I dunno if you saw my little blurb about this, but every single line of "Biden's" statement is an outright lie. Par for the course with Walensky.

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Will check it out thx for heads up

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For 250 k a year I will carry a bucket of shit with me and tell everyone it smells great.

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LOL. Basically her job

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Vaxxing makes you free ,like Arbeit macht frei . The unvaxxed where and in many cases still are the SUB HUMANS .OR unter menschen . Part of the Walenshy health care

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Would you push a lethal jab on children for that much?

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Wasn't it she who claimed to be champing at the bit because her own teens couldn't yet be jabbed with the poison? Wonder if they actually got it when their age came due.

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I would only push it on Alf like creatures

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Hey, what did any Melmacian ever do to you? ;)

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At least your honest!!!’


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It wrecks my soul to know that literally millions will believe every word of that press release.

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Cheer up, Chiadrum, they believed far greater and more destructive nonsense.

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Trie dat.

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They forgot the part about her aiding and abetting mass murder.

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Fake election. Fake president. Fake insurrection. Fake CDC director. Real Deep State, though.

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NO MATTER! Hold them ALL accountable. These monsters who pushed the death jabs need to face the full wrath of the people.

LOCK THEM UP and throw away the keys.

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Seriously doubt this will ever happen. The time to rise up has passed and there were probably too few of us anyway. Those who tried were quashed

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fwiw- more on this posted here:


According to a complaint filed by Lisa McGee at Vaxxchoice, Walensky was never properly sworn in when appointed to her office, and her signed affidavit stated that she was NOT a Director of CDC but a Senior Advisor. I don’t know if her resignation is related to this, but one can hope it is.

I watched SGT report, when he had attorney Todd Callender on as a guest and he talked about all of this. (apparently, almost the entire Biden administration does not have properly notarized oaths of office)

Here's the one with Todd Callender:



And here's the one with Lisa McGee:



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I guess they're all off the hook then. If they weren't sworn in then they're innocent of the crimes.

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Remember when you believed Lizard Cheney was the best America had to offer?? Maybe you are wrong again? ;)

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Look up Illinois Veterans Home and Legionnaires Disease and then tell me how competent this Shah guy is.

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The CDC, along with other three letter agencies, need to be abolished. It has too much power and takes direction from globalist organizations. Given the chance, courtesy of the WHO treaty that may be ratified in 2024, it will become an even larger threat.

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The Eric Feigl-Ding stamp of approval?!

Wow, Nirav is going places! Sky’s the limit for this go-getter!

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Poor Maine. The area around Portland (which 30 years ago held the record of greatest number of lawyers per capita) is totally blue. The rest of the state, a different color. When I drive north to Rockland I pass lots of Trump signs--even last fall.

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Walensky is the Susan Rice of the Biden administration. Spout any lie you are told and you will get a wonderful promotion in the future…that’s her legacy pure and simple.

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Susan Rice is in the Biden administration…let me guess, you wanted us to remain in Afghanistan so eventually a little boy on hormone replacement therapy could make the Afghan Girls Robot Team?

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That’s my point. Rice went from UN Ambassador to NSA director after her round of Sunday morning talk shows because she was all Obama’s COS could get...if you’re referring to me wanting to stay in Afghanistan you’ve got it all wrong...I simply wanted to drop a few Neutron Bombs on Afghanistan to wipe out the Taliban and Al Qaeda and be done with it.

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What did the Taliban ever do to the USA, exactly? Plus they represented the largest ethnic group in the country, which means you are basically advocating genocide.

Al Qaeda, fine.. but the Taliban was trying to get them out of the country before 9/11 since they were sick of the Arabs.

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Sure, in 2023 no Republicans ever seemed to have supported the Iraq and Afghanistan wars or anything John McStain ever did like advocating taking out Qaddafi…it’s very strange how Bush ever won two terms or McStain won the GOP nomination in 2008?!?

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They’re just replacing the deck chairs for version two of the Biden Titanic to be launched in 2025.

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Her ass must be sore from having that big hand up it for a few years of nonsense.

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I just went to the new guy’s, Shah’s, Twitter feed. He does not look any better. Possibly worse. Read his analysis of the response to the first heart transplant in 1967. I think he’s gonna be bad news. Which, of course, is surprising considering he has endorsements from luminaries like Feigl-Ding.

Just to be clear, that last bit was sarcasm.

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As Meryl Nass has pointed out, he was forced to resign from his position at Illinois due to an outbreak scandal he oversaw. We really are reaching a point of peak corruption.

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... and now she will get her back-end payday.... a fat-cat job with Pharma/Deep State

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Wouldn't it be a case of just deserts if all those moving through the door from deep state cushy to pharma cushy had to be recipients of any new drug being "trialled". Not only any, but all.

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The corrupt Communist Democrat Party led by a traitor-in-chief has incompetent, activist, sycophants in cabinet positions and a Deep State that is just as corrupt and dirty as the disloyal President. The entire toxic environment needs to be neutralized before Lawfare, Warfare, Mediafare/Social Mediafare, Globalism, corporate hatred for capitalism and public education that advocates hatred for American civics and history cannot be reversed.

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They don’t hate capitalism per se especially once they’re the beneficiaries. Big Business and Big Govt are quite intertwined. Loyal operators like Walensky go on to make millions perhaps on the boards of Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, J&J etc. or as a perk laden university president.

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When Big Business and Big Govt are intertwined, that is the dictionary definition of fascism, not capitalism. Most people who use the word fascism do not know what it means.

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The present system is "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy.

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Also known as crony capitalism.

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