This is so true and a great reminder. It has always irritated me when immigrants to the USA display the flags of their former countries more proudly than our flag. It should be a sign we are in big trouble. I have respect for anyone who wants to come to this Country and assimilate into our society, but we should have no room for people who want to change our society to the one they just escaped from.

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What about a " Citizen's behavior contract" which content would make it clear that the immigrant has unavoidably to comply with the values of the new country that has been decided to live in.

No signature = No entry.

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Signature? You want a signature on a piece of paper from people who are genetically predetermined to lie constantly? Oh, OK.

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What do you mean by genetically predetermined to lie? That sounds pretty racist…

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Maybe it's race realism

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They don't care though. One, among many, was so disrespectful. He said they came to "take it back". Wonder what kind of bull they put in their heads. They don't know that once their land is taken, they won't be able to return home.

I've heard more than one person say they will work 10 years and retire in Mexico, collecting our Social Security.

A couple of couples.I have recently known are going back and forth, building homes now- fueling THAT economy).

One person trafficks people through a local WIC office, I seriously believe, even b4 the invasion. She complained that she couldn't bring her grandmother over the border to get healthcare.

Let us help them build that infrastructure THERE. We can't absorb the world's population.

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We've been giving money to South and Central American countries for decades to help prop them up so they won't come here. That hasn't worked; they're still coming, and we're still giving them our money.

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Wasn’t there a saying; “When in Rome….”

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Agree wholeheartedly.

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deletedMar 12
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That's right! There been given a "liscence". DEI implants

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Thanks for speaking up about this vital topic. The S in ESG supports mass migration and DEI. Take pictures of Strasbourg and France for those of us who can’t travel to see it for ourselves.

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I was in Strasbourg - lovely place in 1989 - before Boeing started building DEI planes rather than excellent ones and French elites stopped caring about French culture.

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A few more observations:

- A breakdown of the birth rates would show that the only societal segments that are reproducing at more than replacement rates are immigrants from largely hostile countries who have neither connection, nor loyalty, to the West.

- Poland now has an installed EUSSR government under Donald Tusk and will soon be inviting more un-assimilating illegals per EU SOP.

- Ireland has just voted to change its laws to allow abortion while concurrently becoming overrun by government-invited refugees and ‘migrants’.

- The populations of these two countries have historically strong attachments to the Catholic faith which is already under attack by its own alleged leader. We can expect to see their replacement rates dwindle to that of Spain at <1.2.

- The US-based hoax plandemic induced the application of genetic so-called therapies, which have already significantly reduced birth rates in Western countries. We have only seen the beginning of the effects on male and female fertility, in tandem with huge numbers of excess deaths, from said therapies. These will only increase with time and more of the same genetic, DNA-destroying, and likely to be mandated so-called remedies.

Question: if we are so many, and ‘they’ are so few, why do the architects of this wholesale destruction still exist?

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Because we let them.

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And if it’s true that the C-19 vax affects fertility in women, there will be even fewer babies born in the U.S.

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Not IF.

It is.

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This is about polyethylene glycol which is part of the gene therapy injections.

If one looks closely to the nature of this product, there is no doubt about the impacts.

And one can use the link to search for other products.

And so many injections have not been carefully and in- depth tested for excretion through breast milk that one has to go through that matter to believe how BP and government agencies do not give a shit about valuable pregnancy information and do not care about the foetus health .

This topic by itself would require many PhD thesis to go through the entire truth.

To let you have an idea, follow the link:



" In 1979, the FDA established five letter risk categories - A, B, C, D or X - to indicate the potential of a drug to cause birth defects if used during pregnancy. "

Thus, there was no taking account of those " potential" before 1979 and what exists now does not induce blind faith in me at all.

All those health related agencies are nothing more than BP minions.


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classic divide-and-conquer strategy. it's a lot easier to kill people who don't look like you or speak your language

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Or if you play the long game (like China always has and Islam has recently learned) and the West stops reproducing, you don’t have to murder. Except - if you’re a “Religion of Peace” practitioner - you wanna murder just for fun.

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Well, murder is OK...as long as you remember to take the cannoli.

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It’s not murder if you kill a traitor! ☺️

And cannolis are best still cold.

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Come to think of it, it’s also not murder to hang people convicted of treason or crimes against humanity. Gosh I hope the globalist scoundrels in the CIA, FBI, CDC, FDA and WEF get charged…

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Among my fondest memories were days of traveling to Europe right after college. Each country had its own money, its own language, its own traditions, its own food, its own identity. People often invited me into their homes to stay! Forgive me for being nostalgic but I had a newfound appreciation and respect for each country. I simply can't bare the thought of traveling there again. The countries I fell in love with are gone. All that said, it's not fair to place all the blame the immigrants whose home countries have been decimated by the geopolitical warfare and planned starvation. Mass migration is a problem that won't go away until we hold to account those leaders playing games with our lives.

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They don't even know they are pawns in the game

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So, so, so true.

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The Euro was created to destroy all that.

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As I said on another thread yesterday, the good news about a low birth rate is Marxists not reproducing and they will make themselves extinct. The bad news is that people who are not simpatico to Western Civilization are reproducing at a much higher rate and are going to demographically overwhelm Europe. It can happen in the USA as well, but we are buffered by nominally Christian invaders from Latin America.

While in Strasbourg - Don't forget to eat the delicous tarte flambee, before it disappears from the country.

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A woman I worked w, from Mexico, who loved her country, was a little confused as to "what she is supposed to do", she always said, asking for direction. I lived her, actually, she really wanted to do what's right.

She was told not to associate w those not Hispanic. Never have lunch or walk w us- we did this as a group every day. She asked me about it though.

A poignant conversation we had was about "having a new baby every two years". She was told to do this. I didn't know if it was to keep on the welfare role or to keep reproducing to overtake us. I didn't ask, I should have. She lived her country and went back as often as she could.

Now, I believe was some trafficking through our local WIC office, but didn't stay long enough to prove it. The government side told us to use pre-established protocol. Our office manager was not happy w me when I questioned why we weren't following government Mandates. I wasn't going to be fired for illegally bringing people in

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So they ARE given instructions!

Thank you for confirming.

I wonder how many of these immigrants suffer from heartbreak.

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The Marxists delude themselves that they will control the invading hordes. Big mistake. They’re only enabling their own doom at the hands of those with entirely different agendas.

Yes, the tarte flambée is incomparable. I make it here in Canada with imported ingredients but, you know how it is - you gotta be there!

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The billionaires try to play footsy with the Marxists, who just want to get into a position of power and then put their boot on everybody's neck, including the billionaires. The Marxists think they can control the Muslim radicals, who just want to kill everybody.

Meanwhile all the politicians are bought off.

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Absolutely agree.

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Okay, so they overwhelm Europe and then what will they have? 🤣

Self-destroying idiots, the lot of them.

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The Marxists weren't happy with peace and plenty. The XXXX deserve Hell on earth.

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I have 11 children, so I've done my part. We're Orthodox Jews but Americans to the core. My children are all proud and happy Americans with no desire to be anywhere or anything else.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 15

It's a good article, but you're overlooking the fact that the majority of Americans, that are having any children, aren't bringing them up to believe in America's core values. They are bringing them up just like the immigrants, "What's in this for me?"

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How could it be otherwise since European countries have submitted themselves to non elected dictators which decisions are agreed upon by elected persons that do not represent the needs, desires and interests of those they are " supposed" to represent?

Even the term REPRESENTATIVES is a lie in itself given that they are all from the same social and economic background.

Not before there will be a majority of ; farmers, carpenters, electricians, truck drivers and the like, who are those who form the real people, elected as representatives, will there be a glimpse of democracy.

For now, in all said democracies, you can select only among those which TPTB has recognized as " palatable" to their taste and that is why, whoever is elected, the future is already decided upon.

Selection by picking names out of voting list by pure chance could be a good place to start.

Adding to this that no one can have more than one mandate in life to avoid those " professional politicians" with their bunch of close friends and the usual revolving doors scheme issuing from it, and ,after the mandate being in depth investigated for every kind of wrongdoing and being held personally liable for each of them and, finally, returns to one's previous job .

An old saying is :" The only politician you can trust is the one with a gun on one's head " .

Never forget that when an elected belongs to a Party, he REALLY BELONGS to this party which has nothing to do with representing you.

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I think the larger issue is that these immigrants have been fully and successfully indoctrinated by the Western elites to support the goals of the elites to enslave everyone. They hate the legal tenets of the Old Testament that are supported by those that support human and civil rights. Eg. Hamas supporters that think they are being 'uppity' by supporting Pentagon efforts to inflict mullahs/Islamic nazi leadership on people around the world. I guess that as long as these elites can get in their private jets, get to their yachts, get to their exclusive resorts, and stay safe on their multi-acre compounds, they just don't care about the rest. They have an opposite moral/ethical foundation than the untermenschen.

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Élites is a word to be used very cautiously.

Those who are usually included in this word are de facto the absolute opposite.of the true meaning of that word.

Misnaming only adds to the sufferings of the world

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I see no need for caution with it. Bill Gates and his fellow eugenicists, nazi sponsors, cia lackeys, etc are appropriately described as 'the elites', and they add to the suffering of the world, particularly with their loyal anti-civil rights mercenaries that they deploy against those that support human rights.

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Cloward-Piven Strategy:

Is a strategy of forcing political change, leading to Societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The "Cloward-Picen Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of Capitalism, by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unplayable National debt and other methods, such as unfettered immigration this pushing Society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the system.

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The fertility rate is much higher for conservatives and also for blacks and Hispanics, especially working class blacks and Hispanics. As working class and Hispanics are shifting their allegiance to the Republican party, this may mitigate the impact of this trend in America. Plus, I think we have a lot less anti-western refugees per capita than Europe. Anti-western sentiment in the United States tends to be dominated by childless liberals.

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Good perspective

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While in Strasbourg, make a point of seeing the astrological clock in action. Happens once per day in the Cathedral.

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The staunchest enemies of western civilization are its beneficiaries. As things are headed, I believe the ungrateful brats will get what they deserve after the Reset they're facilitating.

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Some establishment pundits state that immigration is needed to uphold the current population figure or better to widen it. And what’s better than to take in the world’s surplus populace? –The globalists got it all wrong, of course. This solution is the final solution for Western culture. You receive an unabsorbable mass of ignorants and bigots with an ideology of supremacy.—The real solution is to make indigenous families stronger with bonuses and benefits to traditional family values. Then the Western decline will halt.

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