There IS a cure for COVID. It's called "early treatment."

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and because there are early treatments, there's no need for an EUA/Emergency Use Authorization nor untested, experimental inoculations.

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Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone Institute has a really revealing essay about our response to Hong Kong flu back in the 60s, with a higher death rate than COVID. That was the summer of Woodstock.

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powerful article by William Engdahl who brings up an analogy with the treatment of polio and the abuse of power by the medical establishment - https://tapnewswire.com/2022/07/toxicology-vs-virology-rockefeller-institute-and-the-criminal-polio-fraud-f-william-engdahl/

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Okay, I've read this now. The essay is scientifically illiterate.

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"The essay is scientifically illiterate." For example, Linda?

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The polio virus was isolated and visible on slides in 1908.

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Whose 'science' do you believe and quote?

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Science that is backed up by data and replicated.

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The only cure is to be dead, boosted 100x, or committed to an asylum.

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Actually the real cure is to laugh and say "that doesn't even exist" and voila you don't have it. Because it definitely doesn't exist and you definitely don't have it. It's really no more complicated than that.

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Yep, pretty well sums it up. Keep telling the big lie is the process. And guess what? About half the people in the west still believe and do so fervently. They have all the shots, can't wait for the next one and still drive around with a mask on alone in their cars. That's what you are up against. These folks are in a cult and will not change their minds .. ever. So I say pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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.....and DO NOT COMPLY

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this is a global phenomenon and disaster.

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My father just said to me last week that the way the vaccines reduced death was a miracle. He's conveniently forgotten that the vaccine was promised to do a lot more than reduce death, in favor of hanging on to the miracle meme. And I didn't even start on how it almost certainly didn't even do that, just the causes of death are more diffuse.

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He could have had much cheaper, safer miracle with Ivermectin. It reduces Covid death as well - without all the nasty side effects.

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

There is a cure and it's called "immune system".

You can't have a cure for a made-up disease. Coronaviruses cause common cold in humans. Patients completely recover from colds and flus and whatever complications they can cause. All those conditions existed prior to 2020, human kind was affected by coronaviruses for the entire human history and it didn't go extinct because "there is no cure for a common cold". This is so extremely absurd! Treat cold and flu early, don't pop pills for "comfort" and to suppress mild fever and you're going to be fine. But one thing is true, you can't cure stupid.

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Thank God for HCR, IVR, Zn, NAC, and Vit D.

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Vit. C

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The cure for what ails we the people is a good healthy dose of suspicious nature. We just got a great two year+ journey into what happens when we trust the old kleptocrats.

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I'm thankful for my innate suspiciousness!

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An "almost" good comment, "KW", spoiled by your unnecessarily, wrongfully and unjustly inserting a word that betrays far more about your deeper thoughts than your realise. Neither Birx nor Zuckerberg, nor pretty much all the 'cancellers' working at Big Tech' (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) are, by any reasonable standard, "old." You need to clean out your imprinted feminist/leftist ideologies and become a thinker free and independent of your brainwashed biases...

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And likely never will be. There is no cure for the common cold.

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Science says that maintaining good health and natural immunity are your best hedges against coronaviruses.

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The exact text from my sister in law on 9/10/21. A nurse anesthetist. “If we had great treatments for viruses we wouldn’t have the flu, common cold, HIV, hepatitis, etc, etc. The development of an effective vaccine in a ridiculously short time was a miracle of modern medicine and a gift to be sure.”

She who also wouldn’t let her female teenager be treated with accutane bc of what it might do to her eggs.

I can’t make it make sense.

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on just the first point, I kind of wonder about that. I mean, if HCQ, Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, dexamethasone, Pepcid AC and certain other common drugs really do work well against SARS-CoV-2, then there should be an effective multi drug protocol for the common cold too.

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Zinc acetate lozenges https://youtu.be/-ZAyx8cDUKU

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For the common cold, zinc acetate lozenges https://youtu.be/-ZAyx8cDUKU

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False, there is a cure, it's called being healthy. Pandemic of modern sick people.

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"...hoards of doctors and scientists"

Should be "hordes", not "hoards"

"...a cure for a coronavirus remains undiscovered."

You mean: "an effective vaccine for a coronavirus remains undiscovered." And there will never be an effective vaccine for any coronavirus, they mutate too rapidly etc. The whole thing was a scam from the get-go, as was well-known by the hordes of doctors and scientists who sold their souls to the devil and sold the Official Narrative to the public.

A powerful and incisive article.

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There are cures, they just aren't patentable, therefore they must be demonized and suppressed.

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but there is a cure!

in fact there are several!

ivermectine+ and hydroxychloroquine+ both do what a cure should do: end the disease in a sick person.

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is there anyway to parse out omicron vaccine evasion vs alpha/beta/delta vaccine waning?

i appreciate covid data was deliberately botched from the start in the usa - hospitalization/death with vs for - mostly related to perverse incentives offered to hospitals.

i ask because you hear acceptance from many cov-idiots that , currently "the variants are evading the vaccine, but still protect against hospitalization & death..."

but - it appeared to many that the jabs wanning ability to neutralize infection was apparent with many of the 2x jabbed catching delta

in the grand scheme of things, this is not a tremendously important data point to parse out, but i bring it up because 95% effective against symptomatic disease was based on only 3 months worth of data in the clinical trials...then they ended the control group among other egregious errors

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

"i bring it up because 95% effective against symptomatic disease was based on only 3 months worth of data in the clinical trials...then they ended the control group among other egregious errors .."

The trials - and thus the 95% effective bs - were also fraudulent.

The other reason they shouldn't be allowed to get away with the 'the variants are evading the vaccine' mantra is because this falsely implies that their 'vaccines' were effective against the original strains (they were not, at least not beyond any significant period). This mantra falsely makes it sound like theirs was a noble effort sadly defeated by the pesky variant, rather than being utterly ignoble from the get go.

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It’s funny how the “opposition” still clings to the idea that they ever worked to any extent, especially in light of all the fraud uncovered regarding the clinical trials, and the questionable reporting practices afterwards.

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"95% effective" was also Relative Risk Reduction, not Absolute Risk Reduction. The whole thing was/is a fraud that enabled the greatest crime against humanity in history.

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There is no Covid. There is no covid. There is no covid.

It's just a clever marketing and coercion campaign that many people, almost 3 years into the thing, are still falling for. We are still no closer to understanding that there is no covid than we were in 2019.

'The deaths seen Spring 2020 with a median age of 83, following 5 years of low excess deaths, and labelled as one disease ‘covid’ were not caused by a virus. They were caused by loneliness, isolating the elderly in care homes away from friends, family and human contact, discharging the sick from hospital, the use ventilators, midazolam and remdesivir and the pollution in many cities, especially in smog filled Wuhan and Northern Italy. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing

And of course a non-specific test for RNA fragments and proteins never shown to come from a virus.

The 'miracle cure' is hugging, family, nutrition, fresh air, exercise and avoiding medications and doctors.


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PCR is not, nor ever was, a test. It is a manufacturing process. When you do a PCR test and find COViD, what you actually did was make something and call it Sars COV 2. The PCR control standard isn't even Sars COV 2. They attempted a very shitty version of Koch's postulates and sequenced the so called Sars COV 2 sequence, put it in multiple human cell lines and it didn't infect anything. This was published in a peer reviewed study by the CDC in the NEJM in May of 2020. There is not a single scientific fact supporting the Sars COV 2 fairy tale and mountains of evidence to say that it's bunk. Of course there is no COVID. I'll challenge everyone here to seek out one single shred of evidence that there is. Besides words on TV or fanciful stories from people with a direct profit motive, you will not find it. Just as there is no substantive evidence of any virus causing any illness in 100+ years of asserting it as fact. 'The Science' is actually a complete lack of any science or evidence or proof whatsoever.

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Right on with your statement!

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