If anyone still remembers "The Beverly Hillbillies," I would suggest they watch the episode about "Granny's Complaint."

To remind everyone what happened: Granny Clampett created a "cure" for the common cold, which she labeled "Granny's Complaint." The "cure" was a gulp of a horrible-tasting "medicine," followed by plenty of rest and drinking lots of liquids, "and in a week to 10 days, you'll be back to new again."

In other words: The drug does no good; you just need to follow the normal recovery for the common cold.

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I always joked the reason they stressed taking Paxlovid within 5 days of developing symptoms is otherwise they'd go away on their own and you wouldn't give credit to the drug.

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I think you summed it up well, sir!

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The I Love Lucy Vitameatavegamin is more effective.

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I had that in mind, too. The big difference (to me) was that Vitameatavegamin was like snake oil: It was only designed to perk you up, rather than cure any disease. But that's just a technicality; it still made a great point.

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I had forgotten about that aspect of it. Thanks for the reminder!

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I think a lot about the time I had to visit the DMV in January 2020, right before the madness started. EVERYONE there was sick. The woman who helped me at the counter was sniffling and snorting, but assured me she was “feeling much better.” Half the employees were out sick. And everybody carried on as usual! No masks! No vaccines! No panic!

I feel like I’m part of the last generation who’ll remember when getting the flu was normal.

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People just enjoy being hypochondriacs and living in isolation. Covid-19 lies were so ridiculous there must have been wish fulfillment involved in the willfully stupid fools embracing the lies and hating the truth. The freaks will be happier spending their "lives" locked in sterile pods in solitary confinement forever.

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And I remember if a colleague came to work with a cold, they were hailed as a trooper, not someone to stay away from.

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This is stupid, Covid or not. I shouldn’t have to catch your cold because you don’t want to use your sick days.

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staying home and using sick days wasn't even my point, ReadingRainbow. The point was before the covid scamdemic no one was afraid of someone having a cold and continuing to go to work.

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I definitely had COVID in Feb 2020 and was at work every day. Several others in the office did too. We just thought it was a really bad cold and cough and chest pain. A couple people went to the doctor and tested positive for the flu, but I'm sure it was COVID.

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I feel exactly the same way. I had pneumonia at seven, and can remember being told later that recovering from it would strengthen my immune system for the rest of my life.

Then, just yesterday, I heard a commercial TWICE on the radio, with some smarmy "we're here for you" voice cajoling parents to get their infants vaxxed with Prevnar 13 for "pneumococcal pneumonia" (which, btw, seems a tad bit redundant), because It's The Season of Scary Infectious Diseases and we Must Protect Children.

THAT's what's scary.

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Respiratory infections are clearly not vaccine preventable. There is no evidence of efficacy or even evidence of a mechanism by which an intramuscular injection can elicit a significant mucosal immune response.

That's not my opinion. it's well established immunology.

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As one who has had no vaccines in over 50 years, I remain relatively healthy. I do not worry about getting a cold or flu because I believe it is my body doing its job of de-toxing.

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How funny, I'm working on an article that blows apart the latest "RSV" commercial that I saw.

One thing that I was surprised to learn this week is that many EMTs are mandated to get the flu shot every year (or wear a mask) -- and this began long before covid. It's no wonder that the jab industry has realized that mandates and government "customers" are the key to profits.

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I just got over several weeks of an annoying cough. It seemed like I would never get rid of it until it was gone. I feel stronger now because I let my immune system fight it on its own.

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“God gave you 3 arms, oh wait.....”

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Triple the fun, triple the death rate!

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The legalized drug cartels. Mexico’s got nothing on this.

The common cold? Oh so 5 minutes ago.

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i have a special needs / high risk young family member who is being cared for at a very noteworthy medical institution (nationally recognized for excellence). the poor child has RSV, and staff at the hospital want to vaccinate her with the new RSV shot...while she is battling the infection.

natural immunity still appears to be 'fake news' in some circles...despite the mountain of evidence pre-covid and since which validates its real & protective.

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Yep, another “winter of illness and death for the unjabbed”, indeed! Except that I and everyone else that I know who didn’t bite, are still here. And all doing just fine, like we did last winter.

Sadly, can’t say the same for several of the people I know who were all jabbed twice or more. The only serious health problems or deaths I’ve known in the past two years were all among the jabbed.

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Ah, another winter of illness and death for "the unvaccinated." When is Resident Briben giving his annual everyone must get vaccinated (or else) speech? I doubt the guy can even muster a few coherent sentences at his point without slobbering and soiling himself.

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Get the government OUT of the world of business!! Anything they touch will nearly always end badly.

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Too late! This country is a fascist state in full bloom. Recall that it was Reagan who signed off on giving immunity from liability to Pharma.

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"It was the best of times...it was the worst of times.....it was the age of foolishness.....Dickens

It was the age of ignorance, stupidity, greed, power, control, cruelty, liars,narcissists .............

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Demand is down? Well, duh! Haven't these vaccine-hawking idiots ever heard about the boy who cried wolf?

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I don’t know this, but the family veterinary mentioned all the vaccines are mRNA now

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Don’t forget the push to get expectant mothers to take the RSV “vaccine” NOW so her “baby won’t need to take it after birth.”

Seriously I heard that “save Granny” approach in a radio ad.

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