Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Gates is a criminal sociopath and needs to have all of his ill gotten gains seized and distributed to Pfizer & Modernas' victims. Same for everyone who profited from this scheme.

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He bought the shares in September 2019??!!

Well there ya go. Inside info of the plan coming!!!!!!

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Also examine the details of the NIH / Moderna partnership and how several Boston Hedge Funds invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Moderna stock in Oct. 2019, two months before Covid magically "appeared" in China.

It's amazing how many people got this wrong while some of us were speaking about this in real time as early as Jan. 2020.

What I mean by this, and here I'm going to be quite critical and name names, is that virtually all of the most notable and public of "Covid Dissenters" were and are completely wrong on this most important point of there ever being a pandemic. It is not possible to overstate the significance of this and the damage caused by these "acceptable sceptics" catapulting and perpetuating this lie.

That's a hard pill for some people to swallow as they have their sacred cows and will defend that position rather than re-examine some assumptions.

This is not to disparage other work that some of these people have done but at this point it is inexcusable given the mountains of evidence and anyone pushing any version of the "official pandemic narrative" is part of the problem.

Here are just a few of the premier individuals that comprise the official "Covid Opposition" who are flat wrong with their assertions that there was a pandemic:

RFK, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Del Bigtree, Pierrey Kory, Peter McCullough, Mercola, Jessica Rose, Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, Ryan Cole, GVB, Alex Berenson, Tess Lawrie, etc.

Here is a handful of people who were calling out the fraud from Day One:

Catherine Austin Fitts, Denis Rancourt, Vera Sharav, Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Michel Chossudovsky (Global Research), Ryan Cristian (LAV), John Rappaport, Paul Schreyer, Ernst Wolff, Kit Knightly, Simon Elmer, Leslie Manookian, Kevin Corbett, Andrew Wakefield, David Crowe (RIP), Sheri Tenpenny, Jacob Levich, Tom Difernando, CJ Hopkins, David Rasnick, Alec Zeck etc.

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I've always considered that covid was a bad flu that got blown out of proportion to advance an agenda. I agree with a lot of what you've said but I wouldn't be too critical of the people in your first group, at least not of most of them. They were doctors who treated very sick people and realized that most of the very sick were elderly and those with certain comorbidities and responded and advised accordingly. Besides, we mustn't be divided or else we'll be conquered.

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Your implications here are disturbing. As I suggested you need to reconsider your biases and assumptions.

You seem to have fallen right into the trap that I described.

Criticism on an evidentiary basis should be levied against any and all. It doesn't matter who they are or what they did.

The "being divided" canard is one of the most absurd defense mechanisms out there. Are people supposed to stop talking about evidence and truths revealed based on that evidence.

Do you not recognize you are using the EXACT same dynamic used by those who who stifle dissent?

Go watch the most recent interview of Denis Rancourt by RFK.

RFK is floundering throughout the interview and Rancourt just dispassionately keeps peppering him with evidence. If the tables were turned, the names reversed of the script nobody would listen to Rancourt if he were saying the rubbish that RFK was. But RFK gets away with this becuase he is the sacred cow.

"We" mustn't worry about being divided we must simply keep seeking the truth.

And BTW the ones doing the dividing are precisely the Cole's and Kirsch's of the world.

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Right on! Again, since it was all part of a plan, this dispels the lab leak theory. If you were able to create a virus to wipe out the world, then why the rabid, fascist push to get jabs into every arm?!?! $$$$$+poison the populace!

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What are you saying? Laymen's terms . . . . why was RFK etc. wrong - about what? There being a pandemic?

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Right on! Again, since it was all part of a plan, this dispels the lab leak theory. If you were able to create a virus to wipe out the world, then why the rabid, fascist push to get jabs into every arm?!?! $$$$$+poison the populace!

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You’re judging and causing division. We don’t need that now. On the contrary, we need to stick together and go after the ones who went with this evil narrative knowingly and with complete lack of human apathy.

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I am judging- adults do this and can handle it.

The "causing division" canard is infantile.

Grow up please.

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No such thing as CV, coronaviruses YES, cover up for their awful air pollution affecting their citizens. Their people will need to detoxify (colds and flus) from that pollution as evidenced by their symptoms.

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The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

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Follow war stocks make a killing.

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Always follow the money. Check out how the pritzkers and plume health are profiting from trans drugs: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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Problem-Reaction-Solution- a time honored strategy. Follow that up with 'cash in' right before the fraud is fully known to the world. Move onto the next manufactured fraud.

The Virus™ has always been superfluous, all they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models and fraudulent PCR tests to manufacture the perception that there was an alien invasion.

Said it in early 2020- "Covid-19" is not a disease, it's a business plan.

They've been using this same pandemic investment strategy for over 30 years now- it's lucrative.

Even most of the "top tier" Covid dissenters fell for this crap and parroted the pandemic lie.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

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Very accurate and insightful analysis! I would only argue that the strategy of plandemics and vaccine development started much earlier and really took off from at least the time of Louis Pasteur; Pasteur was the Fauci of his day and equally a fraud who was more interested in recognition and feeding his ego than in real science discoveries; on the other hand, his contemporary Antoine Bechamp was a genuine medical scientist from whom Pasteur stole the most important discoveries; Pasteur's germ theory(which he recanted later in life) was the jump-start for the misguided direction of all future medical research which made vaccines the panacea for almost all human maladies(allopathic medicine); it was all about money fame and power and a medical and pharmaceutical hierarchy developed to control an industry of their own making and, of course geniuses such as Bechamp and his remarkable discoveries were vilified and buried in ignominy to this day.

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You are correct.

We are also not including one of the other huge aspects of the epidemic/pandemic paradigm in that it is manufactured to cover up the real life devastating consequences of the social system created by these psychotic millionaires/billionaires which is what is creating the diseases that then get lumped into the "viral/contagion" basket.

This serves to cover up the actual causes of disease (squalid living conditions, chemical pollution, etc.) AND creates yet another investment "opportunity."

I'm sure you already know all of this.

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Exactly right! Very astutely stated! And even that was known in Bechamp's time, especially when another contemporary by the name of Florence Nightingale made the discovery that countless lives could be saved by making environmental changes, both bodily and externally; she advocated for fresh air, pure water, sufficient food supplies, efficient drainage, cleanliness of the patient and environment and light(particularly direct sunlight): these alone saved more lives than any vaccine has ever saved; both she, and, of course, Bechamp, knew that a strong and healthy immune system(our bodies' environment) actually warded off bacteria and viruses which only became pathogenic or opportunistic when we had weakened and vulnerable immunity; as for "viruses" themselves, they have always been with us and a part of nature from the beginning of time and, invariably, it has been human interference, manipulation and greed that have upset the balance of natural evolutionary forces...the idea of 'gain of function' being one major example of 'gain of stupidity'!

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Exactly! (Again!) you and Tony Porcaro have summed it all up well! Causing fear over the Annual Respiratory Sickness season while covering up for their sins (GMO crap food, pollution in various forms, use of carcinogenic chemicals, meds, drugs, vaccines, etc.).

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Exactly! Now what do we (continue to) do to not comply and help it to backfire on these crises manufacturers?!

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Absolutely 🎯🎯🎯

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I’m late to this conversation, but I have a question that has perplexed me for a while. If C-19 wasn’t real, what is the whole wuhan lab leak deal all about? What was fauci funding, and what was it they manufactured, complete with genetic codes for aids? I am genuine in asking, because I am open to considering all sides, and you seem very knowledgeable.

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This publication is one of the few pure investigative news sites left on the planet.

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Thanks. Trying our best!

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also donated over $17M to Pfizer in 2017 for a 'Pneumonia' grant. Then in 2021, during Plandemic, look at how they had a new grant entitled 'Pneumonia & Pandemic Preparedness' and began donating under that grant topic name.


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Ask him about Jeffrey Epstein. 😁

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Unfortunately for gates, his bromance with epstein will be haunting him til he's decomposing in the ground housing the insects he wants the masses to eat.

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One wonders what inside information he had to so dramatically change his tune.

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He can see the reckoning coming and wants to avoid it...

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In the top ten most evil men on the planet? I think so. Who else ranks?

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Bill Gates. Klaus Schwab. Yuval Harari. Justin Trudeau. Jacinda Ardern. Biden (willing to risk nuclear war over a conflict he created). Obama (pulling the strings). Tedros Ghebreyesus (Gates's errand-boy at WHO), Albert Bourla. Stéphane Bancel. Maybe George Soros (globalist who's actively destroying USA in various ways). Lots more are equally satanic, IMHO.

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We must keep an eye on Kissinger. He seems to be the core of all wars and all groups. I think he is the lead of dark puppets. All politics came from here. Strange old all present figure/

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You're right, I forgot to add him. Henry Kissinger = Klaus Schwab's mentor. Too bad Kissinger was calling for Ukraine to negotiate and cede land a month or two ago, then he did a sudden about-face.

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Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron

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I would put Soros #1 or #2 on that list. And Bezos and Zukerbux in the top 5.

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2015: Gates said: ​“If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.”

2019: Gates invested $55 million in BioNTech, the German biotech developed the mRNA vaccine for Pfizer, which is now worth more than $550 million.

2019: Gates was a sponsor of Event 201, a simulation, which “Predicted” a global COVID pandemic.

2022: Gates sold some BioNTech stock, having made exorbitant $$$$ gains.


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Yeah. Event 201 was basically hyping up his share purchase.

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WOW, you are right ! Good thinking.

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And yet people fail to remember he made his fortune on mass production of an operating system so vulnerable to hacking, you had to constant pay to buy an "anti-virus" to ward off attacks of trojan apps. Oh...and the computers running the system were so bad--and cheap--they had to be replaced every couple of years. Profiting off other people's misfortune is his way of life. He absolutely does belong in Gitmo.

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We bought them didn’t we?

Wang had the cutting edge technology and Apple was superior to Microsoft.

Both took more smarts to use.

You had to keep replacing the computers because the software became more complex and required bigger more powerful processors.

A trash 80 wants the state of the art, and it replace something else that was once state of the art, will still do today everything it could do in the early 80’s, But who is going to look at Mono chrome screen today?

We went to the moon with less power in the computers on board than a handheld calculator of the mid 80s.

The programs had to be reloaded depending on what part of the mission you were on and that was done keystroke By keystroke - by hand. All of the program for the mission was on a stack of green bar about 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall.

I’m sitting here laughing knowing how few people are left in the world that understand what green bar is and how all I’ve got to do to find my peer group of geeks in a crowd to say “I’m stuck in a duel loop”!

Perhaps in 50 years the equivalent term would be information transfer around this place is a diode.

Any way ….

The back up computer to the first space shuttle mission was two Hewitt Packard 41CV handheld calculators mounted to a board and connected together with a cable.

Technology changes for whatever reason you pick what works best for you.

None of this is to say that gates is not God‘s tool being used his judgment against a pagan world.

If you really want to see “where we are and how we got here” and how it fits God‘s word to a T, I encourage you to go to sermonaudio.com search for Pastor John Weaver he has a 14 part message well worth the time by the same title all of the ills and sufferings of this country began in the 1860s with Abraham Lincoln and that is how God has judged and continues to judge this nation

If you think things have been bad in the past it’s about to get ugly .

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Bingo. Couldn't have said it better.

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The World Economic Forum ran their tabletop exercise of a proposed virus epidemic in October of 2029. They are so confident they are winning they just do it all out in the open. They advertise their plans well ahead of schedule. Believe WEF is a sort of advertising agency & central network for the people doing all this. The question remains - exactly how to counter their actions? Our complaining about them is impotent so far.

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So he dumped the shares at the end of 2021?

After a lot of us were vaxxed and the data was suppressed from us??!!

This guy has inside information and should be investigated. Bad vax data on the internet was scrapped and kept hidden from us. Why did he sell so early and we continued to be jabbed?!!

Children were jabbed later and he stayed silent!!!!! He is evil!!!!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Billy boy is a Eugenics Hell🔥 bent on Depopulation of the Sheep 🐑

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Bill Gate’s future should be the inside of a Gitmo cell!!

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Agree covid has been used for many nefarious purposes. Not so sure it’s just another flu bc I know people who had very mild cases, but after complete recovery had strange symptoms. Super rapid heart rates, difficulty breathing normally, felt energy drain from their bodies. Fast forward; after seeing “patriot doctors” (awake but not woke) the issues are revealed. A-Fib, oxygen not reaching lungs. X-rays showed the thick blood in the arteries - like “sludge” - micro clots that stick together.

Unlike anything seen previously; but after being on blood thinners & supplements lungs are clearing up. Some patients not even 25 yet. Something different hit them; doctors say they’re seeing this in those who had mild cases.

I know others who were healthy, no co-morbidities who were slammed with an illness unlike they’d ever experienced. Said it seemed “other-worldly.”

I, for one, considered Covid a type of flu. But seeing such situations close to home give me pause.

One thing is certain any cv19 shots are Russian Roulette; our family said NO! And stand firm.

I trust only a very few docs now bc too many followed the leader with no personal investigation. I want docs who question, collaborate w/ others, use their past experience & knowledge. Not jump on some unsteady bandwagon.

I even learned one of my docs didn’t take the shots after strongly advising me to! That’s done me in.

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Let's not be too pre-occupied with who knew what or when; the truth, the cold hard facts, will eventually come out, probably in the courts. Gates is one of the main perpetrators and financiers of the global genocide. He should be one of the first to pay for his crimes. Most importantly, we need unification to battle the globalist genocide cabal, stop the injection of the bioweapons, stop the next "plandemic" stop the takeover of humanity by the wealthy terrorists and restore this country as a republic under the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is of no value to criticize or question the knowledge or effort by individuals who are trying to shed light on the subject through their own training, perspectives, etc.

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