Substack is the anti-memory hole. We will never forget and keep making more noise as we grow. Unfortunately the average person has the memory of a goldfish swimming in a turd bowl of propaganda...

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We ought not be intimidated from referencing WWII, because it's both the best parallel, many of the same actors and ideas of governance and sophisticated psychological propaganda campaigns are the direct descendants of. And because it is the lessons of WWII atrocities that we were told, insisted upon to "never forget" what was done, how it happened, and how good people averted their eyes. We must draw the parallels where they exist. Not where the perpetrators themselves say they exist, in the populist masses trying to avert even greater atrocities than have already been committed under our current global regimes. You share uncomfortable truths. We share uncomfortable truths. With a humanity that instinctively prefers comfortable lies. Our appeals to them require their willingness to rise above instinct.

I'm reminded by your post of my visit to Iceland pre-2020. I took in the many museums there, art, history, in the larger cities and the smaller villages. I had been curious about Iceland's role in WWII before I went, read about it having been under Danish rule, and soon after Denmark fell to Germany the German military established an outpost and commander who oversaw the conduct of the island, shipping in the North Atlantic, depriving a mid-ocean port for the resupply chains sending equipment from the US to the UK and opponents of Germany in Europe. Eventually, when the US entered WWII they partnered with the UK to retake Iceland from German control, and did so after some skirmishes with the Germans there. That was when an agreement was made with Icelandic leadership that at some time soon after the war they would grant Iceland autonomy, independent nation status from Denmark's control. Sovereignty that Icelanders had sought for many years. Which came to pass, as promised.

That was the history I was hoping to see in the museums when I visited, but with more details, more of an Icelandic perspective than I was able to read about in research online. But when I got there I found nothing. Absolutely nothing in any of the museums about Iceland during WWII. It turns out Icelanders wanted to forget about it. They erased the memory. This I learned by asking locals why the museums had nothing, nada, nil, zip about WWII in them. It was too embarrassing for their national identity, that they allowed themselves to be occupied. Without a fight, without protest, they just allowed themselves to be ruled by a succession of foreign interests. To look themselves in the mirror would reveal too much cowardice, a shame they couldn't face. So they pretend those years never happened.

Will we, our nation, allow the same cowardice and shame that comes with looking ourselves in the mirror to erase that history? If we do without a change in the system that allowed it and a change in the rulers who did it then we are ensuring we will do it again, and again, and again. With increasing levels of barbarity. Until the greatest atrocities ever committed against mankind are done unto us. And Nazi Germany looks like the minor leagues in crimes against humanity compared to what's ahead.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Thank you for keeping on this. It does make me feel like I'm going crazy, like I imagined it all. But I know I did not. I am a Christian, so I know God is keeping track and He will one day fully deal with it. But I do wish for temporary justice in the here and now. Please don't give up working on this. My biggest fear is all the information will be lost and future generations won't even know what happened and what these wicked people did to us.

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Like a lot of covid-BS-resistant people with Boomer parents who for years have remained glued to CNN and MSNBC and buried deep within TDS-powered Facebook groups, I took a lot of verbal beatings from my mom (my dad kind of got it early) about ripping the jabs and everything else. And I'm finding that a lot of others in that situation have moms who have just plain forgotten or pretended to forget their own fairly recent tirades, and are kinda making nice like everything was just one more moot point of misunderstanding.

She's my mom, so of course she gets a pass, but I can't give everyone else's noisy, deluded moms a pass. And there are millions of them, most of whom also bought every drop of Ukraine BS, too.

The main thing I want is not an apology from the too-easily brainwashed masses but for it to dawn on these people that the media is an extension of a uniparty government that lies relentlessly and by design. Until this happens, they will have no immunity to propaganda and will become serially infected with state-sponsored BS, with an attendant and catastrophic cognitive-intellectual decline.

Expect frankly fabricated polls in 2024 about basically everything and an expansion of the wildly unlikely, not just the stories but the way they're presented. I expect at least one physical altercation top erupt on one of the cable-"news" networks, probably CNN since they need the numbers boost the most. Maybe this will be staged, but if someone winds up with a pen sticking out of an eye socket or a temple, we'll know. Maybe.

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You are right. But. Those of us who refused remember. We remember who did what. That memory has changed everything. It’s made us distrust doctors, Pharma and embrace eastern medicine, and question the water and food supply. It’s turned the complacent into preppers. It’s made us vocal about our leaders. It’s made us drop “friends” and find our community. It’s forced us to view those we once admired (Bill Gates) as evil with an agenda. We’ve pulled in, valuing God, family and home even more. No one will pay, but we learned a lot that we will never forget.

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And the uglier truth is the amount of delusional covid idiots that are STILL testing, jabbing and wearing masks to avoid facing the truth.

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I am not gonna forget what they did to us.

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How can those of us aging trust the medical world, pharma and government again without accountability? These past few years have really made me cynical and non trusting of any institutionalized everything!

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And Lockdown Don was the guy who got it all started.

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My kids will never forget. They will never again blindly “obey”. This gives me hope.

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Covid was just the beginning folks, they’ve got their lists now of who will play along to get along and who will remain sovereign and free 🙏🌎 🇺🇸

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So true if there are no consequences for those that imposed the lockdowns the masks the lies the censoring of the truth. Then next time they will just do it again but will have learned lessons to make them even more worse and more civil liberties will be lost

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The damage to relationships and the civil society will be felt for generations. Trust in government, the medical industry, and those that scapegoated us can not be redeemed until sole-searching/trending conversations occur, and sincere apologies are offered concerning this shameful behavior. The fact that so few people are standing line to get injected gives me hope that truth may prevail.

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I believe the term “re-litigate” implies there was a first round of ‘litigation’ (a legal action in response to a harm) and as well as a free debate on the topic, and is employed by many as a word of power to try to memory-hole the offense, inhibit a proper debate, and avoid culpability.

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Yes, youve got it right, but there were many more who saw through it as time went on and if theres any that need to be held accountable its the ones who continue with the lies about “lockdowns and masks being effective” and “the vaccine is safe and effective” and one of the latter is former POTUS Trump! Pathologically unable to admit error DJT is someone who has NOTHING to offer America since learning from his mistakes would require admitting he has made any and his fragile ego cannot tolerate such contortions. Instead we see the same lost soul, blaming “EVERYONE ELSE” for the way his Administration went from “draining the swamp” to dredging it even deeper than its ever been in history! Biden of course is a whore for the highest bidder and at the time it was Fauci and Bourla and the “Globalist Agenda” and for that matter still is… Like the tide going in and out this will be around a long time and the corporate criminals at the Top have their eyes planted squarely on curtailing our Freedom and will do this whole thing again if allowed to! As we could see, we are just “consumers” to them ….at best! At worst we are “Useless Eaters” as The Schwab calls us…

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I can tell you that it's much worse in Germany, where the vast majority of people is still absolutely convinced that they and the state did the right thing and who are therefore still coming for the critics, as the hysterical mainstream reaction to critical singer Nena's MSM TV performance on Boxing Day showed.

And it's only marginally better in the UK.

As an aside, there was no Bundesrepublik and no Bundeskabinett until 1949.

The Nazis ruled over the Deutsches Reich, Hitler was the Reichskanzler of a Reichsregierung.

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