This is the least surprising thing I've heard today. It's no surprise that a government that can't be replaced until "six months after the war" will attempt to keep the war going forever. That wouldn't be a problem, except Ukraine is being financed by OUR warmongers.

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And available Ukrainian bodies to fight this U.S led proxy war are rapidly diminishing.

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It can’t happen here.😂

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Ukraine is the trial run for the USA

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You betcha Cathleen!

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The peach petals would like to stay,

But moon and wind blow them on.

You won’t find those ancient men,

Those dynasties are dead and gone.

Day by day the blossoms fall,

Year by year the people go.

Where the dust blows through these heights,

There once shone a silent sea.

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How similar this looks to the US where political opponents are sued in multiple jurisdictions, where protesters are jailed under the claim of insurrection, but only if they're not democrat protesters as in "the summer of love" of 2020 when Antifa was happy to serve its masters.

We are also here in the US still under an official state of emergency today, extended by Xavier Becerra at HHS. Why? It considerably waters any constitutional protections and justifies any imagined mandates or abuses from all levels of government authority, including the reintroduction of mandating everyone and their dog get jabbed with new countermeasures concocted by the DoD though packaged by the likes of Pfizer. The same can be said for Europe and the Anglo countries.

There is no difference except the Ukrainians have been abused by the gaming new world connivers and are suffering bloody empire games and a live battlefield.

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Wait, a presidential candidate gets elected and then cancels elections?! This is exactly what the mass media outlets have warned us about saving democracy. I'm sure the Mockingbird media will get right on it!

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And this is the country the US is supposed to be DEFENDING? Because it's a "democracy"?

That's too much insanity for me to swallow.

But I predict this war will go to every last Ukrainian. And then Europe will be handed this pile of 0bama.

Now would be a great time for the US to reconsider their consensus of stupidity.

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It isn't really a democracy. Notice how they've slipped that in there...

Maybe a trial run for CIA plan to be used on USA

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Yes, I did. I intentionally put the word "democracy" in quotes because that's the line that was always parroted by the neocons in defending Ukraine, so as to distinguish that I recognized that Ukraine is NOT a democracy.

In this country, democracy is the buzzword used to mean "people who are in favor of what the current regime wants"; it has nothing to do with the people freely choosing their leaders. See the recent writings of Paul Craig Roberts for more on this.

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It makes perfect sense if you see it as the Crown Bank of England using its resources in strategic action. No one voted for war in Ukraine. This is the Crown Bank working to disrupt Russia using Ukraine as a foothold, just like it disrupts the middle east with Israel. Before there was Israel, there was the British territory of Palestine in the 30s and 40s. This is the reason for the Balfour declaration (1917). The five-eyes (British colonies), Ukraine, and Israel are all Crown Bank lands. When Israel talks about bombing London and Washington, that piques my interest, because the old British banking power structure could be about to fall.

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...and I hope it does!

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Stacker, eh? It's a rhetorical question. You don't have to admit shit.

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Never mind that they’re literally totalitarian Nazis, we assure you that the US-installed Ukrainian government are the good guys! Just don’t ask why so many US politicians and their kids seem to have business interests there.

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Manufactured war/farce to help bring in the great reset. The democrats/Obama/globalists would love the war to escalate so that Biden can declare martial law and stop elections too. It’s all a joke!

They are continually controlling the media narrative to get the USA billions for more war funding passed. I Ain’t falling for it anymore.

They probably also want the money to keep the Ukraine people pacified so they don’t run Zelensky out of the country.

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100. Though I don't think the people in Ukraine are getting the cash ... I wouldn't be surprised if Zelensky is run out of the country.

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Can they take Trudeau, Bidens, Obamas and the Royals too?!

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I'm in northern Italy and just got back from skiing in the Alps. We saw a lot of Ukrainians, which we never have seen before. The smart ones got $ and went to Poland (many in the north speak Polish), they get a car with Polish license plates (they don't want to be found out by Zelensky and be put in the front battle line) and drive to Italy. A nice holiday compliments of USA and EU tax payers!

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hardly a shock that the little general would do this


it is exactly Biden would love to do and those who support him

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If the EU is so worried about Russia then they should have stopped their luxury socialized economies and spent money on their military.

Too bad. Either ditch your rich retirement pensions and extended holidays or spend money on military against your so called enemies.

Until that happens…. I don’t give a darn. It proves it’s a farce.

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Rich early retirement perhaps in Switzerland, but young people in Italy who enter the labour market now will not reach retirement age until they are 71. This is according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report released in Dec 2023. It indicates that Italy, following Denmark, has the highest retirement age. This is attributed to Italy being one of the nine OECD countries tying the statutory retirement age to life expectancy. According to the report, for those entering the labour market now, the regular retirement age would reach 70 in the Netherlands and Sweden, 71 in Estonia and Italy, and even 74 in Denmark, based on established links to life expectancy.

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Your answer is ridiculous to a generalized comment. Go away.

Look up the other countries. How many only recently increased the pension age. How much are the pensions compared to the USA!!!! Look up pregnancy leave, sick leave, and even vacation days!!!! Compare that to the USA!!

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My comment is specific to these countries. Why the anger and poor manners?

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Stay off twitter. You don’t get the point of generalizing comments.

If I wanted to write a long comment explaining every detail no one would read it!!!! I’m not writing paragraphs to explain everything like you are in grade 6. Most people get it. Usually liberals don’t. They are stuck on words, useless details, and meanings. I feel sorry for your husband. Lmao.

Now go away.

Go write your own substack or make your own comments in long form if you have anything to say. Stop hijacking general comments like a liberal and making yourself look important.

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You’re on the wrong platform. Let ppl make their comments. You don’t like them? Stop reading them.

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The EU is broke exactly because of these things. After years of those things the chickens are finally coming home to roost. If the US can stop the socialist programs and programming we may still be saved. If not we’ll go under in a few years right behind them.

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Happy for the Russian Federation to take over the entire territory currently known as Ukraine and formally Annex it as part of its own territory.

I’m fairly certain most Ukrainians still alive there feel the same at this point.

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Is this why the US government is giving Ukraine billions upon billions of dollars? I guess we're "defending democracy." I can hear the slurred words coming out of Pelosi's vodka soaked lips. 🤡

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I feel sorry for the vodka.

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Covid was about to cancel elections around the world due to social distancing guidelines, mask mandates and vaccine passports. Get ready for it...

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I think most good democracies will need to cancel their elections going forward.

It would be totally irresponsible of authorities to allow Russia the chance to interfere with elections everywhere, like they did in Ukraine in 2014 and the US in 2016/2020.

It will be for our own protection. We deserve it. Thank you for my safety!

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I knew that this zelinski is a piece of shit just more common gutter trash of humanity

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He is a Nazis all the way. Follow the money laundering-Biden, Trudeau, the Royal Family…

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I’m amused that we think they matter. One droll scenario is the public agrees to cancel elections. The other is only partisan Democrats seek them cancelled.

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Here we go....I can see other elections cancelled.....watch.....

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