Russia has my permission to nuke Davos. Do a good job!

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Damn straight!

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I'd be happy to contribute to a fundraiser for such a cause.

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And I would be happy to give!

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Naw, beer and steak grill party at your place after.

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🙏❤ Copy that!

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That would be a dream come true, especially during their special hell week !

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Hi Charlie, İ live in Italy but close to Switzerland. Do you have any idea how the winds will be around mid-january ? Just to know where I should stay during the meeting of these assholes 😁

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You are all safe. Putin ignores me now after I whipped him in chess.

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I'd thought they were a wholly-owned subsidiary, who's contractual obligations are sacrosanct, like China (as we've witnessed through all of 2022?) War, plague, income inequality, stakeholder liquidation and AGW, all scripted by algorithm.

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I won'der if your comment would get your arrested, or at least harrassed, in Herman Gref's Russian Federation.

Did Putin endorse Gref's "pet project" for Russia?

Davos-friendly banker will help create a "new level of administration"


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Sinema... figures.

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This is the one that makes me think "shoring up support with cash."

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Bilderberg, too.

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Hasn't she just left the Dems and become an Independent? Can you explain how that "figures"?

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If Independents were really Independent, the Republicans would have the Senate.

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Yeah, and just yesterday someone was pinning their hopes on Manchin and Sinema giving the Rs the senate. *churchlady voice*Isn't that special?**

But we have seen already that our Representatives are excited about passing tons of good conservative bills that they know will never go in to law. Oh well, if they just stop the avalanche of bullshit for two years I'll let them slide.

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Of course the top heads of US intel are there… They’re not even hiding the treason anymore. They’re convinced that their global coup is a fait accompli.

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Jan 10, 2023Edited
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There are no sovereign nations left on planet earth. All once sovereign nations are little more than satellite (human ranches) of an indescribably malevolent central power. All political activity and all wars are but shows staged for the entertainment of said central power. Whatever war mankind might have attempted to prevent this reality is long, long since become futile. All that remains is the potential for very brief flickers of resistance said central global power shall snuff out almost as soon as they enkindle. Good night and good luck.

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Perhaps… but given their incompetence as super villains, I don’t think they’re as omnipotent as you - or they - believe… I expect millions have made it a goal to take a few with them when they go…

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Although America—and other Western nations for that matter—were historically founded or preserved by revolutionary action, regrettably, modern and even speaking to contemporary historical fact, we (collectively) are not know for our partisan tendencies which seem to manifest only at the loss of our favorite sports teams and change in cell phone prices. Christians (and Westerners) are not violent Jihadists; we are more video game warrior than real life insurgent, tragically. The John Wayne bravado of the sentiment "take a few with me" sounds quite romantic while swilling beer with a few mates in front of the TV set. However, when the enemy finally reaches the proverbial gates I suspect most modern men will cry out only for mama and attempt to talk their way out or die most violently as they try to plea their case with jackboots crushing their faces.

No man alive is omnipotent. Sadly, we collective unwashed lowly masses have gifted all the omnipotence the enemy requires in the form of simple, blind, limitless cooperation. No millions of citizens will band together. COVID and so many other recent global events proved it. No neighbor(s) will come to the aid of their next door pals when the alphabet agencies kick in the door. Rather, bystanders will thank the sky it wasn't them . . . this time.

Ah well, it all is what it all is.

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Have you ever tried to tell someone? I mean, I’m on everyone’s black list anymore!

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The WEF 'hit list' includes most non-members = Our Planets population. They started their Cull by Vax in 2020. We've got some catching up to do but our list is far shorter! Thanks!

We all know the truth but it's continually swept under the carpet because they (the WEF = New World Order) have announced to the World that they are in charge, so get used to the depopulation by vax, the controls, sub-humanisation, hunger, cold and impending SLAVERY!

I built a vacation home on a Florida barrier island 2003/5 but can no longer enter the USA because I chose to avoid the obviously dangerous Covid jabs that do NOTHING but are killing thousands (A WEF CULL?). This ban now seems to be PERMANENT - even though I'm fit & healthy and have probably got natural Covid immunity!

ONLY the USA and North Korea still impose these eccentric 'no-entry rules', for fit & healthy foreigners that decline the ever more dangerous injections. Apparently, this might be a permanent World Economic Forum rule which the US Gov't (Biden) is obeying = No more Inter-Continental travel = less carbon pollution = less Global Warming! Mandating of the DEADLY JABS - ('vaccines') = Coercion!

The US Department Of Defence is the 'smoke screen' that's protecting Big Pharma and their DEADLY INJECTIONS, plus all others in the SUPPLY CHAIN, from any/all LIABILITY - from design, right up until the deadly dose is injected into the unsuspecting Muppet's arm.

I've extrapolated my discoveries and beliefs of how and why Big Pharma enjoy 'IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY' and persists without Governments, Politicians and the public having right to question the unacceptable and ridiculous restricted entry rules. This train of thought leads me to reach the following conclusions;

The world is 'overpopulated', (I can't disagree)

Big Pharma enjoys making money with absolutely no risk or consideration for Public Safety,

Big Pharma enjoys having an amazingly profitable product that requires no quality control, no checking of formulation and no consequence for any DEATHS that follow the poisonings that seem to be increasing.

Fauci's 'Gain of Function' is a Department of Defence Bio-warfare derived project;

'Gain of Function' is a DOD Bio-warfare activity that has no rules that would apply to proper medicines.

The World Economic Forum (Elite) have a long-term strategy of a reduced world population that suits their Global Warming beliefs and their need to elevate themselves still higher in their 'Ivory Towers'.

The WEF have a strategy that removes 'useless eaters', by injection, leaving those that survive the 'Cull' by ('Vaccine'?) as programable SLAVES - for the increased convenience of the Elites.

The World Health Organisation is now controlled ('owned') by Bill Gates, by way of him being the WHO's largest benefactor = Influencer. Gates is part of the Ruling Class (the WEF Elites). Gates is heavily financially invested in dangerous but highly profitable 'vaccines' that will continue to multiply his wealth, whilst the planet is depopulated.

Big Pharma and the complete supply chain, to the point of entry, (THE 'USELESS EATER'S' ARM) is protected by US Military Secret laws (= No LIABILITY) that were specifically designed to protect the USA's military bio-weapon activities and deadly potential.

'NO LIABILITY' discourages any consideration and expense of Controlling the quality or efficacy of the injected shit that they produce. In fact, 'NO LIABILITY' is now just Big Pharma's 'Licence to Kill' whilst continuing to make excessive profits with no consideration for the Muppets that are unaware of how they are being impacted ('TERMINATED') by this poison - called a "VACCINE".

This seems a bizarre analysis of how the Covid, Vax, Depopulation, Control and SLAVERY PLAN is being achieved, but it seems the most logical, if not insane, reasoning that we find ourselves experiencing. Coronavirus was first PATENTED (over a decade ago) and then Fauci started using 'Gain Of Function' experimentation to modify the virus to become as DEADLY to humans as they dared make it. All in collaboration with and direction of the World Economic Forum and their Plan for their New World Order!

LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED for ALL MEDICINES made by Big Pharma = those profiting from our harm or death.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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You do know that 5-6 million illegal aliens have just walked-into USA through the open border, and others are just landing on Florida beaches and ... no problem.

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Just walk across the southern border. I was gonna write "sneak" but no longer applicable.

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You can just hire a boat and land on the beach of Florida, like what seems like everyone is doing right now.

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Nazi World Order

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The traitors club meets once again to figure out ways to destroy and imprison humanity.

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New additions to "the hit list". Wish someone could flip just one of them (or at least install post-hypnotic instructions) and convince them to carry in a suitcase n*k* and "let her rip" once everyone is in attendance...

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Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Christopher Wray should be investigating these people instead of collaborating with them.

The WEF is a foreign organization that is trying to influence American government policies.

Those attending should be (and I believe are) required to register as foreign agents.

From Wikipedia:

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (2 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) is a United States law that imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests.[1][2] It requires "foreign agents"—defined as individuals or entities engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for foreign governments, organizations, or persons ("foreign principals")—to register with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation.[2]

Seems to me that American citizens, especially government employees, who support and take part in WEF activities are required to register....

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Why is the communist FBI head running around the world kissing ass? He should be home in the USSA, trying to exonerate demonstrators exercising 1st Amendment Rights and rotting in solitary confinement for trespassing. What a disgusting government. I am ashamed of what has become of my country.

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He’s too busy ‘investigating’ a way to get Donald Trump (again).

I’m surprised that he was able to find time to ‘check in’ at Davos, what with all the corruption that he’s overseeing in DC.

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Someone needs to light a curtain on fire at this conference of rot

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Do these government nitwits really believe they are going to be part of the “it” crowd if the WEF crew realize their goals? Truly a bunch of useful idiots.

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Underlings always get eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness.

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Only their own lowly fortunes and wisps of local power concern them. Our congress people? Our "elected" and appointed government officials? The global central power gives them a sort of choice: manage your own miniscule "human" ranches—your districts, your states, your cities, your nations—keep your human cattle in check . . . or we'll find someone even more ruthless who will. The notion of individual freedom in the modern world is even more fantastic than claims of unicorn sightings.

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I think that they actually believe that they will be at the top.

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Excellent idea and also Washington D.C. during the state of the union address .

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Get a rope.

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Unlikely . . .

No one knows the good guys from the bad. No one knows (or wants to know) there are no powerful good guys left.

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Treason. Traitors. We do not work for the WEF. Arrest them. ??? Just kidding. Send them all to Canada.

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Thank, they’ll fit right in. Geez!

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The usual suspects aren’t publicly listed, only these lowlifes.

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Check the private plane registrations.

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Please vote and share or Cross Post if you can. We need to collect more data on this pattern of deception. Mind War.

The public is being forced into a panic -- looking at individual trees than the overall forest, the overall pattern, the overall threat. Mass Formation Psychosis. A strategy of the WEF and the Radical Left.

It's not about Democrats vs. Republicans. It about Freedom vs. ruling Globalist Elites.



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Either they’ve been penetrated or wish to be penetrated!

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