win?

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From half way across the country, been to NJ once in my entire life. Not impressed.

You don't have a lot to choose from there. Just like we don't have much to choose from here.

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Christie's a disgrace. Doug Collins' view that a Chris Christie presidential run will provide cover for Ron DeSantis to attack Donald Trump makes sense (Christie's large enough to cover anyone, anyhow) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLgXhJdtX7c&t=2s

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DeSantis embraced Berenson’s Covid disinformation and killed 7 times as many Americans as Osama Bin Laden…all praise to Allah!!

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Christie is an arrogant dick head

I was in Jersey when he was Guv

So I repeat, he’s an arrogant dick head

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Did you ever see how he totally whored himself out pushing the vaxxes during 2021 on FOX News? I would never watch 666 News but my aged father watches it and I see about enough. A real whore would need some kind of surgery to spread their legs as wide as he did! He was on there several times a week during the rollout trumpeting how wonderful and safe it all was. I wanted to reach into the TV and throttle him.

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Without Tucker Carlson (and even Laura Ingraham now gone) on Fox News, Boomer Cons are left with limited hangout corporate RNC Inc cafeteria food.

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It's important for a candidate to look "presidential." Christie...does not.

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There was an overweight president before; William H Taft.

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Oh most definitely, it's just I think standards have changed.

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Very true, with TV and now Internet, image is important.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

Christie isn't in it to win it. Rather, like Haley and others, he hopes to say the kinds of things that donors want to hear (nobody cares that the voters can see through this crap) and then be duly rewarded for throwing his support to De Santis when the time is ripe.

Kamala Harris is the model here.

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Christie really helped Trump in 2016. CC sure had it in for “the boy in the bubble” (Marco Rubio). Jordan nails the assholian morbidly obese former NJ Gov to a tee.

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I suspect that Christie knew which way the wind was blowing in 2016, and wanted to make sure that the winning team owed him some favors.

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He's like the Max Boot of politicians, has done nothing but blunder for 20 years and yet somehow is never in doubt about upcoming success.

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Blubbering useful idiot.

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He is completely delusional, just like Mike Pence.

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What was the line in Animal House?

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life".

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That is one of my favorite movie lines of all time. 100% appropriate here.

“Knowledge is good.” -Faber College motto

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Isn't it a bit early for a "Whale" sequel?

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

"I think about how wrong it is to let mask-wearing divide us, especially as we now know you're twice as likely to get COVID-19 if you don't wear a mask." - Chris Christie

No one "knew" that "twice as likely" falsehood he spouted. Like everyone else of his ilk, he unthinkingly parroted the likes of Fauci and Birx. And that's par for the course for the majority of today's know-nothing politicians

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Actually, the PHOs all knew the mask was BS. Fauci admitted it himself during an interview where he said his 'recommendations' [as opposed to the edicts he they were] would change behavior, not protect anyone directly. That's long been the thought process with the "experts," The fact that power hungry morons saw it as a way to rule [like Chrissey] is where it took a turn to tyranny.

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Masks worked to mitigate spread—it’s why North Carolina has a significantly lower Covid death rate than Georgia and South Carolina even though North Carolina has the older population than the 3 adjacent states.

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Read the Cochrane report.

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We have reams of data in America that shows masks mitigated spread to some degree.

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PCM is a troll. Don't feed the trolls, they go away.

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Anyone who remembers his "tell it like it is" schtick from 2016 remembers how badly he embarrassed himself with it. For someone who was supposed to have been a pretty decent US Attorney, he couldn't distinguish between Billy Bad Ass BS and actual honesty.

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So, Crispy Cream is going to throw his hat in the ring. For what purpose? He wasn't even

wearing a correct mouth diaper. They never worked anyway. Leftists aren't saying how

the masks are polluting the environment. Are they? It's just about your carbon footprint now :-(

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The more Bozos that come into the Big Top the bigger the clown show will be. And that's all it is. Elections in this country haven't been real in a very long time.

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You got that RIGHT.....

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If ever...

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So true but didn't want to go there. It always sends people into a tizzy on threads when you tell them the actual truth about how things always were, from day one and before. I have some ancestry from the "founders" and Jamestown Colony and know all about who those people actually were. I had people after me with knives out yesterday over this subject on another thread. Peace out.

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Yeah, pollution doesn't matter. The only thing tgat matters is if you drive a real car.

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Great perspective Jordan.

I would say, his size, could be overlooked, if he had the accomplishments and track record of ethical political chops (how's that for an oxymoron), but he does not.

So to me his size, weight, health - parse it like you want - in the absence of a contributing disorder, screams, that this guy is irresponsible at best and lazy and apathetic at worst, where his person well being and life is concerned. Why in the world, would someone like that - care about you and your wellbeing (in all aspects) - if he has such a deep disregard for his own. It speak volumes.

He also appear to like being in the "cool kids club" and will tell it like it is, but then carry the "alpha cool kid" Jimmy's books for him - if he can sit at the lunch table, next to Jimmy. Chasing the spot light, means making sacrifices to your morals, integrity and responsibilities...and those sacrifices are always in the form of the constituent and their welfare (overall condition).

The most poignant observation though, is the real reason for his candidacy...money. This is the only way, he can raise the amount of money he will. It will be used for his benefit, but the value will be him donating what's left to the front runner, when he drops out, early. In this way, he buys his place at the table next to Jimmy and a nice juicy pork sandwich down the road, if Jimmy wins.

For all those who are sending in those campaign dollars, to their favorite politco caped crusader...wake up please...it is a UNIPARTY. You've seen proof over and over again. It's wrestling...they're all friends in the locker room...we are the idiots who think it's real...it's not folks.

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"...if he had the accomplishments and track record of ethical political chops ..."

The only chops Christie has are pork chops. Lots and lots of them.

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Chris Christie is the Ralph Kramden of politicians. Hope that’s not mean. At least Jackie Gleason was a great entertainer.

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Hi time passed the minute he put his arm around Obama following Hurricane Sandy and it’s been down hill from there.

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No sane American should ever support one of these two-faced, duplicitous, globalist-serving RINOS, and yet they still constitute the majority of the establishment GOP. It is way past time for a viable third party in the USA.

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All politicians embody what is wrong with modern politicians. Its all a big, fake crock of excrement and a massive con designed to distract and entertain while agendas just move forward.

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