Are people this STUPID???? I knew nearly 3 YEARS ago that this was a scam/farce. And I lost my job for it, after 23 YEARS!

The swab my employer wanted me to put in my nose (weekly) has a carcinogen on it, from CHYNA!

I’m not going to be “nice”...f**k all of these insane, evil psychopaths!

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Indeed. Thanks for your courage.

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God the Father is working through all of us.

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Get a lawyer

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Surely you jest! I took early retirement, I didn’t have a choice. I’m not wasting my money (what’s left of it), or time on this evil. It’s a losing battle, I’m sorry to say.

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Got it

But keep ur powder dry and ur documents handy.

Within a couple years it's gna be the ambulance chasing event of the millennium.

We win or you don't pay.

Don't support tart reform.

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Sep 23, 2023
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YES INDEED! I focus on my Father in Heaven. It’s all about Him and His Will…only!✝️🌞

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I guess this is just like Apple’s “Designed by Apple in California “ which used a state to bypass any “in USA” problems.We are about to see one of the most subversive advertising campaigns for the Covid vaccine,the 2 shots at the same time ,I hope nobody orders these tests and flu vaccine uptake falls by a huge margin.Once the government realizes they are getting a huge difference in what people say they are going to do ,then actually do,they realize they are getting the “cartoon “ version of reality.

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Patrick B. : I was watching the KC Chiefs vs Chicago Bears game on TV today. I was shocked and surprised to see the KC Chiefs tight end Kelce in a TV ad for the "two shots at once (flu and Covid shots). He proudly showed two bandages on his large left arm.

And to make matters more cringe worthy, his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, kept being shown on TV up in the luxury suite cheering on her buff boyfriend, Kelce.

Is there no escape from all this bullshit?

I turned off the game and went outside to sit in the afternoon sunshine.

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Come on, get with.

Americans pay for it.

Then it's an American product.

That's the new standard


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What is "The Big Guy's" percentage? Is it the usual 10 percent or has he graduated to something higher; say 20 percent?

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I will never forgive Trump for doing nothing after China unleashed a bioweapon into our country!!

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Pangolin: I thought Trump was the bioweapon.

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He was after he and Melania would eat KFC and they would emit KFC farts that spread Covid….those were super duper spreader events…stinky and deadly. ;)

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Pangolin: I had a friend who worked at KFC back in the 1960s. He told me very funny, if a bit horrific, stories about the place.

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Don't forget, it's 10% for the big guy, but also 10% for his brother Jim and 20% for Hunter.

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COUPLE THIS with the illegal warehouse Chinese "covid test kit" manufacturing bio-lab where dozens of PATHOGENS were also found...NO WAY I would TOUCH one of those "covid tests"!


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My guess is that these new "test kits" will be skewed toward giving plenty of false positives. This will bring up the "protection for your own good" mind-set within the Biden regime. They'll attempt to do the exact thing that started as "two weeks to flatten the curve" during the Trump administration, but they'll promise to make any closures open-ended while having no basis in fact to justify such draconian policies.

It will be The Long Emergency for everybody. You know; for your own good.

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I know it's a hot topic to speak to China/Covid etc. but the reality is that the US giving money to China/Korea/India for all manner of things Covid racketeering really doesn't tell the reader anything.

The real question is, "Who are the investors that run the operation?"

So for example how did AccessBio get started and who are the majority shareholders? You can locate the place on Mars and say the US is giving $x,xxx,xxx,xxx to our enemies the Martians but the questions remains who controls the flow of money and the direction of investments.

The answer is large multinatiional investments houses like Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard etc. who run their programs through the WHO, UNICEF, GATES FOUNDATION, BLOOMBERG etc...

From ACCESS BIO site:

"Based on the greatest needs and the potential to do the most good, we work with partners across the world, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and many others."

BTW the Gates Foundation provided ACCESS BIO with seed money.

Whether it's Shanghai billionaires or US philanthro-capitalist parasites it's a game that has no national allegiance to anything other than profit maximization.

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Like the proverbial $200 dollar DoD toilet seat but worse in that they don't work and hardly anyone wants them. And BTW, what line item for this was voted on by Congress? Such idiocy is rife throughout the government. No wonder we're broke.

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There is an anti-vax movement growing big time and the WH is panicking... lots of ‘distractions’ out there too, hmmmmm 🤔

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Holy bleep...

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The Chinese company that was hiding an illicit biolab in a warehouse in California with thousands of humanized mice was tied to another Chinese company that had produced test kits (some of which were recalled by the FDA.) Nothing to worry about though. I'm sure all these other Chinese testing kit companies are totally reliable.

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🎵And the grift goes on....🎵

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Uh, just like you can't be "somewhat pregnant," there's no such thing as a medical test that works "some of the time" or "particularly well." Either a test works or it doesn't, and if it doesn't work 100% of the time, then it is useless.

Wait! You might ask, "Don't all tests have an error rate?" or "Isn't 99% accurate good enough?" Again, this is a fundamental misunderstanding based on decades of Western medicine being incompetent.

Let me put it this way - if you built a nuclear bomb, but your safety check systems were only 99% accurate, would that be okay? The same question goes for a submarine that is 99% airtight. What if a commercial jet's engine only worked 99% of the time? What if a potentially cancerous biopsy at a pathologist's office only was accurate 99% of the time? Etc, etc.

These at-home Covid tests are USELESS. They literally do nothing that a Magic 8-ball (the toy made by Mattel) can't do.

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If government could stop wasting money on frivolous endeavors, we could all get back 25% of our taxes paid to these spendthrift con artists.

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Crixcyon: I want ALL of my tax money back. I don't want my earnings stolen in the first place. Congress can sell lemonade on the sidewalk for money.

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Great information Jordan, especially for the great unwashed majority that are totally ignorant regarding the sources of these vaccines...

I don't believe there has been any or much information on this latest " flu" episode, other than that it is minimal at worst so far.

Is it possible for this WEF mob together with the equally inept and corruptly controlled WHO to impose nonsensical measures to shut things down again ???

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We deserve everything we get...

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