Covid is a bioweapon created and funded by the US government.

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The bio weapon they created is the jab.

“Covid” as a pathogenic “virus” does not exist.

Not in nature or anywhere.

Covid is a scare story that succeeds because of the unbridled belief in the unfounded and unproven germ theory.

And they needed that in order to have humans line up to get poisoned and ultimately contribute to their demise.

And they lined up because of their unbridled belief in the lie that is vaccination.

Here it is again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

Never in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889

We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

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`TQ for these links.

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Yes absolutely MusicMan 100% https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing

For the hundredth time people there is no virus!!!

However there is always some truth in what the narrative says - the lab leak vs zoonotic is a deliberate dichotomy to give us all something to talk about and to distract us from them taking away more of our freedoms- but our environment is indeed making us ill-not through a virus but through junk food, pollution, factory farming, destruction of plankton, forests and soils with pesticides and toxic run off, isolation, loneliness, working from home instead of with each other and brain destroying medications allegedly to cure our resultant depression

I'm getting on the love train https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/get-on-board-the-love-train



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Right they lied about everything BUT the virus. The virus was just a coincidence to allow all of these things to happen right here right now. Although I would assert there is a lab construct of the virus - just not in the wild.

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Why don't you read the articles listed above and also Jon Rappoport who has written about the AIDS scam as well as Covid and other alleged viruses? You will soon realise that the virus/contagion theory is all about fear, compliance, huge profits for pharma et. al, repeat business from side effects, population reduction. We get ill from toxins, in food, air, polution etc. 2 years ago, I believed in them but not any more.

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Jon Rappoport is brilliant!

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With all due respect, there is NO SUCH THING as a pathogenic virus.

Airborne viruses are a ghost story.

They don’t exist.

In a lab. Or in nature.

You’ve been played if you think they do.

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I am replying to all of you on this. None of your posts preclude lab work on modifying mRNA, cDNA etc. I'm half on your side. You have to accept that or not. Its a massive crime but people get seasonal respiratory distress wether its a germ or terrain or whatever. People get runny noses sore throats malaise weakness etc. It didn't, in my humble opinion happen in 2020 and up to now because there was a lab leak in Wuhan or from any zoonotic transfer. My instincts, and thats it, other than obsessive reading, tells me that. Cheers

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The 1st sentence of my reply was poorly articulated sarcasm. The constellation of Covid bullshit - the Plandemonium - is evidence enough for my instincts that CoV2 did not exist in the wild. They didn't just have such a well orchestrated plan just waiting to be sprung on some serendipitous viral pandemic.

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deletedDec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022
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Covid isn't the "bioweapon"..... the gene therapy is. They created the problem to facilitate the "solution".

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This is why there isn't CoV2. There is just the same constellation of respiratory chalenges with the best marketing campaign since Ali Landry selling Doritos. This did that get people to accept being injected with actually undisclosed ingredients! UNDISCLOSED.

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Why would the US fund the weaponization of the coronavirus to make it more transmissible?

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Bc they’ve stolen all of the taxpayers money and now the people will come to collect their social security and Medicare but it’s gone $ so they will kill us off. Criminals with fires to put out and yet WE DO NOTHING we should be breaking down their doors - dragging them into the streets for their redemption.

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I just think it is really difficult for people to accept their own government wants them dead.

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It ain't over til it's over is right. The long road to engineer the cover up is under way. We must give it to these sociopaths - they don't lack for imagination. Would expect they still have a few evil tricks in their bags.

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I kind of wondered how they could tie the next fear campaign into the last one. This is a clumsy attempt that will no doubt work in the minds of the masses.

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Fear is the new healthy.

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Did you forget the word "not" in the first part of the third sentence?

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Give Them enough rope and They will hang themselves.


They are all, rhetorically, twisting in the wind, but They are still talking.

When is all this fakakta nonsense going to stop?

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Is this the conference where FRauDci will remember everything he forgot during the deposition?

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And the clown show continues onward 🤡

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

The "zoonotic origin " narrative favors the Chinese government which bribed Joe Biden and favors the US CDC Administrative Bureaucracy and the allied Pharmaceutical companies hich have made, literally, billions of dollars from COVID "vaccines' promoted by the CDC itself.

There seems to be quite a bit of evidence that the SARS CoV-19 virus was engineered and escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab, a joint venture of CDC and the Chinese government.

Cui Bono from the "zoonotic origin" narrative and who is at risk from pursuing the evidence of a Lab leak.

Thanks Jordon good reporting that I have not seen anywhere else.

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there's zoonotics involved alright, just think of the fact that they experimented with gain-of-function using diseases carried by animals. so we had sick cows; camels; chickens; bats; more chickens. and don't forget Pfizer's Bourla's speciality: (in)fertility in horses. transparency is the way forward!

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He's not wrong, really ..

The 'pandemic' is fictional, invented by certain humans, to subjugate the rest of the humans..

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As I write this, there are 14 comments.

None of them are calling for legal or lethal penalties, for the perpetrators, of this genocide.

All are parroting the narratives and talking points of the numerous substack posts and pundits on talk shows, but no calls for consequences are among them..

This is not unique to this Substack at all. I've watched the slow decline to acceptance, that nothing will happen to these actors. People slowly transition into rhetoric, instead of outrage. It's imperceptible to many.

This transition, is how we've arrived at this place and time, in our respective societies.

Drooling joe brandon is an example...as soon as they floated the catch phrase..."oh that's just old joe", for all his screw ups, it was a done deal. From then on, anything he said or did, was explained away and people...instead of being outraged at his antics and crimes...parroted the planted tag line.

Today, instead of being outraged, that we have a dementia patient running the country...we have sunk into acceptance. Instead of being in the streets demanding our government back...or at least in competent hands...we sit and watch netflix, college sport, order door dash or post those ever so effective snarky memes and say, "we showed them...they can't get away with it anymore."

The scamdemic is the same thing.

While some are still demanding justice, for this genocide and crime against the populations of the world...many have slipped back into the manufactured daily distractions and mind numbing material, the system feeds them.

The criminals and regimes know as long as they give the sheeple comfort, convenience and entertainment...while simultaneously floating these ridiculous tag lines and narratives...the sheeple will go back to sleep and/or line up happily for their next jab or global emergency.

Sure they'll bleat for a while, as they are pushed into line, but the bleating will be the repeated, contrived narratives, that have been planted for years...designed to give them a false sense of control and that they are pushing back, against the injustice.

The truth is, they are not.

We should all be calling for trails, jail time and executions, no matter how unlikely, the possibility may be. Otherwise, we are telling them, we are happy to line up for the showers and ovens, so long as they let us gripe and complain, while in line.

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Thank you!

Your post should be required reading for all of us.

Your last paragraph was especially good.. My comment is partially a restatement of your post.

Many people on different Substacks recently seem to have adopted the attitude that nothings ever going to happen, that those responsible for covid have won, that any investigation will be a sham, and that these people will (and almost deserve to) get away with it.

FACT: Covid was engineered by human beings. There is too much evidence for it to be otherwise.

FACT: there was a coverup orchestrated by Anthony Fauci and others. His emails and depositions confirm it.

FACT: Millions of people have died from the virus and the ‘vaccines’.

The above FACTS are enough to warrant a full, thorough, and open investigation into the origins of the Covid pandemic in order to determine exactly what happened and to punish those responsible.


Speculation is fine but it can not replace an actual investigation.

And speculation taken too far tends to lessen the demand for JUSTICE .

People spend more time arguing about what happened (which none of us knows for certain) than actually seeking JUSTICE for and against those involved.

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My 1st reaction to this is as soon as the American public accepted the latest fraud election, which was cemented yesterday by a runoff that should never have been needed, that is when "The Big Guy" and the Covid charlatans were off the hook. Hell Fauci will likely this weekend be on some Sunday morning "news" show espousing the latest features and benefits of lockdowns and coercive force.

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good observation. we're all dealing with this in our own way, many of us finding it hard to stay standing upright.

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Not science, scienceism. Is anyone really surprised that they would try to link Covid to the BBBBS agenda?

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Pandemic it never was! Scamdemic was the Plan = it worked for 80% but some of us can join dots!

CRIMINAL! To inject babies (anyone) with a dangerous experimental substance that is killing 1000s every day to achieve ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! UK Government has just agreed to this baby CULL!

The only motivation for agreeing with this murderous stupidity must be financial!

How can an unqualified wealthy individual be given credence for such a serious and complex - even dangerous subject as HUMAN HEALTH? Absolute nonsense - but obviously a 'sales opportunity' to re-double Gates's wealth!

This meeting and it's ideas and conclusions must be scrutinised before the Golden Goose is reloaded by Gates & CO.

We the people hereby reject, in its entirety, the determinations and decisions made by the unacceptable and self-appointed 'representatives' of our nation/s. These ridiculous assertions are made by unscrupulous, super-wealthy individuals that are influenced by the WEF (New World Order) NOT BY SOVEREIGN NATIONS! Our decision is irreversible!

Covid & DEADLY Vax both part of The WEF Depopulation program. 'RETRIBUTION' = Severe and incessant. 'Forgiveness' = NEVER!

Great to see the truth coming out after an interminable THREE YEARS???

The most egregious and inexplicable element of the VAX DEATH ARGUMENT? 'NO LIABILITY' for the makers of this DEADLY DEPOPULATION CONCOCTION! Unbelievable nonsense!

LIABILITY must be reinstated - NOW! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots and realised the deadly farce!

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Beware the word "science" ca. 2022.

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we need to reconquer our language. we know what 'science' means, what a rainbow is, or a woman. muddling words and concepts is part of the culture war they've unleashed.

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Let them keep showing us

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A "Who's Who" list of the elite class plotting against humanity. If only the Bat Lady could be kidnapped and offer to testify in exchange for freedom from her government's oppression. I can dream, can't I?

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The USG culpability for the COVID-19 GOF research, outbreak and response (including unsafe and ineffective therapeutics that are not vaccine) has been clearly revealed by former EcoHealth VP Dr Andrew Huff in his new book.


The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History – Dec 6, 2022 at Amazon:


Any other explanation is simply another Deep State psyop to coverup mass murder and a biowarfare coup d’etat.

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Time to ARREST Gates, Fauci, Castreau, Schwab, Tedros, Guterres, Ardern, Andrews, Biden, and every single member of the World "Economic" Forum and the WHO, that's the only way we can go back to normal.

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