Jun 1, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

this is the perfect grift to establish top down collectivist control.

you demand ESG scoring of everything, build it into tax code, equity markets, business regs, and mandates. you use it to subsidize and preference. you use it to tax.

in this manner you can use existing tools to take control of and direct the whole economy, punish those who disagree, and shower goodies on those who go along.

it touches everything.

eco-fascism will be pervasive.

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You and Jordan are already in the hole ESG scoring wise. Complainers find themselves shuttled to the fringes where you have to hoof it everywhere and once you get there, you can't come in. Isn't that how it plays out? Complete submission?

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My thoughts exactly— not to mention that creation of these new Offices adds hundreds (if not thousands) of unelected, deep state, bureaucratic wokesters whose incomes are dependent on the perpetuation of the Swamp. How do you think they vote? I haven’t seen the statistics in ages, but I’m sure the percent of the US population employed by Federal or State government has got to exceed 51% by now. The Left know what they are doing and they never take their foot off the gas.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

Taxes must be ratified by Congress. Not that you're wrong, of course this is part of the great American take-down.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

ugh. just, ugh.

thanks for your work sharing information regardless of how horrid the news tends to be these days.

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More nonsense from people incapable of washing a car, let alone regulating a new "subdivision" of the Climate Change office. I am waiting for the planet's reply.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The climate agenda is now a key priority for Government Health, which, over the last few decades, has overseen America’s transformation into the most unhealthy large nation on the planet. haha I love that - totally true- here's my 2 pennies on the climate https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/zero-carbon-is-a-destructive-money?s=w

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Are there any mature adults left in the Biden administration ... ? Or just "mental health" experts like Rachel Levine ... ? Seriously, WTF is wrong with people ... ????

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This is not the result of foolishness or incompetence. No one is that stupid, it's all being done intentionally. The BBB crowd's motto (and I don't mean the Better Business Bureau) is "From chaos, a New World Order". Now we're seeing the chaos, and it's just going to get worse. They are betting on the idea that when the chaos becomes bad enough, we will accept their control in order to make it stop.

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Well said.

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The western world is poisoned to the brim with socialist ideas. Extremely frightening.

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Right out of the U.N.'s playbook of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030. The New Urban Agenda. SDGs (sustainable development goals). Ushering in our new "Green Economy" and so called "smart cities", culminating in the technocracy they've been aiming at since 1933. Welcome to your neo feudal servitude.

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So when do the climate lockdowns start?

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Soon there will be no need for lockdowns, as we all remain holed up, shielding ourselves from all the crazies in our midst.

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Straight from the Swiss cheese brains of the so popular World Economic Forum. Too bad the average person believes the WEF is a conspiracy theory. Going to get interesting.

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These new woke “departments” all sound like they come from the novel 1984. There is a reason for that. Combined with the Biden Administration’s focus on a central bank digital currency ( and their attempt, through the SWIFT system to control all countries CBDCs) We The ( freedom loving) People have hard times ahead. Elections have consequences.

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There is no legislative mandate for this, nor should one penny of taxpayer money fund this foolishness. So much for focusing on inflation, supply chain issues, and promoting the prosperity of the American people in a tangible and meaningful way that will actually result in...well...prosperity. Instead these idiots are doubling down on performative, virtue-signaling nonsense that will not change anything for the better and will in fact detract from other meaningful work.

This is a failed Administration in literally every regard. They are a blight on the American people and embody everything that is wrong with politics, politician, and our polity. Despite having the majority of the corporate media in the pocket (or being the corporate media's pocket...sometimes I cannot tell which it is), and suffering from a complete lack of integrity and an absence of a moral compass (what with their being governed expressly by their stomachs, crotches, and wallets), I hope the American people see through their endless gaslighting and vote for actual change in November.

Great article, Jordan, and thank you for showcasing the level of idiocy and grandstanding heretofore unseen and unrealized in any other Administration before this one!

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Elmer Gantry lives, and he is blushing, as he and his ilk lounge in Hades playing Spin-the-Bottle.

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Un-elected swamp BS, we did not vote for this….where’s the “Democracy”?

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The root cause of inequalities is that we are not all equal and never have been. Beyond that, blame government for systematically destroying the black family and any and all incentives to work or succeed thanks to the never-ending Great Society programs of LBJ.

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the US is in a death spiral.

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