Everybody remember that we are the carbon that they want to reduce, K?

Feck these globopsychohomopedo sociopaths.

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If there’s no carbon, all living things die. They want to starve the world.

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They are an unelected private stakeholder corporation. I keep asking exactly why we, as people, are allowing them to continue tyrannising us?

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Because they’ve infiltrated world governments.

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Exactly right.

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It is the idiots that WE have elected who allow for this as their careers have been propped up by this pond scum.

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Because the vast majority of people gladly obey whatever the stakeholders' puppets tell them to do without question.

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Bullseye, Rachel!!!

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Time to speak up and block this nonsense as loudly and for as long as possible! Vote! Don’t tell me that that won’t matter - only prayer for America and voting are the only hope we have for some “normal.” If God wills, we may have more time to spread His gospel. And that is the only way to turn America around and delay the globalists who seek to make those still here, their slaves.

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We're not "allowing" them to do anything because, obviously, it's beyond our control... but you go ahead and tell us what you're doing to stop them, and we'll all get behind you and follow your lead... how's that for a plan, Sport?

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You know, I was genuinely surprised to get responses at all, because my question was rhetorical. My bad for not making that clear I suppose. However, your response is just plain ill mannered, unhelpful and miserable. Yay, you....feel proud you did your bit to make someone you don't even know feel rotten today.

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I agree with you. I guess some people are more arrogant than bright.

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Grow up.

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I did. I'm approaching seventy. I have COPD and a heart condition which means I'll be dead soon. And I honestly, truly don't have the time or energy to waste on internet trolls that can't accept their own faults. I'll mute this conversation or whatever it is you do that blocks unpleasant folks. I might suggest the same "advice" you gave me. Because of the two of us, you obviously need it more.

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I pray that you know Jesus, God’s only Son, who died for those who would believe in Him and in His work on the Cross. This is the hope of eternal life in Heaven! Have you accepted the Him?

There are only two destinations for humans

1. Eternity in Heaven, no sickness, no death, eternal joy with Jesus and all the saints; or

2. Eternity in hell with a body that never dies and is in eternal torment with Satan- I would never wish this on anyone!

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Do you know who Louie Gohmert is?? Do you know he gave up a safe seat in Congress because George W Bush called in a favor for his nephew?? Guess what Clinton and Trump and AG Paxton have in common? They defeated a Bush and then got impeached! If you think Democrats are the enemy then you are a dupe.

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It’s got everything to do with Satan and his plan for Antichrist. Most who believe their climate change baloney don’t know what lies ahead for mankind. If they would open up the Bible they’d see, but if they don’t believe in Jesus and haven’t accepted Him as Savior, they are doomed to go through what they are setting up for Satan.

People will believe whomever speaks the loudest. Climate change is just another lie they’ve been using to scare people into believing them. Here’s an example…one of the “founding fools” of climate change, Al Gore, predicted in 2007, that by 2014, both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets would be gone. That’s not happened, in fact for the last 5 years, there have been record lows in both areas.

And did you notice who they’ve targeted to pony up first for their “investments” for their plans to work?? American taxpayers! This won’t include all the ILLEGALS that have entered the US thanks to Bribem and Barry!

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The whole carbon narrative is clearly nothing more than an attempt at political manipulation. Atmospheric CO2 has only increased by about 1.4 parts in 10,000 since humans started burning fossil fuels, a trace amount. Furthermore we know the climate changes absent human activity and it can change VERY rapidly. Just 17,000 years ago an ice sheet five times the height of Seattle's Space Needle covered the location of that landmark. Today there is no permanent ice at the Space Needle, in fact there is seldom even temporary ice. But the shocking fact is Earth's climate changed so dramatically and rapidly that the location was free of permanent ice a mere 800 years after the ice sheet maximum which doesn't even qualify as an eyeblink in Earth's history (research the Vashon Stade). Hence marginal melting of glaciers over the last 100 years comes as no surprise at all. Earth has been in the latest of its many natural warming trends for thousands of years.

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If Goldman Sachs is the vampire squid, McKinsey is the zombie octopus. Just like Wagner group, they are sociopathic mercenary assassins for oligarch private public partnerships: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/pmc-mckinsey-consultant-pmc-wagner-mercenary

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Taibbi loves money…sucking $5/month to millions of dollars.

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This is madness.

It is also a form of warfare, beyond Mind War -- the Chinese call it unrestricted war, others call it 5G warfare. Instead of kinetic weapons, they kill and control by bioweapons, controlling what is needed for life (energy, food, water, safety, forced migration, fentanyl, etc.)

It's working. The goal is the NWO and the end of nation states. We are losing as many Americans ever year as we did in Vietnam or WW II. America looks more like Stalin's Russia than the free Republic passed to us by those who came before.

Election 2024 is probably our last chance. WE ARE AT WAR.

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Who are you going to vote for? There is no one. Don't say RFK. He's proved to be as big a war monger as the rest of them. Vivek seems at least honest. Snowball's chance in hell.

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Trump, of course. He is the last, best hope.....

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Most likely, even with his "warts'. Sad that there is seemingly only one individual who gives a flip about this country. Sad all of these politicians appear to hate the country from which they have benefited.

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Trump appointed Tillerson and Wray and Bolton…he clearly wasn’t up to the challenge.

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Is it possible he was too trusting and has since learned from his mistakes? I’m willing to cut him some slack, given everything we know now.

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Everyone should have known Tillerson was a Bush Republican in 2016…from a MAGA perspective Tillerson was the worst CEO in America because he refused to drill in Texas while investing in Africa and Qatar. Tillerson is essentially a member of the Qatar royal family and Trump gave him the most prestigious position in the Cabinet.

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Then we can kiss it goodbye and it might just be that it IS that time.

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Vivek…rhymes with fake.

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I agree with you completely. May I please point out however that total casualties which were far too many in Vietnam War were around 58k. 100k people a year are dying from fentanyl poisoning. We are at war for real. God Bless you and Merry Christmas.

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True about Vietnam, but that was ONLY those who died in country.

My best friend, Captain Langford Metzger, came back never the same. Did AC-130s over the trail, every night. They had spare pilots, but not spare weapons officers. Plus Lang was an "examiner/trainer" so he was flying every night. Finally, exhausted, they gave him a night off. That was the night one of our Specters took a heat-seeker, with Lang's roommate Paul at the controls. He held it level with people diving off the ramp, with the plane burning and every gun in the area firing at them. It was still level when it exploded.

They think 5 got out, but only 3 came back. The normal crew was 16. I recall that most were listed as "MIA," not "KIA," as that allowed the families to collect benefits. I also know that we left POWs behind, thanks to Kerry and McCain. They were killed, of course, when they ceased to be of any political value.

Lang, came back, but he never left Vietnam. (Actually, they were based at Ubon, Thailand, but you get the idea....)


Since then, we've been killing our Vets off at a massive rate. Many are homeless, out on the street, while illegals live free in luxury hotels at taxpayer expense.

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And fentanyl deaths got worse every year under Trump.

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This is exactly the problem of humanity, thinking that election is someone’s salvation.

FISRT OF ALL: delegating responsibility for our own lives to some other people who get in position of power and expect them not to get corrupt is one problem.

SECOND OF ALL: delegating responsibility for our own lives to some other people is itself something that is utterly ignorant, irresponsible, alibistic, immature and unrealistic.

THIRD OF ALL AND THE MOST IMPORTANT: if you think your vote really impacts the result of the election, you should WAKE UP RIGHT NOW.

There is no chance for people to elect someone who has not yet been recruited or saddled by the NWO Ashkenazi/Canaanite Jewish secret society that has been running everything in this world for centuries/millennia. (Creation of religions, money system, trade, revolutions, wars, science, media outlets, propaganda,...)

Get right with our shared Spirit, face away from the system, our only chance is to starve it to the brink of death and then slay it with no mercy and remorse.

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They're not saving Gaia, they're bound and determined to destroy it. The question is, "why?" Do they really believe they're above and immune to the havoc they wreak and the poison they spread via pesticides and geoengineering? Rhetorical question...

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Thanks for the geoengineering reference. Most folks, even on substacks, will argue that is conspiracy theory. All you have to do is look up. If you think the skies are normal, I feel sorry for you.

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Agreed. I'm in north Sweden, and have many vids of the chemical and lipid nano engineering overhead. There's no denying these are not contrails or anything other than direct spraying from the backsides of planes which hang overhead, spread out and within an hour, two at most, block out the sun as well as send toxic so called smart dust down on us. I will always believe the evidence of my own eyes (plus the magnetic black dust I gathered last winter) over naysayers any day. Sadly, most Swedes have their noses stuck to their smartphones and fail to look up.

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What amazes me is that people who saw/see through the covid and pharma corruption are blind to this. I wish I knew what we could do. People in Scotland and Northern England, I guess as well as Sweden, are really getting inundated. Animals are suffering foot rot.

Have you noticed vegetables like lettuce and celery are rotting from the inside out? I'm having to throw away food that turns slimy and black. I've only started asking this question. Had an agree from Japan.

Incidentally, also an old woman, but not suffering from as many maladies. I was diagnosed with TNB cancer in 2005. Did everything they told me. It recurred in 2011. Had further surgery and did nothing they told me. I won't be smug because you never know when something will rear up and bite you, but now 12 more years (18 total) from initial diagnosis. Not normal hormonal bc. Supposedly more deadly. Still kicking up my heels as much as I can.

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I haven't noticed this food rot in middle USA where I live. We have few chem trails too. But I notice when they happen and an unseasonably cold spell follows.

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Oh, no, not food rot, foot rot. Scotland under normal conditions can have very dark and rainy winters. However, what the Scots who are in the chat groups regarding climate manipulation (not climate change) say is that they have been under relentless spraying conditions such that if the sun does come out, the planes are immediately in the skies making clouds. That's what's happening here in Northern NM as I'm typing. We normally have very dry conditions, unlike northern Europe so what we're suffering at the hands of the climate manipulators is somewhat different. But our trees are dying they tell me because of the pollutants in the soil. Our growing conditions were changed this summer. Monsoons in May when we don't need them and none in July and August when we do, and when we normally get them.

I apologize for the length of this.

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The chem trails are world wide. A lot of the food we get (I buy organic) comes from Mexico, CA, and TX. It's only recently that I've been seeing it. It isn't constant, just occasional. Maybe it isn't from the chemical pollution. I have no way of knowing that for sure because most people don't even admit that the trees are dying or that the skies are being sprayed.

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There is an old saying that seems especially appropriate for the WEF. They should "wish in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which fills up first.

On second thought it is the WEF and they already have all the trillions they need to get the job done. Most importantly back in the 1960s, 1970s and mid 1980s these folks are the progeny of those that blocked in every way possible efforts to protect the environment. Finally we were suckered into the EPA. Another 3 letter outfit that soaks up money and allows the US Forest Service to spray glyphosate through out all the national forests. What has the EPA done for you today?

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I agree! that’s my take on this too! Not that long ago i thought we were fighting all this and then all the sudden the fight disappeared, plastics and throw away products became extremely abundant... we didn’t ask for all this waste! yet here we are!

Also, in high school (1970’s) i wrote to my congressman about the tariffs on the gas efficient cars... mostly from Japan. The tire, oil, gas companies wanted the wasteful cars and no competition. We had for over 50 years the ability to produce gas efficient cars, yet couldn’t get them here in the USA, or there were high import tariffs on them making them less affordable.

Anyways, so annoying.

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No doubt the captains of industry and their progeny WEF owe the Earth much more than they can ever pay. They could start by giving up their wasteful life and live on the margins like the down and out do, who are the result of their predations. Sorry I do go on. Be well.

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How about help with the most critical 2024 issue?

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Dec 14, 2023
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Hi Stephen,

Sadly not the EPA that was created. It is the EPA owned and operated of, by and for the Corporations. Fu^k the citizens.

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Lol. They can SO FK off with that nonsense. Who's going to tell them to go to hell?

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No one but the people if and they only awaken but they're too dumb ed down in their own self absorption .

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who the heck are they to make such demands? 🤔🤣

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The worlds billionaires.... in other words, people with money and power. That's who.

Not that what they're doing is right, because it certainly isn't, but their money and power allow them to do things, and to conspire to do things in ways that simply aren't available to the common, less financially fortunate, among us...

...and that's not only who they are, but how they are able to get away with doing it.

With great amounts of money comes great amounts of power... the power to purchase the bidding of others, the power to be above legal prosecution (e.g. George Soros, or Saudi Princes), and the power to employ others to do their bidding, as well as the power to buy the influence over the Governments of the World... and that's how the WEF operates, as a vast conspiracy of the worlds most wealthiest billionaires and influential people in positions of Government leadership.

THAT's who they are, and how they are able to get away with making the absurd demands they are making with impudence, and even influence power above the stated and written Constitutions of every Government that has pledged allegiance to their corrupt and sinister plans... with Biden himself being a close associate of Klaus Schwaub, and caring nothing for US sovereignty at all, which includes his total disregard for our Southern border, which is a part of both the UN's Agenda 2035 plan, and George Soro's Open Society, as well as the WEF plan for global control by eliminating the concept of sovereignty for all nations...

Get yourself a copy of "Controligarchs Exposing the Billionaire Class" and get informed...

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oh, and i already am

aware of the above... just a flippant response to their arrogance!

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it’s all part of one world government... no borders.

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There is a CO2 shortage. 2000ppm is the norm. Hoax!

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I think that is an outstanding request and should put the whole WEF mob into a place where they are now confirmed to be mindless, idiotic morons.

This has to be seen even the most ignorant fools to be justification for closing the door on these modern day economic Frankensteins.

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The goal is financially ruin us, bring in digital currency, and to help the BRICS.

It’s all about China, China, China.

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Biden has made us energy dominant after Trump failed to prevent China from unleashing a bioweapon into America that killed over a million Americans!!

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Go away paid DOD/CIA/China troll.

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Lol, I celebrated when Lizard Cheney and George P Bush were defeated…Republicans you support were secretly helping them advance up until 2021. As long as Sean Hannity is close to Trump he will keep appointing warmongers like Bolton.

Oh, and what do Clinton and Trump and Paxton have in common?? They were all impeached for daring to beat a Bush.

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Good grief. You live in a country far away? China?

Trump doesn’t like the Bushes/Cheneys!!! They have nothing in common and hate each other!!! They are globalist!!! Trump is not!!!!

You are spreading misinformation!!!! Goodbye!!!

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Yes. Trump says he opposes the global agenda.

Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren says she opposes monopolies.

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This is like the Nigerian Prince Scam, but we can’t hang up or block the Spam.

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What will it take to stop this death cult?

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That's my question too.

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The climate Nazis are back at the trough

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