Or in plain language: shie lied and plagiarised because being a diversity-hire, she isn't good enough, cannot make herself be good enough and knows she will never be - and feels entitled to it all anyway.

This is what participation trophies, relativist tests and exams and "everyone is of equal dignity and worth" leads to when implemented.

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Sadly, she doesn’t care that she’s been caught plagiarizing. Why? Because she thinks she’s owed her position. She deserves to be president of Harvard just for being who she is... a black woman propped up by white people because it makes them FEEL better. It’s all about how someone feels. That’s the problem we all face now. People voting, hiring, protesting for terrorists, etc. based on how they feel. We are doomed because white people protesting white people for being white people is absolutely insane.

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Not surprising ... another “diversity hire” with no experience ... keep exposing the “Claudine Gay’s” (aka, FRAUDS)

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DEI Fraud.

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I lost interest in pursuing a higher ed degree after watching a scantily dressed younger girl received her doctorate degree in a jiffy.

Her Secret to Success? She had spent most of her time in different male professors' offices. Also, for her dissertation, she just copied right out of borrowed books from the library! Right in front of rest of us.

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She was continually promoted for reasons other than her supposed scholarship. She’s likely not alone.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

The fact that she was tenured with four papers (one of which was debunked) tells you all you need to know about her - a diversity hire from the get-go.

Four papers in academia is NOTHING

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Great to see this collaboration between you guys.

To be absolutely fair, mediocrity in high places with august names and over-inflated reputations is commonplace. I'm old enough to have encountered plenty of idiot white people promoted above their capacities. The great irony in Gay's case is her privileged social status from the get-go. In the merry world of DEI, her rise has undoubtedly prevented a potentially much more worthy black candidate from getting a shot at the jobs she's been handed.

By the way--I'm no fan of graphic novels but this saga just screams out for artistic rendering to get it an even wider audience. You guys must have friends who'd enjoy the assignment.

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I think her case is a symptom of the systemic rot in higher education. Gaining tenure bases on merit is an anachronism. Todays old boy network replaces well connected men with well connected “diversity hires”.

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Claudine Gay is an entitled, privileged, pseudo intellectual, Marxist apparatchik. Only the party goals matter to this kind of civic criminal. She operates from the Bolsheviks play book ffs!

Claudine Gay deserves to be subjected to the Marx/Engels manifesto of envious hatred, and schizophrenic social madness. Let an angry mob teach her about 'social justice'.

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She has no talent or ability...

What’s she supposed to do?

If you can’t do, teach

If you can’t teach- Administration

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So in the end, it is all related: the bad climate data, the bad race data, the bad vaccine data. We live in a culture of lies, and no amount of worship of purely materialist Evolution of the species is going to build a culture in which we do not to lie to each other for advantage. Evolution teaches taking competitive advantage of other humans. You cannot devise a fitness limit, though many try. Points to Ms. Gay for seeing this game for what it is and playing it so well. Should she not be imitated?

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She’s an entitled charlatan.

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It is bad enough when people rise to prominence and success on the backs of others' work, but it is even worse, by orders of magnitude, when others who know about the fraud go to such lengths as people seem to have gone to protect the person who committed the fraud. And this protection racket seems to have been operating on her behalf for quite some time, certainly not only since her Congressional testimony. People should be ashamed of themselves, but they won't be.

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The American Political Science Review is the flagship journal in her field. You might ask the editors for her data; they will likely demur. But that’s the protocol in academe. The sad fact is that many, many regression studies in the social sciences cannot be replicated. That’s why the American Economic Review asks authors to submit their data; it’s always a great discipline to submit the data and concomitant conclusion computer code with the original manuscript.

Thus, from Claudine Gay’s point of view, her methods are no different from those of mediocre white male professor. So many scholars mine the data and report fragile regression results. Most of those mediocre white male academics of course would not get tenure at Stanford. The ineluctable conclusion follows. That’s the real reason she won’t give out her data.

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Hello, friend. We had the Internet in 1984 including file transfer protocol (ftp) introduced in 1971, USEnet for discussions introduced 1980, email messaging introduced in familiar form by 1978 with precursors to 1965. We were also big on releasing the data. Information wants to be free.

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