A 'highly effective' hoodwink: 3 years later, there remains no functional cure for a coronavirus
There is no functional vaccine for a coronavirus and there never has been one.
There are many difficult technological and medical problems that have yet to be resolved and conquered by the best and brightest minds in science. Despite claims to the contrary, with almost three years since the first reported COVID-19 case, a cure for a coronavirus remains undiscovered.
At the onset of COVID Mania, doctors and scientists were very forthcoming about the reality that there had never been a cure for a coronavirus, and that it wouldn’t be wise to expect one anytime soon. Moreover, the idea that one would be developed in a matter of months, or even years, was largely a pipe dream, we were told.
Then suddenly, in a moment’s notice, the “breakthrough” happened. The “mRNA miracle” was found, thanks to this innovative technology (at least, according to the English language version of the cure story. China, Russia, and other major powers never used mRNA, but they also told their citizens that what amounted to a cure was discovered).

A matter of mere weeks into the first designated COVID-19 death, Pfizer (through BioNTech) and Moderna declared that they were in possession of a functional vaccine, which, according to the understanding of the average American, amounted to a sterilizing cure. It sure seemed strange that these pharma outfits, according to their own company timelines, solved a once unsolvable problem in a matter of days and weeks (both Moderna and Pfizer claimed to have developed their COVID vaccines in January of 2020). Even more strange was the reality that both BioNTech and Moderna had never rolled out a single product to market. So the language had to be transformed to resolve these issues.
The carefully crafted messaging campaign informed us that the global scientific community brought its best minds together to conquer this problem. It was, according to this herculean persistence story, a collective breakthrough that amounted to a scientific miracle.
It was all a heaping serving of nonsense, but the sales pitch worked.
The miracle breakthrough was here. Now, all we had to do was stay locked in our homes indefinitely like compliant sheep and stay away from our fellow human beings until the cure could be rolled out to the masses. Enter: Operation Warp Speed.
I don’t need to elaborate much on what happened over the next couple years because we all lived through this experience with COVID Mania rule. In short, almost everyone complied, under the impression that they had injected the cure into their arms, and were thereafter declared “fully vaccinated.”

Through manipulated data and statistics, corrupt and deceitful government and private “Public Health” enterprises maintained the cure narrative as long as possible. However, it soon became impossible to continue to claim the shots were effective at preventing COVID-19, so they challenged the commonly understood definition of a vaccine, and reoriented the message to claim it would keep you out of the hospital. Fast forward to today and the goal posts have moved to something along the lines of “four shots of mRNA will make you more likely to die with COVID-19 more peacefully.”
The mRNA (or whichever version of the “vaccine” you took) didn’t do anything to solve the virus problem, but it’s important to keep that narrative alive. For Pfizer and Moderna, among others, including the reputations of global superpowers, the continuation of the “miracle breakthrough” narrative
is essential both to the bottom line and to the political ego. If the truth were to get out to too many people, governments would have to be held responsible, and they would most certainly stop buying mRNA snake oil, resulting in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits that would vanish to zero overnight. Worse, there could be criminal and political repercussions for their serial misrepresentations and outright deception.
We were fooled and outright hoaxed by a pharmaceutical and Government Health mafia, which leveraged hoards of doctors and scientists to commit reputational seppuku in endorsing the “miracle cure” narrative to the masses.
We don’t have a miracle cure. There was never a breakthrough in combating a coronavirus. It was all just a clever marketing and coercion campaign. Almost three years into this thing, we are no closer to the cure to a coronavirus than we were in late 2019.
There IS a cure for COVID. It's called "early treatment."
The only cure is to be dead, boosted 100x, or committed to an asylum.