10% for the big guy. Nancy and Jill are just making sure their sons’ business dealings are well covered.

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Z has the dirt on EVERYBODY in our gov't, and he's using it. Plus, BiteMe has a need for more money to support those 3 lavish homes after he leaves and can no longer get bribes from abroad.

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How would Z have that information ...the time frame when Hunter was dealing with Burisma was 2014-2019, Zelensky was NOT President until April of 2019.

How would Zelensky have "the dirt on everyone" in our government?

Does he have dirt on almost every Government of the world, many of who give a higher percentage of their defense budgets to Ukraine than we d?

Does he have "dirt" on Poland etc?

How is Bidet getting money for those "lavish homes" from Ukraine or Zelensky?

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Hunter Biden had absolutely ZERO dealings with the Ukrainian GOVERNMENT. His corrupt activities were with BURISMA, a privately owned corporation that the Ukrainian government does not have part of.

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Pppppull your head out of your ass, your hero ZELENSKY is getting HIS slice Mr ALLCAPSHERO.

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So do you want to respond to your ignorant comment. Hunter did not work for Ukraine. BTW Zelensky was not even President when Hunter was pulling his Burisma BS ... you must live in a scary world of conspiracy nuts and delusional thougts ... get some help

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You’re right random fucktard, nothing to see here, Hunter didn’t get a 6 figure do nothing job on the back of his daddy in one of the worlds most corrupt countries. Perhaps your mom could give me some help. Go get your booster idiot

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lol ... Not a single thing you rambled about diisputes what I said.... Hunter IS corrupt, Burisma DID pay him for connections and influence peddling. Biden is corrupt. .... However the country of Ukraine is dealing with corruption and improving continually ..... NOW tie the country of Ukraine to paying Hunter ... My mom is dead, but for you i am sure thats ok.

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you are a moron ... making statements with no facts and nor proof

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Similar to calling people names as a random fucktard? Go get another vaccine you tool

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haven't even had ne .... wrong again moron

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May 13, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Thanks Jordan, great as always. Rand Paul is our only hope at this point. People need to understand that 99% of people in Congress belong to a Uniparty that loves throwing buckets of money out the door to long-time donors. We need to limit everyone to a single term - guys like McConnell should not exist.

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That's why we should all vote against the incumbents in every election, with very few exceptions for the very few good incumbents like Rand Paul.

It's the only way to get anywhere close to having term limits.

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Ukraine. The world’s money laundering center. With 10% to the big guy.

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Stated by someone who has never been to Ukraine, has no knowledge of anti-corruption activities over the last several years (that is ongoing) and is spouting BS from conspiracy sites that is NOT proven factually.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Awesome post. Not only are the Ukrainians not going to see a penny of this money, but they will be killed by it. It just means more infrastructure that needs to be destroyed so the Russians don’t see these weapons on the front lines.

Also, most don’t realize that the US can’t pump out cheap and serviceable weapons in droves like we did in WW2. We are running the world’s reserves down just in time for China to attack Taiwan, an actual minimally corrupt democracy and good world player (and computer chip maker) that isn’t the money laundering center for the Davos elites.

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"Not only are the Ukrainians not going to see a penny of this money, but they will be killed by it."

Excellent point that some people need to have hammered into their heads.

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Do I like Putin? I like him more than the "Uniparty". It really is that simple.

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you are a moron ... hope your wife, children are not raped. Hope your home is not bombed because the deviant midget wants your home and you wont give it to him. The uni-party sucks but you like Stalin and Hitler better?

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Any Republican that voted for this, like my lil rep, Steve Swampboy Scalise, should be primaried. I know its late for running, but its a BS yes vote.

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list of 57 GOPs who voted against this bs - https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-57-house-republicans-voted-against-ukraine-aid-1705463

(sadly, where's Stefanik?)

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I watched for years as he "whipped the votes" for corrupt Boehner laws that screwed his base and America at large, and then he transformed into a "patriot".

I wasn't sad when he got shot. Sorry, not sorry.

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Its good that you noticed his behavior prior the shooting and right around Trump getting elected, he ways big DC swamp, lobbyists own him. But after he was shot/ and Trump threw him huge support, he supported MAGA, played the game. Now, he needs to be primaried! Sympathy aside, cuz the Bernie leftie almost killed him, he took a left turn. Cassidy sucks worse.

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It’s going to be a process. The RINOs will flim flam many before, during, and after the elections, but remember their voting records. We will get them out eventually- I hope.

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Con, lie, cheat, steal, fraud....that is our gov’t... and We The People will be stuck paying back the fake money, the money that doesn’t even exist?!?!

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'toon time...'This shows us what Congress thinks of the American people and our country. America comes last.nmApparently, American babies come last, too.' grrrgraphics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/pelosi_baby_ukraine-Tina-Toon-1536x1121.jpg

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our hero Rand Paul !!! i couldnt agree more this made up Ukraine war is Obidens means to launder money back to soros and the demonic democrats !! keep fighting Rand while the rest of the RINOs join the criminal enterprise...

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$56B money laundering operation to fill the DC coffers, just in time for the mid-terms.

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Reading some of the comments, I noticed someone stated that the Ukranian government doesn't have any ownership in Burisma and thus Hunter Biden's corruption is not due to any government corruption. Well, sort of depends on how you connect the dots. According to an article at Great Game India - https://greatgameindia.com/hunter-biden-zelensky-neo-nazi/

An Ukranian billionaire, Ihor Kolomoysky aquired Burisma from original founder, Mykola Zlochevsky. This was around 2012.

After the events of Euromaidan forced the resignation of Yanukovych in February 2014, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appointed Kolomoysky Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Relationship to Zelenskyy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoysky )

As of 2019, Kolomoyskyi owned 70% of the 1+1 Media Group whose TV channel 1+1 aired "Servant of the People", the comedy series in which Volodymyr Zelenskyy played the role of president of Ukraine. On 31 March 2019 Zelensky won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's real presidential elections, resulting in Yulia Tymoshenko being eliminated from the next round.

Zelensky was viewed by some as Kolomoysky's candidate. Zelensky appointed Kolomoysky's personal lawyer as a key campaign advisor, travelled to Geneva and Tel Aviv to confer with the then-exiled Kolomoysky on multiple occasions, and benefited from the endorsement of Kolomoysky's media empire'

So as you can see by some of the connections there could be a possibility of corruption. As Kolomoysky knew Hunter and Zalensky both.

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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Why is the United States only giving the Ukraine $40 billion? The United States gave Afghanistan $85 billion in weapons.

The United States is spending less on the Ukraine than they spent on Afghanistan. The Afghanistan war cost around $1 trillion.

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Enough is Enough. How many terrorists were cranked out of Ukraine besides Hunter and a few hookers?

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BTY, none of those who did 911 were Afghanis. Most of them were Saudi Arabians.

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Fetzer hates Jews. Always has.

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most understandable once you get cought in their hasbara-crosshairs. be well, GB

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Sure they were Saudi’s but where was the organization? Frankly, we should have gotten out of that shithole by 2006.

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We must take back both chambers of Congress with Ultra MAGA patriots that will stop the funding of this scam and turn the spotlight on the regime.

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election integrity is still a big issue and many more people are needed to oversee the election process, perhaps as a volunteer at the local polling station or as a precinct member https://precinctstrategy.com/

pls share, GB

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maybe i don’t get it? they keep talking about people living under some steel plant for months now and not a single question on how they survived? meanwhile, there’s zelensky meeting some more dignitaries out in the middle of town, stopping for photo ops and having lunch. oh! and don’t forget an impromptu concert by U2 under a shelled subway station. war? what am i missing?

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The simple answer is... the money is going back into the pockets of the treasonous and corrupt politicians in Washington, and of which a cut will be given to their cronies in Ukraine. This is just like the 2008 financial crisis, when these same people ripped off the American taxpayer with their bank bailouts. Stop and think about it... why are they so eager to push all these billions and billions of dollars into a black hole without accountability.

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These Monies are financing the entire war effort, paying Ukraine leaders and soldiers, as well as supplying arms. Meanwhile, 100 container ships sit offshore ussa waiting to be unloaded, baby formula is strangely in short supply and the Neocons are forcing Russia to escalate the war. Putin & Co. has not lied (unlike the ussa neocons). They have stated they will not go down without a full all out war which entails unleashing nukes if they feel they are on the verge of defeat. Of course the west will retaliate but by then the northern hemisphere will become an unlivable wasteland for years.

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