For a DARPA-pfizer psyop encore, next week Damar Hamlin will be maxing out on the bench press with broken ribs, while wearing a robber's ski mask.

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...with sunglasses.

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Damar Hamlin never had a heart attack.

He faked it.

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That would be the only logical conclusion if we believe what we are seeing now, right? Picture perfect health. No signs of bodily distress at all. No doubt there was a definite psy-op going on in this entire affair.


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WOW, Jordan. This is significant news. I am relieved to know she is alive and hope she is well. Thank you for your commitment to discovering the truth and persistent investigation of this mystery.

I wonder if she was vaxx-injured and received a settlement as part of the NDA, hence the large home purchase.

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Trying to get to the bottom of that. Thanks!

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I’m also very curious about the obvious use of a body double as part of the hospital publicity stunts as that only added to the suspicions.

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Thank you for continuing to dig! I appreciate your sensitive approach to this matter of public concern involving a private individual.

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Thank YOU, Jordan! Too many conspiracies. But at least you've got your foot in the door.

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I can’t figure out why they would allow the conspiracy to surround her for so long, without allowing her to make a statement.

They wasted no time to parade her in front of the planet for the shot, but it takes a Warren Commission to find out if she’s alive?

They’re not this inept. They allowed the conspiracy to breed for a reason.

They don’t launch a crusade against disinformation, only to ignore the most famous female that’s in every #diedsuddenly video in circulation.

1- It’s a fake video. They had to make a deep fake.

2- She was messed up, hospitalized, Pfizer face, the whole nine, and now she’s finally well enough to be seen publicly.

3- Creating chaos is part of the final stage of the global communist coup, the complete breakdown of trust in all institutions, her incident plays a part in that.

I really don’t see a fourth option, because nothing is on the up and up.

If she just got “lightheaded” for a second, they would’ve dragged her ass onto the late night talk show circuit to talk about her “blood sugar” and how she’s fine, and she would’ve promoted the vaccine, and mocked the “conspiracy theorists.”

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+3 - Was it a False Flag event? I always thought she was acting. I thought she was faking it from the start. Who knows - She may have answered an ad recruiting crisis actors on Craig’s List - these events are highly organized. Some people seek this type the attention. Yes, i am a true cynic.

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I think you nailed it, Malignant.

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None of this proves that she is alive.

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Those posts are incoherent could have been taken long ago. Story gets stranger not clearer. There was also discovery that Dover’s husband was later living as a single man about a year later.

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We learned nothing from project blue book and the whole UFO misdirection, misinformation, reverse-reverse PsyOp.

As they get you to focus on this very insignificant and un-important person (yes she is a person, so important...but think big pic people), they run the other 1001 ops un-encumbered.

After all the died suddenly cases, numerous stacks are tracking, do we really NEED to know what happened to this woman. The bigger story is and has always been the orchestrators behind the whole control, cull Op.

BTW, as many will wake up to...video "proof" is no proof at all. Until you see the person in the flesh and maybe have a redundant DNA test, there is no way, you can say...this is them and they are alive....because of a picture/video.

In truth, I don't really care.

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This is so bizarre. Blah videos about water and mascara are the first Tik Toks she puts up like she never disappeared in the past 2 years...? The psy-op keeps getting weirder.

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It's not her

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I seem to recall that Tiffany Dover had blue eyes and dark brown hair--did she really change both? And if so, why hide?

Was there a cardiac arrest?

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Maybe her pupils are very dilated, for some reason, and her hair highlighted? The hairline, eyebrows, and forehead look like her. Still, not sure what the real story is.

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Its not her, not even close.

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Sorry. The person in those Tik Tok videos, despite the hair color change, does not even remotely resemble the person who collapsed minutes after being injected two years ago.

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I am not sure how you can verify that photo is in fact Tiffany. I think you are going out on a limb. Emerging on social media in a "clandestine" way? That is a tortured notion if ever I heard one, a contradiction in terms. We will wait for more information.

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Why do you not entertain the possibility that it could be a Deep Fake???

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Is Tiffany or is it Memorex?

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It’s Chiffon!

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But, it's not! 😉

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That's odd, I specifically wrote "Is it Tiffany ...". Where did it go? 😎

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Only her hairdresser knows for sure. 😉 It's her...only better.

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Good news, but strange news! Sounds like the NDA is the most likely reason.

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I want the old fashioned picture of her holding the daily newspaper.

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...like in hostage videos.

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I knew when I read, "mortgage documents," she was not only fine, but now, also very well off from the government/pharma payments to her.

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Signatures can easily be forged, Bandit. To me, the signatures on the mortgage doc came from the same hand.

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Well, that's good news, if true. Good sleuthing, happy to hear the result.

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People are making good points about these TikToks--your post does not provide enough evidence to conclude this mystery is solved.

How did you find the old name for that TikTok account?

How did you determine the videos are not deepfakes?

How did you confidently conclude that the woman in the TikToks is the same person as Dover?

Your article should at least explain how you came to these conclusions.

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Go to The Covid Blog for your answer.

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Sorry, I don't believe this for a minute. A couple of pictures/posts is not proof.

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