The citizens must be prevented from combining.?

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1 hour of exercise per day? Inmates on death row get that!

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Weird how many around the world are begging the government to force them to spend the rest of their "lives" in solitary confinement.

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Thanks for the update, Jordan. It is incumbent on each and every one of us with eyes to see and ears to hear to find ways, big and small, to share the truth with others. No ranting or raving, no shaming (they're already doing that to themselves by wearing the self-suffocating humiliation devices). Read this article by Makia Freeman about the [non]vaccine: https://thefreedomarticles.com/not-a-vaccine-mrna-covid-vaccine-chemical-pathogen-device/ Then use the Larken & Amanda Rose "Candles in the Dark" approach of asking them questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6jXbNt6LKs. Tell them that you will love them no matter what they decide (well, unless they try to harm or kill you--you have to draw a line in the sand).

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There's a clear danger that Aussies and Kiwis come out of this with a very peculiar kind of xenophobia.

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Fauci praised Cuomo's job of presiding over New York. I found this puzzling till I realized Fauci wasn't praising him for the lives saved or low death counts.

Rather the METHODS he employed. Let that sink in.

Brutality is what Fauci wants.

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I couldn't be paid enough to live such Kafkaesque dystopias a NZ or Australia.

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