HONEST physicians say that tracing is only valid at the initial outbreak - not 10 months or a year later! This whole thing has been about politics and money since March! And notice that the AMA changes their stance on hydroxychloroquine the moment that Biden becomes "president elect"... I guess almost 300,000 people were just collateral damage.

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great article. holy crap- do you have a reference for the cycle thresholds used during vaccine trials? coupled with the stricter standards for what constitutes a case, them using a lower cycle threshold would be one of the more fraudulent things I have seen yet

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Here in Florida, DeSantis recently ordered the testing companies to report the cycles they used. It will be interesting to see what the results are


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He should just prohibit the "test"...

PCR is not and will never be a test.

It's just a tool that can be used to manufacture a fake pandemic as one wants!

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You are only looking a small part of the problem: From mid-spring until late summer the hospitals had been emptied to "make way" for Covid patients. The "fear" caused people to cancel elective surgeries and stay away from doctor's offices. The medical industry was in an economic free fall. Covid deaths dropped precipitously. Regardless, the growth of testing accelerated creating many false positives. Fear rose to new heights. A positive test coupled with the sniffles, sore throat and a little bit of fever started sending the masses to hospitals who saw this as an opportunity to crank things back up. The only problem is that there weren't enough deaths from covid to justify all the fear, testing and hospital admissions. What to do, what to do? Simple solution: Start classifying almost ever hospital death as a covid death. And that is where we are today. Want proof? The YTD excess deaths in 2020 are pretty much the same as in 2019.

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Kern, good points. These Satanists/Luciferians went on tell-a-vision repeatedly and told us exactly how they are re-categorizing almost every death as a "covid" death, even if the deceased was only assumed to "have" it based on symptoms. The fact that viewers haven't acknowledged this "dark magic in plain sight" is a testament to them being totally mind-controlled by the fear-porn propagandists.

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The "test" is now a forever thing...

The "smart" muzzles connected to the Brains ("smart"phones) of the degenerate uman animals - that warn them when the CO2 toxic level is high and orders the animal to take a few breaths of "Fresh Air") will very soon be a MUST HAVE...

The annual miracle "jab" is now a forever thing...

The "jab" permit to walk around and enter certain (if not all) inside areas is now a forever thing...

But DO NOT WORRY moron slaves... The SRF & Billionaires and all the jesters and experts KNOW BETTER and are doing ALL of this because They Care About your Health!

You just need to PAY-UP and SHUT-UP!

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I read that in Spain they started re-testing any PCR positive and found up to 87% false positives.

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I can have ANY result I want using the PCR technique!


And if a soccer player can figure this FRAUD out...

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An employee in our company was called Friday Dec 11 to inform him a nurse who changed his Daughter’s cast on Dec 3 had tested positive. He and his entire family of 5 were instructed to be tested, but the medical facility told him not to come in for test until Monday dec 14. Yesterday he was informed all 5 tested positive and they are required to quarantine until Dec 28. That’s 25 days past his initial exposure and nobody in his family, including children aged 8 months, 2 yrs and almost 4, have had any symptoms! What is going on here?

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All of the testing and reporting is a total fraud and sham on the people, but you hve to be dumb enough to fall for it ? Wake the eff up people ?

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I have the only test that's approved for all use with the 98.7% accuracy rate is the only test that you cannot get sued for a false neg

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So, they couldn't fund world government using the carbon tax, so this was their backup plan.

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On top of all that, how many people are retesting after a positive test? Chances are they will continue to test positive each time for up to three months. Those number are being counted as individual positive cases, even though it's on the same person.

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Too true. I live in a town of 7,000 that is hours and hours from any major metro center. We now have TWO "labs" that provide local COVID-19 testing.

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Great article! I reposted on Parler, Twitter and MeWe. :)

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You go, Jordan. Our own eyes and every other sense have not deceived us. This is just like assassanation of JFK when the big lie got shoved up our ass, courtesy of the Deep state, who until now (virus) was always a dining club at Yale especially, other Ivies, only reason to attend, Old Boys Network, they know best.

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