You are the carbon they seek to remove, Comrade: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-solve-climate-change?s=w

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"You are the carbon they seek to remove: exactly, the carbon and the virus.

They've told us the truth years in advance


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The most insidious evil is deceiving people to bring about Utopia. Lying reveals an intent to dominate. It's a bellwether for great violence, like the young psychopath that tortures cats.

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Into THINKING that. That is the deception. People's narcisism will always keep that BSy idea alive. There will be utupia one day. But it won't be a human construction. Maranatha.

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Why would anyone want to remove CO2 when it is the building block of plant life?

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Haven't you heard, reasoning is forbidden? This is a WAR, and talk about growing plants is Russian disinformation...

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yeah we need way more not less

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"The sky [has been] falling" since, like, the Sumerians. So that's normal human hysteria for them's so genetically inclined to apocalypsia.

There've been brutal thugs and their henchfolks since we started climbing down from the trees.

The need to believe in *something" is inwired. The something can be anything, and anything can produce a holy writ and performative acts of devotion and the anathemizing of anyone you choose to mark for shunning.

Dressing it up fancy doesn't make it less primitively, viciously tribal. I've said this before: ridicule is the best weapon. Don't be drawn into the game of rational response and cordial debate. Laugh until they shrivel and refuse to compromise and if the kid wants help with buying an electric vehicle, say *no*, and start working your way up the influence chain starting with your local school boards, and if someone starts saying "Trump wuz robbed" tell 'em he was as much a moron as the rest, just in his own unique way, and refuse to identify with any tribe at all. It's not a permanent remedy; it has to be repeated regularly, but it's a start.

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well stated (though we never came down from trees).

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We're each going to have to join a tribe, or start one, at some point though...

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Nah. But we can visit each other...

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If these feckless, dithering dipshits had any intention of living the way they expect everyone else to, this wouldn’t be quite as infuriating.

However, the, “Poverty for thee, but not for me,” crowd is peopled with virtue signaling assclowns devoted to peformative eco-warrior cosplay. They live in huge houses, drive huge vehicles, own private jets, and live opulent lifestyles. They can, therefore, eat shit.

Great article, Jordan, and I appreciate you once again highlighting the hypocrisy of those “serving” in our government and staffing woke NGOs. Hopefully we have a fulsome changing of the guard in November, resulting in better policy that actually serves the American people.

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Of COURSE the abject poverty and slavery is only for US, not THEM!!! WE are the special ones... I just read yesterday that the EU or UN, whatever, they're all linked, suggested a limit on fuel usage (?), but not for freight transportation or private jets. Hmmm....

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Collapse all private business (anything smaller than a Vanguard) then put the serfs on CBDC coupons tradable for cricket bars and opiates. This is the Utopia they seek.

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Charging electric cars during a blackout is going to be interesting. What people won't do for the almighty dollar.....most of us see your greed!

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They believe that the earth belongs to them and the rest of us are just squatters.

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There is not enough electricity available this summer for current usage, much less adding battery powered autos. Oh, do not park your lithium battery car in you garage or under your carport. It may catch fire. Both Germany and France have had major issue with battery buses. Just do an internet search if you to not believe me.

You forgot to mention the USEPA. Their main function is to drive US manufacturing to China.

Don't forget about the Nuclear Reg Agency. Their purpose is to prevent any new nuclear powered energy.

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Butti-boy is a WEF Young Global Leader, as are many of the rest of Brandon's inner circle. Preserving lazy speculators is just part of the picture. This is the rollout of a social credit score scheme. First the Fortune 500 - who can well afford to throw a few mil at a Dept. of Lip Service. Next it's the mom-and-pops and then it's your turn. Time to nip this in the bud.

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Butt Lad Peter.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

I've only read part of your article so far but yes, your gov and my Canadian gov are deliberately demolishing oil and gas all in the name of climate change. Rather, they don't want us ordinary folks using it all up so that there is not enough for 'them'. Malthusians, all of them at the top of the cabal, misguided, brainwashed folks further down the line.

I don't think they really care about collateral damage, i.e., starvation, poverty, disease etc. Possibly they're pleased with the collateral damage: 2 years ago I wouldn't have said that but too much has happened since.

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oil is not a finite raw material - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6vVbz7Epsg

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The Malthusian thinking is that earth's resources are finite. May not be true, but there's people who believe it. True or not, human ingenuity is definitely not finite.

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well said. although we're resilient, we're also fearful of bullies and gullible (and tend to believe the baddies).

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No, it's not about not wanting us to "use it up so there's not enough for them" at all... It's solely about control, power, money. That's it. They want to own/control EVERY DAMNED NATURAL RESOURCE, including & especially humans. And, the more we suffer, the better - I think they get a kick out of us suffering.

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as psychopaths tend to do.

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Worlds so-called leaders are actors performing in One Giant Scripted PSYOP

" We are NOW 2 years into a 5-year plan for the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the SOCIETY using Global Plandemics, Wars, Economic Collapse, and FOOD SHORTAGES."


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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

yes except it will be longer than 5yrs the "spars" plandemic is to kick of in 2025

and run to 2028 and agenda 2030 is supposed to be completed by yeah 2030

so the tyrants have,nt finished with us for a while yet

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Can they wait? They seem to be running out of patience with getting their agenda completed. And too many are waking up to risk a slower pace.

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As you say, too many of us are waking up for them to risk slowing things down. I say, onward! The faster this clownworld comes crashing down, the better - let's get this bandaid ripped off, so the healing can begin.

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we haven't finished with them yet either!

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No, they've brought Spars forward, so it's still on track w/ being 2 years into the 5 years plan.

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Build Back Better Broke BS Biden. The controlled demolition is its own answer.

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say that 3 times fast!

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There's yet another possibility. Read Naomi Wolf's "The Bodies of Others." What is happening now has never happened in the U.S. before and so it is hard to wrap our blessed, free and prosperous society conditioned brains around the concept. But it has happened elsewhere throughout history and the signs are everywhere. The answer is this: the controlled demolition is not a misguided attempt to destroy the U.S.---it is an entirely deliberate, intentional ploy to ruin her and bring her to her knees. The WEF is not what it purports to be. These technocrats have a colonial lust for power over every living person on the planet, and have been plotting a takeover for decades. Agenda 2030 spells out the goals. Yuval Harari goes into some of the details, Klaus Schwab has written books on it and founded an indoctrination school where an alarming number of today's world leaders have gone.

The "green" argument is just propaganda, perhaps believed by some of them, but not really.

There's a disconnect between what is said and what is being done. You don't fly thousands of private jets, sail superyachts, etc. on party jaunts to Davos away from your energy-guzzling mansions if you truly think the planet is in imminent danger of collapse from fossil fuel consumption.

Likewise, you don't steal an election to make a country slightly more Democrat. And you can't build back better without first destroying.

Biden didn't just destroy our economy, he destroyed our military, depleted our emergency reserves, and weakened us in every area Kissinger said a country had to be strong to win a war. This was no mistake or misguided venture. Destroying America was his job and he did it well.

I suspected awhile ago that Covid policies were always for the purpose of attaching us to an intimate digital ID/ vax passport system. I think it is pretty obvious now that this is the case. Likewise, we all suspected that the WEF connected leaders around the world have been put into place to colonize and conquer independent sovereign countries and subject them to centralized rule. I think that now we can pretty much confirm that suspicion. The only question is, what are we going to do about it?

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we will love, laugh and live life in a manner the power-addicted psychopaths can't ever understand. they can't control the plebs' resilience, us being happy or raising a family, which ultimately scares them - https://humansbefree.com/2021/09/new-world-order-mindset.html

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tru dat: the “green transition” movement don’t actually care in the slightest about the environment! not talking about cleaning up the mess that mass industrialisation produces is one of the elephants in the room. one of the other ones is the earth's devastation, e.g., open mining for rare minerals, needed to produce solar- and wind-based energy, EVs and batteries for smart phones - https://i0.wp.com/sciencefiles.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/rare-earth-mining.jpg?ssl=1

poor Gaia.

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Green new deal is an updated version of worldwide socialism: no internal combustion engines, no heaven, no gender. That communists have liquidated 100 million people over the span of a century to achieve their desired paradise on Earth is a dead giveaway that communism is nothing more than a construct to serve as an excuse to kill people whom communists view as cattle

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