This dude just came out of nowhere which raises all sorts of red flags

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I remember when Barry O came out of nowhere and rose to the top contender spot in a most inorganic fashion, like a fire that spreads so quickly that you KNOW there’s been an accelerant used and is most likely arson.

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When Obama came up we had a joke that he was a 'post turtle'. And someone would say, 'what is a post turtle?' and you would say, 'well when you see a turtle on top of a post you know he didn't get up there by himself and he don't have no business there.'

When you mentioned B.O. I remembered it and it seems very appropriate for Ramasmommy.

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That is hilarious! I shall remember that one for future use 😂

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I think Jim Marrs told that one

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One of the silver linings of the collapse of the media is that it's easy to see who the clandestine shitbags are by watching how they're covered in the NYT et al. Unless the MSM completely shits on this guy (above and beyond him being a Republican), you know they're part of it already.

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I still remember Obama's smirk after he mentioned "fundamental transformation" in his speech to the ig'nate Iowa farmers in the 2008 Iowa Democrat primary!

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My thoughts exactly.

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Yeah, Barry O had the Soros accelerant. Interesting that VS is another Soros groupie (or possible agent?).

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I completely agree on this one

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And is so much as allowed on CNBC.

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Too glibly good to be true. This guy is another self-dealing divider.

Anyone who has been involved in the pharmaceutical industry and is running for president without screaming continually about reducing its malign influence is a fraud.

An anti-Woke stance sounds great, and is necessary, but when it's no more than a Trojan horse for the usual pernicious bullshit, look elsewhere.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

So Vivek is the Sam Bankman Fried of the Right? Except worse, because SBF is not running for President.

Thank you Jordan, as always, for following the breadcrumbs.

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It will not be any one “saviour” who delivers us from globalism. It will need to be we-the-people, collectively refusing to participate. Without a doubt, globalists will be shoehorning in their candidates - buyer beware.

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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Well said!

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Anyone who pushed the mRNA shots should automatically be disqualified because they have no ability to reason and decipher information presented to them. So please step aside Vivek just like Trump should be doing.

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Excellent point!

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So, just gonna dissent here. I think we’re all on high alert because of the last few years, and maybe Vivek has some things to answer for. I’ve heard him speak, read his life story a year ago, and actually find him pretty genuine. I don’t think he really believes he can win, but he’s passionate about America and we’re no better than the cancelers if we expect some spotless (according to our made-up standards) history from anyone who fights for the conservative side. Put down the pitchforks, people. Jordan’s doing good legwork and bringing up stuff that needs to be accounted for, but if we’re expecting someone pristine with means and passion for saving America, we’re looking for God, not a politician - or a businessman.

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He's part of Big Pharma and pushed the mRNA clotshots; are you nuts?

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There’s a difference between the “big pharma” vaccine cartel and just “pharma.” Or would you prefer we have no medications anywhere ever?

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Feel like your dismissing the fact that VS’s desire to open up ppl’s personal medical data to the govt without their consent is no different than Big Pharma partnering w/Big Govt. to enforce the vaccines. Remember Mussolini’s definition of facism? The world needs technology that will further an overarching transparency yet still protect ppl’s privacy.

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Um, since I wrote this three months ago, info that Jordan posted recently didn’t factor into that opinion. Obviously. But my point still stands - Jordan obviously does not like Vivek and seems pretty intent on painting him as negative as he can. Which he’s allowed to do. I happen to not feel as negative about him. If we’re looking for perfection, it does not exist. Anywhere. Period.

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You are suspiciously blowing up Vivek's balloons. You blame those who are critical but you pretend that none of those criticisms are intelligent and must be considered. How wonderfully modest you are! You sound exactly like an Obama voter.

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Woah. That was uncalled for.

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you shill, me Tarzan.

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A fellow plant similar to Rishi Sunak.

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There's an awful lot of them about, either already at the top or ambitiously clambering up the tree. No clear reason to think they're doing this for our benefit....

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They do bear a slight resemblance.

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$500 million net worth without any discernible business successes? sounds more SBF than DJT.

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Yeah, a good salesman good fundraiser is the opposite of what we need in the white house.

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Sorry, SBF?

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Was wondering what this guy's backstory is. I'm ready to hear his side of all this, but kudos to Jordan for asking the necessary questions, which is the reason I'm a happy paid subscriber to the Dossier.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Why did Greg Brady become Johnny Bravo? Because he fit the suit....

Thank you Jordan for “in case you didn’t know” on this guy, I didn’t and any connection to Soros or WEF is a dead end for me.

He did “fit the suit” on alot of things i heard from him and appreciate his stance on ESG but No.

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I did feel the way you did about him but after reading Jordan’s article, I don’t feel the same about him anymore. He has a lot of credible supportable explaining to do. We, the people have been through a lot of grief during this installed regime. We cannot allow ourselves another tool for the fascists WEF & other self-serving, selfish, corrupt politician in office.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Appears to me to be a fence crawler that will go either way the most advantageous winds are blowing. The same as 99% of the current political class. Maybe he wants to be the next o'bummer. No thanks, just from this article he won't get my vote.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Great Subastack, Jordan. Thank you for this research and education on Ramaswamy's background. More of that, please. Please keep digging and helping to vet all candidates that run for POTUS.

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Total snake. I saw lots of info on him on Jack Posobiec's twitter yesterday. He works for them, no doubt about it IMO.

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OH F F S…..

Someone needs to call Tucker and advise him to drop that treasonous bast***.

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No one is allowed on media unless they are funded ("a billionaire", "has MIT-academia connections", "delayed-truther limited-hang-out rally-around-me-I-will-fight-against-X-but-eventually-voice-this is acceptable"). This has always been an imperative fact, whether its Thiel, Elon or anyone else that seems cool in the media.

It is necessary to construct a framework of pro-X and anti-X to have the people fight each other (i.e. be distracted) and to subvert the anti-X by co-opting. It has been done to the feminism movement, environmentalism movement, etc. This is how they managed to quell any opposition. Normal independent researchers/etc people do not start off "wealthy" or from "executive boards", ever.

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