RIP The Queen. Let's not forget what Charles did to Lady Diana. Perhaps he can take WEF Princess Greta as a concubine, she is in the ideal age range for Prince Andrew.
The reign of the first King Charles did not end well. He wanted to reign as an absolute monarch and brought about the English Civil War. Charles wanted to force his religion upon Britain. You could say he lost his head over it.
The reign of the second King Charles did not go well either. He became more tyrannical over time, dissolving Parliament twice and using the judiciary to attack his opposition. He also wanted to force his religion on Britain. Charles II died at 54 during an "apoplectic fit". Many believe he was poisoned.
The current Charles has his own "religion" he wants to force upon Britain. He's also headstrong and tone-deaf. Seems he is well named.
Greta is way too old for Andrew, but why on gods' earth do so many men have to blame Greta for the ills of the world, she literally has not power at all.
Why is it any of your business, she is an adult albeit a very young. I am so over other adults claiming she is the cause of all the problems of the world
She's hurt me and quite a few of my fellow Canadians. She sailed into Canada during our 2019 election bolstering the falling chances of Justin Trudeau leading to his win of a 2nd term minority gov. He is an on going disaster for my country.
She also seems to be quite filled with hate and venom.
People have used her as a symbol, she was a very successful sales person for the climate agenda.
I believe that, at least at first, she truly believed in what she was doing. Probably her parents also believed she was being a hero and a saint for an agenda that they truly believe in, although like in many cases, they are probably selectively blind to many of the problems with the 'green' agenda.
At this point though, Greta has been in the game for several years, has been around many power players, she knows she has handlers and is being used for something. And she must have become more aware of the hypocrisy around many aspects of what she does. She's probably well aware of the status she's gained. She also has made around a million dollars so far, at her young age, and probably knows she stands to gain much more if she keeps her position of influence.
She has championed the environment but has lent her name and support to Covid mandates, mask wearing etc. Why? It's a different issue. But it's pushed by the same elites, so she supported it. In fact, masks pollute the environment and harm animals, yet she pushed them.
Greta goes on complaining about how adults have "stolen her childhood and her dreams" while children in Africa mine cobalt underground for pennies so rich folks in the US and Europe can drive Teslas.
She once made a big show about sailing to the US in a zero emissions boat. To a UN meeting IIRC. After she got there two people had to fly over from Europe to sail the boat back. That wasn't in media much, but I'm sure she knew.
I could go on and on. She is older now. She is no longer just an innocent, manipulated child. She has seen much that happens behind the scenes and continues to cooperate with it. I've seen her challenged on how she pushes hysteria on children, and she denied that she does. Yeah right.
All that said, I don't think she is a major villain in her own right. She has been used. But she can't avoid responsibility forever just because she started her career as a child.
I heard once from a source (not sure how reliable) that Greta has a form of autism to there is an excellent chance she is even more susceptible to those who are really just using her as a pawn. Who wouldn’t listen to the wails (literal) of a young autistic girl. More child exploitation.
That is true, why middle aged men in particular think they have to blame her and abuse her over the woes of the world beats me, it's horrifically abusive. She's just a skinny kid
There actually is a form of population control that would be tremendously beneficial and makes a great deal of sense: If all the pathetic clowns advocating it led by example. In no time flat our problems would be solved.
When I was in GB a few years ago I kept asking people why they still had a monarchy. The resounding answer was the tourist economy. It brings in tourist dollars because foreigners love it. I wonder if Charles realizes he is no different than the keychain at the airport store with Buckingham Palace on it?
I know now that she is dead we all ADORE her but I have a lot of questions for the dead queen. I would like to better understand her implicit support of various NWO garbage. While she may not have been evil, she chose an evil husband and producer evil children. I can’t look the other way from all of that and say “such a great lady” ... a lot of bad things went unchecked on her watch
I am hoping now that the bedragled old queen has died, don't know why anyone would call the old parasite a giant, I can stomach the notion of Charlie and his horrible Camel being the head of state of Australia and hope we finally grow the hell up and discard the royals for a republic.
RIP The Queen. Let's not forget what Charles did to Lady Diana. Perhaps he can take WEF Princess Greta as a concubine, she is in the ideal age range for Prince Andrew.
We might wonder why the Queen delayed Charles' coronation for as long as possible.
The reign of the first King Charles did not end well. He wanted to reign as an absolute monarch and brought about the English Civil War. Charles wanted to force his religion upon Britain. You could say he lost his head over it.
The reign of the second King Charles did not go well either. He became more tyrannical over time, dissolving Parliament twice and using the judiciary to attack his opposition. He also wanted to force his religion on Britain. Charles II died at 54 during an "apoplectic fit". Many believe he was poisoned.
The current Charles has his own "religion" he wants to force upon Britain. He's also headstrong and tone-deaf. Seems he is well named.
She's over 18 now, she's too old for him.
Greta is way too old for Andrew, but why on gods' earth do so many men have to blame Greta for the ills of the world, she literally has not power at all.
Because, Greta shouldn't be out pushing misinformation (lies) about something she
knows nothing about. She's a stooge that does what she's told to do.
For god's sake she's a mentally challenged kid, how the hell can adult human beings be so brutal, name one person she has actually hurt.
That's what I mean. What kind of parents does Greta have ? They let their child be paraded around acting stupid. Have they been paid off?
Why is it any of your business, she is an adult albeit a very young. I am so over other adults claiming she is the cause of all the problems of the world
I don't know where you get that. You are way off. Why is it any of your concern then either?
This is where you make comments that 's why.
Thanks for sharing. Too bad then for Greta. Sad. Hopefully, she will have better days ahead.
She's hurt me and quite a few of my fellow Canadians. She sailed into Canada during our 2019 election bolstering the falling chances of Justin Trudeau leading to his win of a 2nd term minority gov. He is an on going disaster for my country.
She also seems to be quite filled with hate and venom.
It’s her influence that hurts people, it is disproportionately large for anyone let alone a “mentally challenged kid”.
Nothing like a well reasoned argument!
People have used her as a symbol, she was a very successful sales person for the climate agenda.
I believe that, at least at first, she truly believed in what she was doing. Probably her parents also believed she was being a hero and a saint for an agenda that they truly believe in, although like in many cases, they are probably selectively blind to many of the problems with the 'green' agenda.
At this point though, Greta has been in the game for several years, has been around many power players, she knows she has handlers and is being used for something. And she must have become more aware of the hypocrisy around many aspects of what she does. She's probably well aware of the status she's gained. She also has made around a million dollars so far, at her young age, and probably knows she stands to gain much more if she keeps her position of influence.
She has championed the environment but has lent her name and support to Covid mandates, mask wearing etc. Why? It's a different issue. But it's pushed by the same elites, so she supported it. In fact, masks pollute the environment and harm animals, yet she pushed them.
Greta goes on complaining about how adults have "stolen her childhood and her dreams" while children in Africa mine cobalt underground for pennies so rich folks in the US and Europe can drive Teslas.
She once made a big show about sailing to the US in a zero emissions boat. To a UN meeting IIRC. After she got there two people had to fly over from Europe to sail the boat back. That wasn't in media much, but I'm sure she knew.
I could go on and on. She is older now. She is no longer just an innocent, manipulated child. She has seen much that happens behind the scenes and continues to cooperate with it. I've seen her challenged on how she pushes hysteria on children, and she denied that she does. Yeah right.
All that said, I don't think she is a major villain in her own right. She has been used. But she can't avoid responsibility forever just because she started her career as a child.
Well said.
I heard once from a source (not sure how reliable) that Greta has a form of autism to there is an excellent chance she is even more susceptible to those who are really just using her as a pawn. Who wouldn’t listen to the wails (literal) of a young autistic girl. More child exploitation.
That is true, why middle aged men in particular think they have to blame her and abuse her over the woes of the world beats me, it's horrifically abusive. She's just a skinny kid
If someone is given a platform to scream at the world, the world can scream back.
I agree. Kid or no kid.
How dare you?
So it goes with symbolic pawns. Biden probably has no real power either.
Well der, no US leader has any power
Now I know for certain your thought process is irrational. Vaccine injury perhaps? Poor thing.
Pizza parties at Buckingham? With hot dogs?
He likes red wine. Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it promotes the opening of blood vessels in the skin, which is how it leads to increased redness.
Countdown until the Ukraine flag hangs from Buckingham Palace
Do the blue and yellow colors at the coronation count?
It will be the Russian flag
There actually is a form of population control that would be tremendously beneficial and makes a great deal of sense: If all the pathetic clowns advocating it led by example. In no time flat our problems would be solved.
Give them enough time, and mRNA boosters every couple months
And we could move on to King William, who seems a better man.
Agreed, albeit quite a low bar.
They're all WEFers, unless any of them thinks differently and is keeping quiet.
William definitely WEF.
William is also big on the man-made climate change nonsense so in one very important regard, he’s no better.
He's probably worse because he and Kate are popular.
Yes to everything you wrote here Jordan.
When I was in GB a few years ago I kept asking people why they still had a monarchy. The resounding answer was the tourist economy. It brings in tourist dollars because foreigners love it. I wonder if Charles realizes he is no different than the keychain at the airport store with Buckingham Palace on it?
The Windsors in Netflix, priceless
It would explain why he always looks plastered.
You’re right. Except that his lineage goes back over 1000 years, that’s something special I’d say!
He is also, not incidentally, thick as fuck.
You disrespect "fuck".
I know now that she is dead we all ADORE her but I have a lot of questions for the dead queen. I would like to better understand her implicit support of various NWO garbage. While she may not have been evil, she chose an evil husband and producer evil children. I can’t look the other way from all of that and say “such a great lady” ... a lot of bad things went unchecked on her watch
Yes, this painting her as a good and her son being the bad... As naive, as it gets.
She bailed out her paedo-rapist son, and also raised him.
Yeah, I feel no type of way about ANY of the Royals...
I am hoping now that the bedragled old queen has died, don't know why anyone would call the old parasite a giant, I can stomach the notion of Charlie and his horrible Camel being the head of state of Australia and hope we finally grow the hell up and discard the royals for a republic.
Love this piece! Will share on the next episode of The Jonathan Kogan Show:
Great article, as always. Keep up the good work Jordan.
How was the Queen any different?
Love how those who fly in private jets and live in multiple huge mansions lecture the rest of us.
As bad as his inbred brother Andrew. WEF pedos.
agreed, hes a monster.
interestingly he will get huge sums of money from off shore wind farms, but im sure thats just a coincidence to his aim of 'saving the planet'
Poor Diana. I think she knew what a serial abuser she had married.
Hopefully Prince Charles reign will be as short as possible.