Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Very good to hear.

Any "scientist" or "doctor" who is capable of doing this to a dog does not have a soul.

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Not to mention he millions of humans he murdered for profit.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Most people have no idea about the really horrific atrocities performed on animals in the labs. Many of them make Fauci's experiments look like a walk in the park on a sunny day.

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They’d be only too happy to do this and worse to humans if laws weren’t in place to prevent them. And even then, they find ways around those laws. Like a pandemic!

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A lot of humans have volunteered to have drugs tested on them. Pay for it even.

Exhibit A: Tobacco. And even after millions and millions of smokers have provided enough data that it is beyond any doubt that tobacco shortens lives and causes much misery, people still believe the people selling the foul poison rather than the truth. People march proudly up to the front of a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and announce a month drug-free, despite the fact that they smoked 1,000 cigarettes that month.

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My friends, a married couple, volunteered for the Moderna trials. They were unblinded after 2 months and the wife (control group) given the real shots. The husband was so panicked about getting Covid that he ran out and got himself two Pfizer shots as soon as he was able even though he had had the two Moderna shots.

The wife later got a bad case of Delta and went to the trial center for blood work. She said she got $100 every time she went there. They told her she was positive but didn’t tell her what strain she had or what to do about it. She called unvaccinated me for advice. Later, they both got Omicron.

These people are well off so the $100 per visit fee was not their incentive. They really believe that mRNA technology will lead to individual tailor made vaccines to combat a single person’s cancer. I’m dubious. I predict like all “blockbuster” drugs, it will fall far short of its advertising. Then again, if you’re facing terminal cancer, your risk reward profile for an mRNA vaccine is far different than if you are a normal person hoping to avoid a flu

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My approach to cancer is to not get it. At least 70% of cancer is caused by either nicotine, bad diet, or other bad lifestyle choices. Dr. Neil Nedley has done decades of research on the link between lifestyle and health, and he recommends as an anti-cancer diet:

No meat, dairy, refined sugar, white flour, or artificial anything.

Do eat leafy green and cruciferous vegetables, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains, and small amounts of olive oil. Get plenty of sunshine, which makes the skin produce vitamin D, which also protects against cancer. Drink lots of water and little of anything else. Exercise every day and sleep 7-9 hours every night.

Working so far. No cancer in 63 years.

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They gave a bunch of cats slowly increasing doses of barbiturates until they were getting daily doses that would kill a never-drugged cat. Then they stopped he drug and wached as he cats convulsed in agonizing withdrawal. All to study tolerance and withdrawal, which they already had observed in humans. Another guy taught a monkey to push a lever for some cocaine. Of course the monkey got hooked and eventually didn't want food or its climbing bars and ropes, or a female in heat. Torturing an innocent animal to learn what was already known by then because of all the wrecked human lives cocaine had left in its wake.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Ugh! A lot of research seems to be done just to use up grant money on things that have no real applications. Who really needs to know what will happen to beagles if their faces are trapped under glass with a bunch of biting flies? Is that ever going to happen in the real world? NO! When your beagle is out on the beach it can run and there are breezes. There will never be a situation where sand flies have unfettered access to a dog’s face. These people are sick fucks, sadists who get off on torture. When I was a kid, there was a neighbor boy who pulled legs off frogs for kicks. When he grew up, he became a dentist. Now seriously, do you want a dentist who gets a perverse thrill in his work? The concentration camps were all managed by public health doctors who just relished having a ready pool of subjects. There’s a reason the Dr Mengele comparison is so powerful. The line between research and torture is thin

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In the 80s when I first becme aware of how much money politicians waste, I learned that someone got a government grant to test the effects of tequila on goldfish. I kid you not!

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Oh good lord! Exactly

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I also learned that if some outfit is getting government grants, they feel pressure to spend it all, for fear that their grant will be cut the following year. I completely understand; if I am getting a steady income, I don't want my pay cut, even if I'm not actually earning it. So towards the end of the year, if they haven't spent their entire grant, they dream up ways to get it spent before the new year. So things like the tequila/goldfish experiment usually occur in November or December.

That reminds me, back before bicycle racing had any drug rules, racers would get "charged" for a race by taking amphetamine. Jacques Anquetil, the first 5-time Tour de France winner, once crushed a pill and put it in a fish tank in a restaurant. Before long the fish were bouncing off the glass. He got no government money for doing that.

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i think most scientists don't have souls. they want to "know" and "discover" and they need subjects. at a certain point, they lose sight of ethics and the "experiment" becomes the primary thing, all else be damned.

if that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be volumes of laws, procedures, protocols, nurembergs, IRBs.

the mad scientist trope of victorian novels and hollywood movies exists for a reason; it serves as a warning for what happens to men when they start to believe they are gods, a warning we ignore at our peril.

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what do you mean? He did to humans what he did to the animals. What do you think all of the genocide jabs were? He is worst than Mengele in the Nazi concentration camps.

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If only people knew about the poor children in a New York City (Catholic) orphanage that Fauci tortured and killed in the name of AIDS research.

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None of those children were quite so lucky as these dogs.

It seems to say something about our culture that the beagle experiments drew such universal outrage, but the lethal experiments on children did not.

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Maybe a few people will get curious about Fauxchi. I can’t get through to them!

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“The House That AIDS Built” covers it well.


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Thank you for posting, I was going to say the same thing until I saw your post. This man is an EVIL man.

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I read about that and forgot about it. Kids had no one protecting them, I guess the real United States is being exposed we have all been fooled. Ugly and sad!

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Plenty of us have known about it. It was publicized at least as much as what he did to the pups.

It seems that no one can mention vivisection without some anthropocentric screaming, "What about us! What about people? We are so much more important, and you shouldn't even mention an animal until every last human is rescued!"

And of course, the perpetrators are humans, the species in charge which is allegedly made in the image of God.

Here are some important facts.

1) Vivisection of the other animals always leads to vivisection of humans, not only because species differences make extrapolation unscientific, but moving the goalpost closer to people has always been a big part of the objective.

2) Animals are tortured by the BILLIONS in laboratories every year. They are (without anesthesia) baked, boiled, crushed, carved apart, and subjected to prolonged demonic agonies that you could not even conceive of. (Maybe that will make you feel better)

3) Stopping these Frankensteins means we have to cut them off at the roots. Shut down their labs and stop letting them take our tax money. For too long people have believed their lies and allowed them free reign to torture animals as they wished because they threatened us with, "What will it be? Your baby or a dog?"

Look up International Congress of Doctors Against Vivisection. It is an absolute fact that allowing these vivisectors to continue their dirty work is encouraging them to continue to step over the line.

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We can care about both.

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I agree with you regarding the animals but babies are torn apart without anesthesia, and murdered for their body parts which means they take them when they are still alive because otherwise the organs would be useless. They are doing this to both humans and animals and need to be stopped and hung for what they are doing to humanity as well as God's other creatures. They are heartless, evil and demonic.

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The thinnest of silver linings, but a silver lining nonetheless!

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Child psychopaths torture and kill animals before they turn to torturing and killing humans--see Jeffrey Dahmer, Tony Fauci.

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How can the workers at these so-called research facilities sleep at night? They may have psychopath tendencies to able to watch dogs being tortured.

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I honestly have no words for this PURE EVIL.

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Best substack of the day!!💙❤️🐕‍🦺🐾

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This is nothing compared to the testing of drugs and vaccines that Fauci, Gates, NIH, WHO and drug companies did on third world people in Africa, Asia, and South America. Fauci and Gates should be in jail.

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And all of it is nothing compared to the experiments I have seen. Fauci's experiments are mild in comparison. People have allowed the most heinous atrocities be performed on animals in laboratories, no questions asked, because they are "just animals."

If only self-centered people could understand that it all has to be stopped. You can't draw lines. And even though the worst of it is done to the animals, sometimes people do get caught up in some very bad scenarios. Baby Fae and Barney Clark come to mind, as I know the background of their stories. In fact, when I taped an editorial reply at NBC on the Baby Fae case, the media censored it. At the times it was supposed to air, there was only a minute of silence.

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Thank you for finding and posting an uplifting story and reminding us of our higher, human qualities.

Btw, it has long been my view that vivisection has one main purpose - to desensitise the practioners and thus train them to be callous towards humans too. As has been shown during the last three years, the training has been most successful.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Unfortunately I'm located not too far from merck facilities where they do the same thing to Beagles and get away w/it. Ya' know, the good people who brought you vioxx.

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My cousin is a drug rep for them. Kim Holland. Very successful. Years ago she mentioned she forbids her daughters from taking Gardasil but wouldn’t talk about it. Me & her sister are on disability for separate medical abuses. I got a bad booster shot in 2001, my cousin fell for the “ new & improved “ shock treatment therapy.

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gardasil is another one.

Sorry to hear about your health issues.

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& they’re still pushing Gardasil!

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Your cousin works for them and refuses to let her daughters take their product?? 😱

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My family had beagles when I was growing up and this is one thing I have been unable to watch because I know it would push me over the edge.

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Should dump piles of dog shit on Fauci's doorstep

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& fleas, lots

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Im so happy to see they are being cared for and are living a pampered life.

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I doubt Fauci, the NIH, or, NIAID will be too concerned about the loss of 4,000 beagles. These days they do their experiments on billions of humans.

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I fantasize about putting his head in a cage with fleas! I wouldn’t cut his vocal cords though. & get him properly vaccinated and boosted .

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I’d have his wife there also. She’s so corrupt.

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Vivisection of animals always leads to experimenting on people. Look up International Congress of Doctors Against Vivisection.

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Like to have those puppies testify in the court case

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Let's use Anthony Fauci, his cohorts and their minions as test subjects in horrific and cruel medical experimentation... Now THAT would be fitting punishment for the criminal activities that they have perpetrated against all of human kind... I know that it's a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, but evidently they don't care, so why should we?

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