The sequoia VC who staked her reputation on SBF and lost $200 million has not been fired, cuz diversity: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-lose-214-million-in-one-year

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The way Sequoia pushed SBF was not the result of one VC sticking her neck out. They held a coronation and jerked him off publicly.

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Fair point, comrade. I'd say it was a combination of both, but the one who brings the deal in always bears the highest responsibility. She had her hair blown back, all of them fellated him while he was playing a video game, and a storied VC firm has egg on its face forever.

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Eventually, investigators will find the money laundering angle by Democrats and RINOs who gave money to Ukraine only to send it back as donations by Sam (and Caroline at Alameda) to those same Democrats and their cronies. Those politicians and groups who received donations need to reimburse the FTX account holders! Then all of the dirty politicians and Ukrainian counterparts go to jail. By the way, the WEF is trying to scrub and erase signs of their involvement!

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Too late.

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Good thing that there are archives of the FTX support on the World Economic Forum website. And blockchain proof of work on each transaction to the politicians .

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Goody. :)

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Can that all be deleted/erased/disappeared?

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No. But it can take many, MANY, man hours to find any hash on the blockchain. But that is the beauty of the blockchain, it is a permanent record (hash) of all transactions.

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Thank-you very much for the info!

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Yes. Wayback has already been scrubbed of WEF/FTX connections.

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The owner of the Wayback machine is part of the problem.

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From your lips, to God's ears! Those slimes getting caught would be the biggest blessing to the world.

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They caught Eugene Y. From Konnech and took him into custody after learning that he had PA poll workers personal data and more on Chinese servers gleaned from his election software used here and in other countries. Then, surprisingly, he was released immediately after FTX collapsed. There is a connection to the CCP and foreign interference in our elections here, too. Incidentally, one of the relatives of the Ukraine leaders bought expensive property on Lake Geneva in Switzerland with funds from FTX and our taxpayer money for military support that ended up in real estate acquisitions. This is a big story that deserves big consequences for these scoundrels.

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I've been following Kanekoa's pieces on Eugene Yu and Konnech. I appreciate this update, too. --- I believe China owns the majority of our government.

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So it appears! Trudeau got put in his place by Xi as has Biden. We know that Hunter's laptop has evidence of collusion with China and Joe, the big guy. US Cyber Command has observed China, Germany, and other countries manipulating results on Dominion machines during the voting process. China keeps buying land in the US, some close to military bases. The worst evidence is China's role in the development and release of bioweapons (Wuhan) and the infiltration of the pharmaceutical industry in the US. Fauci's Chinese counterpart controlled Fauci, Collins, and Azar among others in universities, labs, and government. You are correct!

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They can run.

But They can't hide.

Computers have long memory.

Schadenfreude. :)

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More visibility now that there are eyes all over this! Relationships with the SEC, MIT, Silicon Valley, the City of London, the Clinton Crime syndicate, and extended family involved in securing political donations, regulatory processes for traditional markets, and responses to epidemics. This situation is a loaded gun of sophisticated movers and shakers in institutions who have no business in the crypto ecosystem,; except to exploit, control, and destabilize on a global scale from the Bahamas, Switzerland, D.C., and the Ukraine centers for the Khazarian empire. Add to that perverse sexual practices and wacky ideologies, money that arose only when Biden announced his candidacy, and exited when election fraud was executed like a precision machine beyond the scope of Sam or Caroline. And...who is Wang? Virtually nothing is known about this guy!

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Things are about to get ugly like the scene from the movie Casino where everybody went down to protect the big bosses.

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It's pretty amazing watching all the 'smart' people fall for the same exact exchange scam as countless other 'crypto idiots' that the smart people laughed at for the last decade.

Not your keys, not your coins!

Oh, and he's STILL listed as a speaker at the $2,500/ticket DealBook Summit!


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Well, I know you guys are a lot smarter than I am, but I cannot yet be convinced that the assets and the keys that purportedly secure them are not entirely, in the scheme of things when rendered down to their essential elements, imaginary.

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It was ALL fraud. No meetings, expenses approved via emoji in a chat program, backdoors to allow him to steal without alerting auditors. All while under the watchful eye of the regulators.

This is only barely a crypto story - crypto was only the vehicle used to power the fraud and money laundering.

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I understand that in this particular case.

And I still can't get a confirmatory answer from anyone on my foundational question: crypto depends, as does all of cyberworld, on physical machines--servers--powered by electricity, which must come from somewhere, controlled by some utility somewhere. Physical infrastructure can be seized. Electricity grids can be hacked. Even the most perfect, remarkable, mind-bending encryption can't beat physical control of the hardware, if a governmental or outlaw entity had the means of grabbing it.

Yes, or no?

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Thank you. :)

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Yes, but what happens on an exchange doesn't really have anything to do with the core crypto function. There's no way on the blockchain to trade a BTC for an ETH. Exchanges facilitate the trade between cryptos -- but once those 'real' cryptos are on the site, the trail ends. They can immediately be transferred off-site, but if the exchange lies and says they are still there..........

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In the world we have right now--not in the future--how do I use my little pile of bitcoins to pay for or buy goods or services I need? What is its actual utility to me, an ordinary person?

How is it valued?

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I see dedicated BTC ATMs around for cash withdrawals from crypto wallet.

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If you have a wallet with bitcoins in it, you can send it to anybody anywhere in the world who accepts it, you don't need an exchange to make that happen. (Here's a site that allows you to buy Amazon cards, effectively allowing you to purchase anything on Amazon. https://www.cryptorefills.com/blog/buy-amazon-gift-cards-with-bitcoin/ I have not tried this site myself and do not endorse it!)

Exchanges are like the bank -- you put your money in there and they tell you that it's there, but you don't really know for sure (absent vigorous audits). If everybody showed up at once to pull their cash out of the bank, lots of people wouldn't be able to get any. (This is why it's illegal to start a bank run and why we have FDIC insurance)

Bitcoin itself is more like cash that's in your wallet. You know that it's there because you can see it in your wallet and/or on the blockchain. You don't need to trust anybody. The major difference is that you can send that 'cash' anywhere in the world - without permissions - to anybody who wants it.

As for the value, it's a completely free market of supply/demand. As more people understand bitcoin, they buy in and the price goes up. (and/or the dollar gets printed into oblivion and the price goes up)

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Well no, he will never be brought to justice, such as that concept is. As with The Plague, too many dirty and second- and third-party tainted hands.

What I'd expect to happen, given the ground-laying regarding the drug-fueled happy house environment, is a "mental health crisis" [fill in any diagnosis you like] making him not only unfit to stand trial, but an unreliable witness precluded from testifying in any associate's trial, and leading to him being committed to a psychiatric facility, and then his parents securing permission for him to be treated in a private rehabilitative facility, from thence he somehow manages to end up in [fill in favorite unextraditable location].

I must be sure to take my vitamins and keep fit. Too many tales whose conclusions I want to be alive to see.

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Mr. Schachtel, not to create a rabbit trail but 25 years ago, I left the sports memorabilia business when tangible products began to be mixed/mingled with the fantasy sports business. The current FTX/Bitcoin products seem to me to be another opportunity to capitalize on intangible products subject to all sorts of artificial manipulation and chicanery. I'm sure you can use your imagination and knowledge of human nature to come up with how adding the burgeoning sports betting industry to come up with ideas how things could go awry...Without very strict regulations, people are gonna be human...

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The crooks will use any payment processing gateway. They have used the banking system for decades, then PayPal and other processors. The BTC domain was created to thwart this corruption with transparency and decentralization; but the globalist elite crooks found ways to exploit crypto by using exchanges and practices they brought from the stock markets with EFTs and more. Just wait until you discover what they have planned for replacing cash with central banking digital certificates (CBDCs). They will be equipped to alter the value of a digital asset based upon how you conform to their ESG policies. We truly have to use this situation with FTX to stop them before they get that far!

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It is exquisite schadenfreude when one percenters turn on Their own kind. :)

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And "eat" their young! Sam's parents sacrificed their son for the fraud. Lousy parents, even though Stanford educated...

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Probably see him as a martyr offered to the woke gods.

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False gods, all.

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I think he did it all on his own. But was taught well by his slimy parents.

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There is a fellow named Wang involved, little is known about him. Deep dive to learn more...warranted! Sam appears to be the face of FTX and yet spent more time networking or partying than running the Exchange. Apparently, the books are a mess.

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Love the call for owning your crypto! Your keys, your wallet, your money. Otherwise you do run the risk of the liquidity of the exchange failing. Just as a side note I'd like to mention that even with your own wallet you can still be subject to bank runs and liquidity issues. Case in point would be the LUNA/UST crash. Just be careful with your money and always make sure there is liquidity for your position.

On the another note, I think SBF committed the largest fraud on his customers since Madoff. The amount of fraud is too large to protect him. People will come with their pitchforks for him. He will be lucky to escape with anything less than what Madoff got.

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Worse than Madoff. MUCH worse. Darren Beattie at Revolver News is onto something..the octopus. Sammy-the-bankman fraud also funded the bogus research findings against the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid. Why would he do that? Was he the money laundering bagman? BCCI on mega meth....

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TOGETHER trial, basically not allowing anyone to give out prescriptions for ivermectine, HCQ. very nasty - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-ftx-foundation-supports-the-global-expansion-of-the-trial-of-the-year-award-winning-together-trial-301547995.html

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I admire him and read the revolver news feed articles daily. Octopus is choking and that will resolve many issues. Evelyn Roth'schild's death solidified many aspects of this chain of events to constrain and dismantle the beast with all of its arms removed simultaneously. The banking families (13) being disassembled as we speak. Ukraine and FTX/FTT tokens - the last effort to steal wealth they did not create or control... Yes, a thousand times worse than Madoff! The motive: create trans human slaves owned as a GMO product of the vaccines that edit DNA/RNA for another level of control. This leads to the WEF, the Jesuits, the Black Pope, the Vatican, the City of London (closer than imagined), and the Khazariian mafia (think Astana). Falling apart at the seams through the brave and gallant effort of many unsung heroes!

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Sounds awfully rosy. I don't see this as a sign of evil dissipating, the sinister creepy crawlies will just scurry under different rocks. The plan to track and enslave us all is underway and secure.

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There are discrete military tribunals taking them out one by one, it takes time. They are at the end of their ropes as we can see from their sloppy and desperate behavior.

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Word is that the authorities in the Bahamas transferred what was available in tokens and on the Exchange to themselves to preserve their stake when they took Sam into custody.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

LOL (and a bit more schadenfreude)

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If no one else, the horribly corrupt, Maxine Waters, will make sure he gets off scott free.

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She doesn't have time to do much.

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I tend to agree and hope that will be the case. But with political collusion we might have Justice delayed, which A W K is Justice denied.

The involvement and culpability of the De$s will be a reason for this to die the death of political necessity.

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How can humans be so fickle and gullible?

I HEREBY Formally REJECT the Bali G20 HUMAN 'Cattle tagging' mandate! I also reject the WEF & all persons remotely associated with the pathetic schoolboy's club!

Licencing POISONS called 'VACCINES' justifies enormous profits from a deadly 'medicine' that's made by Pharmacists with NO MORALS and NO 'LIABILITY!" It also teases us into thinking we're lucky to be offered such wonderful cures (that are no more than DEPOPULATION). Absolute nonsense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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'Bankman-Fried has also networked himself in with the executive branch, having secured meetings with SEC Chair Gary Gensler....' and isn't infamous Peter Strzok's wife Melissa Hodgman connected to the SEC as well? Acting Director of the Division of Enforcement - https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15

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I guess it depends on how you define justice. He will be spending the rest of his life looking back over his shoulder whenever he goes out. Some of the shady type who have been stiffed will not likely believe him when he claims he has turned over all his known funds.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

🤞 People like him should always have to look over their shoulders, just. like the rest of us plebeians.

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The Q team has said that they won't be able to walk down the street when the public finds out what they've done.

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The question is not whether SBF will get away with it, but that the whitewash will cover for all the Deep State and Democrat Party types he was working with. And now that Maxine Waters is "chairing" the investigation?! Remember, the tentacles of the Beast are very long and very strong.

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Mention of the balance sheet of this mob, is surely a little premature.

Until the forensic people (Kroll ,??) get involved, I cannot believe anything coming out of this will be reliable, which will definitely take a while, as it did with Enron, as I remember the extensive lengthy time that took when our people dealt with that mess and this is far more complex.

Will be interesting, for sure, with an expected muzzling of information if the major political bunch are involved, as it has been suggested, again without any independent scrutiny and factual reporting.

The Enron saga can be seen below....


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"When properly self-custodied through the use of a “cold storage” mechanism, bitcoin thrives as an easily accessible, but non-confiscatable asset"management..." 

What? The government confiscates bitcoin all the time. 

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Do you remember when the corrupt and greedy government agencies went after Douglas, the founder of e-gold? The system was legitimate, sound, and ethical. People around the world were prudently using this processor and vault to exchange and/or hold gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Once $60 million was circulating in the space,; federal prosecutors framed Douglas for crimes he did not commit in order to confiscate all of our funds and Holdings! Of, course, the charges were dropped; but the Feds kept our wealth for themselves. BitCoin and the blockchain were created to end the theft of wealth and it has taken30 years for the corrupt to find ways to exploit the system.

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Nothing new here, typical jewish behavior and he might just get away with it...

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Walk into the Capitol building and rot in jail. Steal billions for the Democrats and get away with it scot free.

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