It's hubris and politics with a generous helping of unfathomable cruelty. Lest we forget, the CCP killed tens of millions of its own people in the 20th century and ran them over with tanks only 30 years ago.

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Agreed. And in this case it crushes the very soul of the Chinese, never a bad thing if you're the one in power.

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Great article!

There is one more possibility. This virus first appeared in China and it is possible that China knows something about it that make it fear Covid so much. What it is, we do not know. But let's say that, just for an example, Covid would kill everyone by triggering a deadly cancer in 3 years. This would explain these crazy lockdowns also.

Looking at China makes me very worried for this reason.

I also discussed this and we can compare notes:


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first appearance of virus was actually in spain in march 2019. dr. pam popper discusses this https://rumble.com/vzu9k1-covid-19-in-2019

by the way thanks for all the great work you do

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Covid is so full of mysteries, thanks for the link

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I agree - a great article and response, Igor. And thanks for that link - I'd forgotten about the 2020 theory about Covid potentially affecting Asians more.

I also believe that much will be made of Covid and cancer in the relatively near future. But no worries - “Scientists are on the cusp of commercializing the first personalized cancer vaccine” said Gates in 2019 [MIT Tech Review: “How we’ll invent the future”]

Cancer rates have been on the rise for years although internationally there's a 3 year lag in reporting cancer stats which hamper independent assessments. And conflict of interest also makes the official figures less trustworthy in some countries (incl. Australia) where the telecommunications industry took over management of cancer registries several years ago. The fox guarding the henhouse!

Curiously here in South Africa, the Cancer Registry now falls under the Department of Communicable Diseases (for ease of admin we were told) and last year the head of our Cancer Registry Dept noted that 30% of cancers in Africa are caused by viruses (citing IARC). This includes the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) which the US Health Dept classified as a definite human carcinogen in Nov 2016. But there's not much on the cancer-virus connection in our local media yet. It’s all about the timing and (I suspect) the readiness of those cancer vaccines...

The parallels between long Covid and EBV and its companion Cytomegalovirus (CMV) are also worth examining. A number of studies have pointed to EBV activations being observed in serious Covid cases - one of the earliest ones came from study at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University in Feb 2020 which concluded that "EBV reactivation may be associated with the severity of COVID-19". According to mainstream literature, EBV (which belongs to the herpes group like CMV and others) is highly contagious and the vast majority of human adults have it already in their system. That's not an issue. The issue is the activations.

So what are some of the suspected activation triggers? Elevated stress levels. Exposure to certain niEMR frequencies (which affect stress levels in the body too). Too much screen time. Lack of exercise. Poor oxygenation & breathing habits. Chemicals. Poor diet (including sugars, alcohol, caffeine). Certain pharmaceutical drugs.

And what did the pandemic response entail? Abundant stress, increased EMF levels and screen time, masks, sanitising chemicals, restricted exercise, escalating food costs impacting on proper nutrition and mandatory vaccines…

So I’ll continue taking my chances with my natural doctors and long may they be allowed to stay in business!

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Here's the NIEHS Carcinogen Report listing some of the cancer-causing viruses (including EBV): https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/update/2016/11/rocrelease/index.html

And the 2020 Wuhan study:


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To track cancer rates in real time, you can try using google trends for searches showing intent to treat, for example "chemotherapy side effects", or "colon cancer treatments". Do not just search for cancer terms like "stomach cancer", these fluctuate if well known celebrities have that cancer or due to news articles.

I am mentioning this because, despite my best efforts to find something, I did not find any serious uptrend so far.

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Smart choice of search string ... but is there an alternative to Google Trends?

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Thanks. And just clarifying that I was referring to cancer diagnoses over an extended period of time.

What first caught my eye in around 2009 was a McMillan UK headline saying that 1 in 5 Britons could expect to be diagnosed with cancer in their life time. Then every year or two after that the percentage increased - from 1 in 5 to 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 and then 1 in 2! That's 50% of Britons who could expect to be diagnosed with cancer in the their lifetime (if McMillan's findings were to be believed.)

Much of this had to do with improved early detection methods and people living longer but the rise in incidence has been ascribed to a host of other things too. According to a study published last year in ACS, the global cancer burden is expected to rise by a further 47% in the next two decades. And another estimate was a rise of 85% in the next 15 years in Sub Saharan Africa.

That's looking forward. But looking back too there've been many reports and studies pointing to a rise globally in the last decade. Especially here in SA. Here's one example from the insurance company Discovery Health (Business Tech, 2020: "Massive rise in cancer related treatment in South Africa")


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And the people are just collateral damage to the CCP.

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And pets, sadly.

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Great article. It's genuinely difficult to know what's really going on in China, and I think many of these factors come into play.

I saw this happen in New Zealand once covid arrived so I am partial to the germophobe explanation. I am an American expat who was living there for 7 years. I got out before the first big lockdown happened over ONE CASE. New Zealanders have lost their minds over the past 9 months. I've seen libertarians in New Zealand become complete totalitarians over this. I'm pretty sure they aren't privy to information that China has about the virus, so in some sense this extreme authoritarian behavior in Australia, NZ, Canada is self-reinforcing because of insularity and mass psychosis.

There's one more possibility to add to the list. I saw a fascinating comment on Mathew Crawford's substack Rounding the Earth today re: China.

"If you study the long history of China you will discover periods where the entire country seems to be quite insane. The Cultural Revolution is just one example, and the system breakdown over COVID is another. Often the cause has been flooding or earthquakes or famine, but when the people see the omens they know that the Emperor has lost the Mandate of Heaven. The Emperor knows, too. I think the CCP may fear losing the Mandate of Heaven and they imagine that the only solution is to impose absolute, mindless and fearsome tyranny to keep it. That worked in Tian An Men square. No Chinese teenager has ever heard of the massacre, but this will be harder to hide."

Link is here: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/false-pandemic-hegemon/comment/6027774?s=r

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

As a New Zealander I would concur, but assure you that not all of us have gone nuts. Unfortunately those that haven't are a minority (of which I'm pleased to part).

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I think your third and fourth possibilities are the most likely. The internal politics is one in particular that I think plays a significant role but gets little coverage.

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Welcome to the satanic NWO There was never a pandemic. Plandemic, genocidal PSYOP planned years in advance. Population control and culling of "useless eaters" worldwide. Vaxx - bioweapon attack on humanity:

"The World Bank document titled “COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM AND PROPOSED 25 PROJECTS UNDER PHASE 1” was made available to the public on April 2, 2020. According to this document, the expected COVID-19 Project Closing Date is March 31, 2025."

Coming to a city near you: Slaughtering "infected" pets, and caging, starving, and beating "infected" people. Wait till the next plandemic which will "get our attention" according to kill bates. “For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come


Meanwhile in Canada: Following the Footsteps of the Third Reich: Canada Announces Medicalized Murder of the Mentally Ill History Repeating: the use of weaponized psychiatry in the recent past


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Other explanations:

- They know it was a lab leak and know it could potentially get more dangerous.

- They want to hurt the western economies. (maybe covered in psyop)

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Lab leak is just promo for fear of the next one


Maybe they just want it to look so bad that no country will ever try this shit again? A glimmer of hope

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That would be the best explanation, out of a series of bad options

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creating more supply chain misery: although the ports are open, trucking capacity is severely reduced - https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/services-information/news/2022/03/mar16-china-covid-update-ports.html

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Warehouses that supply ports also closed.

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“Lab leak” or “leaked (weaponized) virus” the problem with latter would be we cannot know the long term effects of exposure. Sure it’s very a tiny risk of death for most, but what chronic health detriments will persist, what “vulnerability” will later be asymmetrically taken advantage of by foreign or domestic authorities/powers, or by globalist bad-guys. This, I guess would make a “fear” of the “virus” or “injection” reasonable (say if either corrupts your DNA, or cripples your immune system long term)

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A fifth possibility: China is secretly ruled by Eric Feigl-Ding.

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Possibility #5: the carnivorous machine intelligence that is the global Covid regime is trying to kill Shanghai, as a trial run for killing every city on earth.

Make no mistake: the tortuous horror we see in Shanghai today is coming here, if we let it.

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Definitely a trial run. I lean more towards a trial of climate lockdowns vs. killing the city, but point taken and what do details matter anyway?

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The actual reason for this criminally insane terrorism is irrelevant. CHINA has become the most evil, monstrous regime on the planet! Global ENEMY #1.

CHINA epitomizes a criminally insane evil regime! NO SANE person or political entity should ever cozy up to these monsters. The Belt & Road Initiate is a one-way path to HELL!

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Was listening to Louder with Crowder today and a Anon resident of Shanghai,originally an Australian ,stated he believes the CCP is doing this to “save face” with there population.Hence the linear growth of cases by just a 1,000 or so a day ,then they will make it disappear.Giving the collective Chinese a sense of accomplishment and purpose.It’s one great big lie ,but the save face idea works in a few of your choices.

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#5: The globalists already run the modern world and they're in the endgame of their New World Order (one world government, massive depopulation and Central Bank Digital Currency). The Ukraine war is helping to bring about financial and supply chain collapse. China is also doing its part with lockdowns that will make the supply chain even worse. Massive depopulation will happen due to the clot shots and famine. The satanic globalists believe in "order out of chaos" after all.


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Simple. A message to all pre communist/dictator states, this is how to crush freedom. Wait for it! September, probably, before 2022 mid term elections, the absolute necessity to house arrest all people for their own good. Mail in ballets, or cancellation of elections, because of the horror of a new dangerous covid or something. Emergency! Lock yourself up, at least! Canada is setting in place censorship laws for disinformation. Be very careful what you say from now on.

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I believe the internet crash will work for fixing the elections this fall. Expect another "pandemic" near the end of 2023. This will facilitate a complete takeover of our country by the WHO. Our senile tyrants want to retire and plan on collecting a handsome reward soon. No more need to win or rig elections after this year.

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Earlier than 2023. Effectively elections will be unimportant. Just theatre.

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Personally, I think it's born from an increasingly-unstable economy. If the house of cards came down, CCP and Xi could face real problems. They could foresee that a lockdown of a city of 25 million people would relieve commodity pressures if it was aggressive enough, and that it would create a template to further reduce with additional cities as needed.

The internal political pressure from Shanghai's corner could've been a bonus or even suggested it as the first city.

Kyle Bass, a good China watcher, just suggested as much today - https://twitter.com/Jkylebass/status/1514264818685026308

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And if I may be so bold, I'll also note that I banged this drum on 4/1 - https://twitter.com/billbrown/status/1509977366281347078

I also wondered this morning about why _any_ bad news is coming out of Shanghai and realized that maybe this is Shanghai powers-that-be trying to counteract Xi's actions - https://twitter.com/billbrown/status/1514313814413508609

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Yep I like Kyle as well, I first saw him as part of the Hedgeye investment summit maybe in 2021, he had some interesting things to say. Thanks for mentioning him, I will check him out once again.

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5. Total control and subjugation over it's people. The great reset. This is how you do it western nations. This is how you really do a lockdown!

They might be a wee bit wary of this variant evading their not-totally-effective vaccine too.....

And hey! With shanghai being such a big port it helps to choke supply chains further and crash the world economy.... also part of the great reset... so win win.

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Democide. China is struggling to feed all its people. The CCP is becoming nervous. And Shanghai has many people less-than-loyal to the Party.

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aaahhh what a dandy idea! kill off the weak... only the strongest survive!

the west with their slow motion supply line strangulation starvation tactics have no imagination......

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not meaning to beat up on any more dead equines than necessary, but this is all an experiment. ccp has more access to big data on their population than any other govt or big tech entity. they track social media, realworld activity and act accordingly. apparently all the metrics were in place to go full hannibal lecter on their own people - they have a hundred year history of that. two useful ramifications are both a nasty supply chain disruption on us, and a double-edged psyop.

psyop enables a) msm to justify pro-lockdown propaganda as "look at how well they did in shanghai" never mind mass suicides, starvation, concentration camps, ad nauseum. and b) puts us in fear paralysis "omg nyc and philly are next" forewarned is forearmed time to keep a cool head

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