Those icky voters made the incorrect decision the first time around, so the 'leaders' ensured the 'proper' result in the end.

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Exactly. Always knew that Truss would be forced out for this goon, as the UK did not make the 'proper' choice on the last go-round. As Ursula Von Der Leyen said, there are 'tools when a difficult choice is made'. So who will be installed in the US once midterms flip congress and the Uniparty pushes Joe out via the 25th Amendment? Newsom???

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It would be a very Californian thing to do to destroy California and then move away to ruin something else........

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Just ask Colorado.

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Or Washington before it ;) Or Oregon before that.......

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How will they get rid of Hair-Ass?

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I think the strategy is to let her keep talking and the rest will take care of itself.

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Very dramatic to flood the fake news for days on end.

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When you move a brigade of combat troops half way around the world, something is up.

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I am.pretty much expecting it. The mafia style wef mob is busy...

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enlightening perspective on strange UK politics by Craig Murray, staunch supporter of Scottish independence (and good friend of the Assanges) - https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2022/10/the-party-is-over/

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when in the fuck are we going to riot? its long overdue

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Never. The "civilised world" will never riot again. The obedience tests (lockdowns and jabs) were successfull. That means that the way out will be simply the imploded self-destruction of this mockery of a society that these morons believe they are "building back better".

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Well not before elections

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December. Then all next year. Everywhere. I'm sitting it out.

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With conservatives like these, who needs liberals?

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Goldman Sunak and Rothschild Macron were groomed to be Schwabs catamites. The sun has set on the British empire.

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this video (15') demonstrates the ease with which globalists can appoint government members, but the major conclusion should be that the attempted implementation of NetZero, the Paris Agreement, UN Agenda 2030 and Globalization in general will eventually fail (although in the meantime these efforts might have a catastrophic impact) - https://theduran.com/how-rishi-sunak-was-groomed-by-globalists-made-a-puppet-of-the-wef-and-appointed-uk-chancellor/

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Net Zero means zero carbon based life forms, as in humans.

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and everything else we think of as 'living' as well. due to 'its widespread abundance, its ability to form stable bonds with numerous other elements, and its unusual ability to form polymers at the temperatures commonly encountered on Earth carbon.... serves as a common element of all known living organisms....' According to Stephen Hawking (2008): "What we normally think of as 'life' is based on chains of carbon atoms, with a few other atoms, such as nitrogen or phosphorus"... '- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-based_life

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Unlike the French empire which still has a number of overseas territories that are directly governed by France, Britain's former overseas dependencies are 'self-governing', some even opting to cut all ties with her, i.e. Jamaica.

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Piers Morgan- what a shill! I was unpleasantly surprised to see him on Tucker Carlson. Tucker better start doing his homework unless he wants to be branded by the company he keeps.

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Piers has unabashedly continually criticized "the unvaccinated." The guy is an absolute buffoon. He has been wrong about everything for the past 2.5 years. He is a moron and that's putting it kindly.

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Maybe Piers is paid handsomely for what he is pushing ?

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Get ready for the next comic act in the "England Is Going To Hell" show.

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The UK will be Canada 2.0 Expect lockdowns, veined push and Digital money and social Credit ID. The people in China don’t want this and they got it and the people in the EU don’t want it but they will push it in.

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Godspeed, Brits. This cross eyed lunatic will take immense pleasure in your downfall.

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Klaus’ newest cabana boy along with Crapron, Trudouche, HorseFace Arden, etc, etc.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

Schwab likes diversity in his cabana boys...but he wants them younger and slim cause he isnt. And then he gives them the sexy little finger nibble....

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The WEF seems to be the leader of the evil elite NWO cabal, they have been secretly programming immoral people to place in powerful positions worldwide for decades.

The use the color of our skin & their climate change cult to divide & conquer us.

They want “net zero” industrial, farms, cars & anything else that will give them more power & more depopulation of us.

Their destruction of farms, processing plants, supply chain problems (with the CCP’s help) they will end up causing food shortages & guess who will end up getting all the food, only those who agree with the elites & can afford the very high prices.

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"Of colour"? He's british of indian descent/origin, not american, so he's most definitely not "of colour". The US nonsense about "of colour" as if human variety of heritage was divided between "white" and "of colour" is something that needs be stomped out, and not using it is a good first step.

"Of colour" is part of the PC/woke tool-box for putting mental patterns in place and normalising the racial hatred and racism that is at the core of all things liberal, PC and woke.

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The UK seems completely lost politically. The only thing the political class believes, is to be against any notion of UK national self-interest. Bojo was a joke, but at least a pro-UK joke. Now the UK is in for a rough ride. Hopefully they can find their national soul on the other end of it.

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I don't remember voting WEF during our last election. They want to enslave us with false Pandemics that enable them to enforce 'lock-downs' (Imprisonment or House Arrest), masks that prove we capitulate to THEIR RULES/LAWS applicable during their false scamdemics), Enforced Injections of deadly or/and Control materials (Graphene Oxide etc,) against our will. We are already being culled with Covid injections and the makers accept no Responsibility or LIABILITY for injuries & DEATHS that follow these poisonous injections. It's CRAZY and LIABILITY must be re-introduced IMMEDIATELY to stop this carnage! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight!

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When do these backwards hicks have an election? At least a rigged one anyway.

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Wonder what will happen at the next election in 2 years' time.... Will Sunak have clearly revealed his colors so that most of the electorate wake up, will they flock to Labour in panic, or will the various alternative parties bury their egos and form a united opposition?

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In case you didn't see it:

now deleted tweet from Tobias Ellwood MP: "The free mkt experiment is over - it's been a low point in our Party's great history. The reset begins. Time for a centrist, stable, fiscally responsible Government offering credible domestic & international leadership. Honoured to be the 100th Tory MP support Ready4Rishi."

Kemi Badenoch has been a real disappointment, too. Her husband is the Global Head, Future of Work and Real Estate Transformation, at Deutsche Bank. So she's probably WEF-fie too, or WEF-related.

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