Good analysis. Bibi turned Israel into Pfizrael. As for Trump, I like him and voted for him. Would I now? Despite his screw up and not owning it, for better or worse, he's the best candidate out there. Still.....

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Hornet you are nuts .A wishy washy guy like Trump can be found on any street corner .The truly honest good people are disgusted with it all and never want to become a habitual lier ordering people around .They don't want to become swamp creatures ,like almost all Polititians

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Like I said, best of the worst. If you really think any politician is coming to save you, think again.

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I am a Trump supporter & voted for him. I would respect & trust him any other leaders a lot more if they would admit they made a mistake in trusting the corrupt CDC, FDA, WHO, Big Pharma, etc...

I don’t necessarily blame Trump or other leaders in trusting our Corrupt Industrial Medical Complex, honestly I & most people didn’t know exactly how evil & corrupt they are until this Depopulation Covid Shot came out & we all learned it doesn’t work at all & instead it is worse than the Bioweapon Covid-19 virus they unleashed on us?!?

Our President is not a doctor, most or all leaders are not doctors & since our corrupt government can take away a doctors medical license most doctors & Hospitals were/are silent about the numerous deaths & injuries they’ve witnessed.

Trump & other leaders were fooled like we were, they may have known Big Pharma was bad but never thought they would be so evil as to release a ‘Depopulation Vaccine’.

I would respect & trust any leader a lot more if they would admit they trusted evil medical advisors like Gates & Fauci & that they promise to go after them & find & expose the truth!?!

Also they should promise to find real treatments for the Covid virus & help to find cures for the damage the Covid shots has & will cause in the future???

Just my two cents.

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The whole scamdemic was a way for China to squash it's protests that were starting and to get rid of Trump, the dems eagerly went along with it. I would vote for Trump over any current democrat but I can't really say I am a supporter. However I don't have TDS either. Most of Trump's stated views are close to mine but many of his actions aren't.

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Yep! And they gobbled up Hong Kong!


........covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.

As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?

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Again I could not agree with you more!

We know many of our politicians have sold their soul to the CCP, like Mitch McConnell & his Chinese wife’s CCP run shipping company.

Many of our politicians are & have sold America’s land & secrets & assets to the highest foreign bidder for their own enrichment.

They do not care about America or Americans at all.

Most of them have been placed in powerful positions by the WEF & they will do whatever the Evil Depopulation King Klaus Schwab wants.

Schwab has already stated that out of all the countries in the world he likes & backs China’s CCP the most for their policies of vaccine passports & eugenics, etc.

Schwab’s father worked for Hitler & Schwab wants to create a Fourth Reich & take over the world.

Schwab created the WEF in 1971 & has been training & placing his students in High Places in America & many other countries.

Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ = NWO.

The Elite are attacking on every front against America & Freedom because Biden is their puppet & they see this as their chance to take over.

Unfortunately most of the top military people are globalists & want a NWO.

We need God’s help to save America & the free world’s freedom.

Covid shots was the WEF’s depopulation plan & to weaken Americans & our military men that are Patriots.

This is just my two cents from people I trust in different areas in high places who are Hero Whistleblowers.

God bless & protect you all my Freedom Fighters❣️🙏🏼

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I agree with you.

I appreciate & admire President Trump for standing up to the Left Cabal’s evil corrupt attacks & spending alot of his own money for his campaign & donating his Presidential salary.

He got things done while he was being attacked by the totally evil & corrupt Dem/RINO Uniparty who are owned & run by the CCP & WEF.

I’d rather have a President that is rough around the edges but gets things done instead of soft spoken liars who never keep their promises.

President Trump was a friend to the Christian community & kept his promises.

God works in mysterious ways.

I know our country & the world was much better off when Trump was President.

Our real fight now is with the WEF, WHO, UN, CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma, Government run MSM & Big Tech, Invasion of our country by illegals/terrorists, Massive Election Fraud, etc…

Praying that God will give us another miracle. 🙏🏼

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If Trump is so easily fooled and knows nothing he should have kept his big mouth shut .A fool like him can be found in any phone book .

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Trump has to at least hint at Covid accountability, and spur and vocally support House Republicans going scorched earth on covid authoritarians, or he is just another tool of the globalists as far as I am concerned.

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Yep. He's the only one who can attack the vaccine fraud, but I doubt it will happen.

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No politician will ever admit any wrongdoing or mistakes. It is not in their nature to be humble servants to the citizens they rule over. Trust none of them for they will change back into demonic tyrants on a dime. For many, their existence in government is based on more lies than you can count.

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The democrats will not allow for that strategy to keep working into the 2024 election run up. They already floated a trial Ballon where they blamed Trump for the vaxx damage and liberal Twitter Twitterati went all in immediately. He has to renounce soon or his campaign will be sunk by it.

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He has multiple outs here. He can blame birx and Fauci for lying to him. He can blame big pharma. He'll He can blame the DoD and Loyd Austin even. He has ways out that enough will buy it but he's got to do it soon or that window will be closed by democrats and media accomplices.

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Don't think so? Think again...that's gonna be their only option.

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Thst will provide a clean political slate for their nominee.

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The democrats will pivot on the vaxx mandates blaming Biden personally for that while backing away in unison.

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Also, maybe they might start something bigger to over shadow this disaster. Maybe something in Ukraine and/or Taiwan ?

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Yeah in parallel with what I described.

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None of us ever voted to have our freedoms stolen and sold off by some dodgy politicians to foreign adversaries most of their constituents have never heard of. The WEF already has its stooges established in Parliaments across the Western Democracies, Corporations and Education.

WE ARE THE GREAT RESIST and we’re everywhere too.

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Most of the people who 'wrote the rules' aren't even elected in the first place.


Over and over during his short administration, Joe Biden has ignored the proper rule-making process of our Republic while proclaiming to be saving it.

With executive orders, he shut down the Keystone pipeline and suspended other energy projects. He sanctioned Russia (long before the war) and shut down travel that Trump had opened. Vaccine mandates were executive orders. Now, certainly Biden isn’t the first president to use the executive order, but he may be the most hypocritical by sidestepping the proper lawmaking procedures of the country for the biggest issues of the day.

Though the vaccine mandates were the most egregious example, nearly all covid rules were made via executive fiat and use of emergency powers. Governors and mayors found a lackey in a lab coat to stand behind so they could pass the buck and be held blameless for the chaos that followed. “Just following guidelines” became the borg-like ‘get out of jail free’ chant of government officials. But nobody voted for Anthony Fauci or anybody working under him. We have no mechanism to hold these bureaucrats responsible - and holding officials responsible is the foundation of the Republic.

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What about the doctors? Do we forgive the doctors?

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The doctors may deserve the harshest punishment in my estimation. They are supposed to act in their patients' best interest and instead at best surrendered their autonomy to the hospital system, and at worst actively killed patients to increase their bottom line. With the original Nuremberg trials pointing to a weakness in the medical system's ability (or willingness) to stand up to tyranny perhaps a complete overhaul is needed. Thank God for all the ones (Malone, McCullough, Gold, Zelenko (God bless his memory), Kory, etc.) who have the temerity to stand up and fight!

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No forgiveness for ANY and ALL politicians involved in this pandemic scam !!!!

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Trump was paid 1 million dollars from Pfizer! There should be the Gallows pole for that corrupt Fascist! Its best drop him from ant conversation

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Is it just me that is so tired of politicians NEVER owning their mistakes? I have never expected anyone to always make the correct decisions but to never say-“I was wrong and what we should have done…”Trump does it, Biden does it, Whitmer, Newsom. I’m not sure about DeSantis. And if Trump is blatantly wrong about something, he blames someone else. Politicians are just arrogant narcissist. Looking for a genuine candidate to run the country.

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it doesn't make sense to compare Netanyahu with Trump or Israel's militarised state (with very little room for dissent) and the republic that is the US. notwithstanding the mostly political suppression Trump's populist MAGA-movement is supported in many places, through protests worldwide, as in the Truckers' Convoys (HONK HONK), the Dutch farmers, the French yellow vests etc. we need to keep communicating with those that seem to regret their former views and actions supporting mandates and judge them on merit.

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'Second chance' - Over my dead body. 'Amnesty' = No chance! 'Retribution - Severe and prolonged!'


First step towards disrupting the WEF world domination agenda will be to make BIG PHARMA LIABLE for ALL INJURIES and DEATHS that follow the injection of DEADLY materials into human bodies!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I'm clever enough to join dots!

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Nuremberg II is needed to bring these vaccine-enthralled medical tyrants to justice. And every physician, PA, and nurse who administered the death shot should be sued for malpractice...no one was provided with enough information to give informed consent to the jab.

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..and likewise for every politician that facilitated it

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Leaders must pay.

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Why is COViD vax still mandated by Medicare Providers? The mandates are pushing a vaccine that does not work as a condition to be hired. That needs to be addressed.

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To Mr Trump's credit he pushed a lot of the right things. Early treatment, federalism. He was and still is too caught up in what is good for Trump to think enough about what is good period. He thinks the number one thing that is good for America is Donald Trump. And while he has gotten a lot right, he has gotten a lot wrong too.

He was tricked on the Jab and can't admit it. The defense is always, 'the executive has too much going on to be an expert on the decisions he makes' but I say if you aren't willing to understand the details Don't Make the Decision. And COVID is a perfect example, if Trump would have said No Response until we have the facts, we would be much better off. Not sure what his personal fate would be, but his legacy would damn well be secure.

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