Dec 28, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

“The metaverse will influence the way, people, governments, companies and society at large think, work, interact and communicate for the purpose of collectively addressing issues on the global agenda.” ˜ KS

“The metaverse will *tell* people, governments, companies and society *what to* think, *how to* work, interact and communicate for the purpose of collectively *forcing our* global agenda.”

There, I cleared up the ambiguous language for you.

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also this apparent contradiction: when Metaverse is indeed (partly) definened as a "3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world”, then Schwab's remark that it "will influence the way, people, governments, companies and society at large think, work, interact and communicate for the purpose of collectively addressing issues on the global agenda” cannot be true, because Metaverse does not seem to address the physical world, let alone a 'global agenda'. we're all wearing goggles and be part of the same computer simulation? the elite's Metaverse (dream on) will not be the same as ours.

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022

riiiight.... (and in the next scene Picard gets the superduper scary Borg lady to join him on his ship). Engage! ;-))

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When I first heard of the metaverse, my first thought was 'why?'. It's going to be just like the vaxx...so good that it has to be forced on people against their will.

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Fun Times with Klaus! Any news on his heart attacks😎😎

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Davis Mann, you're comment is deleted. Yes, ill back up my comment

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This crap is what happens when a group has no empathy but plenty of narcissism/sociopathy. They don't even know if their hare-brained schemes will work! Where are a bunch of meteors when you need them? The green hoax BS is just an excuse to seize control.

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Lots of Millennials are excited about the prospect of brain chips. Courtesy of Elon Musk.

If they only knew more about the chimps who had been experimented upon...

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It's like AI - they don't know enough to use it responsibly, or even at all. Stephen Hawking was very much against it. I don't agree with him on several things (that I can't remember right now) but he believed we should not fool with AI and I agree with him! Humans build machines so they build them with our own failings.

The horrors of animal experimentation should scare the living hell out of everyone! Klaus & Co. probably have all kinds of that garbage going on. I'm all for them experimenting on themselves but they won't.

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Yep. And the WHO pandemic amendments draft is going to help justify every single one of these dystopian control/profiteering markers.

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I fear it would be naive to dismiss “the Metaverse” as irrelevant to me and the world.

25 years ago when social media was nascent, it would have been easy to dismiss the internet as inconsequential as the fax machine (a brilliant person did), or predict that MySpace was merely a passing fad where you could post your favorite Album cover. It was.

But what happened is people who back then embraced social media became rich, famous, and/or powerful. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg, Justin Bieber, or other “influencers.” In effect social replaced, or made irrelevant, some of the “king maker” institutions of old.

I don’t know what it means to become a Metaverse influencer. But if, over next 25 years someone captures eyeballs, imagination, and if bright people devote their lives to making something on it (something which is intangible, say a virtual nightclub that virtual people enter) and then sells it for $100,000,000 that’s pretty real. And after a while the Metaverse could become all consuming among many of the world’s brightest and most energetic.

I’d be kind of interested in who controls that “world” and suspect it will impact me whether I want to be involved or not...

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I remember “Popular Mechanics” from the ‘50s and ‘60s. Domed cities, flying cars, self-driving trucks, endless leisure, colonized Mars, trains running at thousands of miles per hour in airless tunnels, computers replacing doctors and lawyers, teleportation, weekend trips to the moon. All “within 10 years, 20 tops”.

Still waiting. 60+ years later.

The “metaverse” is a childish projection of galactic-scale hubris that, like VR, will be an expensive amusement that will end up withering to a quaint and curious reminder of the days of wild mass delusion.

I’m glad they’re wasting their time and money chasing stupid stuff like it and “transhumanism”. It’s what will take them down.

I (still) work in “Big Tech”. If the general public knew how janky it is behind the scenes, they would laugh at this nonsense. Computers and software have come a long way in the 45+ years I have been in the business. But it’s still very primitive. Over-promising and under-delivering are the hallmarks of software development. I see no reason the “metaverse” would be any different.

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It's lies and propaganda, making it sound like fun, when that is not actually what the plan is.

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Thank you Lon - I’m a geneticist - and my husband is a pilot - so I have no about this - you just made me feel much better.

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I tend to agree.

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deletedDec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022
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Enjoyed your comment Gary. Humour and invective. LOL

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Yes, my teenage grandson is excited by the possibilities. Many won't see the risks or downside and will be completely open to all it brings.

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OH, HELL NO to the Metaverse!

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022

"The only iteration of life, and the only one needed: a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D space called Earth where humans experience life in ways they could not in the digital world.” FIFY Klause

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clever, TQ

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A space these would-be gods can more easily control than the real universe. But they need to suck humans into it.

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for what, though?

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This is how freedom dies. We can never again ask in wonder how the Germans of the 1930-40 could have gone along with it because we are already doing the same thing, wilfully ignoring the protocol-tyrants in the room and the damage already inflicted, even to ourselves and our loved ones and friends. How is this possible?

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Well a few reasons are that only 10% actually want freedom, the rest want a nanny state and to be just left to be couch potatoes. Also the education system produces initiates not free critical thinkers. We, in the West, are fast becoming sheeple, like those in the East already are, and not even an echo of the once proud people’s who stood against tyranny and won our freedoms the hard way. Our children and grandchildren will have to do the same if we let this play out.

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WEF is a terrorist organization!

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022

If I may... let's call the WEF members out for what they are - power-hungry narcissists, and keep labeling them as such, and disregarding and objecting to any/all of their efforts.

They hold no power if nobody is willing to cede it to them, or listen to them.

They're losing this battle, and trying to relabel this as a "metaverse". Keep in mind that Zuckerberg's own employees laughed at this idea that people would transfer their lives into an imaginary one and live their lives through avatars. And his company is imploding because of this effort, which Zuckerberg even acknowledges is a failure.

Companies are backing away from this woke crap, partly because doing so will subject them to lawsuits by investors for devoting time/effort and company resources in exchange for sub-par investments and returns.

Notice that the Biden administration gave 401K administrators the freedom and encouragement to pursue "green" investments in their portfolio (ie, not be bound by the fiduciary duty to their clients), and is now mandating that employers put X% of their employee paychecks into forced participation of these 401K's.

This is essentially another form of wealth transfer (and being forced, a tax) to be stolen from investors.

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I awoke this morning thinking my prior advice is incomplete. In addition to not listening to them, it's incumbent that we pressure our legislators to oppose the programs and policies that the WEF and cronies have planned or in place.

And I would encourage all people to seek out belief in God and in the principles Jesus taught. I find it interesting that the WEF and accolytes are trying so hard to destroy any notion of God or His influence. It must be a threat to them.

And relying on God gives us strength to resist their ridiculous notions, and helps us identify the truth, and have the foundation and courage to act on it and influence others to do the same.

This is truly a battle of good and evil.

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Klaus is solid:


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Ze goggles.... dey are not verking! Aiyeee!

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No WHO dominance of National sovereignty regarding International health must be denied. The WHO is now corrupt since being 'owned' by Bill Gates (their biggest benefactor = influencer). Gates's agenda includes controlling mankind with all health issues - including DEADLY injections (called 'vaccines').

Abandon and desolve the, now corrupt, World Health Organisation.

LIABILITY for Vax makers must be reintroduced to all Big Pharma drug, vaccines & medicines. Then compensation will be a legally justifiable consequence of vax injuries and vax related DEATHS!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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I could be wrong. But the Metaverse seems at best a toy, and at worst a drug. Won’t take over the normal world.

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It offers an escape from reality and affects dopamine levels and brain wiring. I would certainly compare it to a drug.

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Hello God? I'd like to order a meteor to be delivered on Jan 18th at the following coordinates:

Davos, Switzerland

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 46.802128, 9.833477.

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Klaus Schwab has assumed I'd be happy about all of this, he really should have just got me socks for Christmas.

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