Europeans and ukranians will freeze this winter, Zelensky will be doing coke from his exile mansion in Florida or Israel

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Similar to "Obiden", faggot twit Zelensky is a facade/soul-less Potemkin puke who long ago sold out his mother for a lead nickel. Would luv to see "it" slowly lowered into a large aquarium of voracious Piranha or publicly "racked and drawn"!

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

Israel couldn’t care less. If Zelensky is useful to the money laundering, looting and WEF agendas, he will be most welcome. If he spreads some of his new found cash around, he will be even more welcome.

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Were to God that more Jewish people agreed.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

In Jewish folk memory, the stupidest and most vicious antisemites of all were Ukrainians.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if the Evil NWO Cabal, including the evil elite WEF & WHO & Bill Gates of the world who truly want MASSIVE depopulation of all of us they view as “useless eaters”.

They already have underground bunkers that can sustain them for decades with tunnels with trains that travel many places in America underground.

At this point NOTHING would surprise me!?!

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The kleptocrats are temporarily in charge. They will be suicidal in their attempts to own the planet - it is really just a matter of how many of we the people they take with them. Insane crazy psychopathic nut jobs.

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It’s true! It’s probably where the est. 20-50 thousand missing illegal children have disappeared too....Are they underground in Obama/Biden cages?

Where isn’t the Biden Administration desperately looking for these missing children?

This administration is a rotten, evil , and disgusting lot of human beings!

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We just need to get them out of power. They are up there for certain on the scale of evil doing.

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Thank God he didn’t win the Nobel Peace Prize this year. That really would have been taking the piss out of every right thinking adult.

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The Nobel prizes were very interesting this year. Nothing for Zelenski- and nothing for the maniacs behind the vaxx. Maybe the Norwegians are coming to their senses after making fools of themselves over Obama.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Zelensky is as big a puke as joey. What a bunch of clowns.

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Unless the two gentlemen standing on either side of Volod are exceptionally tall, I think I’ve figured it out. Volod has a Napoleon Complex.

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The photo itself is comedy. But then we live in clown world where everything has turned into a tragicomedy.

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And paid well to act.

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Him and FauxQi.

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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy knows what is coming. My opinion is that the defeat of Ukraine will come very soon as Russia has now re-calibrated based on the droves of weaponry and mercenaries that have assisted Zelenskyy’s forces. Gone are the Russian “soft tries” ... then negotiation. Russia now knows that negotiation will not happen with Ukraine’s Western puppet masters at the helm. The real war is about to begin. The only thing that will stop Russia now is a nuclear false flag staged by the West that will allow the West to assist even more fully. But the brinksmanship needed for that kind of an operation is beyond the West. Let’s hope they don’t try.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

One day nato will take puppet zelinsky out via carbomb or whatever and say putin did it oops. The more unhinged zelinsky gets the closer his time of demise. Nato has full physical control and control over his end of life believe this one. Zelinsky continues to blackmail Biden, Biden continues to send hushmoney but at one point the gonna have enough. And nato is not that stupid to start ww3 over kiev. Zelinsky's 'charisma' has petered itself out i would say. Hence his increasing anger.

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Zelensky is still getting significant lethal aid from the US and NATO.

Looks to me like his "gambit" has already worked.

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He is a SELF directed as Putin, in some ways even more so,

and the west, in particular the demented fossil and his menagerie of

miscreants in the White House and Congressional delinquents have all facilitated it by squandering

$89 BILLION of OUR tax$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Fortunately for all of us, the deranged powers in the West are also just bullies and cowards, meaning they are happy to push others forward to fight their battles but seem unlikely to directly engage (lest already faltering support turns into a complete rout of the WEF globalist neocon madmen).

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RemovedOct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022
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They don't care about no Jews! They care about their graft, kickbacks, and laundered money. Period.

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No doubt they are psychotic. I think they want to cultivate fear to help fuel the war in Ukraine (and line their pockets and try to break Russia into little, digestible pieces like the former Yugoslavia). But just as with the refusal to send in ground troops (overtly at least), and with their immediate refusal to admit UKR to NATO, when push comes to shove they seem to shy away.

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Zelenskyy is a NATO puppet who is getting too independent for his handlers at the US State Dept; I assume they will soon dispense with his services one way or another. It's becoming embarrassingly obvious that the shrimp has a big coke habit and his government is too freely exposing its Nazsty tendencies, ones the Ukrainazis at State would prefer to hide from sensitive Americans whom they've managed to gull into supporting Kiev till now.

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Volodimir is following in the footsteps, then, of previous generations of denizens of Galicia.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022

It's not that the United States and its vassals (ex Poland and the Baltics) actively seek WWIII, it's that they cannot be seen to lose, and consequently must keep on doubling down. The hysterical rhetoric coming from Washington and Brussels (how can you justify negotiating with "literal Hitler"?) certainly doesn't help.

This is further exacerbated by the dysfunctional nature of US domestic politics, in which both Team R and Team D prioritize scoring points at the expense of the other party over national interests.

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Obama expressed the situation in Ukraine perfectly. Russia will dominate and America should back off.

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Obama should say that to OBiden.

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Little did we know in 2014 that the mighty 🇷🇺 military couldn’t even conquer Kharkiv! 😂 🐻 💩

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what's Vogue got to say about it.?

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ZZZZZZ, Sorry but his is a proxy war. The plan is for the MIC to get rich till the last drop of Ukrainian blood is shed.

Just shut up and die very slowly. Short wars and shorter production runs are not as profitable.

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WOW, just realized you are right.

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Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan established precedent.

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Never fear crackpot Australia will keep sending weapons to the crackpot neo nazi without ever bothering to ask why he crows about being a neo nazi

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Not the first time folks have entered into tactical alliances with Nazis and other unsavory sorts.

Zelenskii was elected in 2019, over vociferous American objections, on a policy of peace and reconciliation with Russia. Suffice it to say, he was not allowed to undertake these policies.


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