The People's Party of Canada would be the Tea Party equivalent, with less political power because far fewer Canadians place any value on liberty. Maxime Bernier is a hero to the few of us who do. I don't think any one in the States has it over on him in terms of believing in freedom. Our Conservative party is a bad joke.
Hey Jordan, idk if you know but Premier Jason Kenney of Alberta has implemented covid passport, basically everywhere in Canada there's a covid passport
Oh and forgot to mention that despite having more proven energy resources than anyone in the world, we import 1/3 of our oil from Saudi Arabia because we can’t get a transCanada pipeline built to get the liquids to Ontario, Quebec and the maritimes. The irony is the Lin’s refer to themselves as the most feminist party in Canadian history (can’t make this stuff up!) and are importing 1/3 of our oil from Saudi Arabia! The feds bought a pipeline from Kinder Morgan, who saw the writing on the wall and got out of dodge, and likely paid far more than the market would have given that there were no other takers. What have they done with it? Nothing. It is so bad now that I totally ignore the news. Used to follow parliamentary doings but it is nothing but virtue signalling and identity politics. BTW the first 100 days of Biden policy and executive orders remind me a great deal of the libs policies over the last several years. Heck, it was Biden who cancelled Keystone, not Prime Minister Blackface.
Key difference in the US is your constitution and specifically your 1st and 2nd Ammendments.
Thanks for hosting Ms. Oakes, Jordan. I am Canadian and currently living in Canada but I grew up on the border and attended college in the US and worked for several years there before returning to Canada. So much to unpack here but I will do my best to add to the information Ms. Oakes provided on your podcast. The first thing you need to know is we are a sitting duck for the WEF great reset. In fact our dimwit PM gave a speech to the UN last September that was littered with all the shiny object phrases the political left and globalists love - “the pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to reset society.
You know the drill, build back better, eradicating hate speech Through a federal regulator (we already have hate speach laws btw) and systemic racism etc. Until this version of the woke liberals arrived 6 years ago, it was safe to compare them to the pre-squad Dems. Now they are as left and as woke as our socialist party (NDP). In fact socially, I believe they are more woke than our left of centre NDP. Trudeau and his minions have no respect for our parliament and Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as flimsy as it is on a good day. At the beginning of the pandemic our federal government tried to give themselves war time powers to tax, spend and borrow until the end of 2021 without parliamentary oversight. Over the last 6 years they have blown out our spending and we now have the highest total debt per GDP in the G7. Trudeau exhibits classic Dunning Kruger effect in that he is a spoiled trust fund child that was a part time drama teacher before entering politics. He has surrounded himself with a cabinet that is equally or more inept. To wit, our finance minister and future Soros biographer(I kid you not), graduated from university with a degree in Eastern European literature and immediately before joining the liberal party ran Reuters news and almost ran it into the ground. Our Health Minister is a former graphic designer with some experience as an executive director at an NGO. Our Heritage Minister was a former ecoterrorist and is the author of the internet censorship bills. Trudeau has stated on the record that he admires China’s dictatorship because it allows them to get things done quickly (God he is an embarrassment!) You mentioned the hundreds of millions of vaccines we secured - to quote the libs when we were desperately behind the rest of the world in acquiring said jabs, “we have secured the most doses and better variety of vaccines than anyone in the world.” Um well that is good but we were desperately behind the rest of the G7 because we spent most of our time dancing with China and handed over the IP while receiving nothing in return. When we started to roll out the jabs, our vaccine task force recommended 4 months between shots because well we didn’t have enough to do the three week interval. So we are on the hook to pay for up to 400 million vaccines for a country of 36 million people and our hero’s are on the record as saying they will donate all excess vaccines to underprivileged countries. I could go on and on but you get the picture. All of this aided and abetted by a bought and paid for MSM who blow him kisses at press conferences. Not sure if I am most frustrated with the “journos”, who are activists in drag, or the majority of my fellow Canadians who have bought the propaganda book, line and sinker. We are doomed here because the main “conservative” opposition part has moved to the centre, further blurring the line between them and the libs. You guys discussed the People’s Party and I speculate there may be some form of Alberta separatist party that may emerge and the effect will likely be that they siphon off the died in the wool conservative vote because people like me are thoroughly annoyed with their lurch to the left. The polls tell us the libs will win a majority this fall if an election is called and I may ne looking to head down to the Mexican/US border and try to cross as a refugee! Pray for us!
The People's Party of Canada would be the Tea Party equivalent, with less political power because far fewer Canadians place any value on liberty. Maxime Bernier is a hero to the few of us who do. I don't think any one in the States has it over on him in terms of believing in freedom. Our Conservative party is a bad joke.
Hey Jordan, idk if you know but Premier Jason Kenney of Alberta has implemented covid passport, basically everywhere in Canada there's a covid passport
Great conversation. It's good to hear from as many well balanced individuals from either side of the issue as possible. Keep up the good work Jordan.
Oh and forgot to mention that despite having more proven energy resources than anyone in the world, we import 1/3 of our oil from Saudi Arabia because we can’t get a transCanada pipeline built to get the liquids to Ontario, Quebec and the maritimes. The irony is the Lin’s refer to themselves as the most feminist party in Canadian history (can’t make this stuff up!) and are importing 1/3 of our oil from Saudi Arabia! The feds bought a pipeline from Kinder Morgan, who saw the writing on the wall and got out of dodge, and likely paid far more than the market would have given that there were no other takers. What have they done with it? Nothing. It is so bad now that I totally ignore the news. Used to follow parliamentary doings but it is nothing but virtue signalling and identity politics. BTW the first 100 days of Biden policy and executive orders remind me a great deal of the libs policies over the last several years. Heck, it was Biden who cancelled Keystone, not Prime Minister Blackface.
Key difference in the US is your constitution and specifically your 1st and 2nd Ammendments.
Thanks for hosting Ms. Oakes, Jordan. I am Canadian and currently living in Canada but I grew up on the border and attended college in the US and worked for several years there before returning to Canada. So much to unpack here but I will do my best to add to the information Ms. Oakes provided on your podcast. The first thing you need to know is we are a sitting duck for the WEF great reset. In fact our dimwit PM gave a speech to the UN last September that was littered with all the shiny object phrases the political left and globalists love - “the pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to reset society.
You know the drill, build back better, eradicating hate speech Through a federal regulator (we already have hate speach laws btw) and systemic racism etc. Until this version of the woke liberals arrived 6 years ago, it was safe to compare them to the pre-squad Dems. Now they are as left and as woke as our socialist party (NDP). In fact socially, I believe they are more woke than our left of centre NDP. Trudeau and his minions have no respect for our parliament and Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as flimsy as it is on a good day. At the beginning of the pandemic our federal government tried to give themselves war time powers to tax, spend and borrow until the end of 2021 without parliamentary oversight. Over the last 6 years they have blown out our spending and we now have the highest total debt per GDP in the G7. Trudeau exhibits classic Dunning Kruger effect in that he is a spoiled trust fund child that was a part time drama teacher before entering politics. He has surrounded himself with a cabinet that is equally or more inept. To wit, our finance minister and future Soros biographer(I kid you not), graduated from university with a degree in Eastern European literature and immediately before joining the liberal party ran Reuters news and almost ran it into the ground. Our Health Minister is a former graphic designer with some experience as an executive director at an NGO. Our Heritage Minister was a former ecoterrorist and is the author of the internet censorship bills. Trudeau has stated on the record that he admires China’s dictatorship because it allows them to get things done quickly (God he is an embarrassment!) You mentioned the hundreds of millions of vaccines we secured - to quote the libs when we were desperately behind the rest of the world in acquiring said jabs, “we have secured the most doses and better variety of vaccines than anyone in the world.” Um well that is good but we were desperately behind the rest of the G7 because we spent most of our time dancing with China and handed over the IP while receiving nothing in return. When we started to roll out the jabs, our vaccine task force recommended 4 months between shots because well we didn’t have enough to do the three week interval. So we are on the hook to pay for up to 400 million vaccines for a country of 36 million people and our hero’s are on the record as saying they will donate all excess vaccines to underprivileged countries. I could go on and on but you get the picture. All of this aided and abetted by a bought and paid for MSM who blow him kisses at press conferences. Not sure if I am most frustrated with the “journos”, who are activists in drag, or the majority of my fellow Canadians who have bought the propaganda book, line and sinker. We are doomed here because the main “conservative” opposition part has moved to the centre, further blurring the line between them and the libs. You guys discussed the People’s Party and I speculate there may be some form of Alberta separatist party that may emerge and the effect will likely be that they siphon off the died in the wool conservative vote because people like me are thoroughly annoyed with their lurch to the left. The polls tell us the libs will win a majority this fall if an election is called and I may ne looking to head down to the Mexican/US border and try to cross as a refugee! Pray for us!