To say that the "lockdowns are not working" is to misunderstand what effect our officials are/were going for. They're getting what they wanted...more cases. What I simply can not grasp is why no one has connected the fact that more mask wearing = more cases. Humans are even stupider than I imagined. Baaaa, baaaa...

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Please explain how wearing masks increases case count....???

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World Health Organisation - When and how to wear medical masks to protect against the new coronavirus:

“If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can

even be a source of infection when not used correctly.”


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Yes...agree for kids likely no masks required...but says nothing about wearing masks increasing case count. At the very least the masks have little value...but they don't hurt....only neutral or help I would suggest.

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77 test positive from NFL...all false: https://www.nfl.com/news/all-77-false-positive-covid-19-tests-come-back-negative-upon-reruns

So, how many are false in the rest of the world? Also:Bombshell Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA


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Video removed. Do you have an alternate link

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Oh yeah thanks. Can’t wait to learn about one more way this fraud has been perpetuated. Did anyone know the so called sequenced virus has NEVER been sequenced (or isolated and purified for that matter). But the SarsCov2 genetic code is a computer simulation, artificially created when the genetic code for a few randomly chosen protein strands were put into the computer and a computer generated hypothetical genetic code is used as the basis for destroying the entire global wellbeing. Sure, people died.. was it from a virus? We will never know because no virus has ever been proven to cause what is being called Covid (suspiciously rhyming with sheeplike Ovid). All a sack of shit people lapped up like dogs in a litter box rather than find the truth themselves and just think! It’s not that hard. The information has been there from the beginning about the inadequacy of rt-pcr tests for diagnosing illness. That ALONE should have stopped the conversation about “confirmed@ cases, because there is no such thing.

People could be sick from a virus, from toxic exposure, from multiple causes...we don’t know because no one is asking the right questions and demanding an answer.

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My husband's family is in Lima. My brother in law and his wife both work in tourism and hospitality, and this has been utterly devastating to their family--and they are well-off compared to most of the rest of the country. President Vizcarra has been bragging about the pictures of a deserted Machu Picchu, which is normally full of tourists. This is going to set the country back years, if not decades, with the biggest burden being borne by the poorest.

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That's the intention,by you know who

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why not hand out HCQ+AZM+ZN free to everyone for a week? end the progression from early stage to death.

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Nice one ... I live in Ecuador. People need to be made aware of just how CLUELESS authority is. Or ARE THEY actually clueless? I just wrote this comprehensive article on what is (very likely) really going on with the CoronaVirus thing worldwide. If it resonates, please share widely.


"Technocracy in the Time of CoronaVirus – 2020 – A Litmus-Test for Human Stupidity. Witness the Craven Obeisance of Bootlickers for Obviously Corrupt & Malignant Authority."

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Omg i only have to read the title to know I agree. But going to read it now :/)

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Thanks. Facebook are now censoring my ability to post the article (even as a comment). So, share it widely if you can. Cheers.

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I'm so tired of this. I just say no! Wear a mask, no! You need to protect me by wearing a mask, no i dont. How about you make sure my disabled child gets thier lifesaving therapies and then maybe I'll play along with your mostly make believe panic fantasies. That said I do social distance, especially around the elderly or ill so as to make them feel more comfortable. Bl

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Yeah I will, out of respect, be kind to those who are afraid, even if I think their fears are unjustified. People that don’t respect my right to breathe freely are no longer in my life. We have the perception of a mask requirement in my state, so needless to say, I have lost a lot of “friends”. But have gained new ones, and my few remaining ones and I have respectfully accommodated one another

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Some of us have to wear mask for paycheck

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Hi, my family and I live in Peru for work that we do. Although I’m currently not working in a lab, I do have a PhD in microbiology, so I understand the basics of immunology and virology.

All the lockdown info is true, but the cause of death isn’t just the virus. It’s the combination of the infection and how the medical community handles it and whether the most susceptible people have access to the right treatment. Yes, in Peru the healthcare is really bad and the economic disparity is huge. What would have happened if Peru dealt with the pandemic like Sweden? When the number of cases surpasses the capacity of the hospitals, which it has here, more people die than if the spread of disease had been slowed. I think that’s true in the US too. I’m not sure but Sweden, I’m guessing, has better care than here.

I think also that in any country, it’s the people with less economic means who are more susceptible to catching Covid and also not able to get appropriate treatment. All the people worried about opening up the economy need to think about how to protect the workers that interact with and contact higher numbers of people, and help them access tests and treatment

What is the baseline of this analysis? There is no comparison of Peru in lockdown versus Peru had there been no lockdown; it can’t be labeled a failure. Can the date rate even be normalized with economic data, health system failures, non-evidence-based medicine? If there is no basis for a genetic background causing a difference the death rate should be generally the same across the world. The question is why is it actually HIGHER in Peru? If masks, lockdowns, social distancing makes no difference the death rate should be about the same. The masks and lockdown don’t cause a higher death rate.

The misinformation here In Peru is really bad. Even “doctors” are telling patients to get the wrong test, wrong interpretations of tests, lack of understanding of what a test actually indicates, prescribing ivermectin prophylactically, until recently some medical personnel were still saying chlorine dioxide cures (I’m curious how many died because of complications due to this poison), doctors saying everyone already has the virus, etc. It’s quite deplorable. It’s not evidence based medicine. That doesn’t even include all the trash being circulated on WhatsApp.

Lastly, a friend of ours got diagnosed with Covid without any test. She’s not the only one obviously. The numbers of cases and deaths are elevated.

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A definite link has been discovered between vitamin D levels and severity of Covid symptoms. Confining people to their homes is counterproductive.

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To be honest, I think masks and lockdowns do contribute to a higher death rate. Basically, staying confined for so long means no exercise, no vitamin D, no movement, etc. All these play an important role in boosting your immune system, but lockdowns only do the opposite and people become more susceptible to covid and other illnesses. Also, the masks may protect us in some way but again the mandatory use means even people with breathing problems for instance must wear one. And it may be unusual but not impossible that people die from it

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I'm an expat living in Peru and the reality is far more complicated. Peru is not a case study for or against 'lock-downs' because the full quarantine never worked here to begin with. If you look at photos and news articles from the quarantine, you'll see that the the majority of people in the most populated areas never actually stayed home. I forget the exact statistic, but something like 40% of Peruvian households do not have refrigeration so this demographic had to go food shopping almost every day. They also live day to day so they had to leave home to work. So, yes, there were police on the road and the restrictions imposed by the government were strict (and in many cases random and ineffective), but if the restrictions weren't followed to begin with (there were tens of thousands in the mercados every day even during the strict quarantine!), then Peru's current numbers don't prove anything about the lock down because the lock down itself was not effective at keeping people home.

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I was in Lima Peru from March 10-29 this year and have been there many times in the past. The only place "non essential" people were allowed to go was to purchase food and medicine once the restrictions were in place. No other businesses were allowed to open for business. Cabs and Uber drivers were only allowed to work a couple of days per week. Police and military would stop traffic and check credentials constantly, and threatened impoundment of any vehicle that was out improperly. There were almost no cars on the road compared to the usual bumper to bumper gridlock that usually plagues the city. There's no way you can describe that as most people going about their normal business.

The lockdown clearly does not work if their extreme measures lead to the highest deaths per capita in the world.

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That’s was just at the beginning. I live in one of the “bad” cities that got punished for disobeying. After a few weeks everyone had a reason to justify getting out and doing business. What you saw didn’t last.

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"Peru's current numbers don't prove anything about the lock down because the lock down itself was not effective at keeping people home." Peru's demonstrates a great deal about lock down....it shows it is untenable (even in the short term) for the majority of people in a poor society. "They also live day to day so they had to leave home to work." So the poor either work or they and their children starve. So locking down worked as well as one could hope which is to say not at all. And the masking seems to be strictly enforced and....about as effective as locking down.

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great information about covid, it helped me a lot to make resolutions on the subject and clarify points that I did not take into account.


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I agree on all accounts except for saying the US has a "sophisticated healthcare system". That is factually wrong, but sure it is better than Peru. What goverments are doing atm is criminal and they should be prosecuted. Sweden FTW.

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What happened in Lima is that only the people with money self quarantined. The vast majority live on the verge of poverty and need to work to eat, need to go to the crowded markets. There was never ANY way that a lockdown could work here. I am writing this from Lima. 15 years a resident.

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