Ukraine is the Keystone for all the corrupt, evil, globalist mother fuckers in the EU and the USA .. It falls ---they fall. They only people who give a shit are politicians and business people who have shit tied up in Ukraine.

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Not true. I give a shit. I look forward to seeing them fall.

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Our leaders in the US caused this mess. Soon China will be emboldened to Invade Taiwan. WW III is knocking at the door.

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Pathetic mess. All because we allowed a cretinous worldwide Corporatocracy believe they took control. It's their ginormous Ponzi scheme that is failing. Money talks and common sense walks.

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The media coverage and cognitive dissonance, once again, is maddening. Putin is simultaneously the Most Evil Mastermind Ever and Also Losing... really??? A war so terrible / dangerous / vile, yet Ben Stiller can stop by for a photo op in the mist of the carnage? The US is single handedly propping up this mayhem, I pray it will stop soon since the ratings aren't proving to be too profitable.

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I don't see this stopping anytime soon. Ukraine is too useful as a money laundering base for the Ruling Class.

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No wonder the Dems, world leaders and celebs are going over to Ukraine en masse. They are salivating at the thought of banning their opposition parties. This must be a test run for the entire West.

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Merrick Garland looks JUST LIKE just like a liberal old lady. Especially in that puffer vest.

Notice how we seem to always back the dark horse especially when we have no business being there? OR maybe we do have business being there. Dark business. Man we are certainly giving credence to the "great Satan" name every terrorist and terrorist nation likes to call us. I'll just say, takes one to know one!

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

😂😂 "liberal old lady"

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Zelensky won't agree to peace! He's making bank!

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I suspect most of these celebs are UN ambassadors who are there to help the UN profit from refugee and child traffickers operations.

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I guess Ben was there to scout locations for the Tropic Thunder sequel.

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Loved Robert Downey Jr in that movie 😂

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your coverage on Ukraine is full of manipulation and misunderstanding, total bullshit..

it's very confusing to see such article, now I am not sure you can be trusted on ther things

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You are the one who's wrong. Stop believing the MSM!

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I don't need the MSM to know the situation. I'm living in Ukraine for more than 10 years and I know very well the situation on the ground.

This article is full conspiracies inspired by Russia..

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Ukraine is a mess by design!

Chaos >> opportunities

Those people are NOT stupid.

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Yup. They know exactly what they are doing.

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Sounds exactly the sort of society "they" want to usher in globally via the WEF/UN/WorldBank-spionsored Great Reset.

And there was little ol' me thinking I might have to learn Chinese!

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One of the requirements for a country to become a member of the EU is that it is a Democracy. It would be a total farce if the EU rules that the Ukraine is a Democracy.

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in a country fighting for its existence there is no room for niceties.

either you fight alongside us or you are the enemy.

russia started it.

and as always: remember flight mh 17 where 298 people died when an airliner was shot down by russian troops over ukrainian territory.

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Don't worry. 404 will probably cease to be by fall.

Azot is a repeat of Azov, with added benefit of Zelensky sending additional cannon fodder into the Azot cauldron to surrender or die, simplifying the demilitarization. More & more Uke cannon fodder are choosing surrender. Sometimes with their weapons. And US/Nato weapons that aren't destroyed on entry are usually sold on dark web anyway, if not just abandoned.

Meantime, US mercs are turning up in Donbass...

Apparently the 50 generals & their officers were meeting to plan out the defense of Odessa when Putin made good on his promise to attack the decision makers in response to 404 attacks on Donbass civilians. Kind of opens the door to moves on Odessa.

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All this because Russia didn't let Exxon-Mobil buy Russia's oil and gas reserves when Chodorkovsky tried to put Yukos up for sale.

That's what started all this, back 2005 or so.

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