It's time to stop. Just stop. Close all the overseas bases, bring all the troops home and close the CIA and the entire military industrial complex. Then make a statement that the US is now a peaceful nation and will not kill any more innocent people. And I just saw a flying pig!
The U.S. is in deep shit because the outpost is not actually in Jordan but in Syria, illegally! The Biden Administration is illegally exercising war against countries that Congress has NOT given permission to do! Maybe it is time for Biden & Blinken to be IMPEACHED!!! They both are Zionists & War mongers!
Zionist Jews control the US government, and they're the ones pushing for a war with Iran. Idiot goyim like Lindsey Graham go along with it because they know where the money is.
I don't think they're equally as important. Do you think Zionist Christians get a say in Hollywood, the music industry, at Harvard, on Wall Street? No way.
I understand they provide some support but guess who the biggest donors to both parties are? It's not Christians. When Jews are only 2% but vastly overrepresented at such high numbers, in a way Christians are not, I think the reality is clear.
I say rank and file Zionist Christians, the ordinary not famous people who vote, are equally important because there are large numbers of them, at least in my ordinary life. In my experience those who fervently support Nikki The Butcher and Lindsey Graham are fervently behind the Israeli genocide. I do not doubt your point regarding the Adelsons of this world.
White people are still the majority by numbers, but they do not control this country. Same with the Christians. I would argue money is far more important than voting in this system.
George W Bush enjoyed support from white Zionist Christians, but they're not the ones who decided to really force the Iraq war. The men who pushed the lies (Perle, Wurmser, Wolfowitz, Feith, etc.) were the ones with the real power. I think that's the difference.
And I don't think evangelical Christians are as powerful as they once were. And they won't be really at all soon, when non-whites become the majority.
YAWN. I'm an atheist, first of all. Whatever the KKK was fighting for is literally irrelevant in 2024. You think any of that even matters? The US doesn't even have a border, so clearly they're totally relevant to today's world. LOL. Pathetic.
Come up with an argument, or just admit everything I said is true. Do you want numbers and names? Because it's easy to prove.
Careful what you read and hear as they are lying to you. Jordan denies the attack was on its’ soil but rather took place in Syria. And let us not forget that the US military is illegally occupying a part of Syria and stealing its’ oil. Step by step the US is being kicked out of the Middle East and it can’t come soon enough.
Not since WWII has the US had a clear and defined end state for war that was agreed upon by congress and fully supported by the US citizens. Since that time every US President has bypassed congress to commit US forces to conflicts. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East is and has been non-existent and that means there are NO, NADA, ZIP clear and well defined end states to use to define strategies. Lots of Think Tankers making millions to pontificate, but nothing any “statesman” will risk his political career or hold on power to execute.
The Communist in Vietnam and the Taliban in Afghanistan had well-defined strategies; wait out the “Democratic” Americans and when they are at their weakest, attack and force them out. Putin is now following that same historical lesson in Ukraine. Works every time because our politicians are interested in only one thing: staying in power. Their single-minded focus is with their own image. They are incapable of learning.
That seems about right. Although, for the Vietnamese, their waiting it out cost them around a million dead (general average of figures I've seen, north and south Vietnamese, not sure if that includes those the French killed before us).
An enemy will waste what they have in great abundance. China used human wave attacks. So did the NVA. They were on their home turf. We had to ship Americans half way around the world. Even today China's standing army numbers over 2.5 million. American political leaders have never learned those lessons.
It is only somewhat recently that military members who were on ships off the coast of Vietnam, were covered by Agent Orange illnesses and injuries. Those folks are considered "Blue Water Navy."
On that link I sent, you will notice 3 stateside locations that fall under VA/Agent Orange. That is because the planes that were used in Vietnam ended up coming back to the US and were flown by military members in the reserve...and the planes had residual toxins from Agent Orange in them.
Great Post! Esp the focus on overseas bases. Recall, that's what caused Osama Bin Laden to take up arms against the US- our military bases in his country of Saudi Arabia. There is a book from David Vine that focuses on this. The book is titled "Base Nation- How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World." Book says there are over 800 bases scattered throughout the world. Many established in spite of local opposition.
Somebody needs to smack dear Lindsey and Cornyn and duct-tape their mouths. Lindsey is always for wars he'll never have to fight in. He kept egging everyone on with Afghanistan and IMO vastly lengthened that war. WTaF are we doing over there anyway? Especially since our military is not exactly in the best shape and someone left our guns, large armed vehicles and heliflopters.
That’s a hell of a “drone”. I can understand why Graham is upset. After all the US is the only country who can determine the righteousness of who needs to killed.
If the Americans wish to fight a 'War with Iran,' that would mean steeling themselves for 200+ USD oil per barrel, the Implosion of the current 'Rules Based World Order' & the implosion likewise of the Global Economy. That, as well as SRBMs & IRBMs murdering thousands of active US forces in West Asia overnight, due to Saturation of Air Defenses via Massed Volleys.
Anyone who uses phrases like Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, Zionist Jews is out of ideas and has nothing to say. Do attempt an argument, if only for your own intellectual health.
Zionist Jews run US foreign policy. IAC, AIPAC, ZOA, JINSA, AJC, WJC--do you want me to go on? I understand some Christians support them, but they are the source of the money. Read "The Israel Lobby." That was written after the Iraq war, so it's a bit dated now, but it still applies.
I don't think you know what's going on here. Throwing around accusations of "racism" isn't like discussing Zionist Jewish power. Ask Claudine Gay.
It is more than a little unhelpful to argue against a group. Try arguing against a specfic idea or policy. "Zionist Jews run everything" is not an argument, it is an assertion which is demonstrably false. It weakens what might otherwise be a valid position on a specific issue.
It's literally demonstrably true. In the US, Jews support Israel at 95% in the most recent surveys. Almost nothing gets as high as approval as that.
I'm not "arguing against" a group. I'm pointing out that Zionist Jews control the most important institutions in this country, and they collectively work for their best interest. The idea and policy are their collective group self-interest and survival. Read Dr. Kevin Macdonald's work, especially Culture of Critique, if you want to understand what I'm saying. That is the argument.
From Hollywood to Wall Street to Harvard to the White House, this is the truth. Not to mention Trump's three biggest donors were billionaire Zionist Jews (Adelson, Singer, Marcus). That is how the capital was moved to Jerusalem.
This is demonstrably true. I can recommend several books about it.
The mullahs might be picking a fight to deflect their internal domestic failures. VLAD 🐻 is most certainly sharing tech and guidance missile upgrades 😬 with the DPRK and Tehran for drones and ammo. The US directly attacking 🪖 inside Iran would fit right into the Islamic state's revolution guard narrative of the Great Satan.
Hopefully Sleepy Joe Brandon 🧦 has enough awake advisors to keep our fingerprint light on a big indirect HAMMER. {Direct Conflict with Iran =😔🩸🩸🩸⚰️🪦} The Iran regime understands force, but we can't play into their baited propaganda trap....
...unfortunately, my estimate of the current pols, both red and blue, is "swamp belly" low🫤🧏🏻♂️🤦🏻♀️🙇🏼♂️🐊🪳🦨🦤
So well said, to believe I voted for both Bushes and Romney and now say “what the hell was I thinking” says it all by alot of Rs who do not want to see more vets for nothing...
Not the first time that the psychos (fill in neocon here) were willing to have Americans killed to justify escalating US action against a country they want to attack. Graham, Hailey etc are bought & paid for to message for their handlers.
Who is the major push behind YET ANOTHER lie-based war in the Middle East?
Why don't you address that, Mr. Schachtel? I'm not talking about Lindsey Graham. You know who is the driving force of warmongering in the Middle East in the US government, and the same was true in Iraq in 2003. Stop with this nonsense.
Absolutely agree with Tucker, let’s give chickenhawk Lindsey Graham a rifle and drop him over there....might even give him a parachute.
He'd fight for the IDF only.
EXACTLY what I was going to say!
Great article as usual! Ron Paul is more right every day.
Spam alert, Jordan.
The spammer was probably a DoD troll.
It's time to stop. Just stop. Close all the overseas bases, bring all the troops home and close the CIA and the entire military industrial complex. Then make a statement that the US is now a peaceful nation and will not kill any more innocent people. And I just saw a flying pig!
And how is that going to happen? The world is currently run by evil psychopaths. It’s been run by psychopaths for at least 100 years +.
There are no innocent people. Now what?
More waffle here;
The U.S. is in deep shit because the outpost is not actually in Jordan but in Syria, illegally! The Biden Administration is illegally exercising war against countries that Congress has NOT given permission to do! Maybe it is time for Biden & Blinken to be IMPEACHED!!! They both are Zionists & War mongers!
They are a much Zionists as a flying pig is. Nothing could be further from the reality.
Zionist Jews control the US government, and they're the ones pushing for a war with Iran. Idiot goyim like Lindsey Graham go along with it because they know where the money is.
If you deny that, you're a moron.
Zionist Jews, and equally important, Zionist Christians.
I don't think they're equally as important. Do you think Zionist Christians get a say in Hollywood, the music industry, at Harvard, on Wall Street? No way.
I understand they provide some support but guess who the biggest donors to both parties are? It's not Christians. When Jews are only 2% but vastly overrepresented at such high numbers, in a way Christians are not, I think the reality is clear.
I say rank and file Zionist Christians, the ordinary not famous people who vote, are equally important because there are large numbers of them, at least in my ordinary life. In my experience those who fervently support Nikki The Butcher and Lindsey Graham are fervently behind the Israeli genocide. I do not doubt your point regarding the Adelsons of this world.
White people are still the majority by numbers, but they do not control this country. Same with the Christians. I would argue money is far more important than voting in this system.
George W Bush enjoyed support from white Zionist Christians, but they're not the ones who decided to really force the Iraq war. The men who pushed the lies (Perle, Wurmser, Wolfowitz, Feith, etc.) were the ones with the real power. I think that's the difference.
And I don't think evangelical Christians are as powerful as they once were. And they won't be really at all soon, when non-whites become the majority.
Please move away from your burning cross. It is catching your hood on fire.
YAWN. I'm an atheist, first of all. Whatever the KKK was fighting for is literally irrelevant in 2024. You think any of that even matters? The US doesn't even have a border, so clearly they're totally relevant to today's world. LOL. Pathetic.
Come up with an argument, or just admit everything I said is true. Do you want numbers and names? Because it's easy to prove.
Am I surprised that an atheist doesn't like Jews, God's chosen people? Nope. I want nothing from you. LOL Pathetic.
They have been trying to snowball us with that God‘s chosen people crap for way too long.
Careful what you read and hear as they are lying to you. Jordan denies the attack was on its’ soil but rather took place in Syria. And let us not forget that the US military is illegally occupying a part of Syria and stealing its’ oil. Step by step the US is being kicked out of the Middle East and it can’t come soon enough.
it was probably carried out by the CIA to try to justify the US carry more water for that shit bag country Israel.
Bingo. CIA/Mossad. Remember the USS Liberty!!
I totally concur!
It would make more sense if it were in fact Syria. Iran would probably think twice before launching into Jordan.
With this administration I feel we will lose more of our soldiers. We pray everyday for our military because leadership is lacking.👏🏻👏🏻
I feel so bad for the families who lost their child. Our prayers are with the families.👏🏻❤️
I’m sick and tired of these war mongers!
Not since WWII has the US had a clear and defined end state for war that was agreed upon by congress and fully supported by the US citizens. Since that time every US President has bypassed congress to commit US forces to conflicts. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East is and has been non-existent and that means there are NO, NADA, ZIP clear and well defined end states to use to define strategies. Lots of Think Tankers making millions to pontificate, but nothing any “statesman” will risk his political career or hold on power to execute.
The Communist in Vietnam and the Taliban in Afghanistan had well-defined strategies; wait out the “Democratic” Americans and when they are at their weakest, attack and force them out. Putin is now following that same historical lesson in Ukraine. Works every time because our politicians are interested in only one thing: staying in power. Their single-minded focus is with their own image. They are incapable of learning.
That seems about right. Although, for the Vietnamese, their waiting it out cost them around a million dead (general average of figures I've seen, north and south Vietnamese, not sure if that includes those the French killed before us).
An enemy will waste what they have in great abundance. China used human wave attacks. So did the NVA. They were on their home turf. We had to ship Americans half way around the world. Even today China's standing army numbers over 2.5 million. American political leaders have never learned those lessons.
...and a lasting legacy of birth defects caused by Agent Orange.
Right. Funny how USAF dropping Agent Orange all over Vietnam never really had to face the music for Chemical Weapon use. And U.S. still denies using Agent Orange according to this report:
The denial is amazing.
Considering that the VA recognizes illnesses and injuries because of exposure to Agent Orange.
And the veterans have to prove they were in Vietnam or off the coast.
Scroll down for places that support exposure to Agent Orange.
Wow! should send that link to the Vietnamese Embassy.
It is only somewhat recently that military members who were on ships off the coast of Vietnam, were covered by Agent Orange illnesses and injuries. Those folks are considered "Blue Water Navy."
On that link I sent, you will notice 3 stateside locations that fall under VA/Agent Orange. That is because the planes that were used in Vietnam ended up coming back to the US and were flown by military members in the reserve...and the planes had residual toxins from Agent Orange in them.
The US politicians have been selected, and they don’t care. There is a way to make them care, but I’m a Christian that loves God.
At what point does being a Christian that’s opposed to violence, outweigh the Life Force and safety of future generations of Americans, and the world?
This is a serious question.
What is the basis of your opposition to violence?
What does it mean "my kingdom is not of this world"?
What does it mean that Christians are "strangers in a strange land"?
What does it mean that we should "pray for our leaders"?
What does it mean that we should be "salt and light"?
How, then should we live?
Great Post! Esp the focus on overseas bases. Recall, that's what caused Osama Bin Laden to take up arms against the US- our military bases in his country of Saudi Arabia. There is a book from David Vine that focuses on this. The book is titled "Base Nation- How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World." Book says there are over 800 bases scattered throughout the world. Many established in spite of local opposition.
OBL was a patsy.
Somebody needs to smack dear Lindsey and Cornyn and duct-tape their mouths. Lindsey is always for wars he'll never have to fight in. He kept egging everyone on with Afghanistan and IMO vastly lengthened that war. WTaF are we doing over there anyway? Especially since our military is not exactly in the best shape and someone left our guns, large armed vehicles and heliflopters.
That’s a hell of a “drone”. I can understand why Graham is upset. After all the US is the only country who can determine the righteousness of who needs to killed.
Exactly!! Truth!
If the Americans wish to fight a 'War with Iran,' that would mean steeling themselves for 200+ USD oil per barrel, the Implosion of the current 'Rules Based World Order' & the implosion likewise of the Global Economy. That, as well as SRBMs & IRBMs murdering thousands of active US forces in West Asia overnight, due to Saturation of Air Defenses via Massed Volleys.
If they are 'up for all that,' so be it!
Americans don't want a war with Iran.
The Zionist Jews who control the US government, academia, media, and corporations do.
There's a big difference.
Anyone who uses phrases like Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, Zionist Jews is out of ideas and has nothing to say. Do attempt an argument, if only for your own intellectual health.
I've got plenty to say. I made my argument.
Zionist Jews run US foreign policy. IAC, AIPAC, ZOA, JINSA, AJC, WJC--do you want me to go on? I understand some Christians support them, but they are the source of the money. Read "The Israel Lobby." That was written after the Iraq war, so it's a bit dated now, but it still applies.
I don't think you know what's going on here. Throwing around accusations of "racism" isn't like discussing Zionist Jewish power. Ask Claudine Gay.
It is more than a little unhelpful to argue against a group. Try arguing against a specfic idea or policy. "Zionist Jews run everything" is not an argument, it is an assertion which is demonstrably false. It weakens what might otherwise be a valid position on a specific issue.
It's literally demonstrably true. In the US, Jews support Israel at 95% in the most recent surveys. Almost nothing gets as high as approval as that.
I'm not "arguing against" a group. I'm pointing out that Zionist Jews control the most important institutions in this country, and they collectively work for their best interest. The idea and policy are their collective group self-interest and survival. Read Dr. Kevin Macdonald's work, especially Culture of Critique, if you want to understand what I'm saying. That is the argument.
From Hollywood to Wall Street to Harvard to the White House, this is the truth. Not to mention Trump's three biggest donors were billionaire Zionist Jews (Adelson, Singer, Marcus). That is how the capital was moved to Jerusalem.
This is demonstrably true. I can recommend several books about it.
(For those interested)
If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:
Thank You Kindly to everyone!
Persia 🌙🦁 needs to "fall" from the 🃏 inside out.
The mullahs might be picking a fight to deflect their internal domestic failures. VLAD 🐻 is most certainly sharing tech and guidance missile upgrades 😬 with the DPRK and Tehran for drones and ammo. The US directly attacking 🪖 inside Iran would fit right into the Islamic state's revolution guard narrative of the Great Satan.
Hopefully Sleepy Joe Brandon 🧦 has enough awake advisors to keep our fingerprint light on a big indirect HAMMER. {Direct Conflict with Iran =😔🩸🩸🩸⚰️🪦} The Iran regime understands force, but we can't play into their baited propaganda trap....
...unfortunately, my estimate of the current pols, both red and blue, is "swamp belly" low🫤🧏🏻♂️🤦🏻♀️🙇🏼♂️🐊🪳🦨🦤
So well said, to believe I voted for both Bushes and Romney and now say “what the hell was I thinking” says it all by alot of Rs who do not want to see more vets for nothing...
Not the first time that the psychos (fill in neocon here) were willing to have Americans killed to justify escalating US action against a country they want to attack. Graham, Hailey etc are bought & paid for to message for their handlers.
No US interest as in no interest for you, the US citizenry.
Lots of interest for the owners and rulers of your corporatist-capitalist state.
Who is throwing them into the Middle East?
Who is the major push behind YET ANOTHER lie-based war in the Middle East?
Why don't you address that, Mr. Schachtel? I'm not talking about Lindsey Graham. You know who is the driving force of warmongering in the Middle East in the US government, and the same was true in Iraq in 2003. Stop with this nonsense.