Praise God! Hopefully the trend will spread here to Canada. We have a country-wide trucker protest going on this weekend, and rallies in a bunch of cities. Good on the UK!

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joining the protests!

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I hope the people of our fair country see the truckers for who they are- Frustrated hard working people ready to make a difference, not what the media will portray them as- Racist yellow vest thugs.....

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Yes let's hope. I for one hope and pray the most tyrannical governments follow such as Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Australia, and my own lovely totalitarian state of Canada.

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Lauterbach is going nuts! 🤦‍♀️

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And here I sit wishing Canada was still a british colony.

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If only being part of the monarchy still meant something

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This is EXACTLY what needs to happen here in the states. Enough of the BS already.

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While the Canadian bunch of ignorant uninformed political clowns are going the other way, adding restrictions, closing all indoor dining, completely ridiculous and misguided, with no attempt to become informed and end the madness, as omicron shows every sign of being a mild and immunity providing nothing burger.

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There's strong evidence most of the "covid" deaths in the UK were due to deliberate Midazolam overdoses and Do-Not-Resuscitates. The real motive for the 2019 COVID hoax was financial- can't believe this story isn't being widely reported:



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In NYC per the governor’s orders , 911 calls for cardiac arrests were declared DNRs .. first responders were not allowed to resuscitate or transfer these patients to hospitals. These monsters have so much blood on their hands it is my sincere wish that they choke to death on it.

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The US not only had the neglected nursing home deaths but they also forced the hospital protocol of remdesivir and Ventilation by Fauci and the NIH. The studies on remdesivir was a clear failure and at 5 doses you begin to have kidney damage The protocol is 5 doses. Japan, India, and China all use HCQ, Chloroquine, or Ivermectin instead of Remdesivir. China tried to do a proper study and the WHO covered it up. https://time.com/5826618/remdesivir-leaked-data-who-website/

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Also to note there was a strong Eugenic DNR streak in the UK. From Downs to dyslexia some people in hospital were shocked to learn they had a DNR! Save the NHS by letting defective people die! Wonderful.

Anyone remember the Oxford Covid risk assessment web page? It specifically asks about Downs and LD. because they let them die and it made it look like they were risk factors for covid deaths. And in a perverse way they ARE.


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Mikey, I have a mentally disabled brother. He lives at home with family (here in England) and is in very good physical shape, only a year older than me. I did the oxford risk calculator for both of us and his risk came out as three times higher than mine. Obscene.

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Boris is running for political cover. Let’s hope that the British people aren’t as forgetful as the American people. He needs to be disposed of politically, ASAP.

The people of the west are so alienated from history (courtesy of their government school education) that they can’t even look back as far the last news cycle to inform their current decision making. A little over a year ago, we had a President that encouraged us to stay positive and to realize that we had nothing to fear from Covid. His puddle brained opponent said the message was crazy... we should be very afraid. We chose the “be cowardly and trust the government” message. Do you think that we will be able to look back and see how wrong we were?

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We can take the win, but the truth is it was only a political move. BJ caved to save his political career after getting caught breaking his own rules. The same happened with the Gov of Michigan when she dropped the mask mandate. It is not a case of the facts and reason triumphing over the failed policies.

But now the politicians have a bigger problem. They invested so much in scaring a large part of the population, they risk losing their support if they give up on the story too early. BJ has nothing left to lose. Politicians in other countries are not in that situation and thus have motivation to continue the scam.

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What we are dealing with is the greatest betrayal of trust that has ever happened in human history. Short overview of what happened, how it happened, and possible directions where things might progress into.


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It is still full Nazi here in Placid Perth - Australia. People just do as they are told, especially when their liberties are threatened. I dont see any slowing down here. Another consideration might be that Boris' retraction is simply a hiatus before the next lunge of freedom curtailing measures - a common tactic from the totalitarian playbook.

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The entire Plandemic is a Lie, premeditated vaxx Genocide

Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us

The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 depicts Coronavirus officially discovered in 1965



The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols


The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation:


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Boris is part of a larger picture of the complete failure of the British conservatives to rise to the historical occasion since probably the 19th century.

They bought hook line and sinker into the Gates-funded Imperial College nonsense leaving absolutely no meaningful opposition, the way there has been in the USA.

It ended up being Corbyn trying to take a stand for the right of people to work and live. When your country's most prominent socialist is on the front lines of arguing for freedom something has gone horribly wrong.

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The only reason they did this is to take the focus off of the Partygate scandal. Look for something similar to happen in the US when they need a massive distraction or try to boost the votes for the ruling party.

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Sunk cost fallacy is the LEAST of the crimes made by these clowns.

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true, but it's a tangible argument and painful for them to have to admit it.

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Isn't too early to celebrate? They have reversed position before. Until this madness is halted across the EU, CA, and US it is not over.

Two days ago at the World Economic Forum the Moderna CEO, Fauci et al. discussed their plans to create a combined Corona, Flu, and RSV mRNA vaccine to be rolled out in 2023, and an updated vaccine to be ready to Fall of 2022. They are working on 20 additional viruses that they are going have vaccines ready to roll out in the years that follow.

They will need vaccine passports as a tool to make this happen.


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It shows why we are in this mess: the Labour Party would have been more hardline!

People just react, rather than act. Thus they are making themselves very manipulatable!

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