I think this obvious, comical, and amateur false story put out by US "intel" agencies is a clear admission that the US was behind the nord stream attack.

I was 98% sure before this fake explanation, but now I'm 100% sure.

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“Nothing is official until it is officially denied.”

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"We didn't do it" --> they probably did

"We categorically deny any involvement" --> they very likely did

"Zelensky did it" --> 100% confidence they did it

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Add to it that Biden said he would do it i.e. blow up the pipeline, months before. It's pretty had to deny under those circumstances. That was an insidious act of war - the same kind of despicable behavior they're using against Americans.

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I put more weight in admissions against interest than I do in self-serving nonsense.

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The [Old Gray] Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

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Susan Rice is gray? Gay maybe!

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Well, she is a "Woman of Color"....

No, the term Old Gray Lady is a nickname for the New York Times. No clue as to its origin though.

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Putin benefited the most from blowing up 3 of the 4 pipelines…Gazprom made record profits supplying less gas to Europe in 2022. That said, if Ukrainians did this they are the dumbest people on the planet…dumber than George W Bush and dumber than Putin!

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Putin is not stupid enough to destroy his paycheck.

Biden, otoh, is.

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Blowing up the pipeline gifted Putin billions of dollars in windfall profits…it more than paid for itself.

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The profits would have been greater if the capacity had been larger.

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Lol, no that’s not how commodity pricing works. Nice try.

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If that’s not how it works why did Russia build 4 pipelines then blow up 3? It would have been a LOT cheaper to just build one in the first place.

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Biden promised publicly to d.e.s.t.r.o.y. the pipeline. Nuland said the same prior to that. Iow, the Biden Admin planned and promised to take out that pipeline. There is no mystery of who did it. He PROMISED!

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And according to Nuland NS2 was “dead” months before it was sabotaged. Btw, NS2 is operable right now and yet from America’s perspective it is still “dead”.

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Not dumber than the idea that Putin destroyed a pipeline that he could simply have turned off the gas to.

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Putin is a dumbass but he’s actually done a good job of managing Gazprom so far. The pipeline being blown up ended up changing nothing and just resulted in a few more days of windfall profits for Gazprom.

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Sure thing. Biden's a dumbass, who is signing deals all over the world and seeing most of the energy and resource rich countries in the world, including NATO trading partners and neighboring countries, joining BRICS while Biden and the nimrods in the EU are out in the snow fighting themselves and watching their entire banking system collapse so they can support a circus clown of a former actor and their money laundering, ethnic cleansing operation that's circling the bowl. Sounds legit.

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We are energy dominant you halfwit.

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Maybe if you head back to where you slept through the past 10 years and keep telling yourself that in a dream, it will come true again. In this world however, the US government is starting proxy wars, attacking the energy infrastructure of allies, and destroying its internal economy and the wellbeing of its citizenry in an inept sanctions war trying to fix things so they can continue to pedal delusions like yours without appearing to be complete asshats. But clearly. You're the nimrod that knows better. Good luck with that.

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The Ukrainians are ruled by Washington....which is the birthplace of the dumbest people on the planet.

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I agree George W Bush is an idiot and we’ve been cleaning up his messes for the last 14 years. We spent $6 trillion and killed 7000 of our best and brightest because he convinced half of Americans that Islam gave terrorists superpowers.

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And Obama the peace prize winner killed more muslims than Bush ever dreamed about.

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He cleaned up after Bush really well doncha think?

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If you think Biden is brighter than Bush you are crazier than both of them.

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You are fucking moron. Go masturbate to Bush slaughtering innocent Muslims you worthless piece of shit!

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but not dumber than you!

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Don't feed the troll.

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Remember when you would masturbate to the sight of slaughtered innocent Muslims during the Bush regime’s asinine wars?? Bush killed twice as many Americans as Osama Bin Laden and you would have given a blow job right up until Trump told you how dumb he was in 2015!

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Dude, you have a problem .

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Laughable bullshit. If anything, they're talking about the CIA -- which is the US.

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A leftist said he saw Trump putting on a wetsuit.

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^ Media in a nutshell.

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perfect :-))

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We are energy dominant now which means it would be a Trump accomplishment you actually support! You don’t support Operation Warp Speed or his surrender to the Taliban or his two weeks to stop the spread or his sending lethal aid to Ukraine. ;)

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Look mommy, a whale! ;)

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Why would the CIA want to help Putin?? Blowing up the pipeline benefited Gazprom and had Hurricane Ian hit Louisiana and Europe had a harsh winter then Putin would have won this war.

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It was not the Ukrainian Navy. It was the J6 insurrectionists.

Danny Huckabee

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Obviously, Ron DeSantis with his SEAL connections and Trump took it out on Putin’s order.

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DeSantis loves torturing innocent Muslims!

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Evidence? I assume you're talking about prisoners at Gitmo.

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Gitmo was a joke. We degraded AQ by December 2001 and the so called Torture Report makes clear that torture was ineffective because the prisoners didn’t know anything. I know one prisoner was just the wrong Muhammad kidnapped from a random street corner.

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Maybe the misidentified Muhammad should consider himself lucky he wasn't shot on the street instead of arrested. S happens sometimes. Assuming there was a misidentified Muhammad. More people than I ever imagined before believe the earth is flat. So I'm pretty skeptical of what I read on the web...somewhat less skeptical if I know and trust the source.

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You are a true believer in the Deep State! Islam gives terrorists super powers and we need to spend $6 trillion and sacrifice 7000 of our best and brightest to stop Al Qaida. Man you are gullible! Lol.

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"The Taliban was taken down by a proxy force with connections to the Northern Alliance, according to the unnamed official."

See, journalism is easy.

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There is no doubt that the lying corrupt Obiden Administration was totally in on this, if not the orchestrator! Obiden bragged about it in a press conference before it happened.

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And it only took a month after the Hersh revelations to come up with this stupid-ass cover story?

We're seriously supposed to believe that some shadowy "pro-Ukrainian elements" (so totally not connected in any way with the US Navy and/or the regime in Kiev) just waltzed out into the Baltic Sea (aka "the Sixth Fleet's Private Lake") and committed an act of war and nobody noticed.

Do they seriously think we're this stupid?

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It’s not that easy to find the right pipeline on the bottom of the seabed in the middle of a vast sea, and be certain it’s the right pipeline…there’s no sign down there saying “this here is the Nordstream pipeline”. No, it’s likely the German government provided as-built pipeline survey drawings to the US who ran the show from there.

The Ukrainian SEAL story is utterly laughable.

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Yup, the "Ukrainian SEALs" just chartered a boat and set forth onto Sixth Fleet's Private Lake with nobody paying any attention, and oh looky here, they just happened to find the right pipelines and blow them up with No Help From Anyone. Meanwhile, these intrepid SEALs sneak off unobserved.

Nobody bothers to investigate or anything for months, just various Biden Admin flunkies gloating over the destruction of the pipelines but we all know that the US couldn't possibly be involved.

In the immortal words of the Alzheimer's Patient Himself: "Come on, man!" For my part, I would expect a more believable better cover story from a kitten.

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You make a good point here-why didn't or doesn't the New York Times do an investigation, instead of relying on others?

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Propagandists do not ask questions...they only print what they're told is the "official story."

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For the same reason that European governments don't bother to investigate - because they know that they would not like the answers that anything resembling honest or even plausible investigation might uncover.

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the EU is a disater. and we're cold.

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The EU is much more concerned with Ukraine or whatever its American master is worked over ATM than it is for its own citizens.

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The NY Times can't investigate just like the rogue Ukrainians didn't do this. Neither has, nor had, the equipment to go deep down in the Sea where the pipeline once was.

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The pipelines are still there. They just destroyed a section of it. But its full of seawater (at least brackish) now which isn’t a good thing metallurgically. If not repaired soon, it might not be repairable.

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NS2 is operable. The Russians will mothball the other 3 pipes and if Germany ever allows natural gas to flow through them Gazprom will make the same profit supplying less gas.

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The Germans had nothing to do with this. The US betrayed them by destroying their industrial capacity and main source of reasonably priced energy.

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most ordinary people liked the Russian gas and could afford it.

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I suspect Germany helped. Someone needed to provide precise location data. That would be either Russia, Germany or perhaps the company that laid the pipeline. My money is on the German government. Might explain why they won't say who did it, so they don't get called out themselves. It wasn't the Ukrainians.

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A couple points to consider:

If a "non-state" actor was responsible for the sabotage, by definition it could not be an act of war, and especially it could not be an act of war by the US and/or the NATO alliance.

The necessary skill sets to plant the explosives very likely exist within several private military contractors (the personnel of which are largely ex-Special Forces), as well as the many diving and underwater service companies found in Norway and Denmark (installing, servicing, and inspecting pipelines is what these diving companies do, after all). One of the weakest parts of the Hersh story is that presumably active duty USN personnel were used, when there are likely more than a few capable assets outside the military able to perform the sabotage while providing "plausible deniability" to the US government.

Ultimately, "plausible deniability" has little to do with what the general public believes, and everything to do with what politicians and diplomats can say to each other with a straight face without being called a liar.

As we've seen with the Trump-Russia "collusion" narrative, the J6 "insurrection" narrative, and the COVID Pandemic Panic Narrative, the level of credibility a narrative needs to establish is shockingly low.

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Biden said he would stop the gas. There’s not much room for plausible deniability.

The “new narrative propaganda support agency” appears to be out in force now.

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Funny how that logic didn't apply to Afghanistan after 9/11.

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We aren't stupid.

But They are:


Again. ;)

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Yes, yes they do think we're that stupid.

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This sounds like something the Babylon Bee would come up with!

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The Babylon Bee story would be much more believable.

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The US needed an unfalsifiable legal fig leaf, however implausible, that its vassal nations could pretend to believe. But why didn’t the neocons have one ready to deploy when Hersch published? Did they really not think this one through? Or is this desultory, month-late explanation yet another way of showing contempt for world opinion?

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The "adults are back in charge!"

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I didn’t know the Ukrainians were sophisticated enough to have Navy Seals . . . Especially being landlocked.

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If you look at a map you'd see how utterly absurd this transparent misdirection is. To sail from Ukraine to the Baltic you would have to cross the Black Sea, go through the Istanbul Canal and Dardanelles Strait, across the entire Mediterranean and out through Gibraltar, then sail north through the English Channel, up around Denmark and past Sweden and finally into the Baltic.

Picture an old Mad Magazine "Spy Vs. Spy" comic and you'd have a better sense the chances of Zelenskey pulling this off.

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As for the Navy Seals, the only seals in Ukraine likely bounce beach balls off their noses and not C-4.

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Ukraine is not landlocked. However, Ukraine has no access to the Baltic Sea.

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I’m surprised they didn’t name Trump and white Christian nationalists as the funding sources - that would complete the trifecta!

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US taxpayers funded it.... unknown to them of course.

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The American LNG industry greatly benefited from the sabotage and America is now energy dominant which one of Trump’s primary goals. Oh, and the American progressive climate change movement is dead now…all because the pipelines were sabotaged.

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Ukrainian Navy Seals.

Sabotaged the

Big Gas Pipe.


A four year old child could concoct a

more convincing lie.

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Biden is little better than a 4 year old.

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I like you.

You get my jokes.


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You Trump supporters are such whiny little bitches…he stole my election!! I hates him! Lol.

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Yep, and it just leads to America becoming the Saudi Arabia of LNG and the American climate change movement being obliterated….Victoria Nuland is a McCain at the center of this—she isn’t a Democrat!

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Yeah, right... I have some swamp land.. ROGUE LOL

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Is it just me, or when you hear the term "Ukrainian Navy" do you visualize something closer to "McHale's Navy"?

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There's an old joke about the Polish Navy that had screen doors for their subs. Aka they had no subs. Same with Ukraine. Screen door subs.

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More like the Village People singing "In the Navy."

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They’re not even good liars anymore.

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Well, finally, the USA gets something for our $113 Billion given to Ukraine -- We get to blame their frogmen for blowing up the Nord stream pipeline. It takes some of the suspicion off of us, while giving the Ukranian Navy credit for something that was waay beyond their abilities.

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We are energy dominant and the American climate change movement has been decimated thanks to Putin’s senseless invasion…we’ve made out better than even China that now has Putin as a gimp!!

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Geopolitical moves based on Putin as the strongman gives him far too much credit. You are fighting in the wrong direction.

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It's intended to demoralize us, as Solzhenitsyn pointed out. Our overlords know that there's nothing we can do about their obvious lies, so it's part of their keeping us in "learned helplessness".

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