Excellent article Jordan !

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Lockdowns are not science. They are propaganda from China. Google 'fangkong'. Lockdowns have never been used to stop a virus because THEY DO NOT WORK AND THEY CAUSE WORSE OUTCOMES. I really feel like I'm living in a bizzarro world filled with pod people. Viruses suck. They kill. They will always kill. You don't also destroy your country to try to hide from them.

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China? You mean the rest of the world is following orders from China? USA is following orders from China? You have some sort of credible source for this claim?

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hahahaha.... so all China is to now do is to go to TWTR & tell us all to go on a diet, exercise more, and buy more Chinese. Obviously, they control our minds :)

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Great article, an eye opener , yet the inconsistent actions by political and health people are all over the place, not understanding the consequences as they bumble around with no real idea as the harm they are causing, mental, social and economic...all devastating.

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I live in Melbourne Australia and we lockdowned for over 100 days. Cases in Australia are, at best, double digits. We can go almost anywhere without a mask now. It feels normal 2019.

I give you one answer as to why Argentina failed......... border control. We are an island nation so easier for us.

Lockdowns work. But I am thinking you prefer your agenda than real lived experience.

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Closures are like Communism, they "work" it's just that they haven't been properly implemented!

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Big government (and small leaders) will always be the most dangerous menace to face mankind. The worse virus ever thought up can never compete!

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So lockdowns don't work because Argentina has the longest lockdown and "cases" and "deaths" have reappeared.

Let's all go back to page one of this D Movie Script and take note that the purpose of the lockdown was not to stop the virus but flatten the curve. Don't hear much about flatten the curve anymore do you? Nope they stopped talking that jargon after the 2 week period of the original lockdown passed. So if we all flattened the curve I guess lockdowns work.

So does Covid 19 exist? Did they properly isolate a new virus? Were the Koch principles to do so properly carried out and independently verified?

Are the PCR tests a valid tool? The guy that invented the PCR says not to use it for diagnosis purposes, as it it is not quantitative. But we use it anyway and there is no apparent verification of its false positive/negative tendencies.

And my favorite in this movie - what constitutes a covid 19 death? Anyone who gets a crummy PCR positive test result or maybe not, no need to test, use judgement, the patient sneezed once for sure. It doesn't matter, use that billing code, it pays more.

We need to protest and ask for better screenwriters. These Covid 19 script writers make the worse season of SNL look like a Golden Globe nominee.

The cases and deaths in Argentina most likely are increasing because the natives are getting restless and they need to scare them a little to accept the new extension of the lockdown. With extra fluoride in the water, they should accept the extended lockdown without a whimper.

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in argentina the lockdown it's been use as a political tool. theya re tring to cover up cases of extrem corruption, yesterday october 2 they try to remove a suprem court justice to stop trials against the vice president cristina fernandez who was found guilty of seevral charges of coruption. argentina is under atack by a criminal element, they will stop at nothing to be inpune and tehy are willing to destroy the country to achive this. the pandemic is just an excuse.

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