Thank you again for pointing out the COVIDidiot Emperor has no clothes.

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More great reporting. You remind me of a young Glen Greenwald. This is one of the biggest cases of mass psychosis I have seen in my lifetime and I am old. Sheeple are easily led, fleeced, and slaughtered.

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Thanks, Jordan. Zero COVID is nothing more than CON-TROLL-ers controlling their prey. It's disgusting how these f**kers treat humans, animals, and all organic life as viruses. People should be shocked and outraged by this treatment; instead, they fall to their knees out of fear and stupidity.

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That's a good point they're definitely treating US as the dangerous pathogen.

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Jul 15, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Young children probably think covid is the only way a human can die... And masks the only way to prevent it. Think about the psychosis going on in their innocent lives.

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We should blindfold the kids so they can’t see the masks.

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Jul 15, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The is Jordan, your "dossier" is my light at the end of the tunnel. I'm in the UK and although the government is removing its mask wearing requirements on 19th July to give us freedom of choice, but it's letting individual businesses etc, decide on their own mask wearing requirements. That's no freedom of choice, it's just moved the tyranny to other power mad, scared influential people and businesses.. It will split my country in two and I predict the petrified snowflake mask wearing sheep, will persecute those of us exercising our right not to wear masks. I doubt some will ever stop wearing them. The only way out of this is to ignore cases, they are unimportant, deaths are the only measure to look at. Here there is a complete disconnect between cases and hospitalization or deaths. But the mask Muppets still focus on cases. More cases are actually good, it increases herd immunity, which is also overlooked. If everyone stopped testing it would undermine every draconian restriction on the planet. Thanks again.

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Australia and NZ have little population immunity. They're in trouble unless they can get their entire populations vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna. It'll be years until they'll be able to open their borders.

This assumes citizens will tolerate another dozen lockdowns and the inevitable compulsory vaccinations for everyone except maybe infants. I'd love to see people move en masse from those countries. I suspect even the public health experts realize how pathetic their zerocovid obsession has become.

BTW my substack is free. I write on COVID-related topics with some focus on Arizona.

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My challenge to everyone.

Go, search out & read the specifications for "covid" diagnostic kits.

Every kit from every manufacturer I've read, has been non-specific for just SARS CoV-2, but broad-ranged for numerous coronaviruses, including viruses that have traditionally been implicated for common colds & flus.

And yet the vast majority of "covid" diagnoses have been based on these non-specific diagnostic kits.

Thus the vast majority of colds & flus are being labeled "covid".

How can anyone possibly talk of "covid" resurgence when a main basis for diagnosis is so vague & over-broad?

Yes, I believe some people are getting sick, even that a "covid" illness may be present, but to haphazardly label every single pecies of coronavirus as "covid" is completely irresponsible & disastrous.

Educate yourselves, people.

Don't rely on the media, either "mainstream" or "alt" to provide you with accurate data.

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Maybe that is happening due to how they have defined Covid 19? If this guy has it right, well...


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This is pretty startling news. Especially considering the cycle numbers they're apparently using. Can you post an example of one of these kit texts or a link to one?

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Zero Covid was code for zero freedom

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Thanks for articulating the insanity of lockdown strategy and it's massive failure. Australia has pretty much taken the lead nomination for insane and tyrranical govt as our country goes broke and we foot the bill for the future along with the massive mental toll on our people.

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Politics is Power.

Governments Achieving Tyranny without War or Direct Violence is apex statecraft.

Yes its also evil, but it increases their power.

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Glad this one was written instead of a podcast…faster for me to read than to listen. Thank you, Jordan! Would be great to have all of your articles available in both formats…. Again thank you ❤️

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Right. However, is there an unintended benefit, although at enormous economic cost, in that the latest variant is more transmittable but less deadly?

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"Beijing has been fooling the world about mitigation and suppression “successes” since day one of COVID Mania...?? I've been collecting Chinese stats for decades and have yet to find one that is false or misleading. The WHO praised China's Covid campaign because it followed the WHO pandemic playbook to the letter–which no other country did.

Many were baffled to see China’s unprecedented images and videos showcasing supposed success in dealing with the virus, all without even having the need for a COVID-19 vaccine!" ?? The charts of vaccinations/million citizens against deaths/million are almost mirror images. Countries with strong public health systems (which is unrelated to medical systems) did well without vaccines–and China has the best public health system on earth.

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Make us an offer and maybe we’ll lie for China too.

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Can you give an example of a lie (not an allegation abut a lie) that the PRC has told in the last 30 years, provide the link and the proof that it was a lie?

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