Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Incredible to look back and see how crazy they were. Nice article Jordan! I have to admit I kind of bought into the 2 weeks to slow the spread but I never changed my lifestyle and kept going into work. Also I’m not a doctor. What blows my mind is how few doctors spoke up early to explain how viruses actually transmit and how everything we were lead to believe was wrong. We need to hold these people accountable.

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IT is amazing that so many writers now claim the terror is over and in the past .For starters the poison in the body of billions is doing it's job of maiming and killing ,now and into the future .Our exterminators have managed to put the nightmare on autopilot for now ,but much worse is just around the corner .Almost all governments are accomplices of the extermination programs ,run by the criminal organisations ,such as the W.H.O. the W.E.F. the Bill and Belinda Gates foundation , all thee letter big pharma bribed and owned outfits .In May there is a vote of the governments who are members of the W.H.O. to hand over all decision making authority to the W.H.O. So Tetros Schwab ,Gates etc. will run the world as dictators .A number of other nightmares are becoming reality at the same time .

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Thank you Kathleen for agreeing with me ,what the present and the future holds for us .

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Doctors have been dumbed down too. I am not a Dr but an aware human being who knew that something was wrong 40 years ago and got styeadily worse. There were people in various countries who felt we were going backwards.

I remember having discussions about how the medical World had changed - that was over 20 ++ years ago. And convesations with perfect strangers when I travelled- we agreed that the World was more materialistic but going so so backwards in so many areas-many vital ....

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How do you think viruses actually transmit? Just curious... virusesarenotcontagious.com

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When it’s your time it’s your time and there isn’t much you can do to avoid catching it. But most people are not susceptible to viruses at one moment in time so hospitals normally will not get overwhelmed.

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Viruses and manmade viruses are not transmissible/contagious/indiscriminatory as they are NON-LIVING, or we all would be sick all the time without a break! Viruses are created by your own cells when the disease state of your body dictates that it needs toxin detoxification. Science admits that toxicity, pollution, obesity, smoking, etc. cause a person to have an increased chance of producing viral illness. Sooooo that tells you the BODY dictates viral replication, not viruses… There is a way to get a manmade virus and that is through INJECTION, which was their goal. Sadly.

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I’m not against the idea that viruses live in our bodies and can be “activated.” The Antarctica expedition would seem to validate some of your points when all of a sudden people on the expedition came down with colds after 3 months of no sickness. At a minimum our understanding of viruses is a work in progress. And I’m starting to question all vaccines.

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DL, in Anthony Williams the medical medium books, he points out that all viruses are mandmade. They are grown with eggs, which is why people who eat a lot of eggs will more likely have activated the viruses, but only if you happen to have the bad viruses in your body. What needs to happen is the end of bio terrorism labs. It all goes back to the days when homeopathy and herbal medicine ruled and was crushed to make way for the "new" medicine of the day.

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You are confused and that is not surprising with how much indoctrination we have been subjected to for so very long by big medicine and big pharma. Check out source: virusesarenotcontagious.com to learn the function of viruses. 1.) our very own cells, site specific depending on in which tissue the toxicity lies, make your own viruses to further dissolve the buildup which your own bacteria could not quite get the job done w/o dying themselves (and they want to live too!) 2.) The nefarious creation in labs to make vaccines are viruses grown in animal tissue lines + adjuvants (chemicals) these are attached to fire up the immune system, both gross, wholly unnatural, and foreign to your body, leading to buildup of toxicity and eventual $ickness, di$ease, possible early death all the while keeping you as a lab rat in the cartel$ of big Pharma/medicine.

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How am I confused? I just stated what Anthony Williams wrote in his books. I do believe it is mainly the fact that people are walking around toxic because we are bombared with toxins from before birth. Vaccines are definately the cause of many issues with people's health. Sorry don't have time to look up the link but I always thought, how come some people don't get sick no matter what they are exposed to. Big medicine and big pharma is such a huge influence on people's lives, they play God and promise you cures that never eventuate. The biggest killer is mistakes made in hospitals.

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I was in NY. Retired MD. Trying to convince people in my community, my family that this was complete BS by Fauci the Chief Hack who I knew was a criminal back in the AIDS days and used that playbook for Covid. I was called , well you know...Now those same people can't look me in the eye as their friends drop dead from heart attacks or turbo cancers.

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Upwards 30% of those hospitalized died in the initial wave…that seems pretty serious.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The hysteria was always far more deadly than covid itself. One would imagine that, given the extreme nature of shutting down society and defenestrating centuries-old traditions of liberty and law and forcing everyone to hide inside their homes like a bunch of agoraphobic recluses, the unprecedented decision to impose lockdowns would be based on a causal relationship between lockdowns and the trajectory of the virus. But nope.


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Climate hysteria will continue the permanent emergency. Follow the science! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-follow-the-science

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Anyone of the countless invisible organisms can be used to start pandemics .Invisible mostly non exiting. bugs living in the criminal ,corrupt minds of our masters will be used to make this and future ''pandemics'' permanent .

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

A succinct and accurate summary. Like Jordan, I was among the early antagonists of the policies in my own country. I take no solace whatsoever in being slowly vindicated.

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From the very start of the pharma created whyruss nightmare I rebelled against it .At 87 I was in and out of court for 8 month costing me most of my hard earned savings .The crime against the innocent continues to this day .Not one was arrested they are free to plan hell on earth for all of us now and into the future .

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Thanks Peggy for understanding what I'try to say,that is, that slavery never went away ,it exists now in a much more refined form . Joe

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All of this true, sames, from the very start, anyone who did their own research discovered the truth very quickly. I had worked in public health policy at the state legislative level for nearly two decades, sat in on countless health committee public hearings, closed and open door meetings with legislators, regulators, first responders, insurance government affairs teams, hospital association leaders, nursing home leaders, I had more knowledge than most about who was in those roles and what body of information they were supposed to be drawing upon. And I had academic and professional training in media communications, relationships with reporters. I smelled a rat from the very start.

When I tried to engage many of these very people who should have known better after I saw them going off the best laid plans that millions, billions of dollars of research and preparedness planning had put together, thrown out in the blink of an eye based on observations in a crisis that hadn't been scrutinized or validated I was treated like an ignorant Neanderthal. Told I didn't know what I was talking about and people were going to die, I was being selfish.

My friends, coworkers, neighbors, family all said I was being paranoid, it would just be a temporary thing, we'd get back to normal quickly. Having seen what was really happening, the massive infrastructure being built for an extended suspension of our way of life and lack of debate I knew better. For saying the truth I was called a conspiracy loon. It didn't matter how much I tried to communicate I spoke from a position of intimate familiarity I was dismissed. Young, uneducated people working in retail tried to pretend they knew more than me, professing their authority on the subject...from watching TV talking heads. As if!!

As you said, voices of sanity were seemingly few and far between. I could find a few on social media if I looked hard enough, but very little structure to help us get our footing and share ideas on how to reclaim our world from the grips of the mania. Not having the benefit of knowledge about the entire system that had already been conspiring for this moment. But never backing down, never giving up, never questioning myself.

So I spent months that went into years researching all I could about what was coming together. Knowledge is power. And I needed more power. The first thing I keyed in on was the role of the behavioral scientists in amplifying the mania, NPR's April 3, 2020 story on masks raised every hair on my neck for its reference to masks being, "honor badges."


Being a student of the history of WWII and the Holocaust those words meant something different to me. The yellow star they were forced to wear in Germany was taken up as a "badge of honor." That's when I began to understand our peril. It wasn't just mistakes being made by people caught up in the mania. It was for another more sinister purpose.


And here we are, three years later. Yes, they've pushed the Overton Window to make baseless intrusions on western liberal democratic values. Collectivizing individual health risks that impose harmful restraints on our rights for symbolic equity purposes. Don't you dare say the obese and diabetic should make healthy changes to their lifestyles to avoid bad outcomes from infectious disease! It's your responsibility to protect them! Wear your damn mask! Get your damn shot! Do your part! Together we can achieve Zero Covid! All lies in service to another agenda, building back better and all.

We are in the early rounds of a dangerous war for the future of mankind. The pandemic response was an experiment, as Birx told DeSantis. They found out how many people they can manipulate and coerce to believe absurdities and self-harm when directed to, and how many (or few) will resist. How to best compel businesses and buttons of control on society to enforce their edicts. How many will willingly place their necks into invisible yokes and chains, submitting to authority and becoming enforcers of authority. As in any prison, inmates are enlisted to help keep control of other inmates with perks and privileges the rest don't get since there's not enough guards.

With outlets like Substack and a few other free-ish speech platforms we have a sense of connectivity now that we did not have. We are building our counter movement, helping the newly awakened find community and ideas on how to join our cause. But our connectivity is fragile. The key infrastructure still belongs to them. They can turn off Substack if and when they want, and other platforms where "dangerous dis/misinformation" is shared. The model for it has been active in China for a very long time. And while freedom advocates there are in a never-ending game of cat and mouse, trying to stay a step ahead of authorities, they are always having to adapt and change to greater and greater censorship. With technology tools for authorities that have been developed by the same major tech companies that we rely on. Infrastructure and controls are already built, they just need to get the OK to flip the switch here.

So part of this time must be spent on developing more secure, hardened communications for a resistance to grow and remain connected. Which means local. Reliable low tech. Local sourcing, self-sustainability so if/when society is closed off to the disobedient we can survive. And we must gain allies who won't obey. Who will take risks to join those targeted by the state in a show of solidarity, even when they aren't targets. Courage. Bravery. In the land of the free and home of the brave. If we really are.

How many of our friends and neighbors, family and colleagues will do this when the moment calls?

From Stalag 17, released in 1953:


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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Just looking back at that "badge of honor" article on NPR's website from April 2020, it's interesting to see NPR reporting back then that cotton masks only work against droplets, that most people don't wear masks properly, that studies find little or no benefit in societal masking, that aerosol spread is significant (according to Trump's Dr. Redfield, whom they quote without insulting - amazing), and even the Vietnam study that found cotton masks actually seemed to make people sicker.

All these ideas were present from the earliest days, even from sources like NPR! That story actually painted a mixed and somewhat confused picture. It wasn't the stark clear, authoritarian, one dimensional cheerleading session for Pfizer and Biden quite yet. IDK. Maybe I'm misreading the whole thing.

But, to me, it seems that, over time, something changed in the media coverage and in the talking points of medical doctors across the country. They closed ranks and issued one standard message: get the jab and let Biden save the world.

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Astute observations. And glad you took the time to read.

As both a student of and one time practitioner of media communications I know that the most important part of a propaganda piece is found after the plausible is established. Thus, the positioning of the "honor badge" notion at the end. That's the most important part of the NPR story. Establishing credibility to have the lie accepted as truth. I posted that technique on my Substack some time ago:


Yes, something changed and they closed ranks. Experimental Behavioral Science took the wheel in pandemic protocols, proven Medical Science got pushed into the back seat. Soft social science displaced hard natural science. Those shouting "follow the science" hid in the intentional ambiguity of the word, 'science.' Dr. Sigmond Freud was enlisted to perform heart surgery. While cardiologists observed from the looking area in the balcony. He was a doctor, you know. Never mind his specialty.

Epidemiology draws upon both natural science, virology, microbiology and such, along with social science, behavioral science. Behavioral science is a major recruited into the field of epidemiology. Change people's behavior to reduce risk.

Leading epidemiologists leaned into Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) that could change behaviors. They chose the NPI of fear. Fear amplification. They could've chosen the NPI of fitness and dietary changes knowing obesity and diabetes were the leading comorbidities of infectious disease. A "Let's get fit America to fight Covid" behaviorism NPI would've been appropriate. Instead we got, "Just wear the damn mask and get the damn jab" behaviorism. Fear appeal. Ineffective. Divisive.

The Science (TM) of masks: Fear. Amygdala fight, flight, freeze response. Selected for this very reason. To amplify fear so we'd stay apart and obey authority.

Of Snakes and Faces, the Psychology of Fear:


Masks on faces are symbols, speech, the oldest form of speech, one doesn't even need to be literate to understand symbols. Like "Honor Badges." Saying "Be afraid, danger is around us, be very, very afraid." The corollary being a free face saying "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Dangerous speech because it contradicts the epidemiologists chosen NPI of fear. Parents kicked off planes because a mask below their baby's face didn't have a symbol on it that evoked fear.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

You have described an interesting journalistic technique I didn't know about. Now, the more I look for it, the more I see it. A couple more things they mentioned in that article show us the technique you describe.

The article actually mentions the reduced benefit of wearing a mask if a person ever takes it off during the day by grabbing it from the front to, say, eat a meal. It says, "You've just gotten whatever dirty stuff is on the mask on your hands and into your mouth." (What the article failed to mention is that "public health experts" at some point told us that ordering restaurant delivery food from your residence is A-OK because you won't get infected by a virus sticking to your vegan pad thai. But, I guess that came later. They had to comfort the laptop class as they hid at home during lockdowns, continuing to earn their comfortable livings.)

The article even mentioned that the eyes were a possible virus entry point, thus significantly damaging the article's main thesis: cloth masks are helpful! Wear a cloth mask!

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I enjoyed reading your comment. Just wanted to say many of us that were awake from the start were glared at, told we were wrong etc. very early on. I still have the odd conversations with people who still believe it was all well worth it. Just recently a father who's son has cancer said all the parents at the Childrens hospital were happy about lockdowns. This is what we are up against. I am so glad I found on places like Substack there are some great awake thinkers, for many of us we often thought we were the only one who could see through the lies. Do you have your own substack page? You are an excellent writer.

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Thank you. That's the tragedy of it. So many truly good people who've bought into it. Including dear friends and family. Minds turned to mush, unaware they are harming themselves. We've been called to help them. For all of our sake.

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Yes, so many families broken apart, but that is also the plan to dismantel family units, for the evil cabal to have more power and control. I also believe we can still help many who are slowly waking up and not to make them feel bad either. Exactly, we need them on our side.

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I just saw the link for your substack page below.

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A respected friend expressed very cynical doubt about the lockdown concept in April 2020 and I credit her with shocking me awake. There are many people who have so much of their lives invested in all this nonsense being true that they literally can’t accept evidence otherwise. The cognitive dissonance is too great.

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Here are a few items that strain credulity surrounding the "Covid" phenomenon:

How was it that this "virus" spread across thousands of kilometers within days and peaked synchronously in selected locations?

How was it that this "virus" was able to spread so fast across thousands of kilometers, peaking at the same time in those selected locations, yet wasn’t contagious enough to spread to nearby locations?

How was it this "deadly lab-leaked virus” caused no mass death in the original place of the “lab leak.”

How did this “gain of function” hypercharged “virii” migrate to N Italy from Wuhan skipping over Pakistan, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, etc?

How was it as has been demonstrated from all-cause-mortality figures analysis – that the "virus" obediently stopped killing people at jurisdictional boundaries?

Killing lots more where the ’emergency measures’ were fiercest, and killing far fewer in the next-door-contiguous jurisdiction where they were much milder?

How was it that this deadliest of virii impacted only the poor and disabled. How did this GOF virus stayed away from upper middle class and wealthy people?

How was it that this most transmissible of virii occurred exclusively in hospitals and nursing homes and not out in the general population?

How is such a virus so selective?

How is it that such a "virus" in fact did not spread widely?

How was it possible that all countries in the West and beyond adopted similar measures virtually "overnight” mirroring the Italian template with measures resembling a de facto police state rather than health initiatives?

To ascribe this convergent set of circumstances to a "viral event" beggars belief and defies all known epidemiological history and flies in the face of all established biological science.

What can do this is a coordinated campaign by powerful interests.

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Also what can do this is setting a phony PCR "test to 40+ cycle threshold, selectively in the populations targeted for fear campaigns.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Oh, haven’t you heard the new narrative?

NPR loop radio piece today about the ‘tantalizing’ story of Covid origins ‘perhaps’ traced to a ‘raccoon-dog’ at a Wuhan wet market. Of course this info was only posted on a China website for a few days before the CCP pulled it down, so we can’t verify anything yet! But did I say how tantalizing of a story it was?

Just sick.

MSM has gotta put out some red meat to counter the growing evidence the virus started in lab and mutated at rate that point to gain of function origins.

This is some rich propaganda and I’m not buying it.

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This period in History is about ACTION by The Majority and moving forward in EVOLUTION of The Majority.

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Apparently that raccoon-dog story doesn't even have a scientific paper to back it up. There's nothing rigorous to scrutinize. It seems to be based on the opinions of Kristian Anderson and some fellow scientists -- people known to be committed to the hypothesis that animal sources started this pandemic.

If I'm not mistaken, they found a data sample (since deleted from the database) from a wet market swab that had intermingled raccoon-dog and SARS-COV-2 DNA. One problem is that this doesn't speak to which way the SARS-COV-2 virus travelled to get there. (e.g. a lab worker could have brought the virus to the wet market resulting in virus transfer to some animals).

Hell, there are deer populations in the USA that show evidence of SARS-COV-2 in their mucous membranes. Animals from some zoos have been positively swabbed for SARS-COV-2. They even found it in someone's dog at one point.

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Yeah, when I heard this story getting pumped up on Friday I thought about all the heat rising up around Fauci on the covid origin subject, and thought ‘this is part of an overall defense forming up, that the US government hands are not tied to gain-of-function research at the Wuhan facility’

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I am no doctor, just a layman with questions on why are there so many variants of Covid, all over the earth in such limited time.

Does the following # of CV-19 variants point to original strain coming from natural origins.

Or does the following point to supercharged laboratory gain-of-function research origins.

1. Original CV-19: late 2019/early 2020, Wuhan’s, PRC

2. Alpha strain (B.1.1.7): Great Britain Nov 2020

3. Beta strain (B.1.351): South Africa ‘Late 2020’

3. Delta strain (and later Delta AY.4.2): ‘Late 2020’

4. Omicron strain: (BA.1): Botswana/South Africa Nov 2021. By 2022, 3 more Omicron strains (BA.5, BQ.1, BQ1.1). By Jan 2023, 5 more Omicron strains (BB1.5, BF.7, XBB, BN.1, BF.11)

What can pace of variation mutation tell us about origins?

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My experiences and observations are that your last sentence is the most accurate statement amongst all your questions!!! No matter which Country!!!!!!!!

There is a simple word NO! its the courage to use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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All wrong. Florida had roughly half as many Covid deaths as NY in January 2021 and now it has more overall deaths and virtually the same Covid death rate. Contrast Florida’s death rate with the relatively low Maine death rate even though Maine’s population is just as old as Florida’s.

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All wrong.

There is no such thing as a "Covid death."

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More like public health terrorism...using a totally fake emergency under totally false pretenses. How are the DOD and HHS any different than terrorists staging an attack on this country? People are still murdered either way. For some reason, your lovely country is in love with murdering you. How does that play in the future? What else can it be?

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D.O.D DARPA + HHS BARDA = Bioterrorism.

They all produce bioweapons and countermeasures (abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections)!!!

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This Coronavirus Task Force did not have the collective intellect nor the wisdom to be making these broad brush decisions. - love this!!!

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

Pence stood by like a foolish bobblehead as the obviously dishonest Fauci and Birx drove us off the cliff. I said at the time of those pathetic pressers that had Pence's group been on The Apprentice, they all would have been fired. Sadly, Trump's up til then successful attitude of boldly bucking the trend was nowhere to be found.

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It’s all so disappointing. It makes me look at the people who have believed this BS hook, line and sinker as if they’re just the stupidest people created. And the people I know that followed all the MSM jargon and ‘facts’ are really intelligent! We’re talking PhDs and successful professionals. I truly believe they all became vulnerable to the MSM when Hillary lost. They yearned for their anti Trump rhetoric and, true or not, their candidate not winning threw them into the falsehood abyss. They’re most likely not coming back. That would say they were wrong and gullible, which they don’t want to admit.

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You are correct. Trump derangement had a lot to do with the brainwashing. And, the virus mania was part of the campaign to make sure that Trump wasn't re-elected. Even though he warped vaccines into production and signed the CARES act, the MSM told us that Trump was incompetent and narcissistic, only concerned about re-election, not about your safety.

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Yeah, Jordan, the data accrued very quickly. I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't anything close to as bad as everyone feared. This was while I was still mourning for my sister who died from a sudden onset respiratory illness. She had multiple comorbidities, and her death was the sort of thing I've seen many times in the last six decades; someone whose health is weakened, gets finished off by a virus. We stumble forward, our vision blurred by our tears, and keep getting food on the table for the next generation. It were always thus.

So instead of protecting people like my sister, they weakened as many others as they could. What we're seeing in the aftermath is precisely what we knew would happen if the hysterical panic and lockdowns weren't halted after a week. One week was bad enough; anyone with two brain cells to rub together, knew that the one week would take years to recover from.

Now, we're watching all of the various agendas revealed, one by one.

Those who never saw regular folks as being anything more than lab rats are covering their tracks with "mistakes were made" non-apologies, which are what used to be called the "I"m a moron defense" while they consolidate their gains of money and power.

Oh, sure, there was and is plenty of incompetence going 'round, but opportunists leveraged the chaos for personal and organizational gain. These predators and parasites are always quick to avoid letting a manufactured crisis go to waste.

No amnesty.

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and the saying " ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS" ring so true in this comment here from Ted.

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Those of us who called this scam out by March 2020 were later removed from big social media. It's likely far more people were skeptical of the scam than you now believe. The apparent lack of protesting voices was due entirely to censorship and social pressure.

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"The Spread" of Deception:

ZERO Evidence of Transmission of Respiratory “Viruses” - ScienceDirect

They’ve been lying to us for centuries by presenting the unsubstantiated germ theory as a scientific fact. The “germ theory of disease causation” is a Fraud


Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'


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Jordan, I was in Arlington, VA yelling at the TV during the "15 days press conference." I had lived through SARS 1 in 2003 in Taipei and already knew what pandemonium could be created by press and outlandish pandemic models. I knew the CFR number was meaningless and began a desperate search for anyone not on board with the pandemonium. You were the first one I found. Eventually, through your public work and the connections I found through Twitter, I became a part of those anti-lockdown structures and sent all the best articles I could to anyone in D.C. who would listen. I remember referring your account to a few journalist friends. Thanks for sticking your neck out. I'm sure countless connections were made because you had the courage to be one of the very first to take this on so forcefully and openly. Ultimately, without the resistance that was sparked, who knows how much longer the madness would have continued.

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"By March 16, yours truly was already pretty fed up with both the governmental and societal “response” ..."

I knew this was a scam at that same point in time, at which I was visiting Chicago to help my daughter prepare her house for sale. Illinois went as crazy as New York. I met not one single person who wasn't sucked into the COVID narrative. The two things that struck me first were the ineptness and obvious dishonesty of the task force - for which I primarily blame the useless Mike Pence - and the unbelievable lack of any concrete data-driven exit path from the hell they established.

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