Jun 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Covid made it very clear to me that the following is true:

If governments around the world are pushing a narrative that will

1) give them more control over the people and/or

2) give them an excuse to raise taxes or steal land from the people,

they are LYING!

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Q: How do you know when a politician is lying? A: His mouth is moving.

I would add unelected bureaucrats to that now.

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Exactly, pimaCanyon!! As we all know and understand-----the government does not care about anyone-----except lining their own pockets with our money. True or true, pick one.

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That is what PARASITES do. They feed of the blood of the productive victims. There are three kinds of people, SERVICE PROVIDERS (and it can't be a "service" established by forcing you with a gun in your face!) PRODUCT producers and PARASITES who feed off the other two groups. Every HOUR that you work to feed one of them is an HOUR of your life lost forever and an HOUR of your life gained by them! Think about it.

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Now they don't even raise taxes. They don't have to. They just create more fake "money" out of thin air and devalue ours through inflation. Seen the price of a orange pepper lately? Seen the price of a lemon?

"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."

~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8

ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?

"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "

- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10

"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."

~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4

Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?

"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,

governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."

~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve

Bank of Richmond, pg 6

Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?

Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.

"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)

If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?

5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.

"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":

-Merrill Jenkins, Sr.,

Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth

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I said "and/or". I was referring not only to the covid scamdemic but also to the climate change scam which they ARE using as an excuse to raise taxes and steal land from the people

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They use anything that their parasitic minds can dream up to raise taxes and steal land or other property from the normal people. That's what parasites do. It is one scam after another. AIDS was a scam. The swine flu was a scam, the 1916 flu pandemic was a scam. Their medical schools are scams. The public school system is a scam. George Carlin pretty much sums in all up in...five minutes. The Big CLUB...you and I aren't in it. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/the-big-club

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3) or they are covering for something, be it some form of pollution/toxin/chemical waste, etc. 😑

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For the 1,001st time: Feb 2020, Diamond Princess Cruise ship quarantined in San Fran Bay, 3,700 people on board, 800 'tested positive', 15 died = 0.4% mortality rate = the flu.

I have never treated the PLANDEMIC as anything other than a SCAMDEMIC used to change our society starting with the use of mail in ballots to get rid of Trump because he was rendering the bureaucracy as the scum they are.

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The 0.4% rate would be for the 3,700 total on board, not for the actual "cases." However, those who died were all around 80 years old, and had comorbidities.

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I wonder if the 5G systems aboard that ship could be part of the issue too? The frequency involved messes with iron in your blood.

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Electromagnetic pulses directed right at that ship caused radiation poisoning

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15 died *with* CV, not from CV.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

What I find astounding is the continued advice to "get vaxxed and boosted," when the IFR is so low, that even if the vaxxes were 90% effective at preventing deaths, that would only be an improvement in the IFR of a small fraction of one percent. Indeed, it was easier to imagine the IFR doubling (and still remaining below 1%) than it was to consider it halving, because the IFR was already so low. The fact of the matter is that most people who got vaxxed survived the "pandemic" because they weren't going to die from COVID anyway.

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But they will die from the toxic mNRA shots

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The Diamond Princess was quarantined in Yokohama, Japan. It's an American ship, but it never sailed in San Francisco, so I have no idea where you got that from.

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Sam is correct. The Diamond Princess was the initial "case study" and was quarantined in Yokohama. The wapo article refers to the Grand Princess.

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I stand corrected. Love your work, Doc.

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Sam, get your gaslighting outta here, or come clean that your statement was completely false

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There was also an article that the cruise ship that was forced to stay at sea because of Covid was being hit with electromagnetic pulses which is radiation & all the systems the people had were caused by that radiation.

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Symptoms not systems

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I've started calling it the PINO (pandemic in name only).

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We need to keep this handy for the next time.

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I never got C19 vaxxxes. But it seems to me that many more died here from C19 in the USA, than in the average flu season. But then maybe the C19 death numbers were scammed. As in, people who died with C19 were counted as C19 deaths. Such as an injured motorcyclist died in the hospital. He had a C19 swab test done before he died. And it came up positive. He gets counted as a C19 death.

The entire public health establishment has been lusting for years. For their time to shine. C19 gave them this chance, and they went overboard into communist totalitarian territory.

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Ventilators, which worsened pneumonia caught in hospitals, remdecivir, denying millions of people normal treatment for cold and/or flu.

These nasty facts, among others, account for the surge in deaths.

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I can think of three high profile people who were "covid deaths" but they also had lung cancer, which has a five year survival rate of 20% or less. The infection maybe hastened their demises but they did have a serious condition already.

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If 10% of your population has a virus, you'd expect 10% of your deaths to test positive for that virus -- even if it had nothing to do with what killed them.

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I did not see an increase in numbers (pre-vaccine), looked like a reg flu season to me at my hospital but the treatments were deadly

all resp conditions were labeled Covid 19.

The vaccines spread infectious illness.

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This virus was originally SARSCov1 that reappeared and was labeled SarsCov2 but the powers that be said that’s to confusing for everyone so we’ll label it Covid19 it sounds scary & the 19 was added because it was the year that SARS was back (SARS Sars1 SARS2 then renamed Covid)

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We have excess deaths data…the excess deaths data clearly corresponds to Covid waves being reported in the media. And older states like Maine and New Hampshire and Florida had very few flue deaths in 2020 while Florida had very high overall excess deaths. So flu deaths are factored into the death prediction data and yet we still had very high excess deaths.

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No matter what, there was no logical reason to lock down everyone and everything for CV19. Oh wait, I recall schools & churches completely shut down. But at the same time the Casinos were still open! Government can F right off for that

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the waves corresponded with each new required shot

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There were waves prior to the availability of the vaccines.

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I can't explain why no sick people at my hospital until the vaccinations began (mid west usa)....I was a front door temp checker at 2 inner city hospitals for months, never saw a sick person until the vaccinations began. I heard about sick people dying in NJ from a travel nurse (she also witnessed overdosing of morphine being given)...please elaborate on anything you observed please...

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I know people that live in NYC and it was crazy in March and April of 2020 during the initial wave—ambulance sirens 24/7. But where I lived at that time the hospitals were empty once 15 days to slow the spread started. In 2020 only Arizona did a really awful job because they were the largest state with the fewest mitigation measures and then once the vaccines became available the red states did worse than blue states.

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pre-Covid, the world made sense...germs didn't stop at state lines. I believe people died. The fact none of our leading authorities are not doing any hard investigations coupled with this strange silence is not good. I do not trust the numbers because the numbers said my county had hundreds of thousands of cases and thousands of deaths and the hospital was literally empty. Other than a respirator or N-95 coupled with negative air pressure, containment of a highly infectious respiratory virus is impossible. Thank you for shedding some light on this tragedy.

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There were many iatrogenic deaths, that is, deaths cause by treatments (e.g., ventilation and Remdesivir).

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We have a graph with excess deaths per day!! You can overlay it with Covid deaths!! The notion thousands of people were dying from car wrecks in the very days doctors and nurses were eye witnessing packed Covid wards is absurd!!

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There were never packed Covid wards. That was a lie from the beginning.

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my hospital was SO empty was told to go home and use PTO

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The manufacturered Covid was the cure for the yearly Influenza season

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How can anyone remain brainwashed from something so obvious? ESP a medical professional.

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The only lesson to be learned is DO NOT COMPLY! PERIOD!

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“It wouldn’t be an underestimation to say

that this (covid) is probably one of the biggest

propaganda operations that we’ve seen in history.”

--Dr. Piers Robinson, Co-Director of the Org.

for Propaganda Studies.

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The crime, let's call it what it is, is that they refused to treat the virus. They sent people home, many with common pneumonia, without the normal treatment, until they could hospitalize and ventilate - at a paid premium. Sadly, the elder and obese die of pneumonia annually, but many recover that didn't during the pandemic simply because they never got proper [known] early treatment. It's unconscionable. There were no documented cases of flu - it was all "covid".

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Sounds like you’re still conceding the “pandemics narrative. What I would say is they discouraged or hindered people from using the tried and true methods for dealing with the same old respiratory symptoms that have always been going around. Ever hear of visiting the sick? Maintaining a cheerful mood? No need to speak of “the virus” and “the pandemic.”

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Sir, I'm not conceding anything. Covid is the given narrative, but influenza and viral illnesses were what it was, and not treated. They didn't "discourage or hinder" known treatments. They threatened and rescinded licenses. Premier medical specialists lost jobs. They were stripped of their authority. For many suffering their choices were eliminated. Common natural methods of protecting from most viruses was stifled, blocked, cancelled, or shadow banned. It was the entire hierarchy involved from Fauci/NIH/Pharma//Social media, and shockingly the practicing community rejected their knowledge of treating symptoms. They either are so ignorant they shouldn't have a license, or they violated their oath to do no harm. There was no pandemic. There was a maniacal worldwide con foisted on the people.

Because treatment was denied, virus spread. To this day our local health authorities post covid cases on the Nextdoor app. A woman yesterday demanded her 4th(!) jab. She has had "covid" twice. She probably knows it's covid because her lying home test told her so.

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All of this statement is true hospitals doctors & nurses were ordered to murder people AND the vaccines aren’t really a curing vaccine they are a modified gene therapy jab & every shot you take weakens your natural immunity

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Anyone who went to the ER due to a respiratory illness was per directed protocol was put on a ventilator & given remdesivir which was a death sentence & I call it murder

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A Pandemic of Deceit: Where Is The Pandemic? According To The BC Government Records Hospitalizations and ICU admissions in BC During the Covid-19 Pandemic Did Not Increase Compared to the Previous Years


Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'


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Courageous Lion says hi to you Lioness! you will find this one of value.


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If the vaccines were dangerous and natural immunity was superior to vaccinated immunity then Hawaii would have been ravaged by excess deaths the last 12 months as millions of Covid infected mainlanders injected Covid into their weakened immune systems…Hawaii still has low excess deaths to this day.

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You're not very good at your job. Big Pharma is really scraping the bottom of the well for marketing reps these days.

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Put on your thinking cap and use some reason, logic and common sense. The outcome of the following statement should be obvious to anyone capable of critical thinking. HOWEVER your statement above makes me wonder if you're capable. IF THE GERM THEORY WERE TRUE...NO ONE WOULD BE ALIVE TO BELIVE IT! Substitute "virus" for "germ". Take a close look at the TERRAIN understanding and you'll be better off.

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China has never provided a primary virus cell to prove where the virus started

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Policymakers, public officials, and zero-covid spazzes are beginning to intuit this; they know in their heart of hearts that their refusal to admit uncertainty and mistakes, and the ways they’ve eroded trust in key institutions when that trust was of dire importance—all of this, they know, played a role in upending people’s lives (and worse), and in all likelihood they’re desperately hoping that when it comes time to write the history of the "pandemic," the Covid Cult will get little more than a footnote or two.


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What else have we learned? That the overwhelming majority of people worldwide are incapable of thinking for themselves. That among the tiny minority of those who are still capable of that archaic act, most of them are afraid to act on their own good judgement when pressured to do otherwise by government, media, and their own community. This is one of the most disappointing aspects of this entire sordid debacle. I used to think, "Ahh, most people are smart or at least not entirely gullible and they will do the right thing when it matters." Nope. Not even close.

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The entire thing was a fraud, all of it. Yet, the public by and large fell in line. Went in lockstep with all of it. Closed there businesses, wore there masks, took there poison. All with hardly any push back. Next time this happens, and there will be a next time, will we just fall in line??? I hope not, but I’m very skeptical.

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I didn’t listen to them…I started putting Ivermectin regularly into my anus and never even got a cold!

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I read that Big Pharma reps usually have anuses where most people's mouths are.

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I think most normies assume that the jabs were made in response to COVID. I’m afraid it’s the other way around. A Plandemic was needed to push the jabs.

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The illusion of one that is.

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Indeed. Easy enough to create with mass surveillance using a PCR test with a ridiculously high CT and a hospital protocol designed to kill people.

Hospitals were so overrun they had to bring in mannequins.


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Fearporn amped up to 11.

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It wasn't EVEN the top-down dictates; it was the bottom-up capitulation to the tyranny by the masses of non-thinkers and cowards. Anyone with a functioning brain should have already known not to trust the corporate government service agencies calling themselves "the" government.

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East Palestine was a very serious public health concern though…and now Trump has cancer because he so courageously visited the forsaken town. Sux.

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WTH are u talking about Trump doesn’t have cancer what conspiracy theorists are you listening to

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Everyone that was in East Palestine when the bioweapon was unleashed has cancer…it’s why Biden refused to visit the biohazard zone.

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The world biggest terrorist organisation, the US government, have followed the lead given to them by mainstream media and are now terrorising as many people as possible. When scared the sheep look to their masters for protection, even when they reach the abattoir. More here;


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I learned to have a healthy skepticism about anything "government" decades ago, and it served me well. Sadly, during the fake pandemic, my single greatest disappointment was watching the whole world follow like sheep everything the government's media told them and subsequently surrendering their health and their lives to poisonous, untested injections. You couldn't reason with these people; they simply would not listen at all. Weirdest level of truth denial I've ever seen, and it is costing us so much.

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Yes… I recall taking mask off in public areas during CV-times (like grocery store) and my own family would get uncomfortable being with a ‘mask outlaw’ and ‘how this made people feel uncomfortable’ I was told I wasn’t being considerate to others, and shamed. Not wearing the mask in my Blue State during the fake pandemic was like wearing a red MAGA hat. It was just awful how the mass delusion resulted in so much unfair and unwarranted judgment

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