We're living in cloudcoocooland! I can't believe ANYONE would get this shot, let alone give it to their baby and/or toddler, or child of any age for that matter! I keep thinking the house of cards will be eminently collapsing, but it goes on month after month.

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This boosting of antibodies through repeated transfections with antiquated spikes is like attempting to thwart a hangover by continuing to drink.

Not to mention that whatever antigen-specific response that has been cemented is in all likelihood not overwritten by the new shot.

I was generally hopeful the emergence of omicron (with milder disease) would signal the end of this 'vaccine' stupidity. That was f'in naive.

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Your liking it to drinking away a hangover is perfect: as long as you can stay drunk you won't feel the hangover.

It's just that eventually, alcohol poisoning will kill you.

This will continue as long as the bought and paid for politicians and regulators are in office, and profits are good.

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Your last sentence was my hope too.

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New headline: "Moderna's upcoming toxic shot was formulated to bleed the public (literally) and continue the Covid racketeering scam."

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Dec 26, 2021 - It's worse than not effective. See: Study Suggests That Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Selection Triggered Disease Enhancement in Delta and Its Spread https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/study-suggests-that-moderna-and-pfizer

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Of course Moderna isn't going to release their Omicron vaccine: they've still got a bunch of the original vaccines in stock. Once the Omicron vaccine is released, who would buy the original & now superseded version? That's basic business sense because, after all, this has nothing to do with public health or 'doing the right thing'.

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Nobody knows what's actually in any of these gene therapies. There is zero quality control.

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That's why they're calling all of them "Omicron" now so people will think it's still the same.

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I've been wondering why we seem stuck on the same Greek letter for this long!

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Has a nice ring to it?

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When they first announced their desire to make an omicron-specific shot, I figured by the time it came out, omicron would be gone and the shot would be useless.

I am pretty sure that's what happened, they have just decided to stick any new variants under a generic "omicron" umbrella, so they don't tip off the normies to the scam.

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This was 100% predictable; I realized this would happen as soon as they announced it. They aren't even really pretending anymore to be doing "science"; they're going to just keep riding this gravy train until it runs out (if it ever does given the numbers of utterly gullible public who will just keep injecting themselves with whatever Big Pharma tells them they need to).

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Absolutely! They're like, "Some people want it, so lets give it to them." No TRUE consideration for safety or efficacy whatsoever. It's plain as day.

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I believe they are jamming the pediatric vaccines through the authorization process in hopes of getting them added to the CDC schedule for kids.

Once they are on the schedule, then pharma is truly off the hook for liability, and all responsibility transfers to the govt.

The CDC knows kid vaccines for COVID are unnecessary. The FDA knows kid vaccines don't work.

But they are pushing for them anyways, because they want to help their pharma pals.

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It's unfortunate but true that we are witnessing evolution in real time. The gullible are naturally selecting. If they are parents that allow or encourage their children to be jabbed then we will in all likelihood experience reduced future birthrates = less demand for the earth's resources and "climate change" emission reduction targets can be met.

Yawn... the script has already been written. It's all so predictable.

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The beauty of this vaccine is that it also has some of the original Wuhan genome in it, so you can still get your body to produce the prion-like domains that are absent in current Omicron strains.

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We have already had THE TURNING POINT in the war against Covid. It was in April 2021 when the first vaccines were released. Just look at our all cause mortality data and the excess death rates since then. The turning point was vaccines killing more people than Covid.

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You guys need to re-enact the Boston Tea Party, soon as. Call it "The DC shot party" or something.

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Doesn't matter that the vaccines are made for no longer circulating strains. Only the profits matter. And an up to date vaxx pass. What's worse some people could really care less. Here's what one of my friends said (after her 4th shot in 1 year):

'I don't care. As long as I can do what I have to do'.

I don't think she's giving much consideration to how long she'll be able to do it.

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I am shocked that you think there was ever a virus let alone anything to genome sequence when Dr David Martin extensively exposed the con and the 73 patents for so called sars going back to 2003, https://journals.asm.org/doi/epub/10.1128/JCM.02248-07 And the CDC admitted a year ago that the so called original virus is an invented cold then they invented the PCR's.

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Hi, yes, absolutely- a lot of half truths are going around.

I didn't know that Celia Farber was on here, I think she's brilliant and in the brilliant House of Numbers https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom


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Anyone still getting these shots just doesn’t understand and is being sold a snake oil salesman’s most profitable concoction.

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Man not to mention that now that it’s approved for toddlers, it will become extremely difficult to come after these douche bags as they will be experiencing absolute protection from law suits due to it being on the vax schedule which is where they want to be.

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All 'variants' no longer exist as they did not exist in the first place, as it impossible for any variant of non-existent viruses to exist.

There are no 'vaccines' due to non-existence of viruses.

Therefore, any and all 'vaccines' are nothing more than toxins sold to believers creating massive profits for a totally fraudulent 'industry'.

Germ theory is, and always has been, the bedrock of massive fraud for the enrichment of criminals.

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News flash: That's how all flu shots have always been, besides being a scam in the first place, as well as destructive to immune health.

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