She checks the boxes though. This admin loves to check boxes. Everything else is inconsequential.

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Exactly. It's all for pandering virtue-signal points which is all this administration does.

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The more that I read about this trade, the more enraged I become.

This act by this administration is abhorrent.

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The Biden admin is staying on message! They never worry too much about leaving our Service members behind, even if in harms way.

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The guy who sent millions to Ukraine (where his son was on the board of a company he had no experience with, but was pulling in over $60k/month), then did a "one-for-one" trade of a sports celebrity (arrested a few months ago over a Marine who'd been in captivity 4 years) for a KNOWN Russian arms agent (nicknamed "The Merchant of Death"). The guy's son was also given huge amounts of money from Russia, particularly from a large city's mayor's wife.

Who benefits most from the Griner trade? CHINA. (A country that has paid tens of millions of dollars to the guy's family "for access" scam!)

Not a secret China is just waiting for the right opportunity to invade Taiwan. They NEED Russia to pull it off. They particularly need a "well-armed Russia" that has not been defeated by Ukraine. Russia was just given back its best arms acquisition agent ever. Arms that will not only be used against Ukraine, but Taiwan. Brandon's traitorous crime family profits from every friggin' angle--and pretty soon will have us in a huge war. That was confirmed the day he said he was running for another term. History has taught us, they can't possibly win without a war. Just watch.

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The winner has been China for years.


It might be tempting to dismiss China’s incredible run as simply good fortune, but that would be a huge mistake. Remember extremely early in the pandemic, when covid was exclusively a Chinese problem? Remember all those videos showing people dropping dead in the streets?

Yet covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.

As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?

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Expanding on your comments. The ChiCom Covid Videos do look like the current Died Suddenly reaction to the Covid Vaxxxes. Did the Chi-Coms have the Vaxxx pror to the "release"???

Also Is anybody going to hold Fauci and UNC Chapel Hill responsible for the gain of function research that was then sent off to Wuhan???

We have met "the enemy" and it's the "USSA" Coup Deep State DC Swampster Feral Gov.


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The "War" will not be "over there" either. Normal Preppers need to Pre-pare for War in the Continental USA. Missile and/or "Tourist" attacks on military and especially energy production infrastructure. Figure out survival without electricity for at least a month or two. GRIM.

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“I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season, I think we should take that much of a stand.” Griner said (via the Arizona Republic)

So does Brittney still feel that way? Probably....

Let's do everything possible to free an American hating, black, lesbian athlete who smokes hash oil.

But a Marine that served his country, "who gives a shit about him".

Once again Putin and the rest of the world are laughing at the clown that calls himself El Presidente!!!

Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Griner was a criminal in Russia and in the USA. She plead guilty to a domestic violence charge in 2015. She is 6'9". No one should ever be physical with a spouse/partner, but someone of that stature needs to show even more restraint.

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Who knows, maybe her partner is 6'10""?

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In our country at this time...a BIPOC is worth more in trade than a white Marine........

Whelan should have transitioned to a woman while in prison......Joe would have considered that a game changer and left Griner in the Russian Penal colony.

Hey Brittany.....would do you think of the country you hate now??

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Another fine example of the Biden administration catering to the fringe left. Nothing ever changes. The democrats have embraced the mentally ill crowd for years thinking academia and Hollywood represent a majority of Americans. When you lie, steal and coerce to win elections, you don't have to be that spot on when pandering to a demographic base. Make every group a victim, add in the blacks who only want free stuff and top it off with the lazy white stimmy class. Democrats..!!

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Leave a Marine but take a confused He/She that hates America?? Biden a 🤡 makes me wanna puke

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I said last night that this was monstrous but this is way worse than I thought, Shame on Biden, the man who continues to pursue Assange.

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Absolutely nuts. The epithet Clown World is really the only applicable one here.

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Griner is a man pretending to be a woman.

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Black privilege? Or lesbian privilege? Or female privilege?

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Very wrong. Unleash that murderer on the world in exchange for someone convicted of a drug crime. What message does that send?

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A white male U.S. Marine versus a black lesbian pothead who hates America -- Whelan never had a chance.

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